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Health #76064 Finding a reason to live


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I don’t find any reason to live, no porpoise… please save me from suicide… you’re right the sky is trying to make me commit suicide… my life is at the end of the road and I don’t find any solution… and the spiritual ghost attacking me and sucking my energy… tell me if I can do something… I am trying to escape from this world because they found me and they know who am I, yes this game is like: “find the monster” or maybe I am the lost heart of Satan like Davy Jones, or I think I am a baby demon stolen from hell and tortured by angels… yes I am a baby demon escaped from hell… can you do something to read inside me to tell me who truly am I and why I am here?
It sounds like what you need most of all is professional help, possibly medication, the kind that comes from a doctor and not a dealer or dope shop. That's where I would start if I were you.
can you do something to read inside me to tell me who truly am I and why I am here?

The answer to who you are lies in astrology. The birth chart is the map of our soul:

Learn how to use this astrology tool:

I think I am a baby demon stolen from hell and tortured by angels

There are inaccuracies that affect what you believe you are. To be able to help yourself, you should understand who you really are:

1) Hell is a place where Satan protects his souls while waiting to reincarnate them.

2) You are not a Demon (i.e., a Deity). From Ancient Greek "Demon" refers to one who has attained the Divine Condition, for example Zeus is a Demon (he is an aspect of Beelzebul). Obtaining the Divine Condition is a long and really complicated job that you will not have by default. It is not something you are born with, Satan gave alchemy precisely so that Satanists could use it to obtain the Divine Condition and be Demons.

3) Angels are not real beings who have power over you. Despite the misinformation deliberately promoted by False Christianity and its horrendous lies, an Angel is nothing more than a form of energy. It is nothing more than an energy curse, a bit of spiritual dirt. It is not something that picks you up, binds you and whips you spiritually. The Gods of Hell have power here because they are concrete Deities, but an Angel is not their opposite equivalent. An Angel is just a small aggregate of spiritual filth of not even too much importance.

I, yes this game is like: “find the monster”

So, as I explained, no one is chasing you to hurt you. But you can always do (indeed you should regardless) this daily meditation:

An advanced version:

For serious situations:

tell me if I can do something…

Yes, take care of yourself :)

my life is at the end of the road and I don’t find any solution

Please, read this reply of mine:

I don’t find any reason to live

You have and I can name at least 10, do you want to see?
1) Your Father Satan 2) The Guardian Demon who cares for you 3) The people in your life who love you or who will otherwise come into your life to love you 4) Yourself (self-love) 5) Your ancestors for whom you are here today who fought and died so that you would be 6) All the potential good you can do in this world with your life 7) Your future children 8) The society of your country to which you can contribute by working as an upright citizen 9) Respect for life itself and its sanctity 10) For your mother and the 9 months it took her to carry you just so you could be born. Is that enough?

please save me from suicide

And the nice thing is that you know I'm right otherwise you wouldn't feel like asking me for reasons to save you from suicide (so you don't want to commit suicide).

you’re right the sky is trying to make me commit suicide

The sky is ruled by the demon Zeus. If you are here writing on the True Satanism Forum it is because the Gods like Zeus wanted to guide you on this path and therefore you are important to them.
Get outside as soon as you wake up and go for a walk/run. 5 minutes is fine. Better yet, go to the gym, as it is a populated place and can also help you with problems of a different nature besides vitality.
Start to meditate with 5 minutes of cleansing, AoP x5, and 5 rounds of Anuloma Viloma followed by the affirmation "I am protected at all times, now and forever" stated 10 times. Dedicate yourself to Satan and ask for his support.

Better if you also start to reprogram your mind, writing the phrase "I have found the meaning of life and my purpose again. I am happy to live" in a notebook for 90 days, at least 100 times a day. You have to write at least 50 repetitions right after you wake up, the rest in the evening (better if before going to sleep).
writing the phrase "I have found the meaning of life and my purpose again. I am happy to live" in a notebook for 90 days, at least 100 times a day. You have to write at least 50 repetitions right after you wake up, the rest in the evening (better if before going to sleep)

I agree with your whole beautiful response The only point I would like to give my personal opinion on is that: instead of writing it down, pronounce in a state of hypnosis. Otherwise it is really a very good help yours in my opinion, all you did was explain to him to increase his dopamine levels and Life Energy. Excellent indeed, my deep respects.

