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  1. Padme

    Magical Squares

    Can we do two squares at the same time?
  2. Padme

    İç Döküş ve Tavsiye

    İyi günler/akşamlar. Bu "thread"i biraz kendi içimi dökmek biraz da tavsiye istemek için yazıyorum. İçimi dökebileceğim en doğru yerin burası olduğuna karar verdim çünkü hem ailem dediğim insanların hem de beni doğru şekilde yönlendirecek kişilerin burada olduğunu biliyorum. Lafı uzatmadan...
  3. Padme

    Spiritual Enemies and Corrupted Jewish God YHWH

    Spiritual Enemies and Corrupted Jewish God YHWH Note; Gentile means Non-Jew. Every Non-Jew is a Gentile Today’s world is full of spiritual Enemies. As Gentiles, we should be aware of the threats around us. Unfortunately, even Gentiles are protecting the false “God” and supporting him. The...
  4. Padme

    Komunizm, Yahudiler ve Musevilik, Karl Marx, Zionism İlişkileri

    Komunizm, Yahudiler ve Musevilik, Karl Marx, Zionism İlişkileri Komünizmin kökeni ile ilgili birçok farklı komplo teorileri üretilmiştir. Kimileri Platon'un eserlerinde bahsettiği ve savunduğu devlet yapısını destekleyen bir ideoloji olduğunu savunur, kimileri ise ilk Hristiyan topluluklarının...
  5. Padme

    Nasyonal Sosyalizm (Nazizm), Okültizm, Paganizm ve Satanizm İlişkileri

    Nasyonal Sosyalizm (Nazizm), Okültizm, Paganizm ve Satanizm İlişkileri Nazizm olarak kısaltılan Nasyonal Sosyalizm Adolf Hitler’in ve Nazi Almanyası’nın politik ideolojisidir. Nasyonal Sosyalizm geleneksel olarak “aşırı sağ politik parti” olarak adlandırılmasına karşın, Nasyonal Sosyalist...
  6. Padme

    About JoS Rituals: You can use Satan's Library

    As we all know sometimes JoS Rituals website being unable to open. If you need to do Power Rituals for Gods you can find their PDFs in satanslibrary.org
  7. Padme

    Overcoming the Fear of Religion

    Overcoming the Fear of Religion Many people who grew up with Abrahamic religions struggle to cope with religion or religious obsessive compulsive disorder. Abrahamic religions have tried to make us feel guilty and suppress us with concepts such as "fear" and "shame": "Jesus died for your sins!"...
  8. Padme


    Let's categorize Runes; Runes for Wealth; Fehu Ödhaln (Othala) Uraz Runes for Relationships; Gebo Wunjo Ehwaz Runes for Protection; Perthro Algiz Berkano Nauthiz Runes for Healing; Wunjo Thurisaz Rune for Black Magic(k); Uraz Thurisaz Nauthiz Isa Best Runes to Conenct With Satan; Ansuz...
  9. Padme

    Tyr, Andras and Turks

    Hello, We know that humanity has descended from the gods and some nations are protected by some gods. I read someone said that some nations has their names from old gods (such as Austrians) and that they could be direct descended of that spesific god. When I read it I remember the Tyr and his...
  10. Padme

    Pyhsical Bodies, Gods and Afterlife

    Hello my SS friends, I have some questions; I know Gods are not only spiritual beings but also beings who has pyhsical bodies in Orion. What confuses me is what happens after death; I know we will be protected by Gods in hell until we reincarnate or achieve Magnum Opus but will we have pyhsical...
  11. Padme

    Problems I see in Satanist Communities

    Well, I probably gonna be hated because of this but Instead of looking for an answer in my head, it makes more sense to take your thoughts into consideration. I love Theology of Joy of Satan Ministries and can say the rituals, meditations and other spiritual works inspired by this community...
  12. Padme

    Angels and Greys

    Greetings my beautiful family, Since my dedication those dirty angels start to coming to my place even more often. When I feel them I know how to banish them (cause you know they almost have no power when we compared to dedicated Satanists) but sometimes I don't feel their presence for days and...
  13. Padme

    Let's Talk About Misson

    Greetings my beautiful spirit family, Writing this post came into my mind right after I have read posts of HP HoodedCobra (Hail The Father of JoS!). It touched my heart but also make me question my purpose, or, mission. To be honest, this is the hardest question that I need to answer in my path...
  14. Padme

    HPS Maxine and Apotheosis

    Since my dedication, I always admire HPS Maxine and feel a deep love towards her. Seeing her ritual is now with us makes me so happy. I have a question; Can a person work with her spirit just like we work with Demons? Since she achieved Magnum Opus she is one of the immortals right? Thank you...
  15. Padme

    My Story and A "Thank You" Letter

    My story start at a really young age. Till my 13th birthday I was a really religious Muslim, who goes mosque everyday for almost every 5 prayer of Islam, it was draining my energy, I was having crises at home. I remember the times I cried myself over sleep. I didn't know what was the reason of...
  16. Padme

    We Want Justice; The Only One Who Can Give It Is You

    We want justice, but who are we; Actually everyone... There is a suffering in this world and the only one who can create a new Aeon is YOU. As Spritual Satanists the biggest difference between us and other Religious Ideologies is that we are community-based. We are not only working for...
  17. Padme


    Can elementals, sirens, dragons etc, reincarnate in a human body?
  18. Padme

    Eskisi Kadar Aktif Değiliz

    Eskisi kadar aktif değiliz, ki bu aslında iyi bir şey çünkü bir çoğumuzun kendi içlerinde ki hakikatı bulduğunu gösteriyor. Eskisi kadar aktif değiliz, çünkü artık olgunlaştık ve geliştik. Biz hep bir aileydik ve hep bir aile olacağız, Spritüel Satanistler olarak, bizler hep bir arada kalacak ve...
  19. Padme

