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    What’s your plan if the vaccine gets mandated in your country?

    Damn i made a mistake. Not cure but curse
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    What’s your plan if the vaccine gets mandated in your country?

    Why won't we cure our the so called Leaders? Like Canada's Trudeau.. Like in Quebec Francois Legault and cure them of getting heart attacks ? That's what i'm planning to work on so anyone willing to join, i'll appreciate the help to boost their chances to send them 10 meters below ground.
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    What’s your plan if the vaccine gets mandated in your country?

    You're not alone, I rather die as a free man then live as a slave with this vax. If they will come for me when i refuse the jab, i'll do all in my power to make them draw their guns and shoot me dead if they ever force me to get the vax.
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Being busy getting back on my feet for the last 10 years after some heavy backstabbers " ex 1st best friend " in my life almost ruined my life after stup^dly trusting him with credit after he got divorced, lost everything lived in parks during summer and winters and he knew i was SS. Then i had...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    These mega files don't work :( What RTR stands for?
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    When Will This All End?

    Great sermon, thanks I needed to hear this. "Many aren't aware of the plans of the Gods or how the Gods see and plan things. This leads many to pointless worry. Tune into them and you will see what I mean here, but tune on a calm day without astral bullshit and traffic." Why won't we simply...
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    The lion Song

    I remember couple years ago, one of our members made a badass SS lion song with Christopher walken speech and Ivan Torrent - Architect of Life song put together and made a fken amazing video. Can't find it no more :(
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    Lunar timing magic

    Found my answer in JoS pdf, section: Moon Phrases and Signs in Magickal Practice. :twisted:
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    Lunar timing magic

    I've been scrolling every page i could and seems like i lost the information where it said at a specific retrogaded planet, no surgery should be done. Does anyone has the link to this page by any chance? Cheers
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    Lunar timing magic

    Keep us posted Lydia please when calendar 2022 is ready, i need to help my gf with her eye surgery and make sure to time her operation with the right moment.
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    Lunar timing magic

    Awesome thanks
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    Lunar timing magic

    Hey all, i would like to know how you guys avoid a Retrograded Mars for black magic? The website i used before stopped their service due to google chrome plugin. Now i don't know which site is legit. Thanks Hail satan
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    JoS Position On The Vaccine

    Can't even join the Canadian army and study in Electrical and mechanical engineer as officer. They Insist on People to get Vaccinated.. i guess my plans are down in the water now. Got to find another solution for my life... fuck!
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    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    I wasn't sick for 20 last years... and this silly virus won't start to scare me right now. I promised myself i'll never accept the Vaccine no matter what... I rather die than get injected with their shit. Hopefully they won't force me when i'll join the army and study in the...
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    Stop a curse

    Cheers, will try that
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    Stop a curse

    Hey guys, I have a reason to believe my father was cursed by my step mother, friend, who's a "witch". What can I do beside cleaning his aura, chakras and using this rune: " Hematite used with this rune can shield against electro-magnetic energies and is therefore helpful in deflecting...
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    Theist Satanism and Occultism?

    Makes sense, thanks :)
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    Theist Satanism and Occultism?

    If that book is NOT on the JoS site..so why it's still available thru their site? Scroll down JoS.org to Links >> Free Satanic E-Books & online resources >> Click on Blue (Older Posts) Button down the page >> You'll find Ordo Umbra E-Book right above Ayperos - Book of Posts.
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    Theist Satanism and Occultism?

    Thanks, i was just looking for another name, if there is one, for Theist Satanism. I'm following the Ordo Umbra book in JoS site and it says somewhere along the line to never tell your enemies you're real religion and that's why i'm looking for another name that might give hints That i'm...
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    Inverted pentagram with Theban letters

    Maybe it is at the time being but eventually your body heals from it or am i wrong :))
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    Inverted pentagram with Theban letters

    Unfortunately it's too late for this. My back, my chest and my shoulders are tattooed by some Satanic symbols or like I prefer to call them Spiritual map. So someone can answer to my question please, is the theban letters insulting or not to our Gods. I would guess not since I saw it in JOs...
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    Inverted pentagram with Theban letters

    Hey all, I was wondering if the Theban letters around an inverted pentagram is insulting to our Gods or not? I'm looking to get a new tattoo with the word SATAN around but i want to make it special. I'm hesitant between Runic alphabet and Theban.
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    Inverted Pentagram Lettering SATAN

    Hey guys, I've been searching for an old page link from JoS called "Satanic Grafix" and I found this page in web.archives.org but the pictures are gone. I'm looking for another inverted pentagram with different type of lettering saying Satan around it, could someone please direct me to the...
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    How to wake up someone from Coma?

