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  1. Magmapoolsweet

    the origin of the philosophy

    only 4 this you understanding about this then you can creating philosophy as u want as good for you're self or others -outer self -inner self -circle of self -outer circle of self
  2. Magmapoolsweet

    Reason behind Name METEORA

    what reason behind name is Megas as Janus why Megas called meteora becoz this olympian era when olympian war with Titan then many Titan calling Megas as METEORA dont know reason that titan calling Megas like that and what place HISTORY METEORA as the place when Olympian and titan war when...
  3. Magmapoolsweet

    any truth information about this Gods

    any truth information about this Gods? Gods name is Meteora one from Olympian Gods and he not related with Goddess Asteria, so any info about this Gods? i searching related with this Gods only a place history but my intuition that was true Gods not a place.
  4. Magmapoolsweet

    Greek festival

    as the title the greek festival as ancient times but in masehi calendar in february for exactly in the middle february becoz now in 2025 february until 28 so the middle is date 14 i just suggest for who related or connecting with Olympian Era doing 1 God Ritual more than One times. if you dont...
  5. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy New Year All

    Happy New Year Saturnus everyone for the first time ( last month january 2025) celebrated 2 days ( 1 feb-2feb).
  6. Magmapoolsweet

    Healing with all Rune ?_? Impossible ?_? OMG

    for now healing by using all the different runes even those that are said to be runes that are not for healing, on this side the thing that must be considered is to understand healing or heal itself, consider it a law in itself, not to say that according to existing knowledge and history runes...
  7. Magmapoolsweet

    ART Painting From Gods

    Special painting Cloud From Gods Asmodeus when Sunset from Gods Murmur,Gods Osiris,and Goddess Nephtys. capture with camera from phone. this like Sumerian Era.
  8. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year AD 2025 everyone all SS and Joy Of Satanas for next Chinese New year and the last month January Happy New Year Saturnian (Saturnus) rules over 1-13 cakras or planetary or anything. (date celebration Last month january date 31 until 2 february.
  9. Magmapoolsweet

    date 25 December Full Goddess Day

    in date 25 December was a Full Goddess/Demonness Day?? i think we must participate that.
  10. Magmapoolsweet

    how to put energy on stone or crystals??

    as the title
  11. Magmapoolsweet

    why so many attacking when using words..

    like as the title why so many attacking me when i doing satanic void meditation using mantra Sa Tan or Say Tahn like they no agree or not accepting me ??
  12. Magmapoolsweet

    why xian or catholic scared using sigil/symbol ?

    as the title i wanna ask why xian church or catholic church scared using satan sigil if the truth is jesus was baalzebub why not xian church and chatolic church scare using baalzebub sigil or symbol or using Satan sigil in the church??
  13. Magmapoolsweet

    remote mind control and manipulation (Danger)

    This just happened to me maybe because I was firmly in certain rituals in JOS because of routine and habit so there was a thought in myself not to meditate and stop rituals and in the end continued the ritual and stopped meditating but for some reason the thought of stopping rituals arose in...
  14. Magmapoolsweet

    for ou true creator

    dont know how to edit for placing in middle of light of sunrise this what i can do for favor to our creator Satan Lucifer
  15. Magmapoolsweet

    experiment raising strongest energy

    i'am doing raising energy experiment step 1 = 666 meditation vuvavoh step 2 = SATANAS meditation for raising energy ( SA= power cakra, TA= heart cakra, NA= throat cakra, S=3rd eye) using 666 breath step 3 = twin serpent or fourth serpent meditation using 666 breath first after vuvavoh...
  16. Magmapoolsweet

    please fix

    please fix sites on josrituals.org -when doing flow clicking COMPLETE can't - shattering rituals blot out can't complete dont know error or what -then for flow again when choose gods ritual in number 2 to 6 then first was frtr, gods rituals always be in the first then frtr then others
  17. Magmapoolsweet

    eye symbol

    where eye symbol in blessings black race awaken?
  18. Magmapoolsweet

    Hello Nazi (for restoring earth)

    hello Nazi for restoring earth about gravitation,magnetic and other for stabilizing the earth and increasing life on earth hopely can work together 21-26 june2024 -who live in south (dont care what reions you are) sunset or before sunset meditate to Sorath sigil and mid day with Amon ra...
  19. Magmapoolsweet

