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Þorn 🙵 Ƿynn: Reviving Runes in the English Language


New member
Mar 19, 2024
The English language, with all its glories 🙵 fꜷlts, has had an incredibly rich history of inflᵫnce from its eastern Germanic sister languages 🙵 the Latinate language family. Over the course of its development, several letters hꜹe entered 🙵 passed from usage. There are two letters however, that are particularly significant for us: Thorn 🙵 Wynn. These letters are adapted versions of the runes Thurisaz 🙵 Wunjo, which the more keen amongst us already know from hꜹing studied the Futhark/Odin page:
⟨ᚦ⟩ ➟ ⟨Þ⟩⟨þ⟩
⟨ᚹ⟩ ➟ ⟨Ƿ⟩⟨ƿ⟩


Þorn was part of the English language from the very beginning, as Thurisaz in the Futhorc used by the Anglo-Saxons when they landed the English shores. It was used throughout the Middle English period, only losing its widespread usage to ⟨th⟩ near the end of the 16ᵗʰ century. Even after the introduction of printing presses into England from countries like the Netherlands 🙵 France, which did not hꜹe a ⟨þ⟩ sort, þorn continᵫd to be used in abbreviations 🙵 basic words for nearly a century by substituting the resembling blackletter ⟨y⟩. This is the origin of the “Ye Olde” cliché; it was never pronounced with a /j/ sound—that is an invention 🙵 hallmark of ignorant moderns.

Todꜽ, þorn is survived only by the Icelandic language, as its alphabet’s 30ᵗʰ letter, dᵫ to its relative isolation from the rest of the Germanic language sphere, in which þorn was wholly supplanted by the digraph ⟨th⟩. While it was used to represent both /θ/ (think) 🙵 /ð/ (those) over the centuries, another now-dead letter ⟨Ð⟩⟨ð⟩ was often employed in parallel to distinguish between the two phonemes (ex., “Ðou gꜹest him a great þrashing.”). This phonemic distinction has been wholly lost as well.

Here is an example of comprehensible 13ᵗʰ-century Middle English that uses þorn, from Kentish Sermons, “Sermo jn die epiphanie.” (lines 40‒49):
þet is biter þing. signefieth þet hi hedde be liaue þet he was diadlich. þet diath solde suffri for man ken. Nu i hiereth wet signefieth þet Gold. þet. Stor. þet Mirre. And offre we Gostliche to ure lorde. þe`t´ i offrede flesliche. Þet Gold þet is bricht and glareth ine þo brichtnesse of þo sunne. signefieth þe gode beleaue. þet is bricht ine þe gode cristenemannes herte. Si gode beleaue licht and is bricht ine þo herte of þo gode Manne ase gold. Offre we þanne god almichti god gold. Be leue we stede fast liche. þet `he is´ fader and sune. and holy gost. is onlepi god.
So, how 🙵 why should one type this letter?
  • The US-International 🙵 Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboards support typing þorn through <AltGr + T> 🙵 <RCtrl + P> respectively, along with a score of other symbols that upgrade your text input capability.​
  • The Icelandic keyboard has þorn as part of its basic key lꜽout.​
  • It’s a rune—what else is there to sꜽ?​
  • The English language starts to come alive, in an almost literal sense, when its native sounds are represented by dedicated graphemes. I guarantee you will begin to feel it once you overcome the initial unfamiliarity.​
  • Reduce your text’s length 🙵 size by condensing the most common English digraph into a monograph: Þorn’s Unicode® codepoint is U+00DE/U+00FE—under a byte—making it trᵫly profitable to replace ⟨th⟩; the same cannot be said for many other Unicode® characters.


Ƿynn was borrowed from the Elder Futhark quite early in English’s history, with only the earliest Old English texts using ⟨uu⟩ to represent /w/. However, it fell out of use much earlier than þorn, hꜹing been supplanted again by ⟨uu⟩ 🙵 ⟨vv⟩ by the start of the 14ᵗʰ century—these would then evolve into the modern ⟨w⟩ we use todꜽ. It’s rarer to come across this letter even in Old English texts todꜽ, becꜷse scholars decide to just replace ƿynn with ⟨w⟩ when transcribing source material, at their own whim.

