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  1. ramses13th

    High Priest Hooded Cobra - Live Rituals Temple Teachings

    jax911 asks : High Priest Hooded Cobra : JG Alexandros Iowno says : High Priest Hooded Cobra :
  2. ramses13th

    Yoga Routines

    Hello, I'm thinking about posting a Yoga Routine here every 1-3 Weeks, which I will also follow. Feel free to follow it too! PART 1 ( 10.12.2024 ) Warm-Up (2-3 minutes) Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): 5 breaths, moving with the inhale and exhale. Child's Pose (Balasana): Rest here...
  3. ramses13th

    Blessings are awesome! - Live Rituals Room

    In the past 4 Days we did the Rituals of Lord Eligos and Lord Forcas together, at the same time, compounding our energies. These past 4 Days meant a huge milestone for my spiritual growth, my energy feels better than ever, I feel more connected to my spiritual body. I can't really describe it...
  4. ramses13th

    Learning how to draw

    Hey! I've decided to learn drawing bit by bit when time allows me to, I'm literally a beginner I know almost no theory but some perspective principles. So if you feel like it Join up on this journey, I declare the date I start studying drawing to be 14th of November!
  5. ramses13th

    Outreach Images

    I've made these designs within the Outreach Project and I will keep doing so, will post here when I make new ones! Feel free to share anywhere! This is part 1.
  6. ramses13th

    Meditation Roadmap | Web App

    Seeing how a lot of fellow members liked the Roadmap ( https://roadmap.sh/r?id=65d613bd66cd6d03d2c365fa ), I've decided to turn it into a web app that also keeps track of your skills and has various tools to help ease your journey, all in one place. The app is still being improved, tools are...
  7. ramses13th

    Spiritual Practice Tracker

    Basically a cool to-do list for spiritual satanists. Here is a demo code for part of my routine so you can try out importing it ...
  8. ramses13th

    40 Days Tracker

    Can be used for anything, it's based on local storage, so save your key if you will erase your browser data or wish to load it on another device. https://ramsesjson.github.io/Working-Tracker/ Let me know if there are any bugs, I made this very quickly with the help of GPT4o/
  9. ramses13th

    SS Pranayama Cheatsheet ( Breathing Exercises )

    I've thought this would be useful for me, so if it is useful for me, I'm 100% certain it would be useful for others too.
  10. ramses13th

    Yoga Nidra ( Concerns, and what I studied so far )

    For some reason, in the Yoga Nidra Course that I am following, the Instructor keeps highlighting the fact that one should not enter deeper than an Alpha state of the brain? Meanwhile here we know that what comes next, which is Theta, is highly more efficient for the subconscious? Yoga Nidra...
  11. ramses13th

    Dear JG's : Life Balance

    I admire your endeavours for the JoS and the persons you are today. I am still reading and re-reading old posts of yours which are gold, I never stop learning from you and the High Priests/Priestesses. My question for you is, how do you balance it all? I found some kind of balance that I am...
  12. ramses13th

    Mercury Retrograde Preparing Projects

    During the Mercury Retrograde, would it be alright to prepare stuff for certain projects? Let's suppose working on an app, would it be wiser to release it when Mercury is out of retrograde? If I wish to build a social media presence, would it be alright to prepare the assets I wish to post and...
  13. ramses13th

    Teaching family members

    Up to what point should I teach a family member regarding meditation? I've taught the following, void meditation, soul cleaning, aura of protection. At this very moment I cannot disclose anything about the JoS, so I think it would be unwise to teach the opening of the soul and such. What is...
  14. ramses13th

    Meditate Together

    I've thought about this idea for a while, so I made a very simple app that will hopefully make your meditations a bit more motivating. It's basically just counting who is meditating at the very moment, so, nothing much about it. Let's get meditating!! https://ramsesjson.github.io/crowdmeditation/
  15. ramses13th

    The Beginner Meditation Guide in Spiritual Satanism

    ( I posted this originally on the Romanian Forum, as I've seen it proved to be quite useful, I've decided to Translate it ) Hello, and congratulations, for having dedicated yourself, recently or less recently. This means that you have already come with a baggage of knowledge, or/and a thirst...
  16. ramses13th

    Joy Of Satan Mobile Discontinuation?

