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13, 4 and 666


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I remember reading some years ago on the old forum that the number 666 aside of its relation to the Solar Plexus chakra of life, has semblance in the fact that the element of Carbon (which makes Diamonds- Solar Plexus chakra rules Diamonds) has a subatomic value of 6 and 12.11 and has 6 protons, neutrons and electrons. The 666 thus exists in one of the most predominant elements on earth aside of hydrogen, oxygen, argon etc. etc.

The number 4 which also is spoken about but also has pages on the Joy of Satan relates to the structure of DNA which is comprised of the 4 chemical bases adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine which bind in pairs and keep genetic structure intact through generations. The number 4 is of the heart chakra and this relates to exactly how these molecules connect to the chakra system and the polarity of masculine and feminine binding together, reflected in its more detailed manifestation in the human genome. This would also explain why it has been suggested that our relationships affect our DNA as the chakra which reflects the DNA's numeric code is the chakra of relations and where we connect with others.

1 + 3 equals 4 which means the number 13 should relate with 4 above in some way, but it also must have some other understanding (I'm not just saying this because "13th" wolf lol) as in that the number 4 is DNA and the number 666 is Carbon which are numbers of Satan and connected to those are physical things which are observed in the physical sciences of elements and chemicals. If 13, the other number of Satan follows this similarly, it should have some physical construct observable in science like some kind of compound etc. If anyone knows what it could be, share your insights here, but it would appear to be some sort of union number like 666 as well and not as blatant as DNA which is obvious in that it has just 4 chemicals.
6+6+6 is 18... + 13 is 31 which adds up to 4 again, and is 13 inverse which is one way how 666 is connected to 13. 18 and 13 are important ages in the human cycle of development too. The age of 31 is also the first Saturn return.

In other terms concerning the chakras, the "1" chakra is the Root chakra and the "3" chakra is the Solar Plexus 666 chakra. The Root chakra of Saturn (which Saturn is also 6) and the Solar chakra of the Sun when combined in understanding may symbolise the "Kingmaker" that the Clergy compared between Saturn and the Sun in that Saturn acts to root the Ego, the Sun into Cardinal reality to keep it from illusion and fall. The king who knows his people as opposed to the kings of France in the 1700's for example, lol. Saturn's number, the number of the 6th sign of Virgo the mutable and detailed Earth sign, when made x3 score is 666. Saturn is hard work. Virgo comes just after Leo which is the Sun's sign and is to do with the state of "attaining perfection", criticism, and is of the same lexis as the Solar 666 chakra+ Pineal 6th chakra. Virgo's criticism is based on values which are determined by the honour felt in the Soul, the Sun's chakra itself, but as an earth sign, the 6th sign, it is bound by the constraints of Saturn in seeing this. Virgo also opposes Pisces which is the 12th sign, the dreamy sign, ambition and 1+2 yet again adds to 3 which is the number of the Solar Plexus the 3 6's. The number 5 for Leo being the 5th sign is also at play when understanding the Solar Plexus' machination, but I haven't gone into that here.

My inclination is that 13 is to do with the "Kingmaker" concept, regardless of whatever physical scientific feature it is associated with. I only just realised it is the first of Satan's numbers given on the page, I remember seeing that page ages ago and 666 was the first number followed by 4 then 13 but it must have changed.

The thing with Carbon being blackened but still of the Sun, may also relate to this lesser and "Virgo" Saturnian state of the 666 chakra which when perfected, forms diamonds, Golden things of worth which shine. Carbon which is black and the inverse of light may also relate to the Black Sun and the process of Plutonian types of transformation in some way, "attaining perfection" into the diamond state of being. Saturn is to do with pressure. One way I sort of see it is 6 on either side of 666 is like 2 numbers of pressure converging on both sides of the lone number of pressure, its pushed against two walls of Saturn's Virgo number and the result is the Sun's number in light of Pisces- 3 the 3rd chakra, the three 6's chakra: 666. Diamonds are formed by pressure. I remember someone saying that diamonds had a form which mathematically conveys 666 whereas Carbon only sums it up on the unseen level, the subatomic level. When we think of how the 6th chakra is the Pineal gland, it makes more sense in light of the numerologies of 666. The 6th chakra is of the sign of Cancer which is of the Moon, but opposes Capricorn which IS of Saturn. But 6 isn't the Moon's number? Perhaps the lone 6 in the middle of the other 2 is the Moon, and Saturn converges on either side, Material reality...

of which the completed 666 has power over. Hence the saying "only when our backs are pressed/pressured against the wall". Transformation only happens with pressure.

I realised I screwed up the order of the numbers on this title lol. It was meant to be 13, 666 and 4 in the order which is on Satan's page.

13th_Wolf said:
My inclination is that 13 is to do with the "Kingmaker" concept, regardless of whatever physical scientific feature it is associated with. I only just realised it is the first of Satan's numbers given on the page, I remember seeing that page ages ago and 666 was the first number followed by 4 then 13 but it must have changed.

Not all that I wrote here seems to be worth reading some of its a bit confusing. I just appear to be going on.

