I saw the upcoming RTR schedule. How do I do the triangle in the Tetra RTR? The explanation is very confusing.
This is the Tetra:
The first step is: "vibrate three times DUUY, DUY, DOHY, THOHY, TUUY". In this way: DUUY×3, DOHY ×3, THOHY ×3, TUUY ×3
Then you blot the first jewish dirty letter:
Now, do the same with HAYH, HEH. ×3 (because there is written ×3, if you notice). And with the letter VAHV VAHW VUHV WAHW ×3 And again HAYH HEH ×3
In the end, you obtain this:
The next row is ×6, but it has only the first 3 letters (Duuy, Duy, Dohy, Thohy, Tuuy ×6 - Hayh, Heh ×6 - Vahv, Vahw, Vuhv Wahw ×6). You blot each jewish dirty stupid letter one by one as you vibrate each one reverse filthy letter in the same way as above.
Now to the same with the third row ×9 for the first two vibrations on the list (only two creepy absurd disgusting jewish letters). And then the final row with just one letter ×12
In the end this evil cursed damned retarded Tetra will be like this:
Now follow the instructions and perform the affirmations.
This gross tetra-resource of filth that these sons of a reptilian whore use because they are so spiritually filthy that they have nothing higher within them than an obsolete negativity will be extinct shit. In fact it will just be extinct and that's it.
Enjoy their everlasting failure!!!