    Eid Had question

    ( Out Of Topic ) I want to ask hphc in a few days the Islamic religion for exactly in date 16 to 19 every regions was different will celebrate a big ritual called Eid al-Adha which is qurban which means sacrificing something and it is animals such as cows, goats and sheep and it creates a very...
  20. Magmapoolsweet

    anyone know about new country ?

    anyone know about new country that country name is GALILEA from north israel??
  21. Magmapoolsweet


    lust is life lust is death lust is everything lust gives birth to 3 emotions, mind and mentality thanks for Demon Goddess Lilith (mother lilith,lily,lilitu,parvati,kali,mitir) why i'am share? because this one azazel virtues Hail Lilith Hail Azazel
  22. Magmapoolsweet

    WTA => Sun of Shadows

    i wanna to ask about sun of shadows how to concept and how create that and what positive in spirituality and what negative in spirituality? thanks
  23. Magmapoolsweet

    The Truth About Sitra Achra

    the truth about sitra achra occult was founded in middle olympian era when Goddessess Etna still in world , for this info can ask with Gods or Goddessess with related in Olympian Era... how about sitra achra what we all knowing this? that was fake occult or organization.
  24. Magmapoolsweet

    Thank's father Satan

    now I know who I am thanks to father Satan and all Gods for telling me that I am not the people of holy books, not the people of Gods and not the chosen ones.
  25. Magmapoolsweet


    I Failed in this war sorry you can ask with father Satan Lucifer or other Godss or Goddessess
  26. Magmapoolsweet

    need solutions

    what change solutions for a dry pen so hard to finding in here...
  27. Magmapoolsweet

    how to open gate??

    any ritual for open gates demon off hell ? if nothing can i request ??
  28. Magmapoolsweet

    request up number of flow when rituals

    hei HPHC or ministers i requesting for up number flow in josrituals from 6 to 8 thanks
  29. Magmapoolsweet

    java astrology is corrupted?

    java neptu, primbon, weton, pranata mangsa for astrology made by jewish people? and it is corrupted?
  30. Magmapoolsweet

    asap about enn

    when i chant enn when searching in yuoutube chant enn in demon sigil i like felt he/her energy but when combine with rituals in JOS after enn in demon sigil i rituals detroying xian and rabby christ and destroying jewish rule dominations #3 and reverse shema prayer and war rituals 1 ,2,3 when i...
  31. Magmapoolsweet

    2024 Year of the Wood Dragon (Dragon??)

    2024 Year of the Wood Dragon (Dragon??) which means entering the year of Azazel (dragon) and Satanas because based on chinese shio hehe because entering the year of the dragon with the element of wood taken not from the element but from the dragon which symbolizes satanas and azazel. i'm just...
  32. Magmapoolsweet

    how many total?????

    how many total list demon gods from high rank to more gods in sites joyofsatan.org ??
  33. Magmapoolsweet

    said to be a fake story

    When I logged in and saw the post was rejected with the reason "brother don't post fake stories like this" me and Dewa Enlil could only laugh. but it's okay don't believe it, only me and the gods and goddesses know about this. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
  34. Magmapoolsweet


    Ganesha Gods Enemy or Friends? this i got when i killing tetragramton rtr when i raising energy and expand my aura and combining then doing killing RTR focus to target i choose then i got picture when said AUM this picture like elephant but gods i finding source that was ganesha but he smiling...
  35. Magmapoolsweet

    josrituals very cool design

    yooo brother and sister josrituals website was changed desain was cool and simple and aura from that sites was very stronger then before.
  36. Magmapoolsweet

    nothing sigil behemoth

    nothing sigil picture behemoth in jos website?? and finding in this forum with search only found topic behemoth was music band.
  37. Magmapoolsweet

    sigil in the shape of a line drawing of a butterfly

    Is there a god or goddess with a sigil in the shape of a line with a butterfly? If so, whose name is it?
  38. Magmapoolsweet

    is it okay to add words when performing rituals??

    is it okay to add words when performing rituals?? For example Baalzebul's rituals=> All hatred, ill feelings and revile sent against your Name, is backfired onto the Jews and those who alongside them have slandered your Holy Name.I added the words Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist. and...
  39. Magmapoolsweet

