Hello my SS friends. İs it possible to work with energy and 4 elements in astral projection? İf it is possible, And I guess it should be easier than working with energy in trance because there is blocks ritght?
Hello my SS friends. İs it possible to work with energy and 4 elements in astral projection? İf it is possible, And I guess it should be easier than working with energy in trance because there is blocks ritght?
You need a physical body to meditate. Souls in the astral do not breath energy or anything else. That's why they have to be reincarnated before they dissolve into the ether. If they could meditate on energy, this problem would not exist.
You need a physical body to meditate. Souls in the astral do not breath energy or anything else. That's why they have to be reincarnated before they dissolve into the ether. If they could meditate on energy, this problem would not exist.
Franz Bardon disagrees with that he says it is possible. HPS Maxine took some of information from his book About Hermetics and said this is best magic book she has ever seen. And why not? I don't think you need physical body to do energy work and meditate. Do Demons have phsical body?
He was not led by Satan. The opposite. He had only stolen some information from Satan without even understanding it and in a mishmash of stuff he said some bullshit. That's why he didn't even have enough power to save himself. He didn't know what that stuff really was. This is evident from the section on Merging Consciousness. He did not write down how it was to be used specifically. He transcribed some stolen stuff from how some occult initiates practiced, but he had not known much more than that.