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  1. Renita

    Tattoo and Piercing Placement

    I know that tattoos are relatively harmless unless done unprofessionally and not properly taken care of. Are there any specific areas on the body where you should not do a tattoo such as: neck, spine, etc? Same goes with piercings. Are there areas for the body if pierced cause any spiritual...
  2. Renita

    Plants & Herbs

    I myself am a big enthusiast when it comes to plants and herbs. I myself don't own many plants, but my mother and my house has a lot of plants both inside and out, and this has inspired my love for the herbal side of Spirituality. Is there any advice, books or fun facts about how to better plant...
  3. Renita

    Jewish Photography Project help

    For my photography class I need to research a photographer from the list they gave us and then do a photo shoot in that style. I was researching many that I liked, including Arthur Tress, Jerry Uelsmann and others. I was very disappointed to find out that many of the photographers that were on...
  4. Renita

    Issues with menstruation

    For as long as I have been able to have my mensuration cycles, they have always been out of order, and there would be months where I would not have any signs of my cycle getting back on track. Due to my cycle being really irregular, when I would get my period, it would hurt so much I had once...
  5. Renita

    My mother might be a Jew

    All my life my relationship with my mother has been a constant of ups and downs. My older sister has also had issues with my mother and the house was always in a state of chaos. There would be screaming and things falling all apart every night when I was younger, it was all so horrid. While we...
  6. Renita

    Helping the Ukrainian war

    The war between Russian and Ukraine has been going on for 3 years now and it does not seem to have an end in sight. This conflict has been going on for generations, even back before Russian became the state know as Russia. I as a Ukrainian am deeply troubled by the events that are going on in...
  7. Renita

    Awakening from Trance

    I like to time my meditations so I can see how long I can keep my concentration and push to keep focus and not let my mind wander. With trance meditation, sudden noises and alarms can deeply hurt an individual and stay for a while. Is there a way to time the trance without it being a loud...
  8. Renita

    Advancing through meditations

    There are different levels of meditations and each one has its own level of advancement attached to it, for example an advanced SS knows how to do Chakra Spin like the back of their hand. How do you know you've done a certain meditation enough and can move on into more hard and advanced...
  9. Renita

    Satan's Day (December 23)

    Satan's Day is coming upon us and it is a great day for opportunity for celebration and happiness. Besides doing Satan's Absolution rituals, what else do you guy's do? It is nice to share with each other and come together to share our experiences and maybe be inspired to do the same! I hope...
  10. Renita

    Becoming more feminine

    I myself have a very hard time expressing my female side. I am a female and still have many femininity traits and so, but I can't seem to embrace it fully. Are there any meditations, runes or sermons that can help me embrace my feminine side more? Thank you and HAIL SATAN!!
  11. Renita

    Soul Gender and problems with my identity

    I had a question pop in my head a few hours ago about the human soul. Does the human soul have gender? If we do, does the gender of the soul change from life to life? And i'm not talking about sex or such, im talking about the Male and female consciousness and energy. If there is a gender to a...
  12. Renita

    Meditating on energy

    This doesn't only apply to Hatha yoga but any energy that you get after meditation or ritual. How do you meditate on the energy? Do you infuse it into your chakras, aura? Do you feel or visualize the energy? Do you do void meditation? Thank you and HAIL SATAN!!
  13. Renita

    Dream of Satan's return

    Yesterday, I redid my daily meditations and added a few new practises. I did the usual void. cleans and strengthen with the new combined 666 meditation and then introspective meditation. That night I had a dream of Satan's return to Earth. I do not remember the exact details but it went...
  14. Renita

    Pronunciation Guide for RUNES

    I, as probably many people have a hard time remembering all the pronunciation of each rune. I have made myself a little guide of letters that you impitate while vibrating a certain rune. This has helped me a lot with not forgetting and pronouncing the runes correctly. This can also be for those...
  15. Renita

    Infusing yoga to my routine

    I have had a consistent routine of aura cleans/strengthen every morning, RTR or God ritual in the afternoon and then before bed to do aura Cleanse/strengthen again.. I want to introduce yoga to my routine but I do not think I will be able to do the WHOLE series of kundalini yoga, hatha yoga and...
  16. Renita

    Looking for friends

    Since most of my both online and irl friends are either xtians or not SS, I have a hard time expressing opinions and so on. I would greatly appreciate if anyone would like ot be friends and I can talk to another SS who understands and we can share common ideas. No specifics, just a online friend...
  17. Renita

