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Relationships #76669 I'm losing hope, suicide...


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I was fired 2 days ago because of my bipolar medication. The drugs slow down my mind and that's why they fired me. I move slowly. All hope is lost. I am very sadly.
I was fired 2 days ago because of my bipolar medication. The drugs slow down my mind and that's why they fired me. I move slowly. All hope is lost. I am very sadly.

Read that:
Looking at your situation, I would suggest a first step to regain control over your mind, through consistent and daily void meditation.
Medication like those makes it difficult or impossible to perform any higher meditations, however, simple basic things can still be done.

If you also have been drinking alcohol, then do try to minimize this immediately, especially because it can interact with other medication in very dangerous ways..

You cannot just drop these medications either, since your doctor prescribed them to treat the psychological issues you experience, due to bipolar, however void meditation and simple aura cleaning will help you control this.

To start with, keep taking the medication as you have, and especially put a major focus on practicing void meditation until you are very good at it. After doing this for some time, say, 40 days and you have become quite good at it, try to talk to your doctor about slowly reducing the medication.

Take this slow, and keep doing your meditation in the meanwhile. The key here is to regain control over your own mind, and learn to control your emotions/bipolar/anxiety/anything else you may have with your own ability, rather than requiring medication to manage this.

Be patient with yourself on this. In order to cure other things, your mind is most important to cure first, and meditation can cure this. You might even need a year or more for this, before you can successfully live without needing medications. Speak to your doctors/therapists that you want to try this slowly, as a means to regain control of your own mind.

When you are able to successfully manage the diagnosed condition after lowering the dose of your prescribed medicine, this is a great victory in your life, as not many are able to do this, so be very proud of yourself. This is called weening of medication, you would slowly reduce the dose by small amounts over time.

Say, if your current dose is 1 tabled of 2 mg's, you use a tablet cutter to cut the tablet into 4 and take 3 out of 4 parts for 1.5 mg's instead. Then two weeks later, or a month later if you are being careful, if you are still fine, then you lower the dose again to 1 mg by taking only half a tablet each time instead of a full tablet.

Then you lower it further another two weeks later to 0.5 mg's, only taking a quarter tablet. See how you are doing, if your meditation is helping and working to help you control yourself and manage your condition.

Monitor this closely with your therapist, and take note of any difficulties that arise because of your bipolar no longer being supressed by this medicine as much. You can then either lower it further to 0.25 mg's, or try to completely cut it out from there, and see how it goes. This allows your body but also your mind to slowly adapt to no longer having this medication, and lets you stop the usage safely without suddenly being overwhelmed by your condition and by the side effects from no longer taking the medication.

If they ask what you will do for this, or what you are doing to try and control this, tell them you spoke to people who have similar conditions but did not take medication, and instead practice "Mindfullness" to manage this, and that you want to try the same because you do not like how the medication is affecting your ability to use your creativity in life and how it makes you feel dull. "Mindfullness" is an officially recognized form of therapy and you can tell doctors or therapists this instead of that you are practicing specific meditations that aren't recognized by them. If they do not know what "Mindfullness" is, then you can tell them to read about it, because they will find it interesting.

Basically, "Mindfullness" is a technique to reduce stress and calm yourself by becoming aware of your present feelings and thoughts, slowly immersing yourself in your body and mind and practicing awareness of the present moment and the self without judgement. Void meditation from the JoS takes this one step further, in that here we practice fully controlling our minds and thoughts at will, allowing us to control our emotions and feelings perfectly, as well as eliminate any distractions or worries from the mind at any time or place.

When solving problems in your life, you should go down the list from the most urgent/impactful to the least urgent or impactful.

For example, getting a partner will be much easier when your mind is stable and you are able to control your mind and life better.

Same as any learning difficulties you may have, these too can be solved, but it is very hard to solve these when you have other mental/psychological difficulties that are impacting your ability to focus or learn.

So, to begin with, speak to your therapist/doctor about wanting to slowly practice reducing your medication and using mindfulness to practice controlling your mental and emotional state, in order to no longer have to rely on medication to manage your psychological condition.

If they disagree or advice you not to try, tell them you cannot know if it is possible for you or not if you don't try this, and you insist on giving this a chance because it would make you feel a lot better if you manage to become self reliant and no longer require medication to manage your condition.