    I was wondering if there's a way to wake up a loved one from coma as TS ( Theist Satanist ) without asking help from Father Satan? I want to learn help others since our Father and his God demon/ess always expect us to do the work eventually :)
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    Healing magick inquiry

    No she's not but she might become one eventually. She is Spiritual and i'm sure the more we'll get to know each other she will become curious how my religious side keeps me so polite :lol:
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    Healing magick inquiry

    Hey all, I have a friend with special case and I'm wondering how our magick knowledge might help to slow it down or even better, cure it ? Here's the statement she told me: - i'm Immunodeficiency -Basically my immune system is trying to kill me - So if we boost it.... it kills me faster...
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    Theist Satanism and Occultism?

    What's the difference between Theistic Satanism and Occultism ? I always thought it's the same but I may be wrong and would like an enlightenment on that please?
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    Magnum Opus Levels Explained

    How come this page doesn't exist in the new JOS website? https://web.archive.org/web/20140225061416/http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Philosophers_Stone.html
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    Naka cave Giant stone snake

    What ya'll think about the giant stone snake in Thailand? Looks really beautiful, if it was a real one would be nice to break it's curse :lol:
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    Spiders and Spirituality

    Yeah i notice the hourglass, could look like an 8 poorly designed :lol:
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    Spiders and Spirituality

    I would like to know if spiders have any special meaning like " the serpents or dragons is referred as the kundalini ".. Does a Spider and Spider webs has any secret or special spiritual meaning in Occult ? HS!
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    Alien races page

    Can someone direct me to the right url about the different alien races. I remember seen a page in exposing christianity which is no more there and I would like to refresh my memories about the different races out there pls Thanks in advance! HS
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    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Thanks for your reply!
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    Hatha Yoga

    Where do you even get Kundalini Yoga without finding corrupted version online?
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    how to make a satanic rosary?

    I guess i'll never get an answer concerning Satanic Rosary :D , many people say have a total of 108 beads but do we include the affirmation and the vibration beads together to form 108 total beads? Would be nice to have JoS Rosary page updated with easy to read information or like for...
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    Satanic rosary

    I made this Satanic Rosary, let me know what you think. Hopefully this image link will work
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    What music do you like to listen to during meditations?

    Strange, Psytrance and Slipknot are the only thing that calm me down and relaxes me.
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    Restarted meditation

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    Restarted meditation

    Thanks for your reply! I'm open to more suggestions if anyone feels sharing their opinion(s) :) Any advice will help me get back on track.
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    Restarted meditation

    I was wondering if after 4 consecutive days of 3rd eye opening med, should I work only on empowering the 3rd eye after the 4th day and forget about the opening meditation(med)? What about other chakras, should I practice the opening And empowering daily? Any other useful advice you guys can...
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    Benefits of living in Iceland?

    I was wondering if theres any benefits of living in Iceland while Advancing Spiritually? Like is it more Active in term of energy? The reason i'm asking this is because in The Runic JoS page it says Icelandic and Germanic rune vibration is the strongest but is that place on earth have more...
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    The Truth About Loki

    I knew it has to do with the Kundalini serpent and the magnum opus, glad I found your post to confirm my belief!
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    Pyramid energy

    I came across this youtube video of an old man explaining how to get access to these energies. What you think of it: https://youtu.be/hjt5LZ7UzZs I can't seems to find his book online, if anybody have an idea where its still available could you share the info please? Book called: The...
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    Helping Spirits to move on?

    Sounds good to me, thanks for your reply.
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    I messed up something with my chakras

    Thanks for all your replies, I'll have to restart meditation. Actually the problem all started when I was heavily into meditation to the point I got Spiritually attacked by grays I believe. It gotten so bad that my life and job was kinda attached to a small wire. Everything kept falling down and...
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    I messed up something with my chakras

    I got a small problem which Im not sure how to fix anymore. For almost a year or 2 now, I've had these emotional spikes which I never had. I don't know if my Throat chakra need more work, if its open or other chakras need work but my eyes drop tears quiet easily when ever I see something sad...
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    Helping Spirits to move on?

    Hey all, Since I didn't get notification that my previous post didn't get disapprouved, I thought perhaps it got deleted with all the spam so here it is again. I was wondering whats the procedure to help souls who are stuck to move on? I know it may sound stupid but something attracts me to...
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    Evocating Anubis Inquiry

    Hi all, I would like to know whats the procedure to follow if I see a lost soul and want to call upon Anunis to help guide him/her ? Do I start with the "STANDARD RITUAL [FOR NEW AND INEXPERIENCED PEOPLE]" or "ADVANCED SATANIC RITUAL" ? Then I should ask Father Satan to call Anubis for me ?
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    The Armour Of Anubis - shield against electro-magnetic energies

    Alright so what would you suggest? White, electric blue?
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    Complete SS Calendar for 2020

    Sweet thanks! I feel like a little boy in a chocolate store :D <3
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    The Armour Of Anubis - shield against electro-magnetic energies

    Thanks <3 I prefer "local" stores from giants Corps
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    The Armour Of Anubis - shield against electro-magnetic energies

    How come RED is not a Shielding colour, JOS site says it does.. here look :) the 7th word is "protects against psychic attack." Red Energy, passion, anger, inflammatory, lust, strength, protects against psychic attack. Mars rules red- Revenge, anger, pure sexual lust, and physical...
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    The Armour Of Anubis - shield against electro-magnetic energies

    I'm searching for a trusted store by SS to purchase Small piece of Hematite for neckless use for what this article i copy paste from the pdf below. I found this link in JOS link sections i believe https://booksforsatanspeople.wordpress.com/ and inside this page there's this book: Ayperos...
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    How to get Wealthy ?

