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The Gods #76688 I wish to smoke joint

This question pertains to the Gods
Absolutely not, if you don't want to have problems avoid any kind of drugs and alcohol, my old friends have tried in every way to convince me over the years to take even just a drag of a joint or a sip of alcohol, I have always been hyper resistant to temptation.

Taking drugs or abusing alcohol will only make existing problems worse.
Hi I have a wish to ask to Satan… I wish to smoke joint because it relax my paranoia… can Satan grant me my wish?

Joints do not help paranoia. I can assure you that they make them much worse. When I was in high school, I started talking to a nice girl who smoked joints and suffered from paranoia. She told me how she had started with the idea of relaxing, but that while using the drug and even afterwards, her paranoia was not only more intense, but she could only focus on those. Now that I'm telling you about it, I remember well her explaining that with joints everything that she felt before as paranoia seemed to become very real in her head. Try this instead when you have paranoia:

"Breathing exercises can be done to calm and quiet the mind before every session. Just tuning into and 'watching' the breath is an excellent method of focusing one's mind and entering the alpha state necessary for power meditation"

Then try to focus on your paranoia. Feel it well. Feel it. As if you were trying to delineate it, enclose it in this circle. Throw it away through the third eye. You can literally visualize a yellow/gold circle that encloses the paranoia and expels it by blowing it out. I don't know if it works for everybody, but I used to do this before I knew ToZ and it worked great.
You are under the influence of Illusion and are not seeing clearly what Satan's Power is as an Aspect of the Universe. He will not gran your wishes like these. You must get rid of this attitude and begin to study the Literature of the Temple of Zeus. Zeus/Satan wishes Human to Ascend, to become a Perfect, Mightiest Being. You can make a choice: either to become this, or to poison yourself with all kinds of bullshit. It will be only to the advantage of our Enemy that the Pagan kills himself with something like that or kills himself purposefully.

You have no idea who Satan is, what the Temple of Zeus is and what the Mission of it all is. If it is important to you to become something Magnificent, you need to find out about it all, if not, well, then continue to remain in the shadow of your own destructive delusions that are killing you every day, which will mark your Spiritual Decay and then your Physical Decay. I call upon you to Awaken in yourselves the Courage and Boldness to take up the Path of Truth, the Path of Satya, the Path of Greatness and Goodness. Wake up!

I ask your attention to this:
Spiritual Satanism is against everything that poisons the Soul, especially any drugs and any bad habits such as you have mentioned. There have already been Sermons on this subject. I think it is not necessary to remind about the harmfulness of tobacco and alcohol, which nowadays do not even have a pure form, but have all kinds of chemical impurities that kill your mediovascular, respiratory and even gastrointestinal systems, including affecting neural connections. Modern alcohol is a product of the Jews and is absolutely murderous.

Undoubtedly, all this also affects the Soul. The Aura and Chakras become significantly polluted, and a strong Energy stagnation is created, preventing the normal flow of Prana. These are huge Blocks for Spiritual development.

Many of us had and some of us still have harmful addictions. It is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible. With them you will not go far on this Path. The sooner, the better, because then it will be more difficult to Purify the Soul. The Powers of the Gods are infinite and they will be able to help in this, but if a person deliberately ruins himself with this crap, even a little bit at a time, then this person will in any case experience the consequences of his self-destructive actions.

Hi I have a wish to ask to Satan… I wish to smoke joint because it relax my paranoia… can Satan grant me my wish?
Are you seriously convinced that Satan would give you something that he knows can harm yourself?
Also, no, the reeds will not solve the paranoia also because when their effect is over, the paranoia will come back again and then if always back to square one.
Provide instead to eliminate It permanently with meditation.

You can program your aura with the color blue (for healing and inner well-being) and create an affirmation based on your desire, then eliminate paranoia. I recommend you do this for 40 days

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
