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666? For new people

One Wire Phenomenon

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
i wanted to post this in the tread Hp Cobra made for the new people but i cannot find it so im just pasting it here.

I find it relevant because christians believe the end times are here, the bible predicted it and that makes the bible true and the word of God.

-By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
JoS ministry has been writing articles and sermons regarding the Jewish controlled
Big Brother technology that is designed to completely enslave and destroy humanity
along with the rest of the world. Innocent animals are also targeted. High Priest
Hooded Cobra forwarded some YouTube videos to me concerning this Big Brother
technology and when I was viewing these videos, others appeared in the suggestion
box that were prolific in blaming this sort of thing on Satan. Of course this is from the
Jewish Book of Lies- the “Holy Bible.”
For those of you who are active in spiritual warfare, it is very important to set people
straight on this. As I already wrote in another sermon, the verses in the bible are NOT
predictions, but in most cases, subliminals. This transfers over into the mass mind and
from there it is imbedded and then manifests into reality.
By posting this link:
http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... hcraft.htm
It has enough information on it with links to wake thinking people up. It is their own
bible and so-called “God” that are responsible for this lethal technology that is
designed to enslave the entire world.
The sad fact is nearly all Christians are either of very average or below average
intelligence. In all of my entire life, I have never met an intelligent Christian, and of
the intelligent people I knew, most were either agnostics or atheists.
All of the “Holy Bible” is nothing but subliminals that have been infused with occult
power. These have been forcibly pushed upon the masses and have embed them in the
mass mind. One mind or a few do not have the power of millions. In addition to this,
as most of you are already aware, these subliminals are further enforced with Jewish
living blood child sacrifice and reinforced with the Christian mass/service and of
course the Jewish torah readings. I would also like to add here regarding the false
assumptions on behalf of most Gentiles, the Jews not only acknowledge the New
Testament and the four gospels, but they also read these along with their weekly
readings on the torah. Here is proof. The link below is titled:
"Weekly Portions from the Torah, the Prophets, and the Gospels"
http://ffoz.org/downloads/files/Torah%2 ... 776_v3.pdf
As for that foul Nazarene, it is obvious they do acknowledge that damned thing.
The entire blueprint for communism and Jewish seizure and control of the world is in
the bible. I know I have stated this before. For centuries and centuries, the Jew has
kept humanity so involved in work that there has been little time for any serious
education of the masses. This comes with the verses in Genesis, the Adam and Eve
crap. Knowledge is cursed, knowledge is forbidden, and both Adam and Eve are
severely punished and damned for having learned too much. Satan is knowledge; the
serpent of Satan brings spiritual advancement and enlightenment and is also damned
and condemned. Always remember… a lie or a swindle can never be successful
unless the victim/s is unknowing and LACKS the necessary knowledge!
Another tactic the Jews have used ad nauseum, but most have not caught onto is the
scapegoat. Satan has been their scapegoat, where they are forever using him as a
distraction and heaping the blame upon him and our Pagan Gods for every ugly thing
they do to ensure their guilty so-called “God” YHVH comes upon clean and
blameless, no different from that professional victim, that Nazarene. They have also
done this extensively with Adolf Hitler. He has taken the blame for everything, all the
while it is the Jews who are behind the system of genocide and the mass murder past
the one hundred million mark of innocent people in slave labor death camps.
Always bear in mind, Big Brother psychology always blames the victim. This is no
different from how they have viciously abused the justice system. That asshole of a
“god” of theirs is never blamed any more than that foul Nazarene. Of course, the
deluded xian always gives thanks and praise and of course credit to that slime when
things go their way. I have heard total idiots, not to mention assholes over the years
who readily blame people who are down on their luck for their own problems and of
course this bleeds over into that New Age Shit. For those of us who are free, we can
make choices and take certain actions, but rarely can we control the outcome. For
people who are not free, they are unable to even make their own choices in most
cases, let alone control the outcome.
I also want to add here how xians who prey upon teens especially will tell the
unknowing teen that he/she is having problems or is not happy because he/she does
not believe in that xian filth as the xian does. This is another lie they use to push that
virus of the mind and soul upon others. The xian does not face reality. The xian is
way too weak and only uses this lie to ensnare more unsuspecting youth; adults as
The Jewish Big Brother system purposely keeps the masses [working class]
overworked and distracted, while repeating the lie that utopia can be achieved, along
with equality for everyone. By keeping the masses involved in work and in a lot of
cases, this can be as many as having three different jobs to make ends meet, this keeps
the masses down. Few have the time to do any serious studying and never become
fully aware of their Jewish oppressors. This is one way the Jews maintain their power.
Most people are aware something is seriously wrong, but don’t have the time or the
energy to really find out what it is.
As for the upper-middle and upper classes, most have been indoctrinated in the
universities. The universities are totally infested Jews: Jewish professors, Jewish
administration, Jewish student domination, etc. Many years ago, when one wanted to
learn a certain trade, one was an apprentice. Then, there are trade schools, but for the
majority, these days, a college degree is essential if one even hopes to secure a decent
job and make enough money to survive. Most of what they teach you at the
universities is not essential to life in the real world and day-to-day living. When I
went to university, I can remember the incessant communist indoctrination in the
social science classes and of course this was pushed in the student newspaper, run by
Education is very essential and there is a lot of value in learning at a university and in
getting a degree, but the Jews have taken control of these institutions of higher learning and have turned them into indoctrination centers. Again, few people stop to
