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  1. B


    very disturbing... --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote: of thing. the time phony conscious known as be done Reich tried means "cattle." 20STRO torturing them with. throats diet....but these need to video=agri_short
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    Dragon Birth - Kundalini

    I'm definitely having a kundalini awakening. Will be posting whatever I remember. Initially, I experienced pain, probably enough to break some people. Broken rib sensations, Searing hot nerve stress, actual subluxation of half my vertebrae, and some hardcore organ stress. And this lasted at...
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    Inducing Levitation

    just out of curiosity what compelled you to make use of the word "saint" in your yahoo ID? --- In [email protected], "Joe Swift" <IH8WHIT@... wrote: just good from in as a Enki consciousness is, within semi- you the <IH8WHIT@ make is a but it.
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    Inducing Levitation

    Hail Satan, brother! =D --- In [email protected], "Joe Swift" <IH8WHIT@... wrote: just good from in as a Enki consciousness is, within semi- you the <IH8WHIT@ make is a but it.
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    Inducing Levitation

    Nice, I will try this in a couple of months once I am released from my current challenges which require lots of energy. A short white ago, through training and Demon blessings, I kept shifting into a 10th chakra elevation Levitivity state, shifting in and out of this indefinitely, and...
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    How to know when all of your chakras are open

    That seems accurate, and I'm fairly certain that [following this] 10th chakra elevation takes this a step further, facilitating involuntary levitation (as in the hieroglyphs). The feeling of both earth and universe portals open and both energy circulation and chakra activity extending...
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    A Satanic group in Russia needs guidance! This is important!

    Just pass on the information and let your intuition guide communications beyond that. --- In [email protected], "David E." <megatog2003@... wrote: and just truth
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    Yes or No replies to simplify things and "clear the air" is your desire, not mine. Discourse is my pleasure and through it I communicate as I see fit. There is no high horse to it, just that an opinion remains unmodified. One is either correct or one eventually stands corrected. Or...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    I already covered this well. First, succinctly stated. Then, in response. So again... Bottom line is I could care less if an incarnated Soul has some angelic past or even if they deal with shifty Nordics of which there are many, angelic, demonic, and otherwise. As for "not being taken...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    Yes, you read them wrong, as I am among those that have not read your entire posting history (nor joe's, etc.) in this e-group, and so I was not aware of your angelic history until you reacted as if I was addressing it. =) Nobody said "once an angelic, always an enemy." =) Scroll down...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    It is my evolving understanding/perspective that Satan and the original Demons were never "angels". The angelic factions emerged to overthrow Anu, and from this time forward, the term angel became strongly associated with the enemy nordics. The common ground is Nibiru or Nordic heritage...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    Aye, Leslie, an open-minded one would, wouldn't he, or would he? =D That there are angelics with varying agendas is not in question; that enemy nordics pull 180s and side with Satan and the Demons is also not in question. =) You might wish to specify what "he is not making up" (I assume...
  13. B

    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    You're a loon and I'm going to laugh, but perhaps not at you, as all are cranes. And in so doing, I will indulge myself a release... In the reply to nothing, I perceived an elevating fool, one semi- blind of fluctuations and of related tangentials... too blind for level of being...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    It is good that you are now heeding your own "serious dislikes". You obviously care, or you would not have bothered posting at all. Undoubtedly, Michael and company are awaiting you with open arms, ready to provide you with that angelic wetnursing that you so desire. You're damn right...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    your post amounts to a self-indulgent zippy monologue... even if you intended to convey other things as well... and "enkil loves me A.D" doesn't really suffice as a name... it is a young girl trying to make her own subjective reality known to others... at least you seem to be healing a...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    Perhaps you are quick to perceive sarcasm in my words b/c you are aware that your archangel michael posts make it difficult for any Satanist to take you seriously. --- In [email protected], Joe sdofhsdofh <josephandset@... wrote: time when people say it like he did...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    josephandset completely agrees... that's reassuring... --- In [email protected], "josephandset" <josephandset@... wrote: more Not (well are (demons) then of would but enemies, creatures to Orion - The is light" are envoy to observing outcome their his died and go end...
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    Re: Creatures other than demon's waging war against heaven

    Advanced beings throughout the universe are very aware of Orion - GF conflict and of various factions involved and their interests. Renegades from Nibiru aftermath, be they negative warlords or otherwise, have already allied with Satan and Demons. One such warlord was contacted by...
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    Niding pole question...

    You can still put the destructive energies to use. Keep the pole that fell out. Do another ritual with all new materials. During that ritual: following the Invocation, do planting, visualization, chant and Key for one pole and then again for the other (plant 2nd at different nearby...
  20. B

    Does increasing energy in certain organs can cause infections?

    Perhaps a great deal of Satanic chanting over an extended period of time would create a certain resonance on the cellular and energetic levels... And stationary stances combined with deep energy breathing might be useful as well... I have heard that it can take up to a year to give the...
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    Does increasing energy in certain organs can cause infections?

