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  1. PsychicJuggler

    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    Fuck I'm horribly late with this! I'll start today and keep It up as much as I can!
  2. PsychicJuggler

    New God Rituals: Nepthys & Sekhmet NOW LIVE [Nov 17 to Nov 23]

    I Just did the Nepthys ritual, After having been off the Path for a long time. As I saw the Nepthys ritual I knew I had to do It. I was Always fascinated by this Goddess, so It was a pleasure and an Honor to perform It. That Berkano/Bjork rune Is Always weird to me, Its the KKHH part or the...
  3. PsychicJuggler

    Developing Yet Controlling Your Imagination and Mind to Further Your Advancement

    Never understood the difference between imagination and visualization, I can come up with bright and elaborated ideas and art, but I can't really picture something in my mind vividly. Its weird and this Is such a basic tool in the box, that I feel almost stuck. (Not going to lie, my consistency...
  4. PsychicJuggler

    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 1: The Celestial Sphere

    Love this! Can't wait for more :D
  5. PsychicJuggler

    SERIOUS Theeth and gums problem

    I'm reposting this because it seems the previous one didn't go through, if this is a double post please ignore it. I'm male. I'm overweight I think 20 to 30 kg more than what I should be, I've had a cronic sinusitis, wich I was hospitalized for, it got really bad. I've quit cigarettes and...
  6. PsychicJuggler

    SERIOUS Theeth and gums problem

    I'm male. I'm overweight I think 20 to 30 kg more than what I should be, I've had a cronic sinusitis, wich I was hospitalized for, it got really bad. I've quit cigarettes and caffeine almost a year ago. I have a lot of dandruff, and I had my tonsils removed (don't know if these two are...
  7. PsychicJuggler

    SERIOUS Theeth and gums problem

    Sorry to bother again, but I really need to solve this. My gums are turning white, cavities will not stop forming from the inside, and the dentist doesn't even know why. He will just say brush 2 times, also brush the gums and go buy this new product. What should I do? The cost of this crap is...
  8. PsychicJuggler

    Blind Cat

    He eats and purrs. Only meows loudly if he gets stuck in a place and can't find his way back. He sleeps a lot more.
  9. PsychicJuggler

    Couple of health related questions

    That's the weird part, from a couple of years I've quit smoking, drinking (sodas and almost with alchool), and also switched to a healthier diet (meaning no more junk and much more meat and veggs).
  10. PsychicJuggler

    Couple of health related questions

    Thanks for the advise, I'll switch to a softer brush and be more careful.
  11. PsychicJuggler

    Couple of health related questions

    Hi, I'll be brief and direct so I won't waste anyone's time. I brush and use floss and all the dentist stuff. I often have theeth issues, mainly cavities, had some theeth filled, and more serious procedures. The dentist just always says brush more and use this new fluoride filled paste and...
  12. PsychicJuggler

    Blind Cat

    My cat had an accident don't know what, his tail stopped moving the pet doc prescribed pills, now tail is moving but both eyes turned a brown/yellowish colour and he's blind. (He's a really old cat 19-20 yo). Pet doc said he probably got hit by a car or some similar trauma. He seems fine...
  13. PsychicJuggler

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    Just woke up from one of my worst nightmares this year, my entire family busted into my room I was fucking screaming while dreaming. First thing my head "told" me was to open up Jos Forum and I find this post. First thing I notice it's 6:00 o'clock in the morning, the post title is 2/22 (6) in...
  14. PsychicJuggler

    Humanity 2021-2030: You Will Be Slaves Until You Revolt

    So, is it too late for people who are not spiritually advanced? Like me...?
  15. PsychicJuggler

    Dark Retreat ""Divinity"" Scam

    I guess in the study, they synchronized their patient's sleeping cycle before going on with the experiment, to make the info gathering easier. I can only guess, this info is valid for those who took part in the experiment, who's sleeping time was in sync. This post was about Darkness Retreats...
  16. PsychicJuggler

    Could we need an RTR App? 0.o

    At this point I think I'll put FRTR, Shattering and Tetra in one app, I'll allow the user to choose to go with White or Black. If you guys think this app will be useful. :? ?
  17. PsychicJuggler

    Dark Retreat ""Divinity"" Scam

    Greetings fellow SS! A while ago, I was getting interested with this stuff called Dark Retreat. It is promoted a lot as a miracle and a mean to reach divinity and even a way to become one with the universe. :lol: Many new age sites will claim that this tradition goes back to ancient Rome...
  18. PsychicJuggler

