The maximum period for physical addiction is up to one week. Usually, it lasts about 72 hours. If smoking would have only a physical addiction aspect, no one would really smoke or would quit it very easily. But there is psychology, spirituality, so this process becomes quite messy. This is where those weeks and months to desire cigarettes come from. Also, I would not be surprised if the enemy curses have something to do with this. You have the following situations.
The most important thing is to learn how to live without cigarettes. Lots of people smoke to ease their burdens, to calm down (which is false, because nicotine works as a stimulant). You should no longer see cigarettes as a way to calm you down or to avoid problems. You must reconcile with the fact that you are supposed to solve harder and harder challenges in your life, to make your life sorted.
For some this might sound quite counterintuitive, but you might want to believe in your nature. There is this fact. Cigarettes do not necessarily cause hard diseases like cancer, heart issues, and so on. Yes, smokers are more likely to have such issues, but those probabilities per population are not very high like the media tends to scream. And they are allowed to scream, because everyone knows that such ways to cause fear to humans never helps them quit smoking. It might help for some, but this is a minority. Lots of heavy smokers are already reconciled with the potentiality of their messy death. So you might look at yourself objectively and evaluate your current health. If your current health is good enough, you might want to smoke... double the amount you already smoke. Or even triple, quadruple, etc. Smoke as much as you like, stop blaming yourself over this, do not treat yourself as weak, and even reconcile with the potentiality you might die.
I was a heavy smoker myself for years, so I think I can give an educated and working way of getting rid of this addiction in such a way that you would never get back to it, even if someone would force you to by torture. Why do I give advice to smoke as much as you like, stop blaming yourself and not be afraid of health problems or even death? Because in this way you get into the core of this self reinforcing loop that is the reason why you are addicted to smoking and always fail if you try to quit, i.e., failed quittings are part of the addiction. Addiction is about self reinforcing loops which must be destroyed in order to get out of them. This is how the reinforcing loop with smoking looks like.
1. In the very beginning, you smoke out of curiosity or due to social pressure from your idiotic childhood "friends". Or parties where alcohol + cigarettes are popular. Other situations also might affect the beginning. Current ways of entertainment definitely promote such indulgences for people. And this by itself creates some energetic vortex that people might need to overcome. Only stronger people can do so.
2. You smoke enough, so your body adjusts to accept and process nicotine as a substance giving you some form of physical, psychological satisfaction/relief/whatever your body is adapted to feel in order to accept the nicotine and force you to believe that you need to smoke.
3. Then, you start smelling bad and other non-smoking people complain about you smoking, treat you as trash, and so on. Most people do not even care about your health, but they pretend to care which is also a part of this self reinforcing loop, because if you are smart, you will never listen to stupid people which might result in you making stupid decisions (yes, smart people might do stupid decisions in case stupid people accidentally suggest something smart...). You just smell bad, cause bad smell when smoking. This is for what usual andrapodas really care, and if you are smart, you see them through, and this definitely does not help you to quit, because you might see smoking as a way to revolt against those idiots. Revolting against idiots by becoming yourself an addicted idiot. Do not feel insulted about it, laugh from it better.
4. Later, you start believing that smoking is bad and maybe it is a good idea to quit. This might come from your own inner voice, maybe even your GD tells you this (well, GD definitely wonβt say to you that smoking is a good thing to do...).
5. You keep this 4th thought and you try doing something about quitting, other non-smoking people also "encourage" you to quit in their own stupid ways, because you smell bad for them as it was mentioned before.
6. You try and fail, so you must smoke another cigarette. The whole package or even multiple packages. And yes, this officially reinforces your addiction loop even more. This reinforcement looks like this. First time, you might try quitting after 2-3 months, next time you will try the same after 6 months, next time maybe after 2-3 years, and so on.
7. Later, you smoke and then quit smoking for about... 1 hour or less. This again reinforces the loop of addiction.
8. You repeat 5-7 steps until you break them or you die.
Now let me get to how to break this disgusting loop. It is not that hard when you know the correct methods to do so. In order to break such a loop, you need to liberate yourself from any guilt. Be objective. Yes, you made a mistake by even starting to smoke. So what? Such mistakes are still reversible. People who kill other people are much worse, so this is definitely not the end of the world, and objectively you should not blame yourself for making such a mistake. Instead, you should say βfuck offβ to non-smoking people who denigrate you for smoking. These people are very likely to be even heavier addicts than you if they were in your place.
You must understand there is nothing wrong with you as a person. Smoking does not define you as a person. Wrong was with people who forced/stimulated you to smoke in the first place or set-up conditions where you started smoking. If your parents are smokers, then it is your parents to blame for your starting to smoke. They gave you a shitty example which you then took for granted. So you need to set-up clear boundaries of responsibility. You can not be responsible for everything around the world, and you shouldnβt be. You should be responsible only for things you can actually affect with your own will. So in this case your responsibility here is not to blame yourself, but to quit for good in a way that you would feel like a victor who destroyed the enemy.
So eventually you get to those steps when you let yourself completely loose:
1. You do not care what happens to you while you smoke.
2. You do not blame yourself, just smoke as much as you like.
3. Later, your inner self kicks in and you are positively influenced towards liberation from this. You start positively to desire real freedom, because you start seeing that smoking is really pointless. You want to quit smoking not because you are afraid of death, deteriorated health conditions, but because of self-love. You want freedom, you desire power over your so-called "titans".
4. You create another self reinforcing loop, but this loop helps you quit smoking, and it overpowers the loop that was created before. You suddenly realize that you have such massive power growing that it is like will, but a different will. This will be able to cut through the root cause of this addiction once and for all.
5. Eventually you come towards this step. Your inner voice tells you something like that: "Now you are ready to be done with it. 3 days and this is it." You listen to this voice. You last those 3 days and you feel some physical withdrawal symptoms, but you also feel that those symptoms are not that hard like last times when you tried to quit and failed.
6. You know very deeply that you did not just quit smoking. You know that you become much stronger. You performed a real alchemical act to turn this disgusting addiction into something that made your personality much more powerful and hardly imaginable to simple people.
I have described a way to quit smoking. Details might differ to you, but they should work. Of course, there is one downside to it. You can not be sure how long it will take. It might take years. But I think even a couple of years to quit smoking like this is better than trying and failing for decades without an actual solution and getting with these patterns to the next life. And I think that years of such stuff might not be wrong. If you are thousands of years old, smoked for thousands of years, and you will get rid of smoking in 3-5 years for eternity, then I think this way is really fast.
Still, I believe that this can be improved a bit to make it faster. You come to the Gods. You can perform the ritual of Lord Satan, and focus on His Sigil. And just speak. Tell Him with full respect and your heart opened that you want to quit smoking once and for all. In this life and every other life. There is nothing wrong with expressing your real desires to the Gods. Regarding such stuff, Gods will really help you, because proper physical health is necessary for your spiritual advancement.
Furthermore, you might want to read this book by Allen Carr: "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking". I know a couple of people who claim they have read this book and they never smoked again. I did this myself, and it did not help me, but I must acknowledge that the ideas I mention here are substantially based on this book, here I just show in greater detail the mechanism of addiction through the loops that look like self reinforcing.
Finally, I wish victory over this addiction. Never surrender, try everything that seems best for you, and you will eventually succeed. The good thing here is that you can fail 1000 times to quit smoking, but there needs to be only the 1001th time which will change everything.