The Anglo-Saxon runic poem (lines 22‒24):

Ƿenne brūceþ, þe can ƿēana lẏt
sāres and sorge and him sẏlfa hæf
blǣd and blẏsse and eac bẏrga geniht.
Typing ƿynn is not as straightforward as þorn—it is not part of any commonly ꜹailable keyboard lꜽout. The wꜽ I type it currently is through a AutoHotkey binding, 🙵 you mꜽ hꜹe to engineer a similar personal solution until there is a more centralized/official mechanism (Perhaps your usage of the letter will spur such a development on!).

Some claim ⟨ƿ⟩ lꝏks tꝏ similar to ⟨p⟩ to justify its usage. While that is a valid complaint, the typeface does play a significant role in the glyphs’ appearances (Why do you think I am using Georgia?).

For þe rest of þis post 🙵 all my posts henceforþ, I ƿill be using þese letters to demonstrate þeir enrichment of English ƿiþ þe glory of þe Gods.

Even if you are not inclined to use ƿynn, I believe every ᛋᛋ should use þorn, as a ƿꜽ to distinguish ourselves from þe rest of þe Anglosphere 🙵 as a gesture of gratitude toƿards þe Gods for hꜹing gifted þe Runes to us. It is boþ easily typed 🙵 prominent recently enough in English’s history to not feel alien. Þe next step after þis perhaps, ƿould be to abandon þe Latin alphabet 🙵 begin using þe original Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc for ƿriting English, ᛚᚫᚷᛣ ᚦᛁᛋ. But ƿe are a far ƿꜽ off from such a þing being viable—þe ƿorld is simply not ready yet.

By using þese letters in your daily ƿriting, you create opportunities to introduce curious souls inquiring þereof to Spiritual Satanism. A runic revival ƿill place our Gods in front an evergroƿing number of people. I hope I hꜹe successfully convinced you to adopt þem into your linguistic répertoire.

—𝓜a c h t t r ä g e 𝓇
The runes will never be used for hand writing because they aren't effective to write down. The runes were GRAVED and that's why they are like this. All alphabets that were written has curvy lines.

Now with computers however, we could possibly use runes to write, but it would be weird to use a different alphabet for handwriting and electronic writing.

At the end of the day, English is descended from Germanic languages so why not speak some old Germanic language rather than English?
I'm glad to see someone make a post like this, as this is a subject near to my heart. I've of doing it myself for a while but wasn't sure how to format it. Regardless though, nice work.

I've always been a fan of reintroducing those 2 letters back into the English language, because as I understand it it was the Normans who banned their use in England, after they conquered the country in 1066 and enforced xtianity on the population. I could probably write a whole post on that subject tbh, but at a later time I think. Short version is I think the Normans banned their use because they're of Satanic origin and were a holdover from when the Anglo-Saxons had spiritual knowledge.

The Anglo-Saxon language is definitely worth studying if anyone has an interest, but just remember a lot of the literature that survives is xtianized, same as with Middle English. I've even come across a Medieval version of the life story of Alexander the Great (Kyng Alisaunder) that literally describes him as an xtian lol

That being said though, technically we're still speaking Anglo-Saxon right now, just a modernized garbled version of it, gif þu hearest hwæt Ic segeþ (if thou hearest what I say). So still worth the study in my opinion.
One þing þat really, really gets on my nerves wiþ modern science is þe ruþlessly enforced anti-ET narrative, which only now after several decades of denial and ridicule þey have finally started accepting as real because of þe mountains and mountains of evidence, boþ physical and anecdotal, have piled up so high þat þey make denial simply impossible any longer.

“No, it’s just not aliens, we’re alone, no aliens, þe search continues haha… *sweats nervously* BTW have you heard of þe Fermi Paradox?”

