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40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]


Active member
Dec 24, 2006
40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Thank you cobra!! wow such work and effort you put [/IMG]</var>
  Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 6:18 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

  40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.


Hey I appriciate the kindness! Hope everyone does benefit from it.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Just wondering, do you have to do it all at one time? and when you vibrate the runes and names are you doing the affrirmations with them or do you vibrate them first then do the affirmations? I've always been confused on this, and thanks for sharing this.
Hail Satan
Hail Thoth

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

   Thank you @hoodedcobra666 it is through the efforts of brothers like you (and a lot more though there are too many to mention)and some others like brian blackkat,strengththroughsatan(and not to forget our sisters)lydia ,kittyhawk shannon and others that people like us (who hardly have any knowledge )learn through your answers and advice.You can count me in to do this. One Q???On 3rd of June is day 14 one day before full moon .Can i start your 4th working.It is a Sunday.On 6th June the moon is waning (wednesday)moon is in Capricon (it enters Aquarius on thursday 7th june.)

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:38 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

  Hey I appriciate the kindness! Hope everyone does benefit from it.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Greetings hoodedcobra. I just wanted to say thank you for starting up this group ritual. And its funny because a few days ago I was thinking about doing my first magickal working to improve my finances but was really sure about how to do it and then I look on here and you posted this. Simply amazing.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifuge Rofocale & all the Gods of Hell!
Death to the RHP, may their temples crumble and burn!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Thanks a lot bro you'v really done well for bringing this up, that is a good move. HAIL FATHER SATAN HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL

------Original message------
From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, May 28, 2012 10:18:33 PM GMT-0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth" Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Great post!

Thanx for taking the time to bring this to everyone attention!

You added some awesome bits of info that's really important..

Hail Father Satan!!! Sent via my BlackBerryFrom: "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 22:18:33 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [HellsArmy666] 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]
  40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.


just want to say thanks for posting this on here, its definitely something i will be refering to each day.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Thank you for this I will do this in addition to the sun and Jupiter square might as well start today I will read over it but I am doing this
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "saahirah_belladonna" <ewarner63@... wrote:

just want to say thanks for posting this on here, its definitely something i will be refering to each day.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

I printed this out and read over it I am impressed is moon in Scorpio a good time to start it I was thinking that cause it is the most intense sign. I don't fully understand the part about the planets or does it not matter that much when I start it.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

Thank you for this I will do this in addition to the sun and Jupiter square might as well start today I will read over it but I am doing this
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "saahirah_belladonna" <ewarner63@ wrote:

just want to say thanks for posting this on here, its definitely something i will be refering to each day.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Thank you so much HoodedCobra for this day working- group ritual.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Thanks a lot to everyone who read into it, Satan wants you all to have a better life. Do Him a favor and use your powers, because its Him the Thanks should go to.

HAIL SATAN 666!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

Thank you for this I will do this in addition to the sun and Jupiter square might as well start today I will read over it but I am doing this
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "saahirah_belladonna" <ewarner63@ wrote:

just want to say thanks for posting this on here, its definitely something i will be refering to each day.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Very sorry did not post on this yet hoodedcobra but wanted to say that your time and effort that you put into this really shows, and you should be truely proud of yourself.

Great Job

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Strength I am truly thankful, for anyone who gave their time into this and will devote time to do what is said. It will work. I have read books, done reasearch [Satanically speaking always] and I have devoted time to find out through personal experiance what is more powerful, in meditation.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Very sorry did not post on this yet hoodedcobra but wanted to say that your time and effort that you put into this really shows, and you should be truely proud of yourself.

Great Job

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

thanks for so[/IMG]</var>
From: C Y <yc28@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:37 PM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

Thank you so much HoodedCobra for this day working- group ritual.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:
40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of
the post.
Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like
"money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.
To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind
and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health. The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.
To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and
personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an
affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.
3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu
inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely
from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.
3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could
be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.
2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said  in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of
Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.
x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much
ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.
1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep
going with the same affirmation for 40 days.
3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said  in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you
should refrain till both are over.

Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.


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if i can break that bond of jew story in me, then am free, i was imprison to that.

Nothing is too bad ruling the night on the road with a powerful machine, getting all the energy i need to survive with my immortality.

