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13th Zodiac Sign


New member
Oct 11, 2017
Greetings and Hail. So I read up on the 13th Zodiac Sign a while ago and got some informations about its position between Scorpio and Saggitarius, and the unique lenght of 19 days in which the sun is positioned in the Snake constelation. I liked the idea of hidden sign dedicated to Father, but wasn't really sure should I start using the information in practical everyday things and calculations, for then still being new to deeper aspects of astrology. Down the line I found about Vedic astrology and continued studying. Currently I am prepairing for the Solar Meditation the 4th from the Kitab Al-Azif and this 13th came back to my mind today and started gnawing on me so I wanted to clarify this with comrades. I went back to check the dates of previous meditations with this 13th inclusion and the dates are a bit off from the dates that would be in this scenario. I am sure that previous meditations were successful but if this is the case then I would assume that would implicate a bit weaker results as a result, ( might not ) but hopefully together some conclusions can be drawn. To summarize it in question format for easier answering.

Should we consider the 13th sign as the truth both in everyday practice and when calculating dates for meditations from the book of dead names?

Do we use the 13th inclusion in the vedic horoscope and how to go about calculating and forming readings based on that (exp. let say ones planet or planets is or are in the 13th house or 13th zodiac sign?

This one might be better for separate thread but I think it would reveal and give much insight to all who made it this far through this lenghty post. If you have done the meditations what would you say were the effects you felt after opening each gate?

Really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these questions :D
Here is what Lydia said in regarding the 13th zodiac sign in the old forums,

Lydia said:
There are people who think that if Ophiuchus is integrated into our "zodiac sun sign wheel" that their natal charts will change. Your natal chart is a map of your soul, as unique to you as your fingerprint. Anyone who is adept as astrology and who knows themselves (these are 2 different things), knows that astrology (as taught by JoS / HPS Maxine / Azazel and other Gods) is 666% accurate.

Most people just don't understand themselves, they don't know who they truly are. This is due to a lifetime of being conditioned to go against our nature. Boys strongly discouraged to never fight, use their polite words and never their fists. Girls are taught that they must behave like the boys and play softball, and not with dolls. Parents expect their children to be miniature replicas of them, and not have their own unique personalities develop. We are bombarded with everything telling us to be someone we are not. Express your individuality, but only if it agrees with the mainstream teachings!

So if your “Sun sign” is now in Ophiuchus, you are not going to magically become an Ophiuchus person. Your personality is not going to suddenly change. You are who you are, your natal chart ruler(s) and the sign(s) it is in is who you are. You are a blend of your Ascendant sign, and all the signs your planets are in, to one extent or another based on if they are your rulers or not, and if you have a conjunction or stellium or just a singleton in the sign.

These astronomers and new-age astrologers are trying to smush Ophiuchus into poor Scorpio. It’s just the novelty of it that makes people excited about it. Look at the personality traits they are assigning to it: secretive, seekers of knowledge, will fight to the end for what they believe in, focused, ambitious… sounds a lot like Scorpio, doesn’t it? All of the other signs are vastly different than each sign next to it, so why is Ophiuchus pretty much exactly like Scorpio then?

I’m not saying Ophiuchus isn’t real. I’m just pointing out that it does not factor in to natal charts. The traditional 12 zodiac signs are along, or near, the path of the Sun, but Ophiuchus is too far away to factor in. Even with the Earth’s axis tilting. Look at a map of the path of the Sun and you will see it. Part of it (the man’s right foot) juts between Scorpio and Sagittarius but the bulk of it is up near Hercules, Aquila, and Serpens. Should people with their Sun near the end of Taurus / beginning of Gemini call themselves Orions because the club juts up between those constellations? After all, they tried in the 70’s to make Cetus a zodiac sign, and Orion’s club is closer to the Sun’s path than the head of Cetus is.

And if anyone argues that Ophiuchus at least touches the path of the Sun, unlike Orion, well then, I have a surprise for you! All you people who consider yourselves Aries, are not actually Aries at all because the path of the Sun doesn’t really hit any of the main stars in the Aries constellation! Boy, were you “Aries” people mistaken! I guess this means you are actually Pisces, as that’s the last constellation the Sun passed. Yeah... anyone who is an Aries, knows that they most certainly are not a Pisces.

The individuals responsible for this whole mess of putting Ophiuchus into the zodiac wheel, are astronomers. And it’s a well-known fact that astronomers hate astrology and consider it all bunk.


