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Health #76512 Hair and taking care of your physical body

The first and most important thing you need to take care of is nutrition.
Hair is made out of keratin, which is why a sufficient protein intake is necessary for hair to grow properly in the first place. Vitamins take care of the strength of your hair, without them hair often thins out or falls out, particularly vitamins B, C and D, and iron. you can find supplements intended for hair care that will include all of them, you dont need to take it all separately
Get a gentle shampoo, I've heard nettle shampoo works great for regrowing, and its not harsh on the scalp.
a good conditioner can help too, especially with texture
Massage your scalp gently to increase the blood flow in your scalp.
There are different oils you can use to help with growth and strength, but this heavily depend on your type. i use castor oil myself but I've heard it can be pretty harsh on thinner, straight, or weaker hair, so that part i will leave to you to figure out. find out your type and search for people with the same type and get their recommendations.

This is completely optional, but I'll include it, if your hair is straight, braiding it before bed (not too tight, better to not do it than to keep it too tight) can keep it from damaging of you toss and turn in bed a lot. if your hair is more curly, a bonnet, or any sort of hair covering can help. other option is getting silk or satin pillow covers

and as insignificant as it seems, water is important. drinking enough water helps greatly with your overall health, including the health of your hair.
Don't dye it and don't put too much goop in it. Put as little chemicals as possible in it, except for what's necessary to wash and condition it.

Use a quality shampoo and conditioner that is as natural as possible. Don't do the 2 in 1s, because shampoo and conditioner is diametrically opposed - one strips dirt and oil and other coatings, and the other replaces oil and nutrients and etc - and they do weird chemistry things to make it work from the same bottle(and it doesn't work well). Keep a separate shampoo and conditioner, rinse between them, gently massage them into your scalp when you use them.

Any product you use should be as natural as possible. If you look at the label and the ingredients aren't something you'd hear mentioned casually, it's probably not great. It's always worth it to spend extra for quality. You also shouldn't be afraid to try different brands until you find one that works for you. Different people's bodies react differently to different brands.

Be gentle to it when you brush. If you feel alot of resistance, swap to a comb and comb first or brush in smaller strokes, brush less hair at a time. You shouldn't ever really be tugging at your hair.

I let my hair dry naturally, I don't think using blow dryers and other techniques is good for it.

Make sure you eat well and are getting the nutrition you need. You are what you eat, so eat good food. Adding to this, if you have any vices, cut them out. I found that drinking is bad for my hair and leads to hair loss.

Some will tell you not to wash every day, or to wash with vinegar or other weird things. I don't like the idea personally but you can try it if you want and see if it helps you.
far as taking care of your health goes start off small. Get something like a brita filter and find ways to drink more filtered water. then add more fresh fruit to your diet with small things like applesauce, grapes, bananas, oranges ect. If you can find brands like Greek Gods yogurt add a small bowl of that to your daily meals- on the side or as a snack. small habit changes will lead to bigger changes down the road. Plus getting started meditating as soon as possible. If you can afford a yoga class do so make the time for it. not only will you being doing yoga but you might find others that can help you figure out other healthy tips to try. but you have to get started plain and simple.

Hail Father Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