Original message
hoodedcobra666 hoodedcobra666@...
To [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, May 28, 2012 10:18:33 PM GMT-0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your
economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only
got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.
To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so
bad now." In other words, don'
money meditation

On Tue, May 29, 2012 9:23 AM EDT Elisabeth Ike wrote:

Thanks a lot bro you'v really done well for bringing this up, that is a good move. HAIL FATHER SATAN HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL

------Original message------
From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, May 28, 2012 10:18:33 PM GMT-0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your
economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only
got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so
bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth" Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

THANK A lot. I'd sincerely like to get in touch with satanic members from India. Have started saying my chants. Regards. Cedric  
money meditation

On Tue, May 29, 2012 9:23 AM EDT Elisabeth Ike wrote:

Thanks a lot bro you'v really done well for bringing this up, that is a good move. HAIL FATHER SATAN HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL

------Original message------
From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, May 28, 2012 10:18:33 PM GMT-0000
Subject: [HellsArmy666] 40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

40 Day Working - Group Ritual [PART 1]

I am writting the first part of the Gentile Wealth ritual, which as I said is kind of some advice to follow for 40 days and some simple spiritual practices to advanced that can be done to pave the path for the other 3 parts. The result will more than likely be mindblowing in the end and its always worth a try. I will pretty much sum up whats in the JoS and make 4 plans that you can follow, depending on your time and skill, to increase your income and have a better attitude towards money become wealthier in general. All sources of this knowledge are from the JoS, not my own, I just made the effort to sum it up for those who haven't done it.

For Magick to succeed you need the mental, spiritual and physical part to be realized.

**For the 40 day Working(s), skip to the -----**Spiritual part.
***For Planetary notes, skip at the bottom of the post.

Mental Part:

For the next 40 days, make no negative statement concerning money. Nothing. Your mouth is the temple to your subconscious. What you say your mind obeys to. If anyone talks negative stuff about money, ignore it and move on or even reply if you can with something like "What you say is false. There is money for the richest person,me!" Now this could sound fun [and you say such statement through the veil of humor since most people will lash out on you, lol], but subconscious doesn't know the notion of anecdote. It will just do as you say, even in humorous way. People talk about their own life, which is made up by their own effort, which is just the effort of sitting down to your fate and letting it abuse you. Try to avoid people who keep down themselves. Money is needed and without it there is no survival, its a little war for it and given we have the weaponry we have to win. Keep away thoughts like "money belongs to the jews" or anything. Whatever your
economical position, try not to over-think about it. Your soul can attract anything you desire, if it has enough power to do so and the subconscious is without blocks. You can very well become a millionaire or whatever. Like anything else in life it will take time and effort. much effort, but people that are richer than you don't have anything else but rather a very powerful solar plexus chakra and a subconscious that is programmed to attract money. Keep 'luck' out of the equation as there is no luck, luck doesn't exist and is a stupid term so is karma. A programmed soul towards something can achieve what it sets, a Satanic one. Most probably the mind being programmed against wealth will lash out in the first days [for some people] and will try to keep you back with ANY stupid thought. Ignore all of this. Teach your mind to listen to you, not the other way around. If you look back at your life you will notice that by hearing stupidity and fear you only
got sad, depressed and lost battles. Rather show it compassion. Be rude with your mind because compossition to a disobedient mind will lead from negativity to crap and back to negativity all over again.

To Sum it up: Keep away all negative thoughts concerning wealth. Others have programmed us to not have wealth so they can enjoy it themselves, the jews. As any other part of warfare you have to be a ruthless warrior here too. They were poor assholes who had no country and through stolen knowledge they now run the world. They aren't anything else but scams. This is war and we will win.