Ophiuchus is a constellation of stars. What Lydia is saying basically is that there are constellations that do not have a sign, and that is all fine. There are more then 12 constellations of stars. Tropical zodiac is based on the seasons not the constellations. Sidereal zodiac isn't based on the constellations either, since they also use the equal length 12 "signs" anyway. Basically both cut the sky in 12 equal parts and work with that. It's just the method of finding the first cut (start of Aries) that differs. The system we use is functional and gives accurate results when used properly. You can't just jam in additional signs. Also the degrees matter. So of course someone with placements in late Scorpio will not be exactly the same as someone with early degrees.
Thank you very much for very revealing insights and informations. Hope more people get to see them and learn from them too.
I'm not an expert in astrology, but I'm sure the 13th constellation is the one that unites all 12 constellations within themselves. .Ether that unites all 4 elements in the work.
The bearer of the snake who represents Father Satan. Everything begins with the sun, but Venus is the key to everything. This is what I think by carefully analyzing the writings of HP Don. I think that union comes with Venus to form the 13th sign. The sun is Venus's esoteric governor. The star of the morning before the sunlight. And Venus governs the heart. Hence the heart is the key of the soul that is represented by Ankh. If I'm wrong someone correct me... Thank you... Bro and Sis...!!!
Rocky90-Oceano said:
I'm not an expert in astrology, but I'm sure the 13th constellation is the one that unites all 12 constellations within themselves. .Ether that unites all 4 elements in the work.
The bearer of the snake who represents Father Satan. Everything begins with the sun, but Venus is the key to everything. This is what I think by carefully analyzing the writings of HP Don. I think that union comes with Venus to form the 13th sign. The sun is Venus's esoteric governor. The star of the morning before the sunlight. And Venus governs the heart. Hence the heart is the key of the soul that is represented by Ankh. If I'm wrong someone correct me... Thank you... Bro and Sis...!!!

Venus rules the Throat Chakra, not the Heart...
Rocky90-Oceano said:
I'm not an expert in astrology, but I'm sure the 13th constellation is the one that unites all 12 constellations within themselves. .Ether that unites all 4 elements in the work.
The bearer of the snake who represents Father Satan. Everything begins with the sun, but Venus is the key to everything. This is what I think by carefully analyzing the writings of HP Don. I think that union comes with Venus to form the 13th sign. The sun is Venus's esoteric governor. The star of the morning before the sunlight. And Venus governs the heart. Hence the heart is the key of the soul that is represented by Ankh. If I'm wrong someone correct me... Thank you... Bro and Sis...!!!

The heart chakra is ruled by Mercury...
Stormblood said:
Rocky90-Oceano said:
I'm not an expert in astrology, but I'm sure the 13th constellation is the one that unites all 12 constellations within themselves. .Ether that unites all 4 elements in the work.
The bearer of the snake who represents Father Satan. Everything begins with the sun, but Venus is the key to everything. This is what I think by carefully analyzing the writings of HP Don. I think that union comes with Venus to form the 13th sign. The sun is Venus's esoteric governor. The star of the morning before the sunlight. And Venus governs the heart. Hence the heart is the key of the soul that is represented by Ankh. If I'm wrong someone correct me... Thank you... Bro and Sis...!!!

The heart chakra is ruled by Mercury...
Anche tu adesso... Il cuore è di Venere...
Malpirgi Zodinu said:
Venus rules the Throat Chakra, not the Heart...
Stormblood said:
The heart chakra is ruled by Mercury...

Well this is quite the revelation,
For the longest time i had known the throat-C to be ruled by Mercury, and the heart-C to be ruled by Venus.

I assume this because i looked at it from an astrological point of view, as the colors and such all matched up.

Rocky90-Oceano said:
Anche tu adesso... Il cuore è di Venere...

I did look this up myself to be sure, and it would seem that Stormblood and Malpirgi are correct.

As the chakras page do say that Venus = throat, Mercury = heart.

There's still a discrepancy on AA however,
as it stills says that Mercury rules the throat, i assume this is why i believed it to be the other way around.

But i think this comment from the old fourms cleared it up, unfortunately there's no working Wayback or google cache link, so i had to take a screen cap
Rook said:
Malpirgi Zodinu said:
Venus rules the Throat Chakra, not the Heart...
Stormblood said:
The heart chakra is ruled by Mercury...

Well this is quite the revelation,
For the longest time i had known the throat-C to be ruled by Mercury, and the heart-C to be ruled by Venus.

