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Other #76845 Energy [#76845 Energy]


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello! Greetings to all. ๐Ÿ‘‹
Does anyone know why when I meditate I feel the energy flow naturally (I use a flowing river as an example) over the right hemisphere of my head, flooding the chakras that are in that hemisphere (such as the one at the top of my head), but in my left hemisphere it is as if that river (I use a river as an example)
I would be stuck by several branches and trunks, and I have to spend several minutes removing those branches and trunks that obstruct the passage so that the energy reaches the chakra I am concentrating on in the left hemisphere of my head, in short, it is easier for me to feel the chakras on one side than on the other.

I hope someone can answer my question. ๐Ÿ™

[Hello! greetings to all ๐Ÿ‘‹
Does anyone know why when I meditate I feel the energy flowing in a natural way ( I use the example of a river flowing) on the right hemisphere of my head, flooding the chakras that are in that hemisphere ( like for example the one hundred), but in my left hemisphere it is as if that river ( I use a river as an example).
Was stagnant by several branches and trunks, and I have to spend several minutes to remove those branches and trunks that obstruct the passage for the energy to reach towards the chakra of which I am concentrating on the left hemisphere of my head, in short, it is easier for me to feel the chakras on one side than on the other.

I hope that someone can answer my question ๐Ÿ™ ]
Hello! Greetings to all. ๐Ÿ‘‹
Does anyone know why when I meditate I feel the energy flow naturally (I use a flowing river as an example) over the right hemisphere of my head, flooding the chakras that are in that hemisphere (such as the one at the top of my head), but in my left hemisphere it is as if that river (I use a river as an example)
I would be stuck by several branches and trunks, and I have to spend several minutes removing those branches and trunks that obstruct the passage so that the energy reaches the chakra I am concentrating on in the left hemisphere of my head, in short, it is easier for me to feel the chakras on one side than on the other.

I hope someone can answer my question. ๐Ÿ™

[Hello! greetings to all ๐Ÿ‘‹
Does anyone know why when I meditate I feel the energy flowing in a natural way ( I use the example of a river flowing) on the right hemisphere of my head, flooding the chakras that are in that hemisphere ( like for example the one hundred), but in my left hemisphere it is as if that river ( I use a river as an example).
Was stagnant by several branches and trunks, and I have to spend several minutes to remove those branches and trunks that obstruct the passage for the energy to reach towards the chakra of which I am concentrating on the left hemisphere of my head, in short, it is easier for me to feel the chakras on one side than on the other.

I hope that someone can answer my question ๐Ÿ™ ]

It is normal not to have some skills unlocked by default. Try Yoga Hatha to unlock that part. There are also postures just for one side that then need to be performed on the other side as well. And keep balanced on both sides to do it.
The Right and the Left Sides of the Body can have Degrees of Openness as well as Blockages in the Nadia Energy Channels. You can feel where the Energy Flows are easier, accordingly you need to Work with those Areas of the Soul where Blockages are present. Continue Working with the Chakras and Aura. Open and Cleanse Blocked Chakras. Rotate the Chakras (important). Meditation on Opening the Watchtowers and RAUM Meditation (in your case Basic) will also help you in this case. Subsequently you will Free the Soul from Blockages, Ida (Right Hemisphere) and Pingala (Left Hemisphere) will be sufficiently Cleansed.

In other words, I guess you have Accumulated Energy Blockages and Stagnation in the Flow of Currents in your Etheric Body. This is a natural consequence of centuries of Jewish Curses and Soul Entropy, the effects of which we are destroying by Power Meditations.

Mental and Astral Blocks are often formed on the Side of the Soul which is less Energetically Active, i. e. whose Potential is more suppressed. There is another important point here: if in everyday life you, for example, use the qualities of the Right Hemisphere more or it is just ยซby Natureยป stronger, then the Energy Flows there more evenly, and in such a case the Left Hemisphere, on the contrary, may have ยซoldยป tensions or lack of regular Work. As a result, there is a feeling of resistance and ยซblockageยป when trying to let Energy Flows through there.

