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Other #76680 Is tough

Things are so hard for me, I keep wondering if I will ever really win when I see everyone around me winning.

We can help you if you want with some advice. Can you describe your situation better for us please? In general HPS Maxine Dietrich often said that Zeus Satya never leaves us in situations that are too big for us. Yes, if you have a problem it is because you can overcome it. And in doing so you will also become a better person. This may lead you to more advanced and temporary problems perhaps with which you will advance further. You will become a much, much better person than those andrapods you see today without any problem.
I hear you. It’s tough when it feels like everyone else is moving forward while you're struggling. But remember that life isn’t a race or a competition. Your journey is unique, and just because you’re facing challenges now doesn’t mean you won’t succeed.

Some of the strongest, most resilient people, have gone through seasons of hardship before their breakthrough. What you're facing now is not the end of your story, it's just a chapter. Growth often happens in times of struggle, and what you're learning now will shape you into someone even stronger and wiser. Remember that.

Keep going, even if it’s one small step at a time. Your time will come, and when it does, it will be all the more meaningful because of what you've overcome. You're not alone in this, and you are more capable than you realize. Keep believing in yourself. You are a Son/Daughter of the Gods, after all.
I understand your condition and have experienced the same feelings, I understand that you feel frustrated about it.

However, what Lady Maxine wrote about earlier, and what HPHC has continued to develop in further Sermons, is the fact that you must not compare yourself to others, under any circumstances. And this is very important to deeply realize. Each person has his own path, his own circumstances, his own Soul, his own Natal Chart, his own predispositions and his own role in this life, although sometimes it is not obvious. You are unique. The successes of others do not diminish your Abilities or devalue what you have already achieved, even if your current accomplishments seem negligible, even though they are not. Compare yourself only to yourself, to who you were yesterday.

I also encourage you to define for yourself what you mean by Β«winningΒ». What is victory/winning for you? Does it have gradations? Or have you simply defined a victory as raising Kundalini or making 1 million dollars? You should not have such large gaps between these in the context of your life line, these failures will put you into more frustration because many such goals are energy and time consuming, then you will be frustrated with yourself even more, it is a vicious cycle, an Illusion and self-deception created by you based on incorrect prioritization and lack of proper goal setting. In other words, yes, you must work through these components because they are valuable: time management, prioritization, goal setting. You must be stronger than your feelings, they must stimulate you to progress and Evolution. Your feelings are telling you what you should be doing, but if this sphere of existence is out of your control, your emotions and feelings will manifest themselves in a distracted way and overwhelm you. Your negative feelings show you what you need to work on and how to improve it. It needs to be sublimated. In this sense, I advise you to follow the practice of Β«small stepsΒ»: when setting big goals, differentiate it into smaller steps, and those steps into even smaller steps, if appropriate. As you go through each step, you can reward yourself by doing so. Indeed, this is a Β«dopamine methodΒ» and it will no longer be relevant when your Awareness is high enough and the Harmony/Balance between Soul, Body and Consciousness is strong, but it makes sense anyway.

I also advise you to set goals that are achievable specifically now, that is, realistic goals that you can accomplish in the near future. Be patient with yourself and do not devalue your Abilities and what you have already achieved. Even if it is something insignificant, be it quitting smoking, a whole year of daily Meditations or taking part in the projects of the Temple of Zeus.

Your Growth will be systematic, it will be graded. Everything big starts from small. Other people are not a universal metric for you. You are a metric for yourself. Be confident and strive for Perfection. You will succeed. You're well done.

Here are some of HPHC's explanations on the topic:
But if you gain your traction by comparing to others this will likely lead to incessant disappointments based on excessive ideas and assumptions. That's comparing negatively.
If you put the standards of others on yourself you will get tired, weary and as others have said guilty. The whole point is for everyone to be their individual self.
Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

Also read these Sermons, they will help you understand your situation better (although there are actually many more):

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