I assume this because i looked at it from an astrological point of view, as the colors and such all matched up.

Rocky90-Oceano said:
Anche tu adesso... Il cuore è di Venere...

I did look this up myself to be sure, and it would seem that Stormblood and Malpirgi are correct.

As the chakras page do say that Venus = throat, Mercury = heart.

There's still a discrepancy on AA however,
as it stills says that Mercury rules the throat, i assume this is why i believed it to be the other way around.

But i think this comment from the old fourms cleared it up, unfortunately there's no working Wayback or google cache link, so i had to take a screen cap

I had the same revelation a while back. Not all the JOS info has been updated. If you look at the pages for the Heart chakra and Venus chakra meditations, it clearly states that the Heart Chakra is ruled by Mercury and the Throat chakra is ruled by Venus.

The pages for the Planetary squares haven't been updated. It can be a small issue for new members, and is a question that does come up here and there...
a while ago maxine (i think it was maxine) posted on the old forum something about the elixir of life and she said that because many new age people concentrate on the heart chakra so much do not get the elixir of life but of death which produces the metallic taste in the mouth which comes from the mercury element of the heart chakra and she said if this ever happens then it gets dangerous... but the good taste should be fruity if one meditates good, but i think this is only for the people who are meditating for a while now and have experience, i dont think such things can happen to a newbie...but good that i remember ^^ so yeah, heart is mercury, venus is throat
Lydia said:
Regarding the throat/heart Venus/Mercury debate... I'm starting to think that both rule both. Some experiments I've conducted make this theory plausible.


I don't want to divulge any personal astrological information, but let's just say that considering my Mercury and Venus placements, and the way I express myself/communicate, they do seem to be intertwined. This could be that one usually speaks with emotion, or emotes through speech. Other than robots, of course ;)

May I ask what kind of experiments you conducted? I'm curious. I'm guessing it had to do with Wednesday and Friday, and trying out both possibilities...
You have to keep in mind that JOS is a code to decode. The more you advance and the more knowledge Father Satan gives us. JOS is all ... start for beginners and for advanced infinity... Anything on JOS is not by accident...I got involved in a Chakra drawing on JOS and I wondered why the chakras were designed in that way a bit different. And then that design made me understand many things..
Lydia said:
Regarding the throat/heart Venus/Mercury debate... I'm starting to think that both rule both. Some experiments I've conducted make this theory plausible.

This was confirmed by HP Don...
Lydia said:
Regarding the throat/heart Venus/Mercury debate... I'm starting to think that both rule both. Some experiments I've conducted make this theory plausible.


Can you share your experiments i'm curious,

I'll tell you my part on the debate,
It's only now i realize that the 2 were switched and it makes sense, somewhat, from my astrological perspective.

Considering that i have a rather strong Mercurian influence, which maybe be even stronger than my chart ruler, well assuming since my chart ruler Mars is intercepted in Virgo(which means that it's ruled by Mercury?), and Mercury had also been a co-ruler prior to me discovering interceptions since it's in the 1st house, knowing this i'm inclined to believe that Mercury is possible the strongest planet, in my natal chart.

This did have an effect on my chakras as I've noticed, i never had a problem feeling my heart chakra and when empowered it would pain, a burning one at that, and from what I've read such pain would indicate that the chakra above, ie the throat chakra, has a blockage
i had always expected my throat chakra to be rather strong(due to Mercurian influence) but i found it odd that it had a blockage and my heart chakra was quite strong.

Besides that i do not think that both rule both, perhaps your experiments may elucidate,
although it may be true if you consider that there was a ticklish feeling in my throat, prior to any empowerment done to it, which seems contradictory to pain in my heart indicative of a blockage.
Lydia said:
Regarding the throat/heart Venus/Mercury debate... I'm starting to think that both rule both. Some experiments I've conducted make this theory plausible.

