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#76276 Forma de la tierra y viajes espaciales falsos [Shape of the earth and false space travel]


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
hay circulando por las redes que la tierra es plana y por la Antártida se sale a otros planos, y que no han podido salir de.la atmósfera y que los.viajes espaciales son una.entita, es cierto esto?

[there are circulating through the networks that the earth is flat and through the Antarctic it goes out to other planes, and that they have not been able to leave the atmosphere and that space travel is a.entita, is this true?]
there are circulating through the networks that the earth is flat and through the Antarctic it goes out to other planes, and that they have not been able to leave the atmosphere and that space travel is a.entita, is this true?]

No, it's just a biblical scam where fucking Jewish nomads without even half an inch of personal land as if they really didn't belong to this world at all for shit, were trying to figure out how the planet worked, but without being able to do so because a Jew can't do shit unless he first steals some knowledge from a human population while exterminating it.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
