Hinduism is descended from a civilization of our Gods, and is already connected to Satanism. The problem with Hinduism is that for the last couple thousands of years, the most important information has been removed and burned, and a lot of bullshit has been put in there. Jews and christians have been very active politically and culturally in India, and they have altered Hinduism to try to turn it into basically another form of christianity. Remove all useful and important information, try to remove connection with the Gods, and insert all kinds of confused and harmful ideas.
Hinduism is like the shadow of Satanism. Some of the basic shapes will look similar, but all of the true details and the true form are missing.
I don't ask you to turn away from your culture or anything like that. But read all of the information that we have, learn from us, advance your soul and spiritual abilities, and build a stronger connection with the Gods. And as you learn and grow, you will see for yourself that Satanism is your actual real culture, and the modern Hinduism we have today is just an empty lifeless imitation.