Why do you want him to win? Trump family is the first first-family in the history of the US to have a jew in the family at the White House, officially at least. Donald Trump's daughter ''converted'' to marry a jew, Donald's son-in-law and advisor.
Jews love to infiltrate powerful and rich families and destroy bloodlines.
I don't like the property part and don't know about the person who said this in detail ''There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party... and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. They are slightly different in their rhetoric but not in their fundamental purpose. They are opposed by the mass, who have little real choice or voice in the direction of the nation. Both are preoccupied with maintaining the current system and both are opposed to any real reform.'' but if you accept that there is only one party in the US and they have to pit people against each other, radicalize them, fill them with fear and hate, waste their energy that could be used to do anything that actually matters, it will make so much more sense.
You should have no expectations from any of the candidates. None of them are on our side, ''us'' here being Spiritual Satanists.