    Could we need an RTR App? 0.o

    I see, :? Would be cool to take a look at that and see if I it can be improved somehow! Does it contain the final rtr? O all of them?
  19. PsychicJuggler

    Could we need an RTR App? 0.o

    Now, I don't know when this post will be visible but Yes, I made the mistake of asking first and then do the check. We already have an interactive version for the Final Rtr. :shock: However, if this could be useful in a Non-Internet Scenario or it could simply be useful to make rtr easier, I...
  20. PsychicJuggler

    Could we need an RTR App? 0.o

    Hello fellow brothers and sisters! An idea just came to my mind, it could be useful but I'm not sure. Here it is. I can create an RTR app. Where you just press a button, and the first letter appears on the screen. You vibrate it and visualize its destruction. Then you tap an "erase" button and...
  21. PsychicJuggler

    Green Pass restrictions in Italy

    Online university is a momentary measure they put in place cause of Covid. There's no guarantee that a student will be allowed to follow the lessons fully online. For the moment, there are cases where one can choose between online or IRL so to say. The august decree doesn't address universities...
  22. PsychicJuggler

    Green Pass restrictions in Italy

    Sorry I did not mean to sound like an alarmist. I'm just feeling a lot of pressure right now.
  23. PsychicJuggler

    Green Pass restrictions in Italy

    In the first week of August a Green Pass Decree could be approved in Italy. According to the Decree, everyone found not in possession of a Green Pass is no more allowed to enter restaurants, bars, and many other facilities. The restrictions will also affect people working in restaurants and...
  24. PsychicJuggler

    how to become good computer gamer?

    This sounds like a -whydoyouevenbothertoask- question :? However, I guess, and this also should sound like a stupid answer.. But lets say that you really manage to delevop serious spiritual skills, lile mind reading, or the ability to influence electronic devices through your aura, or even if...
  25. PsychicJuggler


    Check out for more details: This is Derek Van Schaik on Bob Lazar https://youtu.be/WpN5PjOxHbo This video got shadow banned as soon as it was uploaded. This is pure gold in terms of debate. One can see the many reasons why pieces of information like this are kept silenced, social chaos being...
  26. PsychicJuggler

    The World Is Going To Change - Why The Rush?

    I read frequently that most people will join the cause but it will be too late for them. Lately I'm getting worried about that, for people that are close to me but also for myself. I dedicated a few years ago, and my path in this goes really slowly, what happens to me or every other SS in the...
  27. PsychicJuggler

    Iniziare da capo?

    Salve, non sono nuovo di qui. Prima scrivevo spesso e meditavo il più possibile, anche se con progressi molto lenti. Ora mi limito a leggere i forum in modo assiduo ma non riesco ad essere costante come prima, nemmeno sugli RTR.  Ho preso decisioni stupide nell'ultimo anno, fumo regolarmente...
  28. PsychicJuggler


    So even outside US one has to take precautions? What's whit the "stay away from windows?" is this a general safety rule or are we going to be specifically targeted and become some sort of accidental dead body among the pile? Please could the clergy explain some more details? I obviously take...
  29. PsychicJuggler

    DMT, Pineal Gland, Fluoride Water

    Aaaargh.... :cry: I was up to buy a thing or two to avoid fuoride, and now this post pops up. What do I do to wake the gland up? Also, how do I visualize the bright white golden light in the middle of the forehead if I can't do it at all? :? Ok, I sounded a little triggered sorry. How do...
  30. PsychicJuggler

    Internet Warfare:Youtube Section

    Should we take this as a ""marketing stuff""? Ok this sound weird I know, I'm not saying we should use banners or such things (Or should we? :shock: ) But I was thinking about this, the goal is to make as many people we can to become aware of the jews ruining the world. So, what's the NPC...
  31. PsychicJuggler

    Study method

    Yes, things wich triggers your brain in a WTF manner will create a more consistent "brain trace". One way to achieve this is to create a weird and bizzarre narrative wich connects the main information around a subject in an original story. Weird stuffs will create major connections, even more if...
  32. PsychicJuggler


    Ho iniziato un quadrato del sole. Solo che, qualche giorno fa non ho potuto vibrare il mantra in modo adeguato (ero in casa d'altri e l'ho fatto all'ultimo momento quasi mezzanotte su un balconcino per non svegliare tutti). Lo inizio da capo? Stavo inoltre pensando, io provo tanti esercizi...
  33. PsychicJuggler

    Meditation on third eye

    The same happened to me sometimes, but when I started with cigarettes again, it stopped. Also a friend of myne who's a satanist experienced the same while focusing on the third eye. I can just "Guess" it's connected, since none of us managed to open it yet.
  34. PsychicJuggler


