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2020 election recap: Trump has no one to blame but himself, why he lost white voters


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2020

The 2020 U.S. presidential election has been a disaster of biblical proportions, an embarrassment even by the standards of a third world country, and although we can’t pronounce with certainty what exactly transpired state by state, it seems obvious to me and most other red-pilled Americans that the fix was in — i.e., that when the Democrats realized the legitimate vote count was going to easily deliver Donald Trump a second term in office, they suddenly stopped the vote counting and then miraculously delivered all the swing states and even certain red ones to Joe Biden. To describe what happened as criminally suspicious is an understatement. The entire process reeks of wholesale corruption and incompetence, and while millions of Americans are understandably outraged by it, to me it’s no worse than the sham that was Donald Trump’s first term in office and the lackluster campaign he put up for re-election. If this most recent election was indeed stolen from him, Trump has no one to blame but himself for having completely betrayed his base of red-blooded, working-class Americans who put him in the White House in 2016. Instead of draining the swamp, Trump got washed by it. That’s his legacy. — Dissident Millennial


Forgotten Again

By Pedro Gonzalez | November 13, 2020

NEGLECTED BY REPUBLICANS and Democrats alike, vilified by the culture, and preyed upon by globalization, white working-class voters in 2016 cast their lot with the one candidate in a generation who remembered them, and thus became Donald Trump’s base—a constellation of blue, white, and pink collar laborers. This spark ignited what was supposed to be a revolution in party politics and carried Trump into the White House.

The truth about white “dysfunctional, downscale communities,” Kevin Williamson informed us in a March 2016 National Review article, “is that they deserve to die.” A year into Donald Trump’s presidency, an unrepentant Bill Kristol quipped that the “lazy” white working class should be replaced with immigrants. The mask was off what had been the prevailing attitude among establishment conservatives and Republicans until Trump.

And so it was that the cultural, political, and economic depredations these Americans suffered formed the chord of grievance Trump struck to resounding success. . .

But something changed not long after Trump assumed control of the White House. In the aftermath of the 2020 runoff against Joe Biden, conservative pundits and Republicans appear relieved that Trump’s support among the white working class has slipped. . .

“The decided view internally was that white working class men lacked an alternative,” a senior White House official told American Greatness. “There was no need to develop policy that would improve the social or economic conditions in America’s industrial communities. They voted for Trump once, they’d do it again,” this official said of the campaign’s thinking. “From late 2017 foward, the goal was to make the Republican Party the vehicle for blacks and Latinos. They wanted to build off of white working class men and discard them, not build an electoral coalition around them.”

The white working-class “is the ‘forgotten man’ demographic,” A Republican close to the campaign told American Greatness. “The focus on left-wing identity politics has already robbed these people of a home in the Democratic Party, but now also the GOP,” the source reported, referring to the campaign’s pandering. “In the final critical week, instead of holding events focusing on mobilizing cops, miners, steel workers, the campaign focused on PRIDE events in blue-collar areas under Richard Grenell and Jared Kushner, which actually alienates many of these people.”

The contradictions between how Trump won and how he governed and campaigned suggests perhaps the campaign did actually adopt this cynical strategy.

By 2017, the economic populism that attracted working-class whites gave way to a tax cuts plan formulated by Gary Cohn. . .

The promise of law and order that appealed to these voters gave way to criminal justice reform. White House advisors Brooke Rollins, Ja’Ron Smith, and Jared Kushner, spurred along by lobbying efforts of Charles Koch and George Soros, pushed the First Step Act as the crown jewel of 2018, surpassing infrastructure investment as a priority. That bill ultimately released thousands of dangerous criminals.

When rioting erupted across the country over the summer, that same trio urged Trump to sit on his hands. They said that stopping the riots would make him look racist in the eyes of an unproductive criminal class. . .

Trump’s immigration agenda was regularly undermined. Chad Wolf, formerly a paid immigration lobbyist, became acting Secretary of Homeland Security. From his perch, Wolf pushed for bringing in more visa workers up to and even during the pandemic’s early days. . .

Thus, talk of eliminating birthright citizenship fell silent to amnesty proposals because the former was said to risk alienating Latinos. Then came the “American Dream Plan,” the equivalent of a Platinum Plan for Latinos, the architect of which was Jenny Korn. An alumnus of the Bush public liaison office, Korn argues contra Trump that the GOP must soften its “harsh tone on immigration” to attract more Latinos.

Thus an administration created by tapping into the legitimate hopes and fears of America’s disaffected white middle class ended up excluding them from programs tailored to securing the “American Dream.” . . .

