Greetings and Hail. So I read up on the 13th Zodiac Sign a while ago and got some informations about its position between Scorpio and Saggitarius, and the unique lenght of 19 days in which the sun is positioned in the Snake constelation. I liked the idea of hidden sign dedicated to Father, but wasn't really sure should I start using the information in practical everyday things and calculations, for then still being new to deeper aspects of astrology. Down the line I found about Vedic astrology and continued studying. Currently I am prepairing for the Solar Meditation the 4th from the Kitab Al-Azif and this 13th came back to my mind today and started gnawing on me so I wanted to clarify this with comrades. I went back to check the dates of previous meditations with this 13th inclusion and the dates are a bit off from the dates that would be in this scenario. I am sure that previous meditations were successful but if this is the case then I would assume that would implicate a bit weaker results as a result, ( might not ) but hopefully together some conclusions can be drawn. To summarize it in question format for easier answering.
Should we consider the 13th sign as the truth both in everyday practice and when calculating dates for meditations from the book of dead names?
Do we use the 13th inclusion in the vedic horoscope and how to go about calculating and forming readings based on that (exp. let say ones planet or planets is or are in the 13th house or 13th zodiac sign?
This one might be better for separate thread but I think it would reveal and give much insight to all who made it this far through this lenghty post. If you have done the meditations what would you say were the effects you felt after opening each gate?
Really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these questions
Should we consider the 13th sign as the truth both in everyday practice and when calculating dates for meditations from the book of dead names?
Do we use the 13th inclusion in the vedic horoscope and how to go about calculating and forming readings based on that (exp. let say ones planet or planets is or are in the 13th house or 13th zodiac sign?
This one might be better for separate thread but I think it would reveal and give much insight to all who made it this far through this lenghty post. If you have done the meditations what would you say were the effects you felt after opening each gate?
Really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these questions