I have known quite a number of people with different psychological conditions or diagnosis, and I can tell you that any mental problem can be controlled without requiring medication to manage this, but people are not trained or educated on how to do this, instead they are given medication as a band aid solution, which doesn't solve the problem, and also further makes it more difficult to learn how to manage this yourself, because this medication alters your mind and diminishes your ability to think or use your mind, especially the feminine right side of the brain, which is key in managing any psychological conditions.

Medication undeniably helps to manage these conditions in people, however to firmly regain back control, it is important someone learns to manage their own mind with their own power and ability, without requiring medications. More severe conditions might make this difficult, but bipolar can be managed well with consistent application of void meditation to learn to control your thoughts and emotions.

Try to start with this, take your time, and try not to worry about other problems that aren't urgent.

For example, failing an exam is certainly unpleasant, but it is not the end of the world. You can do it over, and try again. You can even do the year over if you need to. This does not make you a failure in life, it just means you need more time than others due to your present life circumstances. So be it, let it take more time.

It is better to take 10 years to become a functioning human, than try to rush through everything and have your life collapse around you 10 years later because deep seated problems had been ignored or never solved earlier in life.

Depending on where you live, you may be eligible to receive extra social securities if you do not have these already, you can try to look into this with the help of certain people, maybe your parents, maybe therapists would know of this, doctors might even know. Do not be afraid to ask about anything that may make your life easier to manage.

If social securities are not available, then being unemployed it is difficult to impossible to live by yourself.

Do you have anyone you can rely on in case you must live somewhere? If not at the moment, is there someone you can think of that could possibly help you in case of emergency?

As for work, if your situation does not allow for you to live without having to work, there should still be jobs that are not completely awful that are available as an emergency in case you require some employment. Depending on where you live, there might also be options available for special work places with a lesser work load specifically to employ people with certain diagnosis that may make it difficult for them to work in a normal environment. Considering you have therapy available, I would think there might be possibilities for this, for example, a therapist might also know about this, if you talk to them about your difficulties with employment, and if there are options available.

These might not be preferred, but they might be the least bad options you have at the moment. Try to approach your problems with such a mindset. If you have little options, explore what you do have, and choose those who are the least bad.

First tackle the big problems by making them into smaller problems. Try to set simple goals, and work on them one by one, looking at everything at once will make you feel defeated by life and depressed, which is what should be avoided.

The biggest problem is the psychological. This will possibly never be completely solved, however, you can learn to manage this and live with it with minimal difficulties while not having it impact your ability to grow as a person or advance spiritually. This should be your first goal, which is an on going situation, and will take time, but once this has become more stable, you can more seriously look at other problems.

Secure yourself so that you do not get completely left in the deep with nothing. Do this one step at a time and make use of all the available help you can get. There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of the help available to you to make dealing with your problems a little bit easier.
I was fired 2 days ago because of my bipolar medication. The drugs slow down my mind and that's why they fired me. I move slowly. All hope is lost. I am very sadly.
Each time I read a message like this, I think how desperate one can be, and I feel sorry for the situation occurring to another SS.
Once I was not fired, but forced to resign (even worst at it was the result of a lost fight). Yes, can you imagine? I refused to leave the office that day because I could have been charged a fine for leaving my workplace, due to some loopholes in the law, and I did not want to loose money. So they even called police to bring me out of workplace; good for me as they filed a report and the boss could not charge me. Idiot.
A few weeks ago, I just found another job. Much better, I really needed that. The job I left was negative for my spiritual growth, as it was bringing me back in old patterns. Being "fired" put an end to this loop and could advance as I was sort of stuck in that job for my ego issues.

It was painful when it happened, so I understand how you feel. I was even a bit lost.

Many things do not happen by coincidence.
Also if you are bipolar, it would be advisable to start therapy (if you don't do this already) and maybe quitting harmful medications, if possible and if your doctor agrees.
I can't stop the medication in any way. the attacks start immediately

I know how hard it can be. The ability to stay in your center while whole world around you is imploding has incredible power in it. Its why we are suppose to practice void meditation. Kundalini, spiritual attacks, and challenges in life cause anxiety inducing states. If you can hold your center its like sitting inside the eye of a hurricane. The most successful people in any endeavor face extreme anxiety 24/7 but they transform it into personal power. You can't make spiritual progress if you can't handle the intense energies that go along with it. Your medications are making it worse, no one has ever been cured of bipolar and anxiety from prescription drugs they only become dependent. As for you other problem the medications make it worse. They are pure poison. I post in another one of your threads about your other situation. Learn to breath, slow super deep breaths over and over, until it feels like you are not even breathing, a good 20-30minutes will do more than a bottle of pills for panic attacks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