I believe þe enemy does þis partly to keep þe abrahamic hoaxes going and partly to prevent humanity from evolving our conception of ourselves and our worldview to a larger, more cosmic scale. We continue to use terms like ’biosphere’ which is inherently limited to þis sphere, þe planet, when þe reality is þe cosmic ‘biospace’.
Your font is extremely hard to read.
Your font is extremely hard to read.
I concluded this a little while ago. I have switched from Georgia to Book Antiqua. But I will never use sans-serif, which is an ugly letterform meant for peasants & low-lives.
It’s funny you say þat, considering sans-serif was literally introduced to þe masses in order to catch eyes in advertisements and store signs. One of þe names given to sans-serif was literally “Grotesque”, based on how ugly it is in comparison to serif. The only reason computers use sans-serif is because þey historically had a very low resolution þat made it difficult to render þe serifs on þe letters properly (why you’re “struggling to read” serif font right now). If anyþing, sans-serif is þe “edgy” letterform. Maybe you should learn about someþing before assuming non-substantial reasoning. Isn’t þat what þis þread is about, lmao?
These aren't even english letters though. Maybe it looks different on your end, but they look like the letter b but with extended line. (I put them in bold for clarity.)
He does it on purpose with the goal of spreading the message/influence about runes.
These aren't even english letters though. Maybe it looks different on your end, but they look like the letter b but with extended line. (I put them in bold for clarity.)
⟨þ⟩ (Thorn) was a prominent English letter based on Þurisaz þat died out in þe 17þ century. I made a þread on þis encouraging its revival. Þe triangular point of Þurisaz evolved into a round circle, making it look more like ⟨p⟩ and ⟨b⟩. Þe move to revive it isn’t my own initiative, it’s been around in þe secular world for a few decades.
The runes will never be used for hand writing because they aren't effective to write down. The runes were GRAVED and that's why they are like this. All alphabets that were written has curvy lines.

Now with computers however, we could possibly use runes to write, but it would be weird to use a different alphabet for handwriting and electronic writing.

At the end of the day, English is descended from Germanic languages so why not speak some old Germanic language rather than English?
Hence why þe sharp point of Þurisaz turned into a curve in ⟨þ⟩. It’s not a rune anymore, it’s a letter based on a rune. And as for writing English directly in runes, I þink you’re confusing cursive script wiþ handwriting. One can write anyþing by hand, including þe runes and and regular print letters. Handwriting in its proper form involves þe cursive flow script þat evolved over time, and þat is on its way out—by þe time someþing like þat could catch on, I don’t þink anyone is even going to be writing using þeir hands.

And þat question is silly. Þis isn’t about returning to linguistic roots or þe English language to begin wiþ, it’s about English orþography. English is going nowhere.
It’s funny you say þat, considering sans-serif was literally introduced to þe masses in order to catch eyes in advertisements and store signs. One of þe names given to sans-serif was literally “Grotesque”, based on how ugly it is in comparison to serif. The only reason computers use sans-serif is because þey historically had a very low resolution þat made it difficult to render þe serifs on þe letters properly (why you’re “struggling to read” serif font right now). If anyþing, sans-serif is þe “edgy” letterform. Maybe you should learn about someþing before assuming non-substantial reasoning. Isn’t þat what þis þread is about, lmao?
Instead of replacing "th" with a modified Thurisaz rune, why don't you replace all letters with the closest rune equivalent?

Most people won't bother reading it. But it would be more interesting.
⟨þ⟩ (Thorn) was a prominent English letter based on Þurisaz þat died out in þe 17þ century. I made a þread on þis encouraging its revival. Þe triangular point of Þurisaz evolved into a round circle, making it look more like ⟨p⟩ and ⟨b⟩. Þe move to revive it isn’t my own initiative, it’s been around in þe secular world for a few decades.

Old English is not English, the language we internationally speak. We are an international forum and thus on the main forum, we use modern English, the language people learn and are encouraged to use for international communication almost across the globe. What sort of old English revival you have in mind is irrelevant to this.

