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  1. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (The Lord of Light.)

    The Lord of Light The Slavs had many Gods of the Sun and/or Light. Ancient Iran had the concept of Spenta-Mainyu, i.e. light or pure consciousness, known colloquially as pure or clear mind. Their code is called Yasna (Ясна, ясный – clear, clarity of mind / weather), which means exactly what...
  2. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (The Resurrected by the Lightening.)

    The Resurrected by the Lightening Dedicated to Lord Baalzebul, also known as Perun, Perkun, Perkunas and Ukko among Slavs and Baltics The word Perun has very Ancient origins and throughout the centuries and the space of the Aryan race has various...
  3. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (The Alchemy of the Ancient Slavs. The Cult of the Serpent.)

    The Cult of the Serpent. The Slavic word Snake, as well as the name Serpent in many languages comes from the local word meaning Earth. They are inseparable. In Egypt it is Sata - Son of the Earth or Life of the Earth, in other peoples there is “Beast of the Earth”, “Surrounding the Earth”, etc...
  4. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (The Alchemy of the Ancient Slavs)

    The Alchemy of the Ancient Slavs. Very much, almost most of what I found in Afanasyev's book, the «Poetic views of the Slavs on nature», are not, especially in large cities. Only in such books and in classical literature like Pushkin and Gogol. Why? Because of their time frame. They still came...
  5. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (My Dark Night)

    My Dark Night I.Y. Bilibin. The Black Horseman of Baba Yaga, an illustration to the fairy tale Vasilisa is beautiful. His legendary name is My Dark Night. Black is one of Baba Yaga's three horsemen, black, red and white. They symbolically represent Ida, Pingala and Sushumna – the three nadis or...
  6. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. Koschei the Deathless or Koschei the Immortal.)

    Slavic Fairy Tales Koschei the Deathless or Koschei the Immortal The traditional personified Death in Slav culture, the analogue of the Grim Ripper, known as Koschey or Kaschey the Deathless (Familiarize yourself with the personage here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koschei ) This image is...
  7. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. Baba Yaga.)

    Slavic Fairy Tales Baba Yaga The G letter in Russian and other Slavic languages is oftenly associated with Sanskrit J or Y it also can be found in English J or Y. Russian word "бог" («god») is then derived from Russian word bojan or bajan, also known in Ancient Slavic as Badyan, Badnyak, Bayan...
  8. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. The Waters of Life and Death.)

    Slavic Fairy Tales The Waters of Life and Death Now. Extremely popular among the tales of the peoples of Russia and Siberia is the theme of dead and living water. According to Russian legends, they pour dead water on the wounds of the hero and pour the living water on himself, so that his wounds...
  9. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. The Shapeshifting.)

    Slavic Fairy Tales The Shapeshifting Folk tales are full of hiding beauties in coffins and rocks, Frog princesses throwing off their frog skin, Donkeyskins melting the Cloak in the Sun. One such legend has come down to us in the form of the Swan princess of Pushkin's Tale of Tsar-Saltan...
  10. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. The Alien Blood.)

    Slavic Fairy Tales The Alien Blood First of all, what immediately caught Himmler's eye, and mine as well, was the acute theme of non-your-blood. Himmler drew attention to this in the fairy tale of Snow White, note the White Snow - the White Race, white as snow. All these tales of the White...
  11. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. Flying Animals. The Goryn / Gorynych Serpent.)

    Slavic Fairy Tales Folk tales are the strongest carriers of knowledge, and often the most enduring. They are preserved where nothing else is preserved but the memory of our Gentile Mysteries. One can often see from them what and from where this or that Jewish program has stolen. Here, for...
  12. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Satanic Culture of Russia. Traditions.)

    Satanic Culture of Russia Traditions Jumps over the fire The reference to Satan's Fiery Serpent slumbering beneath the base chakra simply lies on the surface. Hence the term purification by fire-the Kundalini Fire Serpent purifies the soul. The photo shows the traditional celebration of the...
  13. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Satanic Culture of Russia. Architecture)

    Satanic Culture of Russia Architecture Domes An unearthly beautiful form of architecture, also peculiar to Slavic culture and which came together with the White Race from ancient India. They can also be seen in Scandinavia, which once again proves our blood and cultural (because culture is in...
  14. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Satanic Culture of Russia. Symbols. Birds. Sun and Moon Together.)

    Satanic Culture of Russia Symbols Birds The images of swastikas smoothly pass into the images of birds. In particular, it is expressed in the fact that the symbol, which can now be found by the name "Garuda", is a swastika and is the name of the bird, uniting the Slavic and Vedic cultures. In...
  15. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Satanic Culture of Russia. Symbols. Swastika at the core of everything)

    Satanic Culture of Russia Everything, absolutely everything beautiful that we have in our country was given to us by our Ancient Faith. Take architecture: golden domes, twisted columns, colorful mosaics, ornaments - all symbols of newfound youth, sexuality, the Serpent, the nimbus of the raised...
  16. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Entrance)

    Entrance Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Croats, Romanians, and other Slavs. All of you know what happened in the territory of supposed, even mythical Israel 2000 B.C. Most of you have read the Bible, and it is now forcefully taught in schools to your children. You all know the...
  17. AristocraticDragon666

    The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Book Cover)

    The Black Sun of The Slavs This book is a PDF copy of the article series presented at the Russian forum Joy of Satan 666 (JoS Russia), aimed at the restoration and revival of the Slavic racial heritage, in its time completely destroyed by the Orthodox Church, based on the knowledge of the...
  18. AristocraticDragon666

    Good, Higher Types of People, Goodness, Good People, People of Good Vocation.

    I take what is written in the post (https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-ranks-of-humans-demons-gods.290657/#post-1080360) very seriously and of course I want to meet the highest criteria, I work for all the chakras every day and do not miss a day of magical work, but there are things that I...
  19. AristocraticDragon666

    Satanic Witches in 1944-1945 (humble version)

    Witch from "Thule-Gesellschaft" and "Ahnenerbe" in Ardennes Forest upon the enemy positions of the entrenched enemy (americans) and freezes them alive! (December 1944) Preparation for a military operation "Die Wacht am Rhein" Autumn 1944, young Witch from SS by personal order of Heinrich...
  20. AristocraticDragon666

    Classical literature and popular music (rock, metal)

    1. Is it worth spending time on classical, fiction literature for self-education? 2. For example, the classic American literature of Edgar Allan Poe? How useful is such literature from the point of view of the gods? 3. What do the gods think about classical literature in general? Is it...
  21. AristocraticDragon666

    How can I understand at what level of spiritual development I am?

    Greetings to all SS. How can I understand at what level of spiritual development I am? How can I understand at what level of spiritual development are the other SS? How can I understand at what level of spiritual development are ordinary people, for example, who easily move up the career...
  22. AristocraticDragon666

    Questions from my letter to Lydia

    I did not get answers to questions (posted in January) that are difficult to answer, so I asked these questions to Lydia, and not to the usual SS. Lydia forwarded my letter to Cobra, I received a response that it takes time. Several months have passed. I am tormented by the fact that I did not...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