Physical part:

This is quite simple. You go out. Most probably especially people who like physical goods want much stuff. Fullfill your needs. You see a drink you want to have, you can have it, have it. As you drink it, know that this was brought to you by your mind and soul. Even having food shows a minor degree of power in the soul. I just try to pass you the general idea. You see clothes, just say to yourself Ill be back to buy this, this is mine. Never say you won't have it. Being poor is because most people spend money on stupid needs like weed, cigarettes and the rest. These damage your body and show to your body, that through money the body is hurt. If you can understand what I mean, well thats nice. In other words, you buy something that makes you sick like a food. You eat it and you may like it, but later the tummy hurts. In the long, unreasonable chain of your subconscious, its perceived like : "I spent money for this food and look what happened, I feel so
bad now." In other words, don't spend money against yourself, like drugs and things that wear down your body. Your mind to ensure its survival can in very crazy ways defend itself, like managing to get you broke to maintain its health The subconscious mind is very-very chaotic thats why its important to get it to work for you, rather than its own. The above is the most tragic of instances and may have happened to 1 in a million, but I just said it to give you an explanation about how important the physical is. For instance you wear your favorite clothes. Know that your mind brought it. You eat a very nice food. Know that your mind brought it.

To Sum up : Fullfill your body and SHOW it that this is a result of your subconscious minds obedience to YOU. Do positive things for it and make it feel good. Link it with how money helped you feel better and that by attaining more wealth, it will feel even better.

_____________**Spiritual Part:

I have made 4 plans for people depending on their time.

*[Affirmations can be customized, but keep the same one for 40 days.]
*[The results will depend on your effort and personal power. Anything adds up and will improve the situation.]

----Plan 1 Basic/Begginer-----
For whom?: For those who haven't got much time on their hands but want to do something to improve their situation. 40 days.

Estimated time 5-8 minutes.

What's included: Affirmation and Runic Vibrations.

What to expect: Uprising in money, probably minor but will add up over the 40 days.

Runes Ansuz (8 times) and the Rune Fehu OR Sol.

2.The number of ANSUZ is 4 and it specializes in getting down bindings.

-Vibrate Ansuz x8 times and fill yourself with blue energy. If you can, imagine the rune in the center of the solar plexus chakra. At the end of this, use an affirmation like this: "In a positive way for me I am completely and eternally free from any hangups and obstacles concerning money and wealth" Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3A.The number of SOL is 16 and is solar energy. The Sun rules wealth and Gold is the color of wealth. The solar plexus governs wealth, thus by empowering it you attract more wealth.

Vibrate Sol for 16 times and fill your chakra with whitegold energy. Affirm something like: "The energies of the rune sol are permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra and it attracts all wealth I desire for me to keep and spend as I wish!" Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3B. If you already meditate on your chakras, you can try FEHU. The number is 1. So you can do it for 8 times. Vibrate Fehu inside your solar plexus chakra and affirm something like: "The positive energies of the rune Fehu empower my solar plexus chakra eternally. I positively attract all the wealth I desire for me to spend as I want." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.


-----Plan 2 Empowered/Intermediate------
For whom?: For those who have like 10 minutes daily and want increased and faster results. 40 days.

What's included: Affirmations and 2 Mantras.

Estimated time: 10-12 minutes.

What to expect: Increasement of money you get, nice and fast results if you want a nice improvement. Overtime it all adds up and you will be most likely pleased.

1. Find the affirmation you want to be using for 40 days straight. If you want economic security, attract money or whatever. The affirmation will be kept and used for 40 days straight. It should be direct to the purpose and emphasizing on permanent and positive outcome. "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

Before you go to bed, Affirm the affirmation 40 times. Constantly keep affirming it on this trance towards sleep, in this case, "I am permanently attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is mine to keep and spend as I desire."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. This can be recited 54 times, which is half of the 108 original. When you're done, affirm 9 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Mantra SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA [best done at hours/days of sun], money mantra from JoS pdf: Pronounced SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH. This can be too recited 54 times as above. The affirmation here is different and has to do with wealth/money, something like: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself.
This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose in a positive way for me." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

As you have noticed, in one hand we use obstacle destruction and re-programming at the other, we do our working. This is of the nicest ways to do such things.

x54 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

-----Plan 3 Serious/Advanced------
For whom?: For those who have like to ingrain their souls powerfully and want fast and powerful results.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

What's included: Affirmations, Mantra, God Name.

What to expect: Tremendous results. You will notice very powerful changes that will most likely be quick. The amount of energy raised through 40 days will be enough to make life changes.