    A gift

    I am aware that circles around pentagrams bind Satan and the Gods. Is this ok to wear them? Thank you and HAIL SATAN!!
  18. Renita

    vent about Andrapodic friends

    Ever since I became a SS, done meditations and learned about the Turth, I have taken close notice to the behavioral and lifestyle loops I see in my friends. Whenever I talk to one of them, it feels like I'm talking to a robot. She is just so bland, no emotion and just feels like I'm talking to...
  19. Renita


    Ever since I became a SS, I could never be all silent or nonchalant about Satanism. I wouldn't tell anybody else about my beliefs, but I was always very very expressive when it came to SS. Especially on Satanic holidays, I get so happy and excited. Almost like a little kid who gets a gift...
  20. Renita

    ALL necessary meditations

    Ever since I have gotten sick, a question came to me; what meditation’s are the MOST necessary and you NEED to do, no matter what. I already do aura cleanse and aura protection every day and night, but what are the other necessities. I want to make sure I am not skipping in anything important...
  21. Renita


    I am aware that any drugs can really mess you over both spiritualy and physically. What about paycodelic acid or shrooms? They are also bad, but what if you take them only once? Is there any positive ways to use shrooms or acid to your benefit, or is there only negatives? I am just curious and...
  22. Renita

    Meditating while sick

    I have gotten sick a few days ago. It isn’t terrible, but it is bad enough to make me sleep a lot. Because of this, it makes daily meditation and doing my 6-month program harder. I still do it, but I dont focus on actually doing it as much as simply completing it. Is this ok? I dont want to...
  23. Renita

    Children of the Spiritual Satanist

    Having children and teaching them about The Truth is very important as this raises the next generation of SS who can help the world heal. Children are sacred and are the ones that if raised right with SS values, can help spread the word of Satan in the most positive way. But, I have a few...
  24. Renita

    Trance Meditations Habits

    I just wanted to make sure that what I tend to do during Trance Meditation is normal. After I begin to go down the ladder and then stopping and going down, I noticed that I tend to hold my breath subconsciously. This happens every time that I do Trance. I don't even notice I hold my breath. Is...
  25. Renita

    Weird Childhood abilities..

    I was born into a family full of alcoholism, both Mother, father and grandma. The childhood adoption center already was keeping a watch on my family as there had been previous cases of abuse and neglect with my brother. At the ripe age of only 2 I had crawled from my home and ended up on the...
  26. Renita

    Slavic Heritage

    As many may be aware, the xtian and jewsh filth has affected Slavic countries in a huge account. I myself am a mix of Polish and Ukrainian. I desire to still keep my culture and marry and have a family with a Slavic person. About 47% of the Slavic people are xtian, and this creates a problem...
  27. Renita

    Spiritual Advancement Stump

    I have noticed that for the past week or two I have been a bit stumped with my Spiritual Journey. I have been consistently doing my 6 month program and my daily morning and night aura Cleanse and Strengthen, yet I feel this strange feeling of tiredness/hate. It as if meditation has become a...
  28. Renita

    Helping Replenish the Earth

    Due to the filth that xtians and jews that put on this Earth, many issues have arisen, such as lack of spirituality, global warming and just in general many issues with our Mother Earth. Besides from meditation, doing RTR's and trying to give energy back, is there any way to help aid the Earth's...
  29. Renita

    RTR Vibrating

    On every RTR, there is a MP3 of the ways your supposed to vibrate or chant the paragraph. Could you play the MP3 and repeat after the audio? Will the RTR still work? Or do you need to vibrate in in complete silence and by yourself? I am slowly trying to learn how to pronounce everything...
  30. Renita

    Drinking for special events

    Alcohol is bad for the human body and soul, as I have come to understand. But does that mean on special occasions such a as Yule or Satan's Day, can you not drink wine as celebration? I just want to make sure that I know what I can and cant do when it comes to alcoholic drinks. Thank you!! HAILS...
  31. Renita

    Reply to writing of JoS.org in bathroom (literally laughing)

    So, for the fun of it and because school is boring, I decided to write the JoS.org on the bathroom stall and wall. Wrote in in red sharpie. Funny thing is, not even 30 min later, a reply was already there. Someone had covered the writing with a pink sticky note saying "All Gods plan". I had...
  32. Renita

    Celebrating Yule and Satan's Day.

