Spiritual Satanism is against everything that poisons the Soul, especially any drugs and any bad habits such as you have mentioned. There have already been Sermons on this subject. I think it is not necessary to remind about the harmfulness of tobacco and alcohol, which nowadays do not even have a pure form, but have all kinds of chemical impurities that kill your mediovascular, respiratory and even gastrointestinal systems, including affecting neural connections. Modern alcohol is a product of the Jews and is absolutely murderous.
Undoubtedly, all this also affects the Soul. The Aura and Chakras become significantly polluted, and a strong Energy stagnation is created, preventing the normal flow of Prana. These are huge Blocks for Spiritual development.
Many of us had and some of us still have harmful addictions. It is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible. With them you will not go far on this Path. The sooner, the better, because then it will be more difficult to Purify the Soul. The Powers of the Gods are infinite and they will be able to help in this, but if a person deliberately ruins himself with this crap, even a little bit at a time, then this person will in any case experience the consequences of his self-destructive actions.