Note: statements with verbs in the present tense. Clear, simple and straight to the point.
Exactly. This would be ideal.

Going slightly off-topic... it is USEFUL what you said about writing things down. I do that too. Writing it down helps to memorize something manually. In some cases it is more helpful to write than to state hypnotized. Me, when I have to learn the names in Thai of a martial arts technique, I write it down, I don't repeat it hypnotizing myself. I say this because you should not discard different ways of doing something in favor of others, you have a wide range of possible means to achieve a result and you just have to figure out which method is best in that circumstance. :D

Stating the same sentence repeatedly is part of the principle of repetition. Writing them down instead of just stating them helps to imprint them in the unconscious (in fact, writing is effective as a method for memorizing).
The knowledge that the JoS gives in this regard is more advanced (precluded to many who cannot reach it, or who are too inept/weak to delve into it), clearly it is much more effective to first induce a state of hypnosis, and then perform the repetitions, this also in the case of memorizing something. However, self-hypnosis requires high concentration and consistency.
this thought can be a manifestation of curses or psychic attacks by aliens or negative spirits. basically there is no purpose in life. that is, an average human works his whole life to maintain apartment or house debts, with two energy bills .. what is the purpose, calculating that free Energy exists but is blocked by rich Jewish governments and families .. does not exist .. perhaps for more purpose in life to build muscles with workouts and increase the soul with meditations.
I don’t find any reason to live, no porpoise… please save me from suicide… you’re right the sky is trying to make me commit suicide… my life is at the end of the road and I don’t find any solution… and the spiritual ghost attacking me and sucking my energy… tell me if I can do something… I am trying to escape from this world because they found me and they know who am I, yes this game is like: “find the monster” or maybe I am the lost heart of Satan like Davy Jones, or I think I am a baby demon stolen from hell and tortured by angels… yes I am a baby demon escaped from hell… can you do something to read inside me to tell me who truly am I and why I am here?
Hello there.
Your words sounds desperate but also show traits of mind confusion and fog that may lead to worst mental health consequences if not dealt with.
I strongly doubt you are sort of Demon tortured by angels, this seems your fantasy out of desperation.
You do not provide many details, if you are Dedicated or not so I'll try to give a reasonable help as I can.
The reason of this is probably is you are very alone. You need to immediately seek for a decent human being to support your existence for a short while, a thereapist of you can afford, or a new job with a good employer, or so.
You need to add a couple of drops of worth to your being. By doing something, in the immediate.

I could tell you "contact your Guardian Demon" in case you are dedicated to ask for guidance, and increase your meditations, but this you probably already know, so I dwell on practical advices only.

Recently many traumatized people came on here talking about deep feelings like yours. You are not alone in heavy suffering. Many of them will read your post.
In many cases, it seems those people - probably you too - experience something deep inside them, like buried emotions, that are arising and coming to the surface.
This may manifest same as an "entity" hunting you. But is no entity; it may often be a part of your own consciousness that is feed by negative image of yourself, in consequence of a trauma you may have suffered early in your life.
So the only solution you have, is better how you view yourself, through actions.

It happened to me. A deep sense of being at the end of my life, completely unworthy and damaged, emerged from my consciousness and it was really like an entity, hunting me during my days. I even reached the point of convincing myself that I was ill and dying spontaneously, without possibility of healing, so I just wanted to give up on life and wait for my death.
Nothing could have been more distant from reality. I though I was "sick" because in me, there was the feeling I was such a defective, bad and damaging person, that I was "sick" for those reasons. Therefore I deserved to die in consequence of my spiritual sickness.
Just an elaborate and smart way to conceive the idea of suicide.

I was totally wrong.

I did not give up on life, and later on - after the very negative transit of Planets was finished - my life improved, I felt like rejuvenated, more drive and energies.
I just survived a deep personal crisis, that brought to betterment of my life.

I cannot read inside you, only the Demons can do this fully. But what I see from my high distance, is this.
So, this may sound as the most obvious advice ever, try to stay strong and do something physical and worthy. Whatever, even feeding squirrels at the park. They will be grateful to you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