    Ne hanno già parlato sul Forum non ricordo ae inglese o italiano. Usui (Se non vado errato il fondatore del Reiki) ricevette un illuminazione meditando su un monte, il monte Kurama o Kurama Yama. Qualcuno sul forum scrisse che il monte aveva il nome di Satana (In un altra lingua ovviamente). E...
  35. PsychicJuggler


    Ok. Salve a tutti di nuovo. Col senno di poi voglio chiedere scusa in anticipo, mi sembra doveroso. Perché? Perché non riesco in quello che faccio? Mai stato in trance, mai riuscito a visualizzare come si deve, mai avuto esperienze significanti con i demoni o Padre Satana. Vibrare le rune...
  36. PsychicJuggler

    Questione delicata..

    È un canale youtube :mrgreen:
  37. PsychicJuggler

    Questione delicata..

    È Mmmuuuennnyyyakkkhhhaaaa. Che scritto non vuol dire una mazza. Ma su beginnermeditations trovi il file audio apposito.
  38. PsychicJuggler

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    Just having this weird Idea floating by, bout creating a small puzzle game where you simply score by destroying hebrew letters :D Maybe a greedy "big noosed" dude will instantly implode :lol:
  39. PsychicJuggler

    Gender Psychology

    Mmhhh just realized I don't know how to put pics here :? . However in Jung's The Red Book, wich he wrote in a period of deep meditation, one can clearly see he had Satanic knowledge. :shock: Googling it one can see Jung's artworks, and they're full of Pagan Symbols. :D
  40. PsychicJuggler

    Psychology? 0.o

    Thanks Gerecht Ror, a lot. Choosing a path of study will be easier keeping the advice in mind. :D I was pretty confused about the subject :? . However I think they've solved the matter in the post "Gender Sexuality" explaining a little bit about Jung. Who was also an Ufologist, and an...
  41. PsychicJuggler

    Psychology? 0.o

    :? Mmmmhhhhhhh...... Got it At least the piece of paper will give me some sort of pseudo-credibility (that dude has the papers he may have some knowledge..), but they'll get the Satanic toolbox instead :D Hoping they'll improve or even wake up at some levels :roll: Yeah the plan's still a...
  42. PsychicJuggler

    Psychology? 0.o

    I am currently getting the degree. Just wondering is there any "area" of the field wich is not completely bullshit? :? I feel like I'm studying useless things :shock: Yeah money is very helpful but I would like to really help others instead of jewing them around. Anyway thanks fot the...
  43. PsychicJuggler

    Buonasera, avrei domande

    Il culto greco, romano, azteco, egizio... Ognuno deriva dal Satanismo, si tratta di usare nomi diversi per indicare un Demone in genere. Ci sono sicuramente persone che possono dirti di più, ma ti dirò se avanzi, potrai dialogare di persona con i Demoni, e con Satana. Suppongo valga di più di...
  44. PsychicJuggler

    Psychology? 0.o

    Hello! :D Quick question: :? I've read the Jos pages and both the English and Italian Forums, and I've learned that the field of Psychology is for the most part a rotting scumbag of lies and nonsense. So here's my question. :arrow: If I choose to follow this path, are there any real and...
  45. PsychicJuggler

    Chackra Delle mani

    Ciao, posso chiederti cos'hai provato aprendo il terzo occhio? Quanto ci hai messo? Hai usato il Magnesio, o altro? (Se avevi la Pineale Calcificata). Solo curiosità :D
  46. PsychicJuggler

    Apertura terzo occhio(come vibrare?!)

    Ho dimenticato il link :D Cerca su youtube beginnermeditations (è un canale).
  47. PsychicJuggler

    Meditazione di base e respirazione

    :? Ok per gradi. Il diaframma è la fascia muscolare che muovi quando muovi la pancia, hai presente? Quando inspiri profondamente il diaframma si estende e tu puoi riempire d'aria i polmoni fino in fondo. Tutto qui, quando fai la respirazione Yoga cerca di riempire bene i polmoni. Le...
  48. PsychicJuggler

    Apertura terzo occhio(come vibrare?!)

