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  1. Maxis Orientis

    Satan, Lillith, Baalzebul, Azazel and Thoth in Chinese/East Asian mythology & Happy Upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival

    Wishing East Asians and Southeast Asians a Happy Upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival aka the "Mooncake Festival"! Much mystery surrounds the spiritual Truth of this beautiful festival. So for months, me and dedicated Chinese long-time SS @STanBlank have been delving deep into the Satanic origins of...
  2. Maxis Orientis

    Image uploads sites to recommend (for visuals in my upcoming posts)?

    Hello SS community, So I haven't posted in a while, but don't mistake this for non-activity, I'll also be migrating to a new account (explanation at the end). Recently, I been working with a long-time dedicated Chinese SS (@STanBlank) in helping recover and post information about the Satanic...
  3. Maxis Orientis

    US Secretary of State Backstabs Taiwan, Sells Out to Red China

    https://news.yahoo.com/blinken-says-us-doesn-t-022403399.html Yep, didn't I call it? Although the Death of Communism website pretty-much already exposed much of our elite in the U.S., as having sold out to the red beast. In one of my early posts, I can't recall which - I suspected that the U.S...
  4. Maxis Orientis

    Philippines: Achievements of the Marcos regime

    There is a lot of mystery, controversy and even lies surrounding the Philippine president known in history as Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Mainstream media points him as being an evil dictator, but upon further delving into his biography, he could have - very well been the hope that the Philippines...
  5. Maxis Orientis

    Philippine mythology: Bathala/Bakunawa = Lucifer (light)/Satan (dark) = Yin/Yang

    Due to the slander against Bakunawa, I will refrain from using most "Bakunawa artwork" I find online since they all are defamatory nonsense that portrays Bakunawa as an "evil moon/man eater" or whatever. Throughout all Pagan mythologies, one will find stories of "Gods going to war...
  6. Maxis Orientis

    Haitians standing up to gangs!

    Although I try to keep my posts Asian-oriented, but I thought to share some good news my Black SS brethren would ought to know. As everyone knows, Haiti has been getting terrorized by gang groups, because that's what Jews do to poor countries, the criminals will live like kings, seems like...
  7. Maxis Orientis

    Happy Philippine Independence Day! Upcoming posts for the week

    June 12 is Philippine Independence Day. I'd like to wish our Filipino SS members, be it in the Philippines or abroad, a Happy Independence Day! As my cyber gift towards our Filipino community, I'm going to be posting Philippine-oriented topics the next couple days. It is a reminder, there is...
  8. Maxis Orientis

    North Korea: Suicide is now national treason...let's blame local goy-vernors!

    Firstly, no - I'm not advocating suicide. But just exposing another day of communist utopia in East Asia, put the blame on local governors if people commit suicide, for the issues communists created themselves! I wanna make a little note about North Korea. I'm just about boiling irritated of...
  9. Maxis Orientis

    Russia: Christians shut down Tengrist temple and persecution of other Pagans (edited for errors as of 6/11)

    Firstly, this post about a situation in Russia isn't pertaining to what's going on there in the now (2023), this incident was back in 2002 at the turn of the millennium, but it still bears importance to the issue of Pagans being persecuted. Although most "Paganism" being supported out there is...
  10. Maxis Orientis

    "Terrifying Buddhist monsters" - Slander Against Our Demons

    As someone who used to think Buddhism was great, what I've come to realize from the content on Joy of Satan is that Tibetan Buddhism is only "great" and "interesting" via all the fancy temples and structures, because it stole from the ancient Bon religion, much no-less than one can "awe" at all...
  11. Maxis Orientis

    Satanic Animal Symbology in Qing dynasty tradition

    This is a very short post, though an interesting one. Also, I'm quite aware that Satanists (or any decent human) are very cautious about animals, and if the idea of wearing feathers seems offensive or animal cruelty, then I will gladly take down this post (there is no sacrifice involved for...
  12. Maxis Orientis

    Ancient Chinese Soccer/Football - Cuju/Tsu-Chu/Kemari

    Felt awesome posting this today (at least at the time of submission), on Thor's day/Thursday (Beelzebub) or in Chinese Tian (天), who is mostly responsible for sports/athleticism AND the patron of the Asiatic race! When doing my research on Satanism and our Demons in Chinese mythology, I...
  13. Maxis Orientis

    Communists Funded and Helped "Christian Nationalists" Overthrew Imperial China

    Part 1: Taiping Rebellion: Root of Evil Asian Christianity I was originally gonna name this "Christians overthrew Imperial China", but that's a bit misleading. I wanna clarify something, perhaps something I didn't mention in the past post for new SS, those not familiar with Chinese history...
  14. Maxis Orientis

    The Root of Evil Modern Asian Xianity - The Taiping Rebellion

    This will be my first post in a larger series I'll call "Exposing Asian Christianity". So in college, I took a course on Oriental history, a move I truly feel that Gods had their hand in it, and were trying to show me something overlooked about the so-called "nationalist" movements propped up...
  15. Maxis Orientis

    "Buddha" & Traditional Chinese religion vs. "Buddhism" - A Clarification

    In the Oriental forums, I've seen many questions in regards to Buddhism, as well as Taoism and Confucianism (which in of itself, isn't really a religion but a philosophy with bits of religions sprinkled into it). Ancient Taoism (at least in its original form) is Satanic, as explained by HP...
  16. Maxis Orientis

    My Comprehensive Plan for Contributions to JoS

    Greetings SS community. I am new to the forums, but I have been reading JoS material for well-over a year, and matching up my JoS knowledge with that of research on pre-Buddhist Traditional Chinese and other pre-cuck religions of the Orient. Man I can't wait to help out the Oriental community...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
