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Ailem dindar devamlı cumaya ve ya normal namaz kılmamı istiyorlar onları kırmak istemiyorum bazen çok zorlarlarsa namaz kılıyor gibi yapıp kafamın içinde mediyasyon yapıyorum bunun dine zararı var mı bir de çevremde hep müslüman hep selamun aleyküm aleyküm selam şekilnde takılıyorum beni aşırı dindar biliyor çevrem baya dindar hatta hoca gibi görüyorlar dini konuları bana danışıyorlar lakin ben artık satanistim ve bunu onlara açıklayamam samimi arkadaşlarıma bile satanistim demek yerine onların dini bilgisi az oldukları için öğretiyi islam adı altında hafiften aşılıyorum böylece gelecekte onları da satanist yapabilirim diye yanlış bir şey mi yapıyorum tavsiyelere açığım tüm her şeyi okicam ayıyeten bana kaynak önerisi yapabilir misiniz sayfadaki yazılar bazen yetersiz geliyor tüm cevapları okuyacağım değerli zamanınızı bana ayırdığınız için teşekkür ederim
[My family is religious and I don't want to offend them, they always want me to go to Friday or to pray normally, sometimes if they push me too hard, I pretend to pray and do meditation in my head, is there any harm to religion, and in my environment, I am always Muslim, I always hang out in the form of selamun aleyküm aleyküm selam, they know me as extremely religious, my environment is very religious, they even see me as a teacher, they consult me on religious issues, but I am now a satanist and I cannot explain this to them. Instead of saying I am a Satanist even to my sincere friends, because they have little religious knowledge, I slightly instill the doctrine under the name of Islam, so that I can make them Satanists in the future, am I doing something wrong, I am open to advice, I will read everything, but can you make me a resource recommendation, the articles on the page are sometimes insufficient, I will read all the answers, thank you for devoting your valuable time to me.]
[My family is religious and I don't want to offend them, they always want me to go to Friday or to pray normally, sometimes if they push me too hard, I pretend to pray and do meditation in my head, is there any harm to religion, and in my environment, I am always Muslim, I always hang out in the form of selamun aleyküm aleyküm selam, they know me as extremely religious, my environment is very religious, they even see me as a teacher, they consult me on religious issues, but I am now a satanist and I cannot explain this to them. Instead of saying I am a Satanist even to my sincere friends, because they have little religious knowledge, I slightly instill the doctrine under the name of Islam, so that I can make them Satanists in the future, am I doing something wrong, I am open to advice, I will read everything, but can you make me a resource recommendation, the articles on the page are sometimes insufficient, I will read all the answers, thank you for devoting your valuable time to me.]