You have an Imbalance between the Solar and Lunar Nature of the Soul, that is, between the Electrical and Magnetic Forces, which are important to Stabilize. You know, it is similar to the flow of blood in the organism. Your blood in this case is the Light of the Soul, Prana, Vril, Chi, and its Flow has to be adjusted so that your ยซbloodยป is pumped in your Spiritual Organism without Stagnation, otherwise you will face the consequences in the form of ยซhypovolemiaยป, ยซstasisยป, ยซsludgeยป and other things that disturb your ยซblood circulationยป (in the Spiritual sense). Therefore, you need to establish the circulation of your ยซbloodยป, your Pranic Energy and Spiritual Light. Since blood flows the same way Energy flows: from the bottom up. Simply put, if for some reason a person has an overabundance in the Solar Channel, the Flow of Energy in the Lunar Channel may feel obstructed. It is worthwhile to regulate the Electromagnetic Field of the Soul, the Soul Poles. Of course, the Sun-Moon Pranayama, Breath of Fire and the 666 Breath of Lucifer's Grail will work well for you. Hatha Yoga can also help you very well here, it activates both Natures of the Soul in a certain way, it is directly aimed at uniting the Yin and Yang Aspects.

I would also not exclude your Karmic factors and probably individual predispositions. If this is the case, you need to do Freeing the Soul Workings to Cleanse it Deeply. This also visibly unlocks the Energetic Potential. However, this Practice, especially the MUNKA Mantra, is not for beginners. Here you need a confident Level, but all in due time.

I would also recommend you Chakra Breathing, Circulating Energy and Color Meditation. You can Breathe Energy into a Chakra or problematic Side of the Soul. If you direct the Energy correctly, then, passing through the ยซBlockagesยป, the Flow of Energy will ยซwash awayยป and Cleanse your Chakras or problematic Side of the Soul.

It is important to note that it is necessary to Develop Chakras and Energy Points evenly. If you feel that the Right Side reacts faster, then the Left Side should be given more attention, but do not transfer the whole accent to it. Strive for Balance, otherwise it will lead to problems and you may increase the Disharmony that you have.

One more thing I would advise you to do is to ยซpullยป Energy into the problematic Side. When you feel a strong movement on the Right Side (in the Right Side of your head), try to Consciously ยซflipยป some of the Flow to the Left. You can imagine that you are directing a ray that goes from the Right Side of the brain through the center of the head into the Left Hemisphere. Conscious control of Energy begins with the Skill of Focusing the Will and Visualization on the Area you want to Improve. Your Consciousness is where you shift the center of your Consciousness.

I would also advise you to work more actively with the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra), Ajna Chakra (Lunar Chakra), Pineal Gland, and all the Magnetic Branches along with the Third Eye (don't forget the Balance of Power). This will give you more Receptivity to Energies, Strengthen the Magnetic Aspect and Psychic Sensors (Energy Transformers).

Sometimes ยซstuckยป Energy indicates displaced Emotions or repressed Psychic moments. Inner fears, dislike of oneself or others, etc. can create Energy Nodes, and most of the time these feelings are ยซhiddenยป in the Unconscious. This is also related to Deep Programming of your Essence, also because of the Enemy. In fact, almost all Power Meditations are oriented to correct both your situation in general and this problem in particular. But you can also benefit from the Rituals of the Gods, as the Energies of these Rituals have a very Meditative effect on your Soul, which will allow you to feel it more clearly and even break some of your Blockages and Knots.

Eventually, after regular and diligent Practice you will begin to feel both Sides of the Soul (and their associated Chakras) more equally and with greater ease. This is extremely important to achieve because then you will need to Unify these Soul Parts to continue your Spiritual Evolution. Explore your Energy Body, Purify and Activate it regularly. In time you will Harmonize the Forces that have to be Balanced with each other.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