I want to add another thing: from what I'm noticing the Meru mountain (spine, Big Don teachings)
and Venus stick to each other. I think that here it is born the Cross with the four arms of the same length. I also think too that Ankh is starting to rise from here. The key to the soul.
AncientShadow666 said:
a while ago maxine (i think it was maxine) posted on the old forum something about the elixir of life and she said that because many new age people concentrate on the heart chakra so much do not get the elixir of life but of death which produces the metallic taste in the mouth which comes from the mercury element of the heart chakra and she said if this ever happens then it gets dangerous... but the good taste should be fruity if one meditates good, but i think this is only for the people who are meditating for a while now and have experience, i dont think such things can happen to a newbie...but good that i remember ^^ so yeah, heart is mercury, venus is throat
The Elixir of Life and the Cup of Death
Post Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:14 am
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Posts: 790

The New Age programs with the focus on the heart chakra and the hexagram will eventually result in disaster for those who believe the lies and meditate that way. The reason being, the love bombing tactics that weaken one's own common sense and logical and reasoning abilities that the Christian and related programs use to lower defenses and suck victims in, are focused on the heart chakra, which the enemy uses viciously. Now, I've already gone into how the heart chakra is neuter, but what victims are led to believe is another matter.

The power and focus should always be on the 666 solar/3rd chakra. In explaining why, one can see the common sense here.

The 666 chakra is at the navel, just slightly above, but ties directly into the navel. The navel is where the embryo first receives life and nourishment from the umbilical cord attached to the mother. This is where we were all first given life.

The 666 chakra is the most important chakra. We have our power there, we heal with it and much more. The 666 chakra also has its counterpart in the 6th chakra and the pineal gland. This is the basis and foundation for the Magnum Opus.

In advancing with meditations the correct way, one will often at some point experience a sweet, minty taste in one's mouth, especially following meditation. This lingers and is noticeable throughout the day, but becomes much stronger following meditation.

This is from the pineal gland and is the Nectar of Immortality. If you experience this, know you are meditating correctly.

Now, there is the "Cup of Poison." This results from those who are without following New Age meditations that focus on the heart chakra. Many report the metallic taste in the mouth. Hindus know about this "poison" and warn against swallowing it and advise to spit it out.

In the 1989 movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" a fictional account of this was the basis of the movie. Of course, Jewish Hollywood had Indiana Jones battling the Nazis; the Nazis also searching for the Grail.

Because the enemy could not completely destroy all spiritual knowledge, they corrupted much of it. Those who follow their programs will pay.

Our personal Demons are our Gurus. Demons are here for spiritual knowledge and to guide us.

In closing, I will be making ALL of the JoS sermons, webpages, Exposing Christianity, The Black Sun, etc, into audio for free download on Satan's Library. I will announce this when they are available.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I think that the body and soul must be prepared for the mercury of Venus, which can be poisonous if it is not ready. Perhaps this target of the enemy. Let one be poisoned alone. That is why I think that HP Maxine wanted to first strengthen one's body and soul for spiritual advancement. As Big Don has repeated many times mercury plays a key role...

Thank you to all...!!!
Malpirgi Zodinu said:
May I ask what kind of experiments you conducted? I'm curious. I'm guessing it had to do with Wednesday and Friday, and trying out both possibilities...

Nope. something having to do with something during a retro Merc, which should not have affected my throat unless Merc partially rules throat.

Other SS have suggested the same thing. Keep in mind that parts of the soul are interconnected.
Lydia said:
Malpirgi Zodinu said:
May I ask what kind of experiments you conducted? I'm curious. I'm guessing it had to do with Wednesday and Friday, and trying out both possibilities...

Nope. something having to do with something during a retro Merc, which should not have affected my throat unless Merc partially rules throat.

Other SS have suggested the same thing. Keep in mind that parts of the soul are interconnected.

Yes, I know. I realized after my post that really, all the chakras are intertwined...
Malpirgi Zodinu said:
Lydia said:
Malpirgi Zodinu said:
May I ask what kind of experiments you conducted? I'm curious. I'm guessing it had to do with Wednesday and Friday, and trying out both possibilities...

Nope. something having to do with something during a retro Merc, which should not have affected my throat unless Merc partially rules throat.

Other SS have suggested the same thing. Keep in mind that parts of the soul are interconnected.

Yes, I know. I realized after my post that really, all the chakras are intertwined...

Oh, and retro Merc, that's the lingo of a real Astro Girl...


Yes, that's Astro Boy, but I stand by my joke. ;)
Lydia said:
Malpirgi Zodinu said:
May I ask what kind of experiments you conducted? I'm curious. I'm guessing it had to do with Wednesday and Friday, and trying out both possibilities...

Nope. something having to do with something during a retro Merc, which should not have affected my throat unless Merc partially rules throat.

Other SS have suggested the same thing. Keep in mind that parts of the soul are interconnected.

It's weird, though. The throat is ruled by Venus astrologically. If I'm not mistaken, it was already like this before the chakra switch. But yes, I concur that everything is intertwined.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