Warning signs emerged in the lead up to the election. An array of polls pointed to a troubling trend: Trump’s white support was slipping. Moreover, decreased support among whites for Black Lives Matter after months of rioting did not translate into increased support for Trump, as his advisors had cynically hoped. . .

Trump ultimately underperformed with whites relative to 2016. As a result, he either legitimately lost the election or put himself within striking distance of the margin of fraud because Biden cut into Trump’s white base in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. . .

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Cmon man ,even the White Nationalists at the National Vanguard are falling for this hoax.

This article is totally irrelevant to what actually happened. The votes were flipped from Republican to Democrat in key counties using Election Hacking Dominion systems. This happened because of the way the US Government works. The Republican states decertified these election systems but the Democrats had them installed.

Donald Trump didn't lose the White Vote. Infact Donald Trump got MORE white votes than before. He certainly won and a criminal Jewish conspiracy is trying to overthrow him so that they can formally start implementing the Great Reset.


Donald Trump is the most loved and appreciated President in latest antiquity even with near total censorship and media control by the jews. And this isn't even debatable. 81% of the people believe that the election was a HOAX. The man cannot be totally perfect. You cannot have an Adolf Hitler in the US, imperfection will exist everywhere.

But he did more for America than any president in recent history with the sanctions against China and the building of the border and stricter immigration laws.
For me the election fraud isn’t about Trump as a man. It’s about how the (((Deep state))) showed that they don’t care at all about the will of the people want and blatantly steal it from them while everyone is watching and deny the didn’t do it.

Trump is indeed popular among normal people and on every street I see a few houses with a sign or flag in their yard. But I would never put one out because I don’t feel he represents me. I don’t live vicariously through a politician. The only man that actually had power and fought for us in recent years is now a demon.

He has stopped the NWO more than someone like Biden, but at the same time he gives billions of dollars to “operation warp speed” to get a vaccine into general public as fast as possible, all because this dickhead thinks it will help with his approval rating and public image without even realizing a vaccine isn’t what most of his base or even the majority of Americans want.

And not only that but he BRAGS about it and says look at me! I’m getting the injection of kosher DNA rewriting brain poison to you faster than the Democrats, they don’t want you to have this vaccine people, believe me, I have the best vaccines.

He also brags about the Lockdown back in March when its politically beneficial for him to do so. “They told me millions were going to die, so I instated a national emergency and shut everything down destroying your livelihood over a fake illness, you should thank me for putting you on house arrest.”

Unless him and his team do something MAJOR before January I’m dumping Trump completely. We’ve been told for years that indictments are coming indictments are coming indictments are coming. Where TF are they then? This fake tough guy spent years cooning for dark voters instead of getting anything done at all for his white base. He also knew very well that there was going to be election fraud but chose to do nothing months beforehand to stop it. Such an embarrassment. NV has it very right when it comes to this.
I think it’s odd how this covid happened on his election year and the enemy has made it known how deeply they actuali control the USA hence all the forces against him the enlightened can see this but those who are still blinded by programs etc cannot see through the bullshit
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
For me the election fraud isn’t about Trump as a man. It’s about how the (((Deep state))) showed that they don’t care at all about the will of the people want and blatantly steal it from them while everyone is watching and deny the didn’t do it.

Trump is indeed popular among normal people and on every street I see a few houses with a sign or flag in their yard. But I would never put one out because I don’t feel he represents me. I don’t live vicariously through a politician. The only man that actually had power and fought for us in recent years is now a demon.

He has stopped the NWO more than someone like Biden, but at the same time he gives billions of dollars to “operation warp speed” to get a vaccine into general public as fast as possible, all because this dickhead thinks it will help with his approval rating and public image without even realizing a vaccine isn’t what most of his base or even the majority of Americans want.

And not only that but he BRAGS about it and says look at me! I’m getting the injection of kosher DNA rewriting brain poison to you faster than the Democrats, they don’t want you to have this vaccine people, believe me, I have the best vaccines.

He also brags about the Lockdown back in March when its politically beneficial for him to do so. “They told me millions were going to die, so I instated a national emergency and shut everything down destroying your livelihood over a fake illness, you should thank me for putting you on house arrest.”

Unless him and his team do something MAJOR before January I’m dumping Trump completely. We’ve been told for years that indictments are coming indictments are coming indictments are coming. Where TF are they then? This fake tough guy spent years cooning for dark voters instead of getting anything done at all for his white base. He also knew very well that there was going to be election fraud but chose to do nothing months beforehand to stop it. Such an embarrassment. NV has it very right when it comes to this.
By the principle of being the president of a Democracy, you should already know that Donald Trump can't possibly correct all the problems he talks about. This is not because he doesn't want to do it.

