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  1. NetemPtah

    A brief story - My journey with Satan

    I remember an experience I had, when I was 2-3 years old. I was with my cousins, they were talking about demons, in a negative way. And I had this beautiful, beautiful feeling that they were good, I don't remember exactly, but I remember laughing, like I was playing with a demon... But whether...
  2. NetemPtah

    I'm tired

    After 3 months of hard work to attract money, spiritual and material (12-14 hours of marketing study) I discover today that the solar magic square I performed had a wrong pronunciation (Surya instead of Surya-yay), which the work spiritual (lakhshmi) I started on January 9th it was started in...
  3. NetemPtah

    A good date today to start a mental reprogramming working?

    Hello everyone. I am already working spiritually for money; in fact I have completed the first 100 days, and I will continue for at least a year in 90 day cycles for each working. Along with this, I am doing 12-16 hours of mass repetition of money related information. Recommended by a...
  4. NetemPtah

    About Venus square (urgent)

    Today I tried to start a venus square (material), but I confused NAMA with SVAHA. Immediately after realizing the mistake I stopped the vibration and only 10 minutes later I stated three times that the energy had completely dissipated. I read the HP HoodedCobra article where it says you can let...
  5. NetemPtah

    Serious situation (urgent)

    I will be sincerely grateful for any answer. I am in a very very complicated situation. My fiance is risking prison. The "revealed act" happened today (24 Dec, Satan's Day). How can I mitigate this problem in the most healthy and positive way? The reason why he is risking, is not because he...
  6. NetemPtah

    Sun square 36 hours gap

    Hi everyone. I started a material sun square. Yesterday due to the extremely busy day, I performed my reps at 2AM, having a gap from the last reps (performed the day before at noon) of 38 hours. I wonder if it is still valid because, having had little time and energy in purifying myself while a...
  7. NetemPtah

    Money working and actual situation

    Greetings everyone. I would like to expose some facts that I am experiencing. I started to put massive efforts, after a year of purification, in attracting money. I did some spiritual work months ago, using the Lakshmi mantra, I did 38 days with swing problems from the middle of the work, and...
  8. NetemPtah

    Returning Planets

    Greeting everyone. I was observing a lunar return. There is a returning Saturn conjunct to natal Uranus, 4th house, in Pisces. The same returning Saturn is opposing natal Moon, 10th house. Returning True node conjunct to natal True node, 6th house. what's your opinion on this transits? I...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