    Light Language

    Is Light Language safe? Is it can be a diffrent form of Enochian Language?
  20. Padme

    Mythological Races

    We know Gods can have sexual intercorse with humans, and therefor can have children (like Asmodeus). So I have a question. Can other mythological entities, like elves, can have sexual intercorse, and have children, with humans?
  21. Padme

    An Article About Ethnic Groups

    Our material world is a manifestation of spritual world. Every step of us, has coming from the, so called, spirit world. Our mother nature is a manifestation of a greater plane, which we known as astral plane. Today we are gonna talk about ethnic groups and how they impact our "everyday life"...
  22. Padme

    Sex Magick

    We all know sex magick is one of the most powerful way for waking up the Kundalini. BUT there is a question inside my head? Can we use masturbation for waking the Kundalini up? While I was in a sexual intercorse with a partner, his voices, talking or just his body makes me unable to focus to my...
  23. Padme

    Yahudilere verilecek cevaplar

    Eğer bir Yahudi veya Yahudiler'i savunan biri görürseniz aklınızda bulunması gereken birkaç şeyi sıralamak istiyorum; 1-Yahudiler kendilerini "üstün ırk" olarak görüp "Tanrının seçilmiş insanları" olduklarını idda ediyorlar. Bu sebeple Centil halklarından üstün olduklarını ve onları yönetme...
  24. Padme


    What do you guys think about Onmyōdō practices that influenced by Eastern Esotericism?
  25. Padme

    About Website

    I heard some information in the website or not updated, so they can be wrong. If that is true, I have some questions for make sure my knowledge is not outdated. 1-Did Gods of Gentiles (Demons) came from Orion? 2-Does Jews have blood of Reptilians? 3-Is Yahweh a Grey? 4-Is Lucifuge Rofocale a...
  26. Padme

    Verses From "Holly Book" of Muslims, Koran

    Verses From "Holly Book" of Muslims, Koran; 4 Reason to Choose Spritual Satanism They wish you would disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so you may all be alike. So do not take them as allies unless they emigrate in the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them...
  27. Padme


    As a Korean Shaman (만신) we oftenly Dance in our 굿 rituals (ceremony that we invoke 신령님/Gods). Dance have always been a powerdul method for getting into trance for me. Can I Dance while invoking Demons just like I did in 굿 rituals?
  28. Padme


    Bugün kadercilik hakkında birkaç şey sormak istiyorum. Karmanın ve Karmik döngünün (Samsara) gerçek olduğunu ele aldığımızda aslında hayatımızın ve yaptığımız her bir eylemin kader üzerinden ilerlediği sonucuna varmıyor muyuz? Örneğin a, b ve c isimli iki kişi düşünelim; B kişisi C kişisine bir...
  29. Padme

    Ciggarets and Alcohol

    I have a question. We all know alcohol and ciggarets are bad for both our Spritual and pyshical health. But why did Ancient Pagans and Shamans use them in rituals; Such as Turco-Mongolian Shamans using ciggarets and followers of Dionysus using alcohol? Thank you for all your answers
  30. Padme

    Nasyonal Sosyalizm

    Nasyonal Sosyalizm'i araştırıyordum ve aklıma birkaç soru takıldı, izninizle benden daha bilgili olduğuna inandığım sizlere sorularımı sormak istiyorum. Politikayla çok ilgilenen biri değilim çünkü yaşım gereği politik ideolojileri algılama ve uygulama konusunda yeterli olgunluğa sahip...
  31. Padme

    Other Satanic Groups

    What do you guys think anout other Satanic organisations such as ONA and TST?
  32. Padme

    Türk Khamanizm'i ve Şeytan

    Merhaba dostlar, uzun süredir Türk Mitolojisi okuyan biri olarak akıma bir şey geldi ve sizle bu konuyu tartışmak istedim. Joy of Satan olarak konu Tanrılara geldiğinde Omnist bir yaklaşıma sahibiz (yanlış terimi kullandıysam düzeltmenizi rica ediyorum). Demek istediğim o ki farklı isimlerle...
  33. Padme


    Which Demon is The Goddes Inari Okami? Anyone know about her?
  34. Padme

    About Other Religions

    Can a non-Satanist still do power meditations? Of course if they do not belong to any Abrahamic Religion. Some of my friends really interested in meditations and they do respect Satan but not Satanists.
  35. Padme

    Gnosticism and Satanism

    Can Monad of the Gnostic be one of the manifestations of Father Satan?
  36. Padme

    Doing Spells for Money

    I see a lot of Occultist such as Helena P. Blavatsky and others, did do spells in order to get money. What does JoS think about it? Is it unethical?
  37. Padme

    Guardian Demons and Necronomicon

    Can Guardian Demons be one of the Gods in Necronomicon?
  38. Padme

    Necronomicon Deities

    I am searching for my Guardian Demon and i just wonder can one of the deities from Necronomicon be one's Guardian Demon?
  39. Padme

    For Understanding Ourselves Better

    In the path that goes to Godhead, we will be alone time to time. Satan and his Demons will be us time to time. Nothing is permanent. We as lower beings who have conciousness, always try to understand and use things but i dont think that can be the way to achieve Godhood. I guess it should be...
  40. Padme


    How can one be a Priest/Priestess?
  41. Padme

    Honoring Satan

    Hello, I am a new Satanist who is 18 years old and I wanna discover new ways to honor Satan and his Demons. Does anybody can help me about it?
  42. Padme


    I was a Pagan for four years and now I start my path in Spritual Satanism, do i need a Mentor? If I do can somebody help me? Ave Satanas!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