think and reflect on what they are learning [nearly all textbooks are authored by
Jews]. The Jewish authors tell the truth on certain things, then they imbed their lies.
The average person is taught to “trust” and to “have faith” and sadly does not
question, but takes it all in as fact. This is the gateway into getting ahead in this world
in the material sense.
Children’s cartoons have also been geared to imbed a sense of futility in young minds
along with toleration for injustice. Many years ago, I remember back in the early
1970’s I would come home from school and turn on the TV. Back in those days, there
were no DVDs, digital, etc. There were four channels [by turning a knob] and you
either watched what was on or watched nothing. The afterschool line-up of cartoons
had the same themes- Road Runner- futility, The Flintstones [Jewish Hanna Barbara]
with the endless Jewish Brooklyn accents for the characters, along with extreme
violence – Tom & Jerry, etc. For several hours each day, most kids would sit in front
of the Jew tube, and unknowingly have futility, injustice and other ugly Jewish filth
imbedded in their minds.
Many of you are familiar with the new politically correct words and ways of saying
things. If this garbage keeps up, a few years from now, if the Jewish Big Brother gets
total control [and the sad things is, there are only a few key areas they need to where
there will no longer be any hope], certain words will be dropped. In order for one to
think, one must know enough words. When certain words that are a threat to Jewish
Big Brother are systematically eliminated, and the populace that remembers these
words, mass murdered, the future generation will no longer even be able to have the
This is what they do. “Year Zero.” Disposable human beings… slaves. The thought
police then become a most ugly reality. This is no different from how they have used
their invention and tool of Christianity. People are enforced to believe that asshole
Nazarene, those filthy human-hating angels and that foul spirit and god of their
always knows what one is thinking, is all-powerful, is omnipresent and so forth. Yet
these parasites need incessant praise and worship and of course, one’s psychic energy
in order to thrive.
It is in the interests of Jewish Big Brother that the working classes are kept down and
stay down. This is where the numbers are at. Even with the small amount of people
online who participate in signing petitions and in putting pressure on Jewish programs
such as industrial farming, toxins in our foods and many other things, we have seen
positive reforms and progress in some cases [which the Jews hate], as it puts a crimp
in their business as usual and profits. The masses are supposed to be kept working,
occupied, distracted and above all, ignorant.
Thank Satan [literally], the internet has changed that.
The most important thing we can do as Warriors for Satan is to educate as many
people as possible to the truth. Never bother with one on ones. Reach as many people
as possible. The larger the groups, the better.
Many years ago, when I was new to Satanism, there was a Demon who said
something to me regarding “Not to ever forget us” meaning humanity. This I took in
the way of encouraging members to name their music bands after certain Demons,
write songs, and for artists to draw or paint pictures of our Gods. I haven’t had the
time, but I am very aware that each and every one of the Demons of the Goetia was
once a very important and popular Pagan God or Goddess. Their names have been
corrupted and their identities have been altered and with the coming of the Jewish Big
Brother program of Christianity, they have been hideously blasphemed, labeled as
“evil” and denigrated.
This is a prime example of what happens when knowledge has been systematically
destroyed and when truth has been replaced with lies. Throughout the centuries, our
priests and peoples have been mass-murdered to make the way for the Lie of Christ.
This is no different form the Jewish program of communism. Hopefully, when I have
some time, I will update the section on the JoS of the “Goetia” and correct the true
identities of our Gods. Many are Greek, Egyptian, and European, from the Far East
and other areas of the world.
If the Jew succeeds in implanting the populace, and this can even be done
unknowingly against one’s will [the microchip now is as tiny as a period on this
webpage], there will no longer be any hope and we will all be doomed. Lilith told me
that in order to stop this, we must reach as many people as possible and educate them
in regards to the truth.
Most of this technology is coming out of Israel, where they do the most heinous
experiments on monkeys and other animals that they implant these chips into, along
with other things.
Reference for the above: the book “Big Brother” by Mark Dice
Satan = Natural
The Enemy = Artificial
2045: A New Era for Humanity
Note how the Jew on this video is using the background music from the blasphemous
movie against Satan, “The Exorcist.” This is another subliminal message blaming
Satan for this crap!
Jew Ray Kurzweil has plans for humanity —
This “immortality” is false, like drugs.
The link below is from a movie trailer, but it is very realistic and unfortunately,
humanity is headed in that direction unless this is stopped:
It is a sad fact that in sports, there is a long history of cheating by doping and using
drugs. I have long been a fan of women’s artistic gymnastics and have watched this
beautiful sport for over 30 years. I strongly suspect there is an athlete with one of
those implants now. Just not normal.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Great post with much information thank you for posting it again :idea:
NewEra said:
Great post with much information thank you for posting it again :idea:

Thank you for saying thank you haha :)
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NewEra said:
Great post with much information thank you for posting it again :idea:

Thank you for saying thank you haha :)
You should take that bullshit out of your signature.
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NewEra said:
Great post with much information thank you for posting it again :idea:

Thank you for saying thank you haha :)
You should take that bullshit out of your signature.

You are always on my case for the right reasons.

i had a moment ok its not like its enemy propaganda,it was just 2 songs one of them was country and the other had a nice beat to it with sexy women that made me get the moment.
Haha but i appreciate you always bursting my balloon because yes it was a dumb thing to put in my signature haha sorry
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NewEra said:
Great post with much information thank you for posting it again :idea:

Thank you for saying thank you haha :)
You should take that bullshit out of your signature.

Youre a Natzi dictator you :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