    Qui trovi il file audio della pronuncia della Runa Thoth. E un infinità di altre cose, video informativi, la pronuncia di tutte le Rune ed i Quadrati Cabalistici. Si la Runa va pronunciata, ad alta voce lo scopo è ottenere una vibrazione in prossimità del Terzo Occhio facendo vibrare il suono...
  49. PsychicJuggler

    Evocare un Demone

    Se riuscissi a convincerla a provare con l'H2O2? Tumori e AIDS sono nelle lista delle malattie trattate.
  50. PsychicJuggler

    Apertura e Meditazione

    Grazie mille per le infirmazioni! Aprirò i chakra, e mi sto organizzando per usare l'Acqua Ossigenata e qualcosa per disintossicarmi dal fluoro (forse la zeolite qualcuno l'aveva consigliata sul Forum), inizio a pensare che sia calcificata :?
  51. PsychicJuggler

    Strane sensazioni

    Suonerà un po scontato.. MA FAI LA DEDICA!! :shock: :arrow: Hail Shaitan!
  52. PsychicJuggler

    "grumi/nodi" spirituali nel corpo

    A volte i post vengono rifiutati in automatico a causa del Browser che utilizzi. A volte mi è capitato usando Chrome, cambiare Browser ha risolto.
  53. PsychicJuggler

    Apertura e Meditazione

    Avrei una domanda sulla Meditazione Completa dei Chakra, e sulle Aperture. Il mio terzo occhio non vuole saperne di aprirsi, posso provare ad aprire altri chakra? O rischio di fare casini? Lo stesso dubbio ce l'ho sulla Meditazione Completa, la pagina spiega che è consigliato aprire i...
  54. PsychicJuggler


    Se voleste approfondire, ricordo di esperimenti molto simili condotti da un certo Masaru Emoto. Ha dimostrato che non solo i Toni puri influenzano il processo di Cristallizzazione ma anche la musica, creando geometrie regolari e simmetriche con Musica Classica e figure irregolari e...
  55. PsychicJuggler

    Novizio Informazioni(Dedica,Demoni,Meditazione,Yoga etc.)

    Hello there! Puoi richiedere la succube, ma sul sito è spiegato che alcune abilità sono richieste. Inoltre vedi bene che rapporto intendi instaurare con lui/lei, non è uno scherzo. Il Demone guardiano potrebbe cercare di contattarti, o se vuoi fare il primo passo sul sito c'è una apposita...
  56. PsychicJuggler

    Un tema controverso

    Questo interessa anche a me, ho letto da qualche parte sul forum che spesso gli ebrei usano i cerchi per "legare" qualcosa. Sto per pubblicare un lavoro sul Play che nella parte grafica contiene alcuni sigilli demoniaci, e sono contenuti in dei cerchi. Il post capita a fagiolo :D Qualcuno può...
  57. PsychicJuggler

    Due Domande. (Trance & Thoth)

    Salve a tutti! Mi chiedevo se aveste dei consigli in merito a due cose. 1 : Trance. Come fate voi ad entrare in trance? Ho letto la sezione sul sito, e sto facendo la Respirazione 6/6/6, anche per mezz'ora filata, anche 2 3 volte al giorno da un bel po' ormai (E' nella routine degli esercizi)...
  58. PsychicJuggler


    1) Sto lavorando da un pò sul terzo occhio, e ho vibrato Thoth per più di 8 giorni ormai. Ma mi sono chiesto, visto che è indicato di ripeterlo 4 giorni, ha conseguenze negative farlo per più di quanto indicato? Ho avuto mal di testa a volte, qualche ora dopo aver vibrato ma mai una forte...
  59. PsychicJuggler

    Quasi-Svenuto con lo Yoga Kundalini

    Mi è successo con l'esercizio #8 della Sequenza per l'Energia Spinale di Base. In genere mi fa sentire la testa leggera, a volte un po' offuscata, stavolta ho perso brevemente conoscenza. Ho sbagliato col Mool Bandha? Seguivo la serie da un video, perchè alcuni esercizi non mi erano chiari, ho...
  60. PsychicJuggler

    Visualizzare, Chiarimenti

    Ciao a tutti, di nuovo. Volevo approfondire un pò il tema della Visualizzazione. Molte persone che conosco hanno difficoltà a farlo, io compreso. Cercando online trovo poco materiale coerente, dove si insiste a dare spiegazioni dando per scontato che l'"utente" sappia già creare immagini...
  61. PsychicJuggler

    Ronzio Trance Visualizzazione

    Salve! Volevo iniziare uno dei Programmi, ma non riuscendo a visualizzare e cadere in trance mi chiedo se abbia senso affrontarli. Volevo chiedere qualche chiarimento: All'inizio quando praticavo gli esercizi di Respirazione, avvertivo come una frequenza molto acuta nelle orecchie. Sul sito si...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
