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Meditations #76769 Spiritual Virginity of the Soul?

This question is related to meditation.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
So from what I read about we value the purity of the soul. As the old saying goes, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."

So what are the signs that your Soul and Aura are thoroughly clean, purified; Virgin, Immaculate?

I'm sure that Immaculate is for beings of higher power. But for us mortals and cleaning our soul how so do we know it's cleansed?

What if you don't feel dirty, you still clean, but what if you feel well with your aura, Soul?
So from what I read about we value the purity of the soul. As the old saying goes, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."

So what are the signs that your Soul and Aura are thoroughly clean, purified; Virgin, Immaculate?

I'm sure that Immaculate is for beings of higher power. But for us mortals and cleaning our soul how so do we know it's cleansed?

What if you don't feel dirty, you still clean, but what if you feel well with your aura, Soul?

Some symptoms of a clean aura include how much you can visualize its white light when you clean it.
So from what I read about we value the purity of the soul. As the old saying goes, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."

So what are the signs that your Soul and Aura are thoroughly clean, purified; Virgin, Immaculate?

I'm sure that Immaculate is for beings of higher power. But for us mortals and cleaning our soul how so do we know it's cleansed?

What if you don't feel dirty, you still clean, but what if you feel well with your aura, Soul?
The purity of the soul implies not only the overall purity of your astral body (as you feel it), but also the purity of each of your chakras.

It can also be accompanied by a stronger stress tolerance, calmness, composure, emotionality, self-control, a sense of peace, awareness, lack of excitement, a clear vision of things as they really are.
There is no clear, unambiguous answer here, because Purity of the Soul implies many gradations, stages, each of which covers a Level of Purity. Spiritual Evolution never stops, and what is called Purity of Soul is constantly expanding to new facets.

The beginning level is connected with that consequence of Advancement, when a person for a certain period of time ยซAcceleratesยป and Strengthens his Energetics and Aura to a Level Higher than the surrounding people and, in fact, feels Stronger in all aspects. Chakras are Open, Rotating, they are filled with some Power and Light, the Elementary Aura of Protection is built, the Aura itself is Cleansed from many Destructive attachments and factors, and the Consciousness is Deprogrammed from destructive and false beliefs. Here a person already feels the Influence from his Practices, is able to Influence the World with his Aura and attract the best of what he is capable of. One opens the blocked Chakras, Strengthens them and releases the Astral Wings of the Soul, and, of course, realizes the Power of the Vibrations of the Power Words, whose Influence depends on the Purity and Power of the Soul. However, this is only the foundation, although the person feels very good already, he has a Stronger Connection with the Gods.

The next level is more difficult, as it involves a prolonged struggle with Ego Influence, as well as cultivating Ethics, Morality, Satanic Morality, and generally living by the principles of the Virtues of the Gods. A person acquires a deeper Wisdom, a Higher Awareness, which allows him to see what he was blind and naive to before. On the Spiritual Plane a person restores the Elemental Balance, learns to control the Elements, interacts with the Astral. The Vibrations of the Soul Rise even Higher, and the person acquires even greater Purity. This stage is long and requires Satanic Warrior Devotion and sufficient Selflessness to pass to the next stage. One learns from the Demons, he opens new Secrets and Insights. Of course, here the Chakras are filled with a very good Power, the functionality of Energy Supply and Energy Resources of the Soul works well, and the Aura is endowed with good Protection. One is able to manifest many of the Magical Abilities that Demons have, but still limited by the standards of Demon Abilities.

Further, when one has attained a confident and very worthy Level of Purity, one can move on to Kundalini. A person unprepared for this stage is more likely to die, because the Power of Kundalini is truly grandiose and great. When a person has Purified himself from a lot of crap, restored the Balance between the Elements of the Soul and gained enough Power, he can move on to the Snake. The Connection between the King and Queen must also be restored, the Sushumna must already be Expanded and the Meditations on the Serpent must be mastered. If one is not ready, the encounter with Kundalini will be like a lightning strike for him. Kundalini Rising is also divided into several stages, for many people it can be a lengthy process, but as a result one achieves Gnosis, Enlightenment, all the Soul Powers increase dramatically and the Purity of the Soul becomes unbelievable. Kundalini amplifies the Light of the Soul, Strengthens it and makes it Mightier. A Nimbus is also formed. It appears after the Freeing of the Soul and work with Kundalini, which symbolizes Enlightenment and wide boundaries of the Mind. Souls with Nimbus have achieved Spiritual Excellence and Light of Mind. The Nimbus signifies the Brightness of the Soul after the Rising of the Snake, which also determines the incredible Purity of the Soul. This is not the last stage, but its completion marks a very strong Soul, truly Pure and ready to move on. When a person has mastered the Power of the Serpent, he is already One with all things, he remembers much, knows much, and the Light of his Soul is Pure and dazzling to most other people.

The next stage could be called Magnum Opus. This too significantly expands the already previously achieved Purity. Here you transform Metals (Chakras) into Gold. The connection is direct, because a more Noble Metal is able to conduct more Powerful Forces through itself, which is also connected with the Purity of the Soul. Also this stage is connected with the transition to the Higher Astral Dimensions, in which you become a Conductor of the Pure and Powerful Force. It is quite difficult and not everyone reaches this stage. But the unification of the Male and Female Elixirs significantly strengthens and Purifies your Soul even more. After this stage a person moves on to a new round of his Existence, with a new Power, with a new Purity.

All these mentioned stages can be divided into sub-stages, and them into sub-sub-stages, the question is really quite complex, but the point remains the same.

We can summarize that Purity of Soul is the likeness of Truth, subdivided into its Layers. Control of thoughts, emotions and behavior, Manipulation of Energies and Power, Noble existence in accordance with the Ethics of the Gods, as well as Mastery of Magical Abilities and Siddhas and Initiation into Occult Sciences and Knowledge โ€” this we can call Purity. When ungodly thoughts rule in person, behavior and life are disturbed, which deviates from the likeness of Truth and Purity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