I think the list of number totals which people should compare with one another for their spiritual understanding, is:

-The 12 signs and houses

-The 7 Chakras

-The 5 elements

-The 24 Futhark Runes. Noting what I wrote about 13 perhaps being synonymous with the Black Sun, The 13th rune is Eihwaz which happens to be a Plutonian rune ruling transformation.

-The 10 planets which have significance in themselves, in order from the closest to Earth (Moon- 1 Venus- 2 Mars- 3 Mercury - 4 and so on) I don't think its a coincidence that Venus is union and 2, and Mercury is 4 which is the heart Chakra which is to do partially with Mercury. Or that Moon is the 1st planet nearest to Earth and the 1st chakra is of Saturn which Saturn's sign of Capricorn opposes the Moon's sign of Cancer meaning they are likewise and in a polarity with each other.

(10 is a number of Saturn one of the most important planets in Satanism. Saturn rules Nature and material reality in the biggest way. We could say all our Planets therefore, are Saturnian in relation to ourselves. Dictating how we're gonna be in life, hence their actual material presence as physical cosmic bodies near us.)
On top of this I would also say any other numerical details of the planets such as their size, g force and other details of them can be put in a similar light with this, whatever number system one can spot in those details would also apply in this list.

-The 3 qualities, to which I would give all Masculine elements within the qualities odd numbers, and all Feminine elements within them even numbers. The actual 3 qualities might also relate to Mars being the 3rd closest planet as above, Aries is the 1st of the Cardinal, initiating quality and the 1st sign in the zodiac, the spark. Without that Cardinal spark, the rest wouldn't exist. 3 is definitely a number related to metaphysics and the 3 qualities are the differing modes or patterns which physics even works in. The 3rd chakra is the diamond, the most important chakra alongside the 6th.

- The 3 decanates of each sign which even further relates to the metaphysics of the number 3 in that the 3 qualities also divide up every sign into 0'-10' 10'-20 and 20'-30' increments, attributing different sub-planetary (or sub-sign) influences dependent on which decan a planet is placed within a sign. We also have the number 10 again as the number dividing each up (0-10), the number of the planets and Nature.
(3 decans per 12 signs adds up to 36. 3+6 is 9 the number of completion and 36 is also related to 666. 360 days a year etc.)

- The actual split between masculine and feminine, light and dark, emotional and material in of itself. This split number, the number 2 is very important when analysing the crossovers and meanings of all of the above number systems and categorisation.
Emotional or Energetic/Material Diaposition which is a term I thought when dwelling on the synergies between Leo and Scorpio (the emotional fixed signs, light and dark) and thus Sun and Pluto which is what the Black Sun is when paired with astrology. The square these emotional fixed signs make with one another I had the instinct to call it "diaposition" and when looking at what the prefix -dia it means essentially "through-position", "opposed in motion", so not an opposed polarity as in Cancer and Capricorn, but it's actually how both the emotional energies in this case, fire and water, work with one another. My understanding is that emotions are energy, whereas material (air and earth) are concepts and physical things- paths through which the energy channels itself through and gives it existential credence.

In the fixed signs, Leo and Scorpio are diaposed with one another energetically/emotionally, and Taurus and Aquarius are diaposed with one another materially/deferentially. This same thing applies with the Cardinal and Mutable signs, but the fixed understanding is easier to perceive and work with because it relates to Ego, wealth, awareness and such things as the Sun and Pluto Black Sun symbology which has many variants like Yin and Yang, Ida and Pingala etc.

In an unrelated note, I have an idea that planetary conjunctions/oppositions make it so that there's a connection between the chakras which those planets rule. In the case of a Moon/Jupiter conjunction, a connection between the 6th and 7th chakras which allow the energy to flow easier between them and with less work, or with Sun/Saturn for example which would be the 1st and 3rd chakras, a rooted and experienced ego. Sun/Jupiter on the contrary would be an ego which draws from its beliefs and the higher indications of the 7th chakra, so hence the aspects association with arrogance, self belief and whatnot. Because Jupiter co-rules Pisces and its sign of Sagittarius is in the Mutable quality with Pisces, we can say that Sun/Jupiter aspects have a potential to be similar in understanding as Sun/Neptune. e.g Arrogance as a way of self deception. Similarly we can say that Sun/Saturn aspects can create a condition likewise to Sun/Uranus as Saturn co-rules Aquarius and meshes the energies of Uranus in its whole material understanding. Uranus being the deferential, Air portion of this rulership. We could also say that Sun/Saturn is a more "Cardinal aspect" and Sun/Jupiter a more "Mutable aspect". Needs different words though to explain the relation in aspect terms.
13th_Wolf said:

I realised I screwed up the order of the numbers on this title lol. It was meant to be 13, 666 and 4 in the order which is on Satan's page.

13th_Wolf said:
My inclination is that 13 is to do with the "Kingmaker" concept, regardless of whatever physical scientific feature it is associated with. I only just realised it is the first of Satan's numbers given on the page, I remember seeing that page ages ago and 666 was the first number followed by 4 then 13 but it must have changed.

