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Meditations #75590 Venus Spiritual Square

This question is related to meditation.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
First off , I am grateful for this community . Without your patience and support, many souls would be lost in loops . I was wondering what are some mundane things you've noticed after completing a non material square for Venus, a spiritual one. Did it serve as a catalyst for noticing art in unexpected places? How do you relate to others in relationships? I was born with Venus in Virgo , 12th house , loose conjunction ascendant and it just feels overwhelming , and intense, been craving putting myself in aesthetically pleasing environments way more than usual so far . My square was first started during Venus in Libra. Ofcourse this can be a placebo effect and only my affirmation manifested. Please share insights and experiences...
The squares can have side effects as you mentioned, because you are increasing the energy of the planet in your soul.

Every time I've done a spiritual Venus square, people randomly bought me clothes or gave me gift cards for clothing stores.
The squares can have side effects as you mentioned, because you are increasing the energy of the planet in your soul.

Every time I've done a spiritual Venus square, people randomly bought me clothes or gave me gift cards for clothing stores.

Greetings! Sorry for the disturbance, may I ask please... Is it possible to deduce from this testimony of yours that it is useful to make planetary squares for spiritual purposes, but still obtaining material effects?

For example, if my goal was to have many nice clothes, instead of making a specific material Venus Square, can I directly use the Spiritual Square by vibrating the mantra in my entire soul and affirming that the energetic aspect of Venus is strengthened, so that perhaps I receive side effects of beauty or similar things in addition to simply strengthening part of my soul? Thank you! :)
Greetings! Sorry for the disturbance, may I ask please... Is it possible to deduce from this testimony of yours that it is useful to make planetary squares for spiritual purposes, but still obtaining material effects?

For example, if my goal was to have many nice clothes, instead of making a specific material Venus Square, can I directly use the Spiritual Square by vibrating the mantra in my entire soul and affirming that the energetic aspect of Venus is strengthened, so that perhaps I receive side effects of beauty or similar things in addition to simply strengthening part of my soul? Thank you! :)
You can try that, but you might only get some clothes.

I don't think men should focus so much on becoming more beautiful. You should focus on real goals, unless you're planning on becoming a trophy husband to a rich woman. Men don't need to be beautiful, nor should they care so much about being beautiful. If you have really bad skin, then you can do the Venus square to improve your skin, but that's about it.

Men these days have so many clothes and shoes, yet complain of being single. Whereas my father had only basic clothes and 2 pairs of shoes (one daily wear, one pair of hiking boots) and had a wife by the time he was 20, never divorced.

Something to think about.
Venus is not just clothes, but overall luxury and wellness in material matters, and as a man, I would like to utilize it for empowering a natal Venus. Also, being a trophy husband would not hurt, but that's not my goal.
I don't think men should focus so much on becoming more beautiful. Men don't need to be beautiful, nor should they care so much about being beautiful.
Is it bad for men to be more on the feminine side or for men to like feminine things?
Is it bad for men to be more on the feminine side or for men to like feminine things?

Men's expression of aesthetic beauty in Leo and Libra is wedded to power, art, command, communication and rulership. Exhibiting beauty without utilizing power is just being like an ornament with little substance, like Tiktok boys or puppets in boybands are. That's okay for a certain stage of existence but they are not necessarily generating anything as men. Much of this deals with Azazel in symbolism.

Kings, aristocrats and musicians exhibit beauty (some would call this peacocking) as an extension of their power and maybe as a form of visual manifestation. Yes, this can attract women as a huge bonus, but it's never the only reason. Some men who are beautiful playboys or loverboys accentuate beauty to have specific power over women or whoever else they want to be with, which is fair enough, but this is not serious power and can obviously backfire.

Other men choose athletics, fighting or sports (fire signs) to exhibit beauty which is manifested in their body or the networks of their peers (fire for air).

You don't have to be physically beautiful or artistic to be beautiful in the masculine sense, this is not for every man either. Individualism and war (Aries, Libra is the sign of the adversary too), so can violence (used properly), eloquence and mediation can make men beautiful (all Aries/Libra concerns), so does wisdom, along with humor, fair judgement and advancement (Sagittarius) as in the case of Socrates, so can philanthropy, advocating for the masses and genius (Aquarius). Communication, being a near presence and using the mind (Gemini) can as well.

Leadership, wealth, showing off and passion (Leo) also work.

Being good 'in' the feminine realms can bring this beauty out but these areas will always be more challenging and are designed to be difficult realms for men. Being a 'motherly' man is almost oxymoronic so there are other areas of Cancer that men invest into. Thanks to Saturn, Capricorn is an 'easier' sign for men to key into (just as Libra is for women) but its nature is still fundamentally feminine: success and gravity are always slipping through men's fingers on a knife edge whereas they are more familiar subjects for women in daily life.

Likewise many women adopt a Libran alter-ego every day clad in heels to go to work, communicate with everyone and be the mediator because Venus lends itself to the concerns of women well, but this is very hard for many. It's still a masculine sign.
Is it bad for men to be more on the feminine side or for men to like feminine things?
JG Karnonnos gave an excellent reply.

To add, it's not bad, but a man should not lose touch with masculinity in favor of his feminine side. Same with women who are masculine by nature. To favor the other side will result in imbalance and feeling at ill ease with oneself, feeling disconnected with one's own gender. That being said, for utmost clarity, it's fine for some men to be more feminine and for some women to be more masculine.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