    Based solely upon your below wording [and not my knowledge of you], see an acupuncturist, but one who practices the art at its highest form. I have experience here; TONS of it. Treating the source of the problem should be a priority for you. Note specific areas of weakness and also...
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    Astral projection and death

    On occasions have snoozed off to find myself hovering above body observing room... and then have been abruptly awakened by activities around me [in same room] or by individual making contact with body. No death. There is probably some instance where death is possible though. --- In...
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    Warning about invoking water

    That was my thought... balance. Health problems seem to emerge after systemic balance has been upset. If pneumonia resulted following your experimentation, then you probably weakened your lungs. --- In [email protected], "blackshadowstallion"...
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    What I've discovered

    Perhaps you will benefit from re-reading my post, so here it is: <quote... You are obviously aware that Dedicated Satanists are experimenting with meditations here. IMO, there is no common ground from which anyone here can advise you as many here are blessed and work with Demons. It is a...
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    Need some help here

    You are obviously aware that Dedicated Satanists are experimenting with meditations here. IMO, there is no common ground from which anyone here can advise you as many here are blessed and work with Demons. It is a two-way street and more for us. My advice would be to discontinue your...
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    Egyptian Kabalah

    Yes, it seems to me that in nearly all cases people would see His Ka. I would venture that we are not to "combine" the Soul, Ka, Aura, and Physical Body, but rather, we are to exist with "awareness of" "through concentration on" all four simultaneously. Not sure about your [mental and...
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    Egyptian Kabalah

    I asked for some clarifications in a previous post, so it will be interesting to read Maxine's replies, but it seems to me that the Soul makes use of bodies/vehicles. When it incarnates it makes use of a physical body and when on the astral it makes use of an astral body, which is...
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    Egyptian Kabalah

    Had some good results focusing on just three... physical body, single or multiple chakras (4,6,or7 and 4&6-10), and aura, while focusing on chanting (while seated) or slow stillness breathing (while exercing, etc.). Also used chakra music. Shifted my attention today to existing as these...
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    Ascension Alchemy

    Thank you for posting this. I look forward to your observations. --- In [email protected], "Warlock" <adamlux22@y... wrote: site wanted
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    Experience w/ Scalar Resonator

    I would not suggest Scalar Resonator for our higher vibration Satanist Work. It seemed to work against blue willer ascension. However, if you are interested in this product simply to test my assertions or for your own frame of reference, I feel that it is relatively safe, as I have...
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    Experience w/ Scalar Resonator

    Satanists who read and found to be interesting my posts and/or recent rough articles that mention or discuss "vibration" and "frequency differential" should find the following illuminating... Someone passed information on to me regarding EMF protection. I followed up on this and began...
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    Yes, my reaction was the same as jri9vero. Same for bumper sigil stickers and medallion necklaces. Some of us prefer subtlety, rather than spelling things out clear as day for random bumblers. Observing the sigil and its energy and not knowing what it is would be disturbing enough for a...
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    Ascension Alchemy

    Shilajit is the closest I could come to it a short while back- it oozes from locations in Himalayas, etc., some of which are said to have an abundance of the substance to which you refer in its mined form [and so I wanted to see if Shilajit by chance contained any small amount of it]...
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    Re: Fw: jos(very imprtant please everyone read)[this isnt anti-jos]

    Regarding the ego, I thought as much. Why would an anti-christ with more ascension and awakening work to do reveal his identity to a lukewarm open e-group audience before the attainment of his full radiance? Why would he permit himself such a trivial indulgence? It serves no purpose...
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    the indenty of Enki's first son(the anti-christ)

    lol, why stop? If it is within you to Be, then bring your Self into Being, Anti-christ. =) And why would an Anti-christ incarnated be "better" than you? He to play His role and you to play yours. Do you Know your Self with absolutely clarity for comparison? =) Is not the mortal who...
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    the indenty of Enki's first son(the anti-christ)

    there is a great deal of death religion energy going into the manifesting of a jewish messiah... this is essentially where the christian second coming energy goes... so the title does have some relevance within their paradigms, as does the name, Satan... title falls far short within our...
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    Interesting assertion. With the Demons now unbound to aid and accelerate the ascension process of earth-incarnated beings, perhaps the re-achievement of Demonic power levels and Being is less of an issue for the potential splitter and servant of the Aeon. --- In...
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    Perhaps among the Left-handed Gods of Orion, Willers of Chaos, you are on the other end of the spectrum in terms of battle hunger and pursuit of individual power and the idea of splitting was of minor importance in light of your reason for doing so. May you find your answers. =) ---...
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    Just in case this is of use to anyone (circulating as much present Knowledge as Self wills within this Group before I withdraw very briefly)... for you or anyone trying to clarify their Self or origens, etc., by investigating past Soul lineage, etc., "I sense that Soul-splitting was...
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    During Ascention.