When Modern English adopts this letter and our keyboards have it in substitute of T, then we can talk about using Old English. In the mean time, please refrain from using characters that are not in the English Language as of today, otherwise people will be wondering why you wrote a "Bread on Pis" and make it hard to have yourself taken seriously.
Hence why þe sharp point of Þurisaz turned into a curve in ⟨þ⟩. It’s not a rune anymore, it’s a letter based on a rune. And as for writing English directly in runes, I þink you’re confusing cursive script wiþ handwriting. One can write anyþing by hand, including þe runes and and regular print letters. Handwriting in its proper form involves þe cursive flow script þat evolved over time, and þat is on its way out—by þe time someþing like þat could catch on, I don’t þink anyone is even going to be writing using þeir hands.

And þat question is silly. Þis isn’t about returning to linguistic roots or þe English language to begin wiþ, it’s about English orþography. English is going nowhere.

So you know these are not runes anyway, then what is the point or the fuss about? It is just a waste of time.

Language is for communication. Runes are for magic. Modern English is a language for communication, not a magical language, so it doesn't require runic characters. Not to mention that it doesn't make sense to use psuedo runic characters in script, because the meaning of the runes is lost then as these runes have nothing to do with the meaning of the words they are used to write. In other words, it is just a form of being edgy and trying to be different for the sake of being different. A waste of time.
Funny how you want people to use those letters like in Old English while writing in a language that has thousands of loanwords from Greek, Latin and other languages.

It would make sense to use those letters if you also promoted using only pure English words, such as wordbook (dictionary) or heavenlore (astronomy).

Yes, there is what they call Anglish:
Old English is not English, the language we internationally speak. We are an international forum and thus on the main forum, we use modern English, the language people learn and are encouraged to use for international communication almost across the globe. What sort of old English revival you have in mind is irrelevant to this.

When Modern English adopts this letter and our keyboards have it in substitute of T, then we can talk about using Old English. In the mean time, please refrain from using characters that are not in the English Language as of today, otherwise people will be wondering why you wrote a "Bread on Pis" and make it hard to have yourself taken seriously.
Again wiþ þe language vs. letter strawman. I’m not using Old English. You can’t even read Old English. All I did was change one grapheme, and you are freaking out lmao. Þat adoption of þe letter will never happen unless some people start using it right now. It’s like saying “I’ll start discussing Satanism when þe world finally accepts Satanism as mankind’s true religion.” It’s absurd. Please use common sense/sound logic.

Our keyboards already have it available in literally all devices: US-International, Canadian Multilingual, Icelandic keyboard, iOS & Android (hold down t).

And obviously I plan on explaining my usage of ⟨þ⟩ in my signature as soon as I get to 50 posts. I really don’t care about making your neurons work a little bit harder in þe meantime. 🥱

If it really, really boþers you, just remove serif fonts and ban everyþing but standard ASCII from þe forum instead of writing þese laughably bad arguments in an attempt to make me conform to your personal shortcomings/subjective standards.
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Again wiþ þe language vs. letter strawman. I’m not using Old English. You can’t even read Old English. All I did was change one grapheme, and your lizard brain is freaking out lmao. Þat adoption of þe letter will never happen unless some people start using it right now. It’s like saying “I’ll start discussing Satanism when þe world finally accepts Satanism as mankind’s true religion.” It’s absurd. Please use common sense/sound logic.

Our keyboards already have it available in literally all devices: US-International, Canadian Multilingual, Icelandic keyboard, iOS & Android (hold down t).

And obviously I plan on explaining my usage of ⟨þ⟩ in my signature as soon as I get to 50 posts. I really don’t care about making your neurons work a little bit harder in þe meantime. 🥱

If it really, really boþers you, just remove serif fonts and ban everyþing but standard ASCII from þe forum instead of writing þese laughably bad arguments in an attempt to make me conform to your personal shortcomings/subjective standards.
I am not for or against the reasons for why you do this.

But why do you sound so annoying in many of your comments? Something about the way you say things is seeming like you are purposefully trying to bother or annoy people. It looks like you are unhappy and we can feel it.

If this is accidental and you don't intend this emotion, then practice more with written communication until you are more comfortable explaining things in a different way. And it will be a relief for you, because people will understand you better.

I had this same problem and it was unintentional most of the time. Communicating with people in a written way is a skill that is not taught very well, and it just needs to be practiced.
I am not for or against the reasons for why you do this.