Not all that I wrote here seems to be worth reading some of its a bit confusing. I just appear to be going on.

I think the list of number totals which people should compare with one another for their spiritual understanding, is:

-The 12 signs and houses

-The 7 Chakras

-The 5 elements

-The 24 Futhark Runes. Noting what I wrote about 13 perhaps being synonymous with the Black Sun, The 13th rune is Eihwaz which happens to be a Plutonian rune ruling transformation.

-The 10 planets which have significance in themselves, in order from the closest to Earth (Moon- 1 Venus- 2 Mars- 3 Mercury - 4 and so on) I don't think its a coincidence that Venus is union and 2, and Mercury is 4 which is the heart Chakra which is to do partially with Mercury. Or that Moon is the 1st planet nearest to Earth and the 1st chakra is of Saturn which Saturn's sign of Capricorn opposes the Moon's sign of Cancer meaning they are likewise and in a polarity with each other.

(10 is a number of Saturn one of the most important planets in Satanism. Saturn rules Nature and material reality in the biggest way. We could say all our Planets therefore, are Saturnian in relation to ourselves. Dictating how we're gonna be in life, hence their actual material presence as physical cosmic bodies near us.)
On top of this I would also say any other numerical details of the planets such as their size, g force and other details of them can be put in a similar light with this, whatever number system one can spot in those details would also apply in this list.

-The 3 qualities, to which I would give all Masculine elements within the qualities odd numbers, and all Feminine elements within them even numbers. The actual 3 qualities might also relate to Mars being the 3rd closest planet as above, Aries is the 1st of the Cardinal, initiating quality and the 1st sign in the zodiac, the spark. Without that Cardinal spark, the rest wouldn't exist. 3 is definitely a number related to metaphysics and the 3 qualities are the differing modes or patterns which physics even works in. The 3rd chakra is the diamond, the most important chakra alongside the 6th.

- The 3 decanates of each sign which even further relates to the metaphysics of the number 3 in that the 3 qualities also divide up every sign into 0'-10' 10'-20 and 20'-30' increments, attributing different sub-planetary (or sub-sign) influences dependent on which decan a planet is placed within a sign. We also have the number 10 again as the number dividing each up (0-10), the number of the planets and Nature.
(3 decans per 12 signs adds up to 36. 3+6 is 9 the number of completion and 36 is also related to 666. 360 days a year etc.)

- The actual split between masculine and feminine, light and dark, emotional and material in of itself. This split number, the number 2 is very important when analysing the crossovers and meanings of all of the above number systems and categorisation.
Emotional or Energetic/Material Diaposition which is a term I thought when dwelling on the synergies between Leo and Scorpio (the emotional fixed signs, light and dark) and thus Sun and Pluto which is what the Black Sun is when paired with astrology. The square these emotional fixed signs make with one another I had the instinct to call it "diaposition" and when looking at what the prefix -dia it means essentially "through-position", "opposed in motion", so not an opposed polarity as in Cancer and Capricorn, but it's actually how both the emotional energies in this case, fire and water, work with one another. My understanding is that emotions are energy, whereas material (air and earth) are concepts and physical things- paths through which the energy channels itself through and gives it existential credence.

In the fixed signs, Leo and Scorpio are diaposed with one another energetically/emotionally, and Taurus and Aquarius are diaposed with one another materially/deferentially. This same thing applies with the Cardinal and Mutable signs, but the fixed understanding is easier to perceive and work with because it relates to Ego, wealth, awareness and such things as the Sun and Pluto Black Sun symbology which has many variants like Yin and Yang, Ida and Pingala etc.

In an unrelated note, I have an idea that planetary conjunctions/oppositions make it so that there's a connection between the chakras which those planets rule. In the case of a Moon/Jupiter conjunction, a connection between the 6th and 7th chakras which allow the energy to flow easier between them and with less work, or with Sun/Saturn for example which would be the 1st and 3rd chakras, a rooted and experienced ego. Sun/Jupiter on the contrary would be an ego which draws from its beliefs and the higher indications of the 7th chakra, so hence the aspects association with arrogance, self belief and whatnot. Because Jupiter co-rules Pisces and its sign of Sagittarius is in the Mutable quality with Pisces, we can say that Sun/Jupiter aspects have a potential to be similar in understanding as Sun/Neptune. e.g Arrogance as a way of self deception. Similarly we can say that Sun/Saturn aspects can create a condition likewise to Sun/Uranus as Saturn co-rules Aquarius and meshes the energies of Uranus in its whole material understanding. Uranus being the deferential, Air portion of this rulership. We could also say that Sun/Saturn is a more "Cardinal aspect" and Sun/Jupiter a more "Mutable aspect". Needs different words though to explain the relation in aspect terms.

You are very smart. This genius understanding of things was akin to a Clergy post. You are one of my fav here to read. Thank you for this post.
There’s 13 chakras main chakras bro. 1+3=4.
I believe the HPs said that 4 has to do with completion and the magnum opus because of this.

I think

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
