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Workings #76049 should i cancel and start again?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Is it okay to continue if one of my vibrations is off in a regular working, or should I cancel and start again like in a Square working? For example:

BEAR-N-KHAA instead of BEAR (Munka)
Is it okay to continue if one of my vibrations is off in a regular working, or should I cancel and start again like in a Square working? For example:

BEAR-N-KHAA instead of BEAR (Munka)

Minor pronunciation errors are acceptable. Realistically, they can happen.
Also, if you are doing a normal spell and instead of 111 repetitions of a Rune, one day you do 110, there is no need to start over. Small, infrequent mistakes of this kind will realistically happen, they will not ruin your work, don't worry.

If in a Square you get just one repetition wrong even just one day, it ruins all the work, yes, because the numbers inside the square are not placed randomly, but connect with the numerology of the planet in question to connect with it, so instead of doing 36 repetitions you do 37, it is as if you were trying to call someone, but entered just one wrong number when you dial the phone number.

Even if you directly pronounce a completely different mantra (like Raum, instead of, I don't know, Vaum) it is not the same thing. It would be like performing a satanic rosary with URUZ to heal, but at the 88th repetition instead of vibrating uuurrruuuzzz, you vibrate uuuttttaaallll (othal).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