    The Yule season is coming closer and closer, and this will be my first time celebrating since I have dedicated myself to Satan back in January. Due to this being my first time, I am a bit unsure about the rituals or practises you can do to celebrate. I am aware of all the baking, gift giving and...
  33. Renita

    Little Toad

    I was having a rough Monday today, feeling very tired and weary. Once I came home, after eating my mom was re-seeing our pants from pot to pot. While doing so a baby toad (or small) jumped out. I quickly made sure that it didn't fall and carried it to our small bird bath and put it there. It was...
  34. Renita

    Plans for burning Karma/Advancing SS

    I am still underage, and am unable to fully burn bad karma and donate, but I do have many goals that I will be putting into place once I am off age. Once I am able to acquire a stable job, I will use at least €1,000 every month to donate to the JoS. I am planning on growing a family with SS...
  35. Renita

    6 month meditation link issues

    I have been meditating on my own path for 2 months now, and I think I am ready to start the 6 month mediation program. When I clicked the link, It said there was an error and I was unable to go into the programm. Does anyone have the link? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you and HAIL SATAN!!
  36. Renita


    I am aware that each person has their own culture and ethnicity and should stick with it and make sure to help their Nation grow and develop. The problem with me, is my country is currently in a really deep war (Ukraine) and I am unaware if by the time I move out, I will be able to move back...
  37. Renita

    Things that have helped me motivate myself!

    Over the past year of being a SS, I have had many different phases of my development. Starting from simply using the label and not truly putting it into action though meditations and such. I had become a SS around the beginning of year, sometime in January. When I first began, I did not know...
  38. Renita

    Daily Reminders, that Id like to share

    Over the past year of being a SS, I have had many different phases of my development. Starting from simply using the label and not truly putting it into action though meditations and such. I had become a SS around the beginning of year, sometime in January. When I first began, I did not know...
  39. Renita

    Raising my Energies

    Over the past few weeks I have been feeling a bit down and de-motivated when it comes to meditating or just doing any daily activities. It is not the winter and colder months and I have always seemed to become more tired and worn out during this season. I have heard that this may be a problem...
  40. Renita

    Giving energy back

    I am aware that there is an imbalance of both the inverted pentagram and the upward pentagram. Due to this, the Earth is being drained of energy to fight against bad energies. I do wear a upward pentagram but also use the inverted pentagram during rituals and my meditation practises. Is there a...
  41. Renita

    Protection of necklace

    I have bought a reverted silver pentagram necklace and was wondering if there was a way to attach a specific energy that can keep me away from jew and xtian energy? Like a spell or ritual that can give the jewelery my energy to keep my energy safe? Thank you so much, HAIL SATAN, ASTAROTH, AZAZEL...
  42. Renita

    Self Esteem

    Over the past week, I have been educating myself a lot on all the Goetic Daemons and the history of Satanism. I have also been constantly doing void meditations, aura and chakra cleansing with opening my crown chakra. I had also noticed that a lot of days I have really low self esteem, I don't...
  43. Renita

    My week

    Over the past week, my body has been feeling a bit strange. Normally, I can eat perfectly fine, but this week, it seems that even just a bowl of soup make me so full that it hurts. I am also feeling a bit down and lazy.. which I do not like being this way. I have been doing my crown chakra...
  44. Renita

    My future and my anxiety

    I am to finish school in a matter of 2 years. I have a goal of what I would like to do in the future, but right now with all the political and worldly problems, my mind seems to be fogged. I dream of making films and movies to share the knowledge that I have learned from Father Satan, JoS and...
  45. Renita

    Occult Books

    I have read much useful information from this website and am truly happy to have access to the truth. I was wondering if there are any actually paper version books that give truth about the occult? And if there are, how do I check that a book on occultism is truth and not filled with jewish and...
  46. Renita

    Feelings during meditation

    I have began to notice that as a meditate more and more, I tend to have this limp body feeling whenever I meditate, as if my head is heavy and Im really relaxed enough to fall asleep. Is this good? I just want to make sure that I am doing my meditation right and feeling the right feelings. I...
  47. Renita

    Fear for myself

    I, am a female, a immigrant and a Ukrainian. I had come to America as my mother had been working in the WORLD BANK and due to the Russian War. With this new election of president Trump, my safety and all my rights have been thrown out the roof. My right to have an abortion..my right to use a...
  48. Renita

    First Summoning

    I am planning on doing my very first summoning today. I am going to be trying to contact Father Satan. I am currently unable to properly acquire an incense stick but I do have a few candles that I will be using (green, black and red) I had a few questions that would help me summon Him better...
  49. Renita