But why do you sound so annoying in many of your comments? Something about the way you say things is seeming like you are purposefully trying to bother or annoy people. It looks like you are unhappy and we can feel it.

If this is accidental and you don't intend this emotion, then practice more with written communication until you are more comfortable explaining things in a different way. And it will be a relief for you, because people will understand you better.

I had this same problem and it was unintentional most of the time. Communicating with people in a written way is a skill that is not taught very well, and it just needs to be practiced.
I guess þe repeated strawmen, irrelevant conclusions, and arguments from self-knowing do get on my nerves. Why is þere so much unfounded confidence in one’s statements? It comes from feeling like most people just want to get þeir two cents in.

I do realize after I post þat I could have stated someþing in a far simpler manner, but while I’m writing I’m trying to stuff as much meaning into it as possible. I’m going to try and simplify what I write from now on.

In þis specific case however, I þink it’s fair to get annoyed at þis patronizing view þat all or nearly all þe people who will encounter ⟨þ⟩ will just assume it’s ⟨p⟩ or ⟨b⟩, and sit þere confused, like þey have no discernment or curiosity. þerefore it’s bad and pointless, etc., Like, really?

When one got confused and þen refused to acknowledge þe letter, assuming everyone else also will, it’s þe Assumed Similarity Bias in effect. But if one genuinely þinks readers of þis forum are just dumb… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I guess þe repeated strawmen, irrelevant conclusions, and arguments from self-knowing do get on my nerves. Why is þere so much unfounded confidence in one’s statements? It comes from feeling like most people just want to get þeir two cents in.

I do realize after I post þat I could have stated someþing in a far simpler manner, but while I’m writing I’m trying to stuff as much meaning into it as possible. I’m going to try and simplify what I write from now on.

In þis specific case however, I þink it’s fair to get annoyed at þis patronizing view þat all or nearly all þe people who will encounter ⟨þ⟩ will just assume it’s ⟨p⟩ or ⟨b⟩, and sit þere confused, like þey have no discernment or curiosity. þerefore it’s bad and pointless, etc., Like, really?

When one got confused and þen refused to acknowledge þe letter, assuming everyone else also will, it’s þe Assumed Similarity Bias in effect. But if one genuinely þinks readers of þis forum are just dumb… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Please just write normally. Communication is the act of being clear and understood. If you make it hard for people, then it just loses the whole point.
I guess þe repeated strawmen, irrelevant conclusions, and arguments from self-knowing do get on my nerves. Why is þere so much unfounded confidence in one’s statements? It comes from feeling like most people just want to get þeir two cents in.

I do realize after I post þat I could have stated someþing in a far simpler manner, but while I’m writing I’m trying to stuff as much meaning into it as possible. I’m going to try and simplify what I write from now on.

In þis specific case however, I þink it’s fair to get annoyed at þis patronizing view þat all or nearly all þe people who will encounter ⟨þ⟩ will just assume it’s ⟨p⟩ or ⟨b⟩, and sit þere confused, like þey have no discernment or curiosity. þerefore it’s bad and pointless, etc., Like, really?

When one got confused and þen refused to acknowledge þe letter, assuming everyone else also will, it’s þe Assumed Similarity Bias in effect. But if one genuinely þinks readers of þis forum are just dumb… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Whether or not people had made strawman arguments or other mistakes, that does not change the main point they are trying to make, which is that any communication is supposed to be clear for both the sender and recipient. If you had intentionally put obstacles to this in your writing, even if it was to support a higher goal, you can't be surprised when others complain.

Provided the above is understood then you are allowed to do what you want, but attacking people's intelligence, especially the Clergy, is a major mistake and unnecessary escalation of this. This goes for anyone: All arguments must stay focused on the content itself, not the person, otherwise this destroys productive communications. Don't do this anymore or your posts will just get deleted or more, which I wish to avoid.
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I wanted to say that too, I am just reading that with that strange font. Nobody is gonna read it differently lol
I’m actually amazed. Have you never seen a serif font before, or are you just forgetting what it is called? If you’ve ever read a book in your life you surely must have been exposed to a serif font? Or gone to school? I swear, you guys are acting like I’m writing in Greek uncial script or Wingdings.

