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Other #76679 When is it too late for someone who is self-destructive? (Partial rant/pretty long)


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have seen it mentioned numerous times before that somewhere in the future, many people will try to join the Gods at once, and at that time it'II be already too late for them. In connection to this, it was also bought up that there are people who are altough dedicated, neglect spirituality and/or all other aspects of their life, and by the time they realize their mistakes it'II be way too late. My question is, *when* is it already too late, and what measures we can use to determine if it's too late or not.
These questions has been in my mind for a long while now, as embarassing and shameful as it is to say this out publicly, I am part of the problem. I have dedicated multiple years ago as a teen, yet I didn't do anything with the opportunity as I oftentimes stopped, then re-started spiritual work. Oftentimes did nothing for longer periods of time. This kind of self-destructive behavior is not only towards spirituality, but how I treat other aspects of my life as well. I actually couldn't list or give an example of an aspect that I have treated right. My life is a mess that I have created for myself out of...I don't even know why I did this exactly, from a psychological point of view. The last time I had a proper job was about 2 years ago, the last time I had a friend was 8 years ago, when I was a teen. Never had a boyfriend, but to be fair in my current state a relationship is the last thing I should think about. I have neglected my own body and own health in every aspect possible, the only reason I have picked up on the habbit of taking daily baths was only because that was the only time I could take that few minutes to clean my aura and apply an AoP. I do those daily, but this is only enough to barely keep me afloat. I was morbidly obese through all of my life, and I have managed to lose some weight some time ago, but it ended up coming back. I partially regained the weight, though I'm still not as big as my starting point. I'm on a diet, but I don't feel particularly optimistic about it.
Right now, the consequences of my actions have catched up to me, and provided me with a reality-check. I always had bad teeth, most of them were already missing on one side at my upper jaw. But a few days ago another teeth had fallen out, directly at the front. This was a teeth that I have known required further medical work, as I was warned by a doctor years ago that we could save it right now and everything will be fine, but if we leave it like this it'II just fall out. Surprise surprise, the second has happened. I felt extremely depressed after it, and ended up crying multiple times a day. I can't talk or smile anymore, because I look like a literal crackhead if I do. It's slightly difficult to talk, it's hard to form certain sounds. My self-esteem was already non-existent, but I did manage to make it lower. I felt like everything, every attempt at changing would lose it's meaning because no matter what I'd do it wouldn't matter in the end. No workplace wants to hire someone who looks like me, and people would prefer to make friends and talk to someone who looks presentable, and not like a druggie who's missing her teeth. Even if I lost the excess weight it wouldn't matter, because I'd still need to open my mouth and people would see it.
I do know that I had a rough life before, I do have severe unresolved traumas and other psychological problems. But I don't want to do this anymore, I don't want to "use" it as a way to justify my self-destruction. This whole experience was a reality check for me, because if I don't do something with myself I'II die before the time I'd reach my 25th birthday, or even a couple of years sooner. People can die from neglecting their dental health and health overall, that is something that happens regardless of age. I am angry with myself, for allowing all of this to happen in the first place - I had plenty of warning signs, years in advance. The doctor clearly explaining the situation with my front teeth would be one, for example. If I have done something back then I'd still have my teeth. I can't blame anyone but myself in this situation, as I was the one who bought all of this onto myself. I don't blame Satan or the Gods, never did - Realistically and logically, they can't help someone who is not willing to help themselves in the first place. You can't really help someone who is willingly banging their head in the wall from getting a concussion, that's just how things work. It'd be incredibly stupid of me to shift the blame onto others. I'm not in the best mood in the moment, but I do feel better than I did a few days ago. I'II call in and request an appointment with my dentist next week, and I'II continue to maintain my diet. As well as doing spiritual work. I don't want to die, let alone die before I could actually live. I wouldn't call it "living" what I did and do in the moment, just existing at best. I still wonder if it's already way too late for me, or not. If I happen to die I won't be able to blame anyone but myself, and I'd be incredibly ashamed to look in the eyes of the Gods after what I had done, bringing death onto myself. I don't want to die, but I'm unsure if I can still save myself, or if it's already too late for me.

If any of you reading this found any similarities in their life, or going through a situation like mine, please-please-please, go to the doctor while you can. Believe me, that 20-30 minutes of anxiety will worth it, and when you'II be done and walking out of the Doc's office you'II feel really proud of yourself, as you should. I can understand that anything healthcare related can be very unpleasant and scary at times, but believe me when I say this, it'II be worth it, and you'II feel very happy after conquering your fear. Things like this never come out of nowhere, you'II get plenty of warnings before any bigger consequence would hit you. You might experience health scares, you might have periods of time when certain health problems of yours resurface then disappear, you might have some occasional pain. Listen to your body and the message it tried to send you, and request an appointment because if you do you'II be fine, it won't be too late for you. Listen to the warnings, please don't end up like me. None of you deserve it, in fact I believe that every SS deserves the best. I really hope my example will be useful for at least one person, and they'd use my story as motivation to avoid destruction.
All right. I read the whole thing.

My question is, *when* is it already too late, and what measures we can use to determine if it's too late or not.

No one here or even you has the right to determine for whom according to the Gods it is too late. And for the Gods it is not too late if you can still do something. Even the smallest, like asking for help on this forum. No Gods are looking at you to punish you, the Gods are constantly directing you to the nearest way you can be helped. And that is why you are writing this thread now and have been able to post it.