Outside observers only look at the results but they don't have the capacity to measure what's actually going on inside. And this is also the way democracy is set up. At every step of building the Wall,Donald Trump was cockblocked by Judges and it took a lot of time to get the circuit court to overturn the decisions .

Also you have a totally corrupt Deep state that primarily owes allegiance to the jews. Remember the Jewish deep state agents assassinated JFK when he tried to Nationalize the private bank.

If they had this kind of power and control at that time, imagine how powerful they are now. They have total control over everything.

Inspite of this, Trump is risking his and his families life for the nation and against the Globalists. You just can't do a lot of things you promise to do. Its simply not possible. These people are extremely well protected and they'll somehow get out of the courts. That's the way it is ,which Is reality.

The path forward is American Nationalism, plain and simple free of religious connotations and strict immigration and monetary policies.

However with the Global reset plan, basically democracy has been permanently cancelled. Now there is no constitutional way forward.

Now the path forward is to secede the Nationalist states and to secure most of the military and the military equipment so that you could fight against the liberals and leftists if they refuse to let the nationalists secede. Most of the Generals should be Nationalists who will support the cause if they are convinced of a Globalist threat. You can't continue to exist with these people.

With the Covid lockdown now comes the climax of our cause.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
It's extremely pathetic to see a supposed "SS" buying into bullshit lies like these. Trump has been by far the best president since a long time, and has done a lot of things right. Supposed "loss of support" from white voters is nothing but another sham by the enemy. Failing to see this is very embarassing to say the least. Trump didn't get the most votes of ANY sitting president just due to non-whites alone. Without a doubt even the white voters have increased for him in comparison to 2016.

Comically enough, trying to say Trump "lost voters" because of a "lackluster campaign". What campaign did Biden do? He didnt even manage to fill a parking lot for his speech. That clown didnt even say any campaign promises or what he was planning with America should he become president. Nobody in their right mind would vote for him, and that's the reality. Subtract the dominion help with his votes as well as the fake ballots, and you have at most 50 million NPC drones who actually voted for him.
Jack said:
Now the path forward is to secede the Nationalist states and to secure most of the military and the military equipment so that you could fight against the liberals and leftists if they refuse to let the nationalists secede. Most of the Generals should be Nationalists who will support the cause if they are convinced of a Globalist threat. You can't continue to exist with these people.

With the Covid lockdown now comes the climax of our cause.

I agree the experiment of a United states has failed miserably. The only path forward is breaking off and starting a new country.
Shael said:
It's extremely pathetic to see a supposed "SS" buying into bullshit lies like these.

It’s pathetic to see SS try to built a cult around this reality TV star

Shael said:
Trump has been by far the best president since a long time, and has done a lot of things right. Supposed "loss of support" from white voters is nothing but another sham by the enemy. Failing to see this is very embarassing to say the least. Trump didn't get the most votes of ANY sitting president just due to non-whites alone. Without a doubt even the white voters have increased for him in comparison to 2016.
IF you get rid of the fraud than you may have more votes but he certainly lost some people that he got in 2016

Shael said:
Comically enough, trying to say Trump "lost voters" because of a "lackluster campaign". What campaign did Biden do? He didnt even manage to fill a parking lot for his speech. That clown didnt even say any campaign promises or what he was planning with America should he become president. Nobody in their right mind would vote for him, and that's the reality. Subtract the dominion help with his votes as well as the fake ballots, and you have at most 50 million NPC drones who actually voted for him.

I don’t think his campaign is entirely why he lost, but again he spent years shilling for non-white voters without doing anything for his base which can be considered a bad campaign.

No one likes Biden at all. I saw a poll saying 58% of people that voted for him were actually voting against Trump. What is Biden’s plan? Nobody knows.
I myself didn't like the pandering to non whites. If some of me own are too stupid to think for themselves and giving the rest of us a bad name then why get them on the patriotic side? They'll just turn it into something weird. The simple reaching out is fine since some people are just naive and need to know where to look to know the truth but some things were just too much like how Trump is putting more money into the black community when it's already been proven for decades that the pumping more money into the black community doesn't help it. What they need and other non white urban youth is a radical cultural change.