    I was told Malphas

    Malphas told me to put a sigil/symbol for the profile picture on the jos forum. and I have changed it. whether this post is accepted or not is up to the admins. DeepL Translate (Free Version)
  40. Magmapoolsweet

    a story about eyes ( fantasy )

    cool fantasy story about eyes hmmm 1. left eye of life, right eye of death. the left eye of life is like a small triangle well in the right eye of death is like a small triangle 2. left eye of life and death, right eye of death and life. left and right eyes are like 2 colored triangles...
  41. Magmapoolsweet


    I have finished asking the lord of satan or Lucifer God about GD whether I am hallucinating or delusional maybe the answer is no which means I have and when I asked who my GD was he showed me a riddle in the form of the initials of the name "DEFVILMN" when I asked who is that? Lord of Satan said...
  42. Magmapoolsweet

    yoo admin i using G.translate

    hi admin, I use google translate because my English is very, very bad, why did I type God Lerajie and I know he is indeed a woman, but on Google Translate it looks like a boy, I don't know that when you reject my post with the reason that Lerajie is a female God, just because of a typo because...
  43. Magmapoolsweet

    How do I change the notification sound in forums?

    for seniors here either HP or anyone in security on the forums I want to ask how to change the sound notification on the forum if a message or post is received?? why does the forum notification sound when received it always sounds like a crow whether it's morning, afternoon, evening, night. no...
  44. Magmapoolsweet

    sorry if i lied

    sorry if I lied if I ever dedicated myself when in fact I was not. perform a dedication ritual? Never. I also lied about the ritual schedule, I didn't even do it, even though I made a comment, it was spontaneous to get attention. then about furfur and beezelbub (enlil) I was just imagining and...
  45. Magmapoolsweet

    xian or xianity what's that?

    xian or xianity what's that ? it the name city in china Xi An? i dont know so i ask.. if anyone same to me what's that xian maybe can read this topic and read various comment about xian or xianity
  46. Magmapoolsweet

    your first experience with hades or osiris i wonder?

    Hi everybody I want to ask, what is your experience with God Hades or God Osiris? then what about the description and characteristics if I may know I ask this because it has something to do with my current type of meditation(secret not from jos meditation) before the summons I would like to...
  47. Magmapoolsweet

    About Me???

    three thousand roads three thousand demons three thousand deaths 1 person dies 1000 people are born the law of space, time, life, death one birth generates 1000 ways one path generates 1000 ways each path makes its own way devour or be devoured wheel of chaos, wheel of life, wheel of death born...
  48. Magmapoolsweet

    hypnagogic hallucination ART

    God Of Fur-Fur maybe yes maybe not Hail Lord Of Satan Hail Lucifer God Hail All Gods Glory for Lord of Satan and All Gods Bless All Followers Lord Of Satan
  49. Magmapoolsweet

    asked for the wheel of chaos approval

    I will perform a short ritual in my own way (only the Lord Of Satan and Lucifer God and All Gods knows my way) to carry out attacks and provocations in the spiritual and will trigger friction in reality and become a real war target location => china and taiwan+its allies who are in taiwan or...
  50. Magmapoolsweet

    Before dedication ritual

    Hi guys, man or girl in JOS, I created this topic because there were a few questions in my brain about before dedicating a ritual where I searched for the main site jos, it didn't exist or maybe I wasn't careful enough. My goal is that those who already understand and are willing to dedicate...
  51. Magmapoolsweet

    anyone in here with guard from dragon race?

    hiii,, greetings all from oriental satanic alliance i wanna ask.. maybe this ask will OOT(Out Of Topic) anyone in here or in JOS with guard from dragon race likely God Leviathan,KungPeng,zravanovs,garganfals or other?? Thanks.... Hail Satan Glory for Lord Of Satan Forever Bless for all...
  52. Magmapoolsweet

    pray before sleep (me new member) greetings to black satanist

    hello greetings to black satanist i'am was new in here this is my prays before i rest or sleep maybe anyone wanna try this pray when sleep "I give thanks to YOU, my Lord Satan, at this time I will rest and sleep, protect me and keep me from anything bad or evil because of your power, Lord my...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
