I would also like to add that after Yoga bioelectricity can be shifted through concentration on the psychic centers in the head for potentials with affirmations.
I would also like to add that after Yoga bioelectricity can be shifted through concentration on the psychic centers in the head for potentials with affirmations.
It is true. I explained about the asanas because in my experience it is more powerful in that state of savasana. It is worthwhile to make affirmations in savasana so as not to waste the energy raised.
I would also like to add that after Yoga bioelectricity can be shifted through concentration on the psychic centers in the head for potentials with affirmations.
Concentration, really, plays an important role in increasing bioelectricity. I can talk from my own experiences . After meditation, I take about 15 minutes of concentration. I really experience some energies following in body. I think this can really help but I'm not sure understanding that we individuals who may have different perspectives.