1. Affirmation. Decide what you want to direct and make sure its in present tense, permanent and emphasizes positivity.
Every night before you go to bed [in a trance], you will affirm it for 40 times. You ought do the same when you wake up. Could be: "I am permanently and constantly attracting large amounts of money in a positive way for me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I desire." This could be shortened out, yet the above is a good one.

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

x40 Affirmation day and night. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]

----PLAN 4 Very Serious/ Very Advanced----
For whom?: For those who want to really get powerful and constant results and have time and effort to devote that will get them a powerful and big outcome.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

What's included: Affirmation, God Names, Runes.

What to expect: Very powerful change that *WILL* be felt and will be very fast. Due to such an empowered chakra you will probably be so much ahead of other people. Changes especially after the 40 day completation will be totally big.

1. POWER Affirmation. Choose and Affirmation. You will be doing the same for 40 days. 40 times when you wake up, 40 times when you go to bed. In between when you have free time, get in a trance and again 40 times. The different thing with this affirmation is that you will draw energy from the sun before EVERY affirmation. Before you start, affrim: "I am inhaling pure whitegold energy from the sun. This energy is constantly and permanently empowering my solar plexus chakra."

2. Mantra MUNKA [best done at hours of Mercury], meaning free: Pronounced MMMMM-UUUUUUUUU-NNNNNNN-YAAH-KAH. 108 times. Affirm for 40 times an affirmation like: "I am free permanently and completely from all hangups and obstacles concerning wealth and money in a positive way for me." Affirmations after vibration must be done 9 times as 9 is endings. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

3. Vibrate "AUM RAH" into your solar plexus chakra 100 Times [best done at hours/days of sun]. Egyptian God Amon RA rules the solar plexus chakra and is the God of wealth and riches, as said in the JoS PDF about money. I just changed the number and from 50 I wrote 100. Affirmation could be like: " The energies of Amon Ra make my solar plexus powerful eternally. I attain riches and money in large qualities for me to spend as I desire." Affirmations must be done 8 times as 8 is permanence. Keep going with the same affirmation for 40 days.

4. Runic, Sowilo/Sol for 80 times, focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra. Programm the energy to permanently empower the energies of your Solar plexus chakra, affirming the above 8 times.

5. Inhaling 150 breaths of whitegold energy into your solar plexus, programming it as with Sol.

x40 POWER Affirmation day and night and whenever you have time. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x108 Munka/ Freedom from obstacles. [SAME AFFIRMATION AS YOU STARTED]
x80 Sol as a mini meditation on the solar plexus.


***Planetary notes:

The 'freeing' [Munka, Ansus, Affirmation for freedom of obstacles] part of the Working should better start at the Day and Hour of Mercury, when the Moon is prefferably in AQUARIUS and is WANING.

The money part of the Working [Solar plexus empowerement, God names, Runes for solar, Money affirmations] should better start in SUNDAY, HOURS OF SUN. When the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Saggitarius. Best is Taurus, WAXING Moon.

Check your own planets. If you're into any bad transits or the moon is void, you should refrain till both are over.


Thats all there's to it, knowledge from the JoS, added up so you can start using it. Satan *WILL* reward your persistency and your action to do your will. The POWERS OF ORION WILL BE WITH YOU IN THIS, UNDOUBTLY. WITH SATAN'S EVERY ACHIEVEMENT IS POSSIBLE, JUST BY DEVOTING TIME AND RUTHLESS EFFORT.

I hope we will all benefit from this. Grab one you can work with and feels right, as ALL will provide results. Don't get something huge and then leave it. Take something that you will last doing for 40 days without interrupting a single one. A basic plan for 40 days is more powerful than a Very Advanced of 20 days. Completation is important.

Hi, I wish to enroll myself in bells army,AM from how,India. Hail Satan. Regards. Cedric
On 30 Aug 2014 15:56, "edwardtgao8@... [HellsArmy666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  First, thanks for sacrificing a lot of your personal time into creating group ritual instead of just using your experience of life and meditation to do it for yourself. It shows attitude to people.I guess not only I have such a question as far as usually it is not recommended to do 2 rituals, and a lot of people are now doing jew-curse which is posted here: Finishing off the Jewish Tyranny. [Small Working] : JoS Astrology are these 2 rituals ok to be combined or must we choose one and do it?   

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
