So 8 months ago i met a SS and i wasn't so sure about islam and he made me a SS to as a feeling. ( Which i will be dedicated later ) So i've met him after i tried to kill myself litteraly after 4 days we met. And i took all of that as a sign and become a SS as i said. But later on in those 10 days after we met and we talked a lot, sometimes my aunt heard me saying ''spell'' or these stuff and then litteraly at 03 May 2024 my dad jumped into my room and taked my phone while i was talking to him and slapped me and he spat in my face and said you are a fucking fagot, homosexsual and stuff like that so he taked my phone and go while i had a panic attack. and then he opened it as i heard from my other family members, he saw everything about me; Me being homosexsual and my private stuff like too many things you can imagine. And then he and my uncle threatened me to k*** me in many ways and its been going on since that day. Everything is sucks now and im not free, i don't have any tecnhological device or anything at all. I don't know what to do and im dedicated since Fourth of July 2024 and i've been sitting and crying since and this thing i wrote is just the plot. The question is i just don't know what to do.
Your situation is realistically bad. But although there is no excuse to see it as "it's not that bad", there are some really good reasons not to despair, to have hope (real and not vain). First of all, you are writing on the forum, this means that you are not cut off from our resources.
Maybe you are extremely hindered, but try to take advantage of even the first two seconds in which you have the opportunity to take some space for yourself and your life to grow in Satanism. As you had 5 seconds to write about your situation, I beg you, as soon as you have even a little time to do it, DEDICATE IT
Secondly, you must not be too sincere and honest with those who hate you for who you are (and not because it is right to hate you because you are homosexual, it is not right, in fact it is just another Islamic mental illness this hateful homophobia).
You can also do something like saying: "you were right, parents, I was a sinner, let's hope Allah forgives me, now I am straight, etc." It is not a problem for Father Satan to pretend such a thing, Satan only wants you to be fine, we all know that Allah does not exist, and Satan is not interested in Allah, but only in the faithfulness on your heart, you can also pray as you want to Allah, stay faithful to Satan in your heart and live your homosexual and personal life in secret from now on, no one deserves to make you feel wrong, because you are not wrong, but you are a child of Satan.
Don't feel discouraged because your situation is very sad. It is, but if we are all here it is because we do not intend to let this very sad situation last. These religions of evil are destined to disappear. They are not eternal condemnations, that is what we are here for.
Concentrate on living as best as possible for now, even if it means acting cunningly. If you are not dedicated and have no way to dedicate yourself on the physical plane (I bet that is your case), it is absolutely fine for you to dedicate yourself on the Astral Plane, in fact it would even be the best solution.
Perhaps pretending to be asleep in the dead of night, visualize the performance of the Dedication Ritual. You can also mentally recite the dedication prayer, you do not need to use your voice, after that do not hesitate to mentally pray to your Guardian Demon to at least help you manage your situation...
Read also here:
3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!
Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.
Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.