Your question sounds like: ยซcan a human become a weed by ingesting pesticidesยป. I think the rhetoric is clear to you. A Gentile Soul cannot turn into a Jewish Soul, this is already a deterministic factor determined by the strict Geometry of the Soul, its Essence, the Elements from which it is woven.
However, one is more likely to go literally insane, as Theurgy (ยซAngelicยป/Hebrew Magic) inflicts tremendous destructiveness on the non-Jewish Soul, literally poisoning it. A prime example is Aleister Crowley, who was human, but had contact with Enemy Magic, which ultimately destroyed him. We also have examples of traitors who joined the Enemy โ Mageson, who held the post of High Priest, and a user with the username Ghost in the Machine, both of whom really went insane and were possessed by absolutely insane ideas. Here's what it does.
By associating with Enemy Magic, even if a person is not immediately killed by Enemy Beings, he will not only become insane, but will significantly Lower the Vibrations of his Soul and become like Andrapoda, which will eventually turn him into something like a Jew, but with a Pagan Soul. He will be a Human Being, but extremely corrupted, so much so that his place is assured in Tartarus.
And in general, do not use the tools of the Enemy, our Satanic Magic is much more Powerful.