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1st & 29th degree on Natal Chart

The Jackal

Apr 14, 2019
These degrees are supposed to indicate beginnings and endings, so is there any meaning when they are positioned this way on natal chart?

Let say for example these 2 cases:
-You have a guy with Venus at 29 degree Scorpio on his natal
-You have girl that has Sun in 1st degree Aquarius on her natal

Does above have any significance like with planets that are connected to fixed stars like Spica?
Yes, very important significance. However, it's 0 degree, not 1, that is the beginning.

0 degree shows the purest expression of the energy of planet.

29 shows mastery over the energy of the planet.

An example: one notable musician has Venus and Mars both at 0 degrees (different signs). This person had much talent for music, but was also a sex addict with no inhibitions about it, even having sex in public, frequented brothels, etc, even though Venus was in Capricorn, which is usually more reserved.
I have one planet at 29 degrees also my North node isn't quite on the 0 degree mark but it's very near 0 degrees aries. I don't know if it counts if it's only a couple minutes off.
Oh yea right lol.

Every since I read that beginnings are 0-1 degree I automatically think that also includes 1st degree for some reason. xD

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