    :lol: no problems, do whats best for you. I did my part which is sharing, from there its your choice to take this train or miss it. ;)
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    How to get Wealthy ?

    Shift is over for today, After listening to the 2 books i recommend you to listen, I would suggest you to buy his package deal of Secret Entourage(SE) , Exotic car hacks(ECH) & The Watch Trading Academy (WTA). Once you got the package since Black Friday coming soon, start learning how to...
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    Search on Youtube, IG and FB for this guy: Pejman Ghadimi. He's going to be your key to your success if you will follow his advices. He got the following companies: - Secret Entourage, - Exotic Cars Hacks, - Watch Trading Academy. Would love to see more active SS beside me in these field...
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    New Age "Kundalini" Experiences

    I did this mistake, i lost my patient but i'm working getting back on track and let things happen whenever they do. I'm not patient to raise my kundalini and recreate the philosopher stone to start clean up our beautiful earth asap.. i'm just worried i won't achieve it in this life time :(...
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    how to make a satanic rosary?

    So I got 2 rosary at home but both 108. I'll have to upgrade my white magic rosary from 108 to 111. Does anyone have an image of their 111 rosary to give me an idea please?
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    Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin

    Omg these type of updates gives me headaches.. for almost 7years been using 108 and I'm still alive :p So I'll be using 111 now imo. How would you divide the affirmation Beads? With my old 108, i followed whats on JOS page which i guess no one will update it ?
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    Create a Haunting event

    You're right sorry!
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    Create a Haunting event

    Hey brothers and sisters, I would like to know how can i make a mansion become Haunted to keep people away from owning it? Do I have to Create elements to work for me or can I somehow have ghostly lvl1 and lvl2 help? There's a Mansion I fell in love with which I would love to own in few...
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    Broken Link of Breath of Fire

    Thanks! Btw the pdf's in your signature doesn't work. :( Don't know if its my android the problem or links doesn't work. Says cannot open but I got plenty pdf's from jos that opens with no problem :/.
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    Broken Link of Breath of Fire

    I wanted to do some Breath of Fire since I didn't do it much lately and I realized the video is Private now in JOS page. Anyone can recommend another video from youtube? I've seen so far 2 different vids and both show 2 different way of doing. From JoS - 1. Contract your abdominal muscles...
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    Advance faster?

    Do we need to let go of the trauma, sad or haunting past to be able to advance faster ? There's few events from my childhood i can't get over and i got the feelings i should in order to advance spiritually. I got 1 enemy i can't wait to use Black magick to get rid of, to feel happy in this...
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    Inquiry & suggestions about preparing meditation program

    Alright, thanks for your advice(s). I'll start to build it up slowly :)
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    Inquiry & suggestions about preparing meditation program

    Seems like after all these years of meditating, i might got a bit sensitive. Anyone else went through this stage? :/ I mean usually im emotionless.
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    Inquiry & suggestions about preparing meditation program

    Actually i've been with joS for almost 8 years now. Been meditating 5 successful years, until One day life decided to throw the biggest punch as I was getting advanced. ( Even today Im still not sure if thats what Maxine mean't by Spiritual attack ) Lost my job, credit companies harassed me...
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    Inquiry & suggestions about preparing meditation program

    Hi all, After gathering information from Web achieve of JoS I came to this type of conclusion for personal program but i'm open to suggestion if you think i'm missing something or If I'm wrong, please correct me! I remember I read this earlier this week: Eight Fold Path: 1- Asanas...
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    Looking for a special picture anout sigils

    Thanksssss love u all
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    Looking for a special picture anout sigils

    Hey all, im looking for a picture of a chrome / silver shiny shield with 4 crownedGods Sigils on it. I saw it ounce but i lost it. If anybody knows where i can find it again i will really appriciate it!
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi all, 2 days ago i stumbled on a youtube video called "Bloodlines of illuminati by Fritz S." it speaks about the 13 wealthiest families around the world and a lot more about ww1, ww2 etc. I would like to know what ya'll think about this book? Part1 https://youtu.be/rA5nHJILbFU Part2...
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    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Do we have to Consecrate our Rosary at the end and if yes, what element should i evoke? Thanks How can i upload a picture of my rosary?
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    how to make a satanic rosary?

    Is it 108 in total including the affirmation or 108 + the affirmation beads? Why its 9 affirmation beads while in jos site its 11 affirmation beads :D I'm a bit lost, plus im making a new rosary today but its kinda sketchy aince theres not enough information about how to do it right.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
