I don’t find any reason to live, no porpoise… please save me from suicide… you’re right the sky is trying to make me commit suicide… my life is at the end of the road and I don’t find any solution… and the spiritual ghost attacking me and sucking my energy… tell me if I can do something… I am trying to escape from this world because they found me and they know who am I, yes this game is like: “find the monster” or maybe I am the lost heart of Satan like Davy Jones, or I think I am a baby demon stolen from hell and tortured by angels… yes I am a baby demon escaped from hell… can you do something to read inside me to tell me who truly am I and why I am here?
Hello there.
Your words sounds desperate but also show traits of mind confusion and fog that may lead to worst mental health consequences if not dealt with.
I strongly doubt you are sort of Demon tortured by angels, this seems your fantasy out of desperation.
You do not provide many details, if you are Dedicated or not so I'll try to give a reasonable help as I can.
The reason of this is probably is you are very alone. You need to immediately seek for a decent human being to support your existence for a short while, a thereapist of you can afford, or a new job with a good employer, or so.
You need to add a couple of drops of worth to your being. By doing something, in the immediate.
I could tell you "contact your Guardian Demon" in case you are dedicated to ask for guidance, and increase your meditations, but this you probably already know, so I dwell on practical advices only.
Recently many traumatized people came on here talking about deep feelings like yours. You are not alone in heavy suffering. Many of them will read your post.
In many cases, it seems those people - probably you too - experience something deep inside them, like buried emotions, that are arising and coming to the surface.
This may manifest same as an "entity" hunting you. But is no entity; it may often be a part of your own consciousness that is feed by negative image of yourself, in consequence of a trauma you may have suffered early in your life.
So the only solution you have, is better how you view yourself, through actions.
It happened to me. A deep sense of being at the end of my life, completely unworthy and damaged, emerged from my consciousness and it was really like an entity, hunting me during my days. I even reached the point of convincing myself that I was ill and dying spontaneously, without possibility of healing, so I just wanted to give up on life and wait for my death.
Nothing could have been more distant from reality. I though I was "sick" because in me, there was the feeling I was such a defective, bad and damaging person, that I was "sick" for those reasons. Therefore I deserved to die in consequence of my spiritual sickness.
Just an elaborate and smart way to conceive the idea of suicide.
I was totally wrong.
I did not give up on life, and later on - after the very negative transit of Planets was finished - my life improved, I felt like rejuvenated, more drive and energies.
I just survived a deep personal crisis, that brought to betterment of my life.
I cannot read inside you, only the Demons can do this fully. But what I see from my high distance, is this.
So, this may sound as the most obvious advice ever, try to stay strong and do something physical and worthy. Whatever, even feeding squirrels at the park. They will be grateful to you.