This is þe first time in my life I have encountered people who are unfamiliar wiþ serif font.

If þe majority of þe forum moderators are eiþer unfamiliar wiþ or against serif fonts, why keep it around as an option to post wiþ, under “More Options” → “Font Family”?
I’m actually amazed. Have you never seen a serif font before, or are you just forgetting what it is called? If you’ve ever read a book in your life you surely must have been exposed to a serif font? Or gone to school? I swear, you guys are acting like I’m writing in Greek uncial script or Wingdings.

This is þe first time in my life I have encountered people who are unfamiliar wiþ serif font.

If þe majority of þe forum moderators are eiþer unfamiliar wiþ or against serif fonts, why keep it around as an option to post wiþ, under “More Options” → “Font Family”?
It's around just because the forum comes with it and it's default that you can use it as other fonts too.
It's around just because the forum comes with it and it's default that you can use it as other fonts too.
I bet if þe default font was changed to serif, and after a while I began to be þe only one using sans-serif Arial, I would still get attacked for doing so. Because what is being attacked is not þe font itself, but þe fact þat it is an outlier and unfamiliar in a sea of uniformity. Unfamiliarity breeds fear & contempt.

I’ve caused people to have to þink a little harder, read a font þey probably haven’t seen since grade school, and introduced unfamiliarity in a very familiar pattern: þe alphabet.

It’s obvious þere is going to be complaints, backlash, and whining in general. 4/5 of þe responses to me are not arguments, þey are “Just conform, I don’t like þe strangeness”. It’s hard to bring change.
Machttrager is getting a temp ban for continually insulting members. He went way overboard in his childish manner regarding this, and after receiving a warning from one of our JG mods, he continued and tried to copy-paste the same post that was previously disapproved.

It is against forums rules to go this overboard with slanders and insults.
I bet if þe default font was changed to serif, and after a while I began to be þe only one using sans-serif Arial, I would still get attacked for doing so. Because what is being attacked is not þe font itself, but þe fact þat it is an outlier and unfamiliar in a sea of uniformity. Unfamiliarity breeds fear & contempt.

I’ve caused people to have to þink a little harder, read a font þey probably haven’t seen since grade school, and introduced unfamiliarity in a very familiar pattern: þe alphabet.

It’s obvious þere is going to be complaints, backlash, and whining in general. 4/5 of þe responses to me are not arguments, þey are “Just conform, I don’t like þe strangeness”. It’s hard to bring change.
I don't know if you still haven't realised it, but the problem isn't the font. There are entire word's being cut off and misspelt in a way that make's your points look comical. I don't know if this error is occurring on your end, but it is for everyone else.

Anyway, I don't know why aesthetic elitism is being brought to an internet forum of all places. Maybe satisfy your desire to be admired for your unique quirkiness in your actual career, so you don't seek it in silly places.
Machttrager is getting a temp ban for continually insulting members. He went way overboard in his childish manner regarding this, and after receiving a warning from one of our JG mods, he continued and tried to copy-paste the same post that was previously disapproved.

It is against forums rules to go this overboard with slanders and insults.

This seems to just be a strong pattern with Machttrager.

I recall two posts I specifically made about programming and sharing books, sites and references that were very helpful and interesting for software development to other members.

On both of these posts he went out of his way to slam, degrade and insult everything I posted to share, like completely overboard and made inflamed remarks to me and towards those who replied.

I have yet to understand why he did this, or why he reacts in this manner towards members.

Runes are not for regular communication, they are magickal and shouldn't be used in common speech.
  1. Appeal to Ridicule. “Uranus = YOUR-ANUS haha!” is not an argument.
  2. This is history denial. All written history of Scandinavian countries before the 1700s refutes this. There are 6,000+ runestones still in existence, most of them with banal inscriptions such as “And Ulfr has taken three payments in England. That was the last that Tosti paid. Then Þorketill paid. Then Knútr paid.”, disproving the idea that they are not for regular communications. They were used by every literate Viking, the entire time they existed as a culture.