    Contacting GD

    As Samhain is tomorrow, I would love to finally find/communicate with my Guardian Demon. I am unable to get a ouija board due to family issues, but is there any other way, such as prayer or ritual to discover or talk to my GD without a actually board? Thank you all so much and happy Samhain...
  50. Renita

    Understanding of my progression

    I have started focusing on my base chakra for a few days now, and I had a few questions when it came to opening and healing your chakras in general. 1. How do you know if the chakra you are focusing on is truly opening and being advanced? 2. Are there ways you can accidently harm your chakra...
  51. Renita


    No matter how many mistakes you make, no matter how hard this journey gets.. know that the Gods are always watching and helping. This journey of light and advancement will take time and effort. All that is important is the fact that you do not give up and continue on. Fighting through obstacles...
  52. Renita


    I have been reading a lot of information on both JoS official website and JoSWIKI. All of this information is very useful and I am very grateful to Satan for giving me this opportunity to see and read the truth. As much as I love to learn more, I seem to be getting a bit in overstimulated mind...
  53. Renita

    Concentration on Feeling. (Aura)

    Doing daily aura cleansing and strengthening is mandatory both in the morning and before sleep. I am aware that you must focus and concentrate of visualizing the feeling of bright light around you and then around all your chakras. I had a few questions concerning this fact. When we...
  54. Renita

    Problem with focus

    Meditation takes time and effort to master and I am very aware of that. I had been wondering 2 main things. 1- Is it ok to tell yourself in your head while meditating to focus and give yourself reformations to keep focusing? and 2- How can I fully be concentrated, even when I do void or trance...
  55. Renita

    Smoking once In a while

    I am aware that smoking is in all bad, but what if you smoke only on special occasions such as parties or such? Would that still be very bad for you, even if your not addicted but just do it for the moment at the party or special event? Thank you and Hail Satan.
  56. Renita

    Stress of failure

    I am still a bit ashamed to say that my journey with Satan had started off on a wonky start. I had originally found about Satanism of social media, and that had averted me from learning about the truth of Satanism. Only after a user had told me about JoS, had I truly begun to understand what...
  57. Renita

    Is he dissapointed?

    Sometimes when I do meditations, my xtian mother would be doing something very distracting such as playing her tv at ful volume or just being loud listening to her podcasts. I also know that I fear her catching me meditation and sometimes dont meditate due to the fear of her coming upstairs. I...
  58. Renita

    Strange Events of October 14th

    On this day, many different events have happened that I would really like to share. It was around 3 or 4 at the time when my mother had left for groceries. I had suddenly felt such claiming peace, something that I have never felt before. I did not feel anything but calmness. I felt at peace with...
  59. Renita

    Love Relationships

    As a Satanist, I would want to date a man of similar religion or even a Satanist. The thing is, I live in a state where I have NEVER met anyone with the same religion. Is there any way to find a fellow Satanist?
  60. Renita

    Unforgivable Sin

    I know that the biggest mistake or "sin" you can commit in Satanism, is stupidity, but I was wondering if there were any other so called "sins" that are unforgivable by Satan and the Gods? And if there are, is there any way to fix your mistake? Thank you, and HS!!
  61. Renita

    Children of Satan

    If a woman who was a Satanist became pregnant, would her spiritual contact with Satan be also passed down to the child? Or would the child need to find the bond with Satan themselves? I ask this as I want to raise my child with Satanic values and was wondering how it all worked. Thank you so...
  62. Renita

    Prayer to Satan

    Is there any other way of communicating to Father Satan without actually doing a summoning ritual? If I, for example had a problem and wanted to tell him that because of that problem I cant meditate, how could I tell him without summoning? I also sometimes feel like a disappointment, that I...
  63. Renita

    Daily Meditations

    I know that it is important to meditate daily, morning and night. The thing is, since I am still in school it is sometimes hard to actually figure out proper time and sometimes I simply forget to meditate in the mornings as I am too busy getting ready. Is it ok if I do the morning meditations a...
  64. Renita

    Romantic Relationship

    As a Satanist, can one fall in love with a Christian? Or will it affect all the progress I have made with Satan? I have told them Im a Satanist, they seem to be fine with it...
  65. Renita

    Runes Pronunciation

    So, I have practised many meditations such as Aura cleansing and void meditation, and wanted to start doing actually Rituals for Satan. I have seen many Rune vibrations, for example for Halloween but am a bit unsure of how to pronounce them. Should I memorize each letter, or can I check the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
