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  1. Edward666

    Waiting for the Holiest Day of the Year!

    We are at the gates of the most important Day of the Year... The Day in which we celebrate the One who created us, known throughout the Universe, the One who sees everything and hears everything, the absolute Truth, Our Father Satan. I dedicate these words to you and to JoS. Let's stop for a...
  2. Edward666

    [Trad] Arte: combattere la degenerazione, venerare la bellezza

    Arte: combattere la degenerazione, venerare la bellezza Thread 'Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/art-fighting-degeneracy-venerating-beauty.292128/ 3/9/2024 Quando Hitler salì al potere, una delle prime cose che fece fu chiudere la Bauhaus...
  3. Edward666

    Runic Work for career advancement

    Greetings, I am structuring a Runic Work to advance position in my job career. I have thought of using runes such as Fehu, Sowilo or Jera. Are they good for this kind of work?
  4. Edward666

    [Trad] La piattaforma per i Donatori della Gioia di Satana è ORA ATTIVA!

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform is NOW LIVE! Thread 'The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE!' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-joy-of-satan-donor-platform-is-now-live.291094/ 8/8/2024 Un saluto a tutta la nostra Famiglia Satanica negli Dei, Con molta felicità vi annuncio che la...
  5. Edward666

    [Trad] Guerra Israele - Palestina & Iran: perchè sono crudele con le statistiche

    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics Thread 'Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/israel-palestine-iran-war-why-i-am-evil-with-statistics.291025/ 6/8/2024 Israele nel complesso, se si credesse anche solo ai...
  6. Edward666

    [Trad-IEvil] Halal smascherato

    Halal esposto https://islamicevil.com/halal-exposed/ Prima di iniziare, dobbiamo ovviamente definire il termine “Halal”. La traduzione letterale è “lecito”, cioè accettabile per la legge islamica. La maggior parte delle persone in Occidente conosce questo termine solo per aver visto...
  7. Edward666

    [Trad] Consigli rapidi per combattere il caldo

    Quick Tips to Beat the Heat Thread 'Quick Tips to Beat the Heat' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/quick-tips-to-beat-the-heat.290497/ HPS Lydia 20 Luglio 2024 Per chi non ha l'aria condizionata o vuole ridurre le bollette dell'elettricità. -Dopo esservi fatti la doccia, mettete l'acqua...
  8. Edward666

    [Trad] Falso senso di diritto nel Satanismo Spirituale

    False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism Thread 'False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/false-sense-of-entitlement-in-spiritual-satanism.290322/ SS Hooded Cobra 666 13 Luglio 2024 __________________________________________ Falso senso di...
  9. Edward666

    [ Trad ] Riguardo la percezione umana del tempo

    About Human Perception Of Time - Power of Justice [JG] 18 Giugno 2024 Thread 'About Human Perception Of Time' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-human-perception-of-time.289580/ La vita umana non è breve; la gente la fa solo sembrare tale. Realisticamente, una persona impiega fino...
  10. Edward666

    [TRAD] La Storia Della Gioia di Satana è Stata Ripristinata : L'Archivio Dei Gruppi è Ora ATTIVO!

    Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE! Thread 'Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE!' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/joy-of-satan-history-restored-groups-archive-now-live.289082/ - Sommo Sacerdote HoodedCobra 666- 3/6/2024 Un saluto a tutti i membri...
  11. Edward666

    Saturn Return when?

    How to see if the first return of Saturn in your birth chart has passed or when it will arrive?
  12. Edward666

    Runic work with Kenaz and Sowilo, when to start?

    Greetings, I have a plan ready to go. I'll work on my charisma and power to influence others. I will use the Kenaz and Sowilo runes. I appreciate some advice from you, looking at the May/June Satanic calendar, what could be the best day to start?
  13. Edward666

    [ Trad ] Matriminio e Battesimo nel Satanismo Spirituale : Parlando di Amore

    Matrimonio e Battesimo nel Satanismo Spirituale: Sull' Amore https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/marriage-baptism-in-spiritual-satanism-about-love.96529/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Oltre alla sezione Etica, che è la migliore in assoluto...
  14. Edward666

    Conception of WAR

    Some people say war is always bad and others say it is always good. I'll write a few words, in this time is necessary to talk about it. Our conception of war is not moralistic, but presents us with its ability to resolve vital decisions and situations. We can define it as "formal...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