    Runes are magickal when used in specific manners and with specific intentions. They do not have the Midas touch, turning everything into magick like a fucking fairy tale.

Funny how you want people to use those letters like in Old English while writing in a language that has thousands of loanwords from Greek, Latin and other languages.

It would make sense to use those letters if you also promoted using only pure English words, such as wordbook (dictionary) or heavenlore (astronomy).

Yes, there is what they call Anglish:
Package-deal Fallacy.

So you know these are not runes anyway, then what is the point or the fuss about? It is just a waste of time.

Language is for communication. Runes are for magic. Modern English is a language for communication, not a magical language, so it doesn't require runic characters. Not to mention that it doesn't make sense to use psuedo runic characters in script, because the meaning of the runes is lost then as these runes have nothing to do with the meaning of the words they are used to write. In other words, it is just a form of being edgy and trying to be different for the sake of being different. A waste of time.
You did not understand my post. The runic derivations are meant to lead people to the runes, and thus their magic and divine origin. They are pointer to the Gods. I never mentioned anything near “turning English into a magical language”. Plus, no one who used runes historically to write a language thought they were turning it into a magical language. Enochian is an actual magical language, and that is written in Latin script.

Though of course, trying to promote pagan consciousness is a “waste of time”. 🙄
All this is doing is just making your posts incredibly difficult to read.
If even one person reads ⟨þ⟩ in any of my writings, past or future (obviously far more than these forum posts), and looks it up and discovers the runes, then I have accomplished my purpose. The fact that you or anyone else has to use 2% extra of their brain power to read the text is completely irrelevant in this.

The qualifier ‘all’ is fallacious here. If you had said “This is making your posts incredibly difficult to read.”, there would be no fallacy and I would not have responded.

Speak for yourself, not for an unknown multitude. What are you doing to improve world culture?
They do not have the Midas touch, turning everything into magick like a fucking fairy tale.
Nobody said they did. You missed the point.

Every single person here knows the runes and uses them. You are throwing tantrums to the wrong crowd. Your attitude is very childish and off-putting, which is the problem, and you are twisting it to make it seem like you are bringing awareness of the runes, which you aren't really, because we use the runes.

As for Uranus, I do not pronounce it that way, so what was the point in making up something random?

Runes are not for daily written communication. You are not even using it write, because substituting "th" with Thor rune is not even proper.

As well, you combined it with an other font that didn't even show correctly on most people's screens, cutting off many letters. That's where the problem initially stemmed from, as it did not even look like any rune.
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As well, you combined it with an other font that didn't even show correctly on most people's screens, cutting off many letters. That's where the problem initially stemmed from, as it did not even look like any rune.
Imagine being a person who wants to revolutionize IT field and not taking into account that some people might not see special characters correctly on their screens. Maybe they are full of it, I don't know. Doesn't look good for them anyway.
If even one person reads ⟨þ⟩ in any of my writings, past or future (obviously far more than these forum posts), and looks it up and discovers the runes, then I have accomplished my purpose. The fact that you or anyone else has to use 2% extra of their brain power to read the text is completely irrelevant in this.

The qualifier ‘all’ is fallacious here. If you had said “This is making your posts incredibly difficult to read.”, there would be no fallacy and I would not have responded.

Speak for yourself, not for an unknown multitude. What are you doing to improve world culture?

What is your problem? Seriously. I have to ask at this point.

What is your purpose in being here if you want to just argue with everyone and be condescending everytime someone disagrees and explains your behavior is childish and unacceptable?

You aren't improving anything at this point.

You are walking into the house of Satan, filled of like minded people just to agitate and throw insult and underhanded remark after another, all while you claim you want to do great and wonderful things in this world in regards to many different things... life does not work like that.

You have to learn to manage, get along with people, and not be so ill mannered if you want to ever accomplish your goals.
I love the Thorn, but it seems like you put enphasis everytime.

It's liKe if write liKe this.
The text isn't fluid anymore, it's more anoying to read.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
