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Other #76036 Several questions


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello. 1) I might like to become a psychiatrist. But at the same time, this work, in my opinion, is truly hostile, because pills for mental illness destroy the soul... Can I go in that direction or not? 2) Regarding the aura. I've been seeing her lately... Dimmer? Weaker? It was as if she had lost her reach (before, I could imagine her wide, half a meter or even a meter away from the body of the border was. Right now, the border is close to the body). Is that true? 3) Can I purify everything, completely - the aura, the chakras, and the soul - with blue flame? Thank you.
It is fine to be a psychiatrist, they are valid and needed. It would be ideal to have an awake person in the healing profession because this is the only way things are going to change. Medicine is fine and necessary for many people as well, it shouldn't be "demonized".

In truth, many mental illnesses are either normal responses to a shitty life, or are spiritual in nature, and having a spiritually capable workforce in the healing professions would be ideal for this. But a few people do need to be medicated to be stable and get on with their lives. It has to be evaluated case by case.
in reguards to the aura if its of another person you should use caution if they are not open to Father Satan at all because cleaning an unopened persons aura leaves them wide open to even more attacks and can hurt them. if it is your own aura then by all means clean it twice a day and do the AOP twice a day as well and it will stregnthen back to the way you saw it before.
Becareful in the psych field because they still uphold Sigmund Freud and many of us know he really is a coke sniffing jew who devastaed the field. Many people true to Father Satan need to go into this field to turn it around into the healing place it needs to be. For now learn all you can and consult with your GD as you learn. Keep tight to the faith and meditate everyday to help you see the truth so you can help your future patcients.
Good Luck.

Hail Father Satan
in reguards to the aura if its of another person you should use caution if they are not open to Father Satan at all because cleaning an unopened persons aura leaves them wide open to even more attacks and can hurt them. if it is your own aura then by all means clean it twice a day and do the AOP twice a day as well and it will stregnthen back to the way you saw it before.
Becareful in the psych field because they still uphold Sigmund Freud and many of us know he really is a coke sniffing jew who devastaed the field. Many people true to Father Satan need to go into this field to turn it around into the healing place it needs to be. For now learn all you can and consult with your GD as you learn. Keep tight to the faith and meditate everyday to help you see the truth so you can help your future patcients.
Good Luck.

Hail Father Satan

I don't believe cleaning another person's aura necessarily opens them to attack. After cleaning, this helps them avoid damage. It is only if the enemy took interest in them for some reason that they could get attacked, but this can happen with or without the aura cleaning.

I have seen people who are not dedicated try meditations and get attacked soon after, but this is different, as the enemy is trying to discourage them from personally continuing their own spiritual journey.
true Sir but if the person doesn't know someone is cleaning their aura and they are still going to places like churches they will be more open to bad energy and attract more attention in those areas. I said the caution because of the lack of info. As we both know there are many different kinds of energy out there and a clean aura that has no protection around it is a magnet for trouble. which is why i recommended the AOP since that wasn't mentioned either.
Best be safe than sorry.

Hail Father Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