Besides that in Trump's defense he did bring a lot of manufacturing back to America which many whites took the jobs of. He had ICE raids in industrial farms that were taken up by mostly whites and some blacks once the plants had their illegals taken away. He did ban critical race theory and defended whites here and there and didn't let let people convince him white privilege is a thing. Going as far as mocking a journalist for suggesting Trump had white privevlege to thank for his success and Trump laughing at him and saying that journalist drank the kool aid. Lol

If he did lose some of the white vote, which others here have mentioned is probably a lie and could very possibly be with all the evidence of fraud and improprieties, it was most likely just the white upper class liberals. The same weirdo ones that look at my people (but not even the successful ones but the criminals and low lifes) as gods but at the same time patronizing us and saying we NEED their help to get ahead. So if true or not he lost some white votes I highly doubt it was relevant to his success as president. Trump isn't 100% in touch with the working class or maybe even the average white man but compared to many politicians today and recent past he seems more than good enough for now. He's no Hitler or some cringe "god emperor" the xian cult call him but he's more than alright in my opinion.

All in all whether he wins at the end or not what matters is what's going to happen with this split of nationalists and commies/socialists. I wouldn't be opposed to America breaking off as there seems no going back since the Left is deeply brainwashed in the way Yuri Bezmenov mentioned as in once people are too brainwashed all the concrete evidence in the world to disprove them wouldn't matter one bit to them.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Shael said:
It's extremely pathetic to see a supposed "SS" buying into bullshit lies like these.

It’s pathetic to see SS try to built a cult around this reality TV star

Shael said:
Trump has been by far the best president since a long time, and has done a lot of things right. Supposed "loss of support" from white voters is nothing but another sham by the enemy. Failing to see this is very embarassing to say the least. Trump didn't get the most votes of ANY sitting president just due to non-whites alone. Without a doubt even the white voters have increased for him in comparison to 2016.
IF you get rid of the fraud than you may have more votes but he certainly lost some people that he got in 2016

Shael said:
Comically enough, trying to say Trump "lost voters" because of a "lackluster campaign". What campaign did Biden do? He didnt even manage to fill a parking lot for his speech. That clown didnt even say any campaign promises or what he was planning with America should he become president. Nobody in their right mind would vote for him, and that's the reality. Subtract the dominion help with his votes as well as the fake ballots, and you have at most 50 million NPC drones who actually voted for him.

I don’t think his campaign is entirely why he lost, but again he spent years shilling for non-white voters without doing anything for his base which can be considered a bad campaign.

No one likes Biden at all. I saw a poll saying 58% of people that voted for him were actually voting against Trump. What is Biden’s plan? Nobody knows.
Just to point out the misinformation, this is false.


Even Liberals voted for him. More whites than ever before voted for him and most certainly he does represent whites.

The people at National Vanguard and Renegade Tribune have achieved absolutely no physical wins in their entire lives. They just bitch about everything without appropriating and commiting to a cause. These are total and absolute losers who write articles and criticize everyone without realizing that just writing articles won't do anything. You have to appropriate a nationalist cause and then infuse it with white nationalist views. That is the only way white nationalism can prosper.

These people instead alienate the entire population of whites by criticizing trump in every way .

Has anyone asked these people what their strategy is ? What are they going to do in real life strategy to enhance the ideas of white nationalism ? How will they de-stigmatize these ideas to NORMAL whites ? Donald Trump de-stigmatized the idea of anti-immigrationism in only 4 years and immigration is record lows (not many people know this).

Nazism was a personality cult of Adolf Hitler. I don't remember which person but he gave a speech in the parliament declaring "HITLER IS DEUTSCHLAND". Personality cults are the only way you can counter the MSM and Trump has done this in 4 years.

In 4 years Donald Trump has turned the entire white population against the enemy of the people,the MSM. Almost 81% of the population believe the election was a HOAX. There is now,no hold barred hatred against the media. Donald Trumps correct actions are the manifestations of our Rtrs and he has de-stigmatized the ideas we wanted in the popular discourse and he has created the unfathomable rift between the nationalist cause and the globalist cause. Everyone can see the enemy now. And everyone is ready to fight and die for their country. All because Donald Trump spearheaded the Nationalist course.

The COVID hoax was perpetrated because of the popularity of populism spearheaded by Donald Trump.

In these im[portant times only shills and stupid self deprecating people would be against Donald Trump. What do you think will happen if Trump loses ? Joe Biden will give citizenship to millions of immigrants which will ensure another nationalist will never enter the white house. If they rigged this election they will do the same thing again and again. The Globalists will keep you in inteminnent lockdowns and turn the US into a dystopian wasteland. Everything hangs in balance with Donald Trump.

As Donald Trump said ,"They are not coming for me. They are coming for YOU." Donald Trump must have fanatical support in these troubled times so that if they somehow manage to elect the walking zombie ,a CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE movement can start which can morph into a modern seccesionist movement.

These people need to discern correct actions and wrong actions with opportunism. Donald Trump is the only opportunity to spearhead the nationalist cause. With him or without him, the only way forward is through him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