First, body fat:

Second, your thooting:

You need to go to a good dentist. He will charge for it. Be ready for that. Money spells are useful here; you don't need to get super-rich. Just have some money for these expenses:

Now, get a job to make the money spell work. You don't need to get the job of a lifetime. Something temporary that can help you meet your expenses. It can even be switchboard operator or online salesman, really anything goes, even cleaning hospital bathrooms if you can.

You must also try to be a pleasant presence:

And clean your dirt:

Body hygiene and management is also important:

Hello :)

There is healthy shampoo. Look into Calia, and there are more brands if you do some research online.

Cleaning the scalp is very important for the health of it, and the health of your hair in the long term. Build-up of sebum is not good and can lead to more balding and hair loss.

Apple cider vinegar is good for the hair and scalp. Put a tablespoon in a cup of water and rinse it through your hair and massage it into your scalp. Leave it for at least a minute, preferably 5 minutes then rinse it out. This is best done after shampooing.

Congratulations on your weight loss :)

In addition to Lanius's advice, look into dry brushing with a boar bristle brush. Don't get one with synthetic bristles, boar hair (the boars are not killed, they are just shaved) is made of keratin, the same as human skin. Dry brushing helps improve circulation which in turn improves the quality of the skin and will help it become more elastic and tight.

You can find how to dry brush online, but the hindus do it a bit wrong. Don't go in just straight lines. Massage it in a circular motion first, and then in straight lines. Apply less pressure on the chest area. As you do this, visualize bright pure Green energy entering your skin and affirm that your skin is become healthy and beautiful.

You can then apply a serum that has vitamin E, or something like olive oil. Whatever you apply to your skin make sure it is as natural as possible.

Hello :)

Bio-oil has as it's first ingredient Paraffinum Liquidum (mineral oil), which is toxic, it's a by-product of refining crude oil. Paraffin wax is in cheap candles that cause migraines to those who are sensitive, I wouldn't put that on my skin. What goes on our skin gets absorbed. It's been used in skin care for a long time, and there is research showing that a lot of skin care products are bad. They are cheap to produce so the companies make a lot of money.

It has other ingredients that aren't good.

I'd suggest to just buy Vitamin E oil and apply that straight, or put it in a carrier oil like almond oil. Olive oil is also good. Also exfoliation helps regenerate the skin, use exfoliating mitts/gloves.

You can get a boar bristle brush and do dry brushing before you shower or at any time of day: massage it in circular motions on the stretch marks, even on the rest of your body because it's healthy and therapeutic. Then brush in straight lines towards the heart as shown in Ayurveda, but do the circular motions first.

And of course, use Green energy, breathe it into your skin and affirm something like your skin is healthy, youthful, and beautiful.

Now, someone who will help you:

When you have finally resolved your life, do this:
My mind's been there, I've wondered the same. Sorry, I don't have anything helpful to say, but thank you for sharing your story. You're not alone.
It is never too late to change , it all starts with you.
I do have severe unresolved traumas and other psychological problems.
That's the key point around which the entire self-destruction pattern may be revolving around.
Today has been a very long day for me, that I will remember. While I was on the shore contemplating a dark and lonely sea, all of this become clearer in my mind.

Just imagine, you can program a computer by modifying the OS. Put into the OS a general main instruction saying the value of the computer itself, its hardware, is = zero.
No program will be able to run as the computer will NOT recognize the hardware as valid. Programs would fail or run with errors.
Same for the human mind. If among your traumas there is "not being loved by your caregivers as a child" (mainly mother issues) your operational system will consider yourself as "not valid", so whichever "app" you try to run in your daily life, will not work as expected.
Apps will work even against yourself.

Fixing lack of self-love is though. I lost count of how many times I used Munka meditation to remove similar issues, and it works indeed very well, but I have been shown by my GD that human actions are sometimes very needed to support your meditations.
Because the mind has been traumatized by human actions, at the end.

So if your mother never wanted you, and has always been cold with you, or similar problems, this may have traumatized you leading to lack of self-love and self-worth. Like the computer instruction = zero.
So while you perform your Munka or also Emotional Body Healing med. and the issue surfaces, you may need a short physical help to steer your mind towards healing.
Like, if your mother have been cold, when this comes out in your conscious mind, you may be looking for a warm hug by someone who shows you you are important as a human being. This can tie to the old trauma and heal it like "you have been hugged in the past", under the right conditions. I perceive it works in this way. Plus it can be a very genuine hug from someone, and you may give a genuine hug back to that person, building new self-love for both. How hard is finding this hug indeed....

I may be a bit of a mermaid in those days due to emotional body healing I'm doing, but I am not promoting any new-age universal love-everyone crap.
Observing how cold, hostile and aggressive are people nowadays, it's not so rare that kids are not treated with love (or worst, receive violence), it's quite common. So I see, being loved or at least accepted with honesty for a second, may be healing if done in the right moment. Only ... it is so difficult to find it. It cannot be a computer message... human touch here.

I perceive from your words you are really fed up of trying to fix all those problems around you. I am too, I have many and it may be stressing and time consuming, like flies buzzing around you all the time.
Looking deeper, in the middle of the problems there is a main problem, a main process, causing minor issues to grow - I just suggest you (as I am doing the same in this very moment) to try to collect all your power for a second, raise up again for a moment, focus like a laser weapon, take a deep breath and as a last, decisive, paramount and immense effort, nuke that destructive process once for all. I am barely sure this will bring to a much better existance. Should be related to the heart chakra.

I hope all of this helps you, in some way.
You see, I just can't hug you now with my keyboard... someone else will.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
