I started the Munka wealth karma-destroying work three days ago, and since then, extremely terrifying dreams have started. Every single dream I see is frightening.
During the energy purification works everything that is dormant, even emotions and experiences of past lives, negative karma and more will come out to be destroyed, this could generate chaotic emotions, instability and sometimes even what you are talking about, you must keep in mind that the realm of the dream is the subconscious, the subconscious is the sleeping part that contains everything that is dormant and that is expressed in the mind. However, this is reducible or avoidable, first of all stop giving it so much importance and do not interrupt the work, you should also pay attention to various things:
everything you think or do during the day will influence your dreams, do not use cell phone/tv or anything else before sleeping and stay away from negativity or activities that agitate the mind like bad emotions, if you have sources of electromagnetic waves such as wifi or other turn them off, this also influences the brain waves while you sleep and does not allow it to produce melatonin. follow a healthy diet and take a shower before sleeping, It's simple but it relaxes the nervous system.
Try changing the cardinal position towards which you sleep, in vastu shaastra, the science that studies how the shapes of the environments influence your soul, sleeping towards a certain direction can cause problems for some people such as restless or too vivid dreams, usually this is linked to sleeping with the head towards the north. Try turning your head ideally towards the east (sunrise) or the other positions are still benevolent. Make sure that the room where you sleep is tidy and clean, leave candles and incense lit sonetimes, fire purifies on a subtle level, incense purifies the element of air,
the more time we spend near the fire the purer we become, for this reason in the past fire was everywhere as well as near temples.
Before sleeping try to take a bottle of water, near it vibrate the mantra Aum several times with a number of repetitions as multiples or dividere of 36, then drink it. Water has a memory, the body being composed of water will start to resonate in a similar way to the mantra, Aum indicates the entire universe, and is useful in this case to rebalance your system, it has been noted that after prayer or mantras the water takes on much more geometric and orderly chemical structures