Well-known member
Mars in Sag rules my DC, Jupiter is in my 7th, and both are in a grand trine with Venus.
I find weird people, but especially people who are very different from me attractive. Unfortunately this is especially true of race.
Someone would have to be a 10/10 smokeshow to be equally as attractive to me as a cute 7/10 from some other race.
It's not that I can't have a relationship with them, but it's not as stimulating and I crave variety.
I've done workings to remove this and I no longer "fetishize" them but my attraction to them feel's too seamless and natural, like I was born that way. It feel's more beautiful to me, even though I understood it was not the case even as a child I knew instinctively it was not good. So I never acted on it. But there is still a strong pull nontheless.
I would need to overwrite my sexuality itself... how can I do this?
I find weird people, but especially people who are very different from me attractive. Unfortunately this is especially true of race.
Someone would have to be a 10/10 smokeshow to be equally as attractive to me as a cute 7/10 from some other race.
It's not that I can't have a relationship with them, but it's not as stimulating and I crave variety.
I've done workings to remove this and I no longer "fetishize" them but my attraction to them feel's too seamless and natural, like I was born that way. It feel's more beautiful to me, even though I understood it was not the case even as a child I knew instinctively it was not good. So I never acted on it. But there is still a strong pull nontheless.
I would need to overwrite my sexuality itself... how can I do this?