    At this point, I would have to recommend that you take a more holistic approach- like gradually creating superb circulation throughout the "entire body" through daily chi kung exercises or tai chi long form- moderate cardio should suffice until you find what your body needs. And...
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    Greetings Brother. The following JoS Group might be better able to address any general meditation questions that you may have: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Joy_of_Satan/ Since you ask, in my opinion, vibrate chant at least several times (or as many times as you like). And do the...
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    Maybe last night I was attacked

    Don't sweat it. If you health is good and you are well-rested each morning, who cares about attacks. =) Usually, anything [of this nature] that your chakra experiences (pain sensations, for example) will be reflected in associated physical region or organs and vice- versa. Grow in power-...
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    definitely not as a powerful as the pre-split Soul. my honest opinion is that anyone can be broken if chaos deals them heavy enough circumstances (by broken, I mean anything from corrupted to driven insane or into non-existence- a willer, imo, would rather face insanity, destruction...
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    It is quite possible that each of the split parts retains the potential to access all memories of the split Soul. You'll have to get confirmation from another Satanist or the Demons on that one though. As for a Demon saving and uploading thoughts to a Soul, atm dunno. =) --- In...
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    Despair, negative patterns, and circumstances is what I sense. We can be masters of our own destiny, but still, the eye of chaos is with us every step of the way as unmanifest future becomes present. One could ask the Demons for specifics out of mere curiosity, but the vibe I get is...
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    --- In [email protected], "vinevisitedme" <vinevisitedme@y... wrote: you're in as but remembering split in your both [email protected], "blackshadowstallion" come to is half of his punished Thunderbolt. (or necessary. human Soul, be a this service, Others...
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    Maybe last night I was attacked

    The Ascension process is unique to each of us. That said, based on my experience, none of the energy work that I receive from Demons or ascension-specific experiences that I occasionally have would lead me to conclude that I had been attacked. What you have described sounds like a...
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    His heroics seem to be in decline. --- In [email protected], "blackshadowstallion" <blackshadowstallion@y... wrote: to is Thunderbolt. a Others about ATI" pretty and <royalhunter50@y... on there incarnations. invasions. flesh...
  49. B

    I would like to know what this is

    Through exercises I circulated energy through that region and then I created a blockage perhaps from strain due to computer work and much image concentration. LoL, I had small amounts of semi-stagnant chi lingering about in the facial area for the longest time. It was highly annoying to...
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    I would venture, yes, but remembering is not equivalent to being, as Soul-prior-to-split is no more. --- In [email protected], "vinevisitedme" <vinevisitedme@y... wrote: being) maybe i to original re- discussing. a famous Zeus some would There His/Herself and then than...
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    Yes, the original is no more. Alexander cleft in twain. =) --- In [email protected], "blackshadowstallion" <blackshadowstallion@y... wrote: discussing. famous some There then reincarnated cool par are first They incarnation Priestess us fight...
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    Regarding Runes... I don't know if this is necessary within the context of Satanists using Runes, but it is possible that I know how the Runes might be programmed into the mind and utilized at will within a matter of seconds "real-time". Are you covering this with Azazel, is it not...
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    Sure, it would qualify as a means for half/part of the Soul (or both parts, etc.), however, I would imagine that very few Demons would desire a permanent division in Soul, as it is not necessary. There are more practical means by which a Demon could find His/Herself fallen as a lower...
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    During Ascention.

    I have questioned the Demons on various subjects of import to me. Two responses come to mind: =) "oxygen rich organics" "pills kill on Demons" (contextual) The key is that we, Satanists, develop such superior cellular control that we can actually will our bodies to filter out the...
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    the masculine-feminine part of the word* requires further research if you even roughly have the Egyptian background; I do not. We can only draw loose conclusions on that based upon "English spelling" and most ideal would be to know the correct ancient Egyptian "pronunciation". Easiest...
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    A xtian sect

    Any Name that he goes by and Symbolism related specifically to Him is enough for you to make a connection during ritual. Do as you Will. --- In [email protected], Necrid Evil <evil_necrid@y... wrote: he tells his dumbass followers to sign there homes, bank accounts and...
  57. B


    There was a former HP, now traitor, that used to post replies to some of the teen Satanists that had dreams of being Gods in previous incarnations or otherwise (some actually had some pretty cool dreams with Self-symbolism)... he would reply as if they were stupid or delusional. I made a...
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    lol sorry

    same concepts that I mentioned to Louis... but you need to release through the crown instead of meditating on the eye, otherwise negative chi will stay within circuit and settle wherever you have blockages. keep driving energy up spine and through crown. I was advised on this by Demons...
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    During Ascention.

    On a side note, the eyes can become strained just like any other body part if overworked, inadvertantly or otherwise. Too much image concentration to induce trance or too much third eye meditation that inadvertantly stresses out your regular eyes can lead to eye strain and related...
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    During Ascention.

    It is said that at one point "we were as the Gods", so humanity obviously took "a fall" by the enemy's "design". That said, my personal belief is that following the angelic invasions, our genetics were altered (perhaps our so-called unused junk DNA is an indication of this. also...
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    I saw this post and am replying quickly, so have not read it in its entirety... excuse my thoughts if they have already been covered or if they are off mark. Upon observing the word, Kaballah or simply hearing it, I can't help but see the Egyptian in it. KA... BA... AL... LAH The...
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    Corruption Within The Eastern Traditions

    Corruption Within The Eastern Traditions: http://www.angelfire.com/empire2/serpent40/eastern.html (note: Web page allowed for easy formatting. Ask to have unitalicized version posted.)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