    Hello, as far as everyone who checked my signature on this forum knows, I've made an android application meant to act as a way to make the Joy of Satan reach a higher exposure. So far it has done great, now there are 750 active users, 69 reviews resulting in a 4.7 stars out of 5. Since September...
  17. ramses13th

    Skill Practice | Systematic Approach

    Hello, as the title says, I just wish to share the approach I took in practicing spiritual and mental skills. This is not for everyone, but if you feel like this is for you and I've helped you, then I'm glad. This is mostly for people with a tight schedule and people who must do the meditations...
  18. ramses13th

    Trance | Meditation Challenge 1

    Hello brothers and sister! Some of you might be familiar with the term of a group fitness challenge, where a group of people have to repeat a routine for X days. And by the end of it they all see and share their results. So I was thinking to start a Thread for a first challenge I propose to...
  19. ramses13th

    Spiritual Satanism | Meditation Path Roadmap / Skill Tree

    Hello brothers and sisters. I am dominant in Air, a lot of it, meaning I always need to organize and visualize a path to my progress. So I decided to make an orientative roadmap, it is based on the 6 Months Program. Made it so it could be useful for any other SS. I made it so I can see my path...
  20. ramses13th

    Inner Thoughts from my Journal.

    Come to think of it, a memory struck me. A few years ago before I was a SS, I was practicing an art called Cardistry, I was practicing it restlessly, became the best at it in my entire city despite my young age. Mastering skill after skill, being hungry chasing the skill and the perfection of...
  21. ramses13th

    A thoughtform on myself

    I wish to create and feed a thoughtform which will constantly cleanse and open my soul. Should I attach it to my aura? My solar chakra? My 6th?
  22. ramses13th

    JoS TikTok Idea

    Hey, I've just made this account and it seems I've reached over 500 people in less than an hour. I just use templates from capcut so it's pretty simple. I really recommend this strategy. Find templates right here : Capcut Link The whole idea is to make the JoS trendish, I am promoting the wiki...
  23. ramses13th

    Re: What are the basics that I must do to be able to communicate with demons?

    I don't really give advice but I just felt like doing so today. Communication happens all the time when u request help over matters, until your clairaudience is wide open and strong, the Demons will guide you in ways you won't even realize they do. If you are looking for direct communication I...
  24. ramses13th

    I love the Gods ( the conflict within my head )

    I love the Gods, I love the Gods with my entire being, but there is a conflict of rationality in my mind. What I am about to say is in no way meant to insult their Highnesses, I love Them greatly, but why do I love Them? Is it because I'm just saying so? Is it because I am weak and They are...
  25. ramses13th

    Starting new Meditations in VoC

    Is it alright to start practicing new meditations in the void of course moon? Truth is I am rather inconsistent with my meditations, someday I do a specific meditation and someday I do not. I wish to overcome this but it seems when the ultimate willpower hits on me it happens to be a VoC going on.
  26. ramses13th

    Long COVID patients with brain changes?

  27. ramses13th

    Cleansing Astral Sound

    Is the Solar Chakra Astral Sound the best for soul cleansing? It makes more sense to me to use the Solar Chakra Sound but my astral senses are drawn to always use the Heart Chakra Sound, the bioelectricity sound or flute sound. I wish to see opinions regarding this :)
  28. ramses13th

    Would anyone be interested in Trading Education?

    Genuine question. And since I've made this post, I wish to recommend a few resources to get anyone started and beyond =) https://trendspider.com/learning-center/ https://volatility.red/Main_Page https://www.babypips.com/learn Extra books : Also mail me at [email protected] if you...
  29. ramses13th

    Accelerating the 10 Year-Plan | Individual Country Effort | Requesting feedback from Members and Clergy =)

    Hello fellow satanists! I will catch your attention tonight just for a bit. The energies are in our favor, the situation shifts in our favor, and by our favor I mean the gentiles! What a lovely tide, what a lovely wave slowly washing all the filth and lies. I hope you liked my introduction, as...
  30. ramses13th

    Any good Book about Runes?

    Hello fellow brothers and sisters! I was wondering if you can recommend me a book about runes so I can understand more of their wisdom. I wish to start studying them right after I finish with the study of Mudras. I understand I can learn more from them just by using them as Yantras, but I also...
  31. ramses13th

    How should Mudras be used?

    In theory "mudrās are meant to seal in or control energies such as kundalini and bindu." The book "Mudras of India: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hand Gestures of Yoga and Indian Dance", underneath the prana mudra theory, states the following : Which leads me to the question, is the principle...
  32. ramses13th

    When I use my third eye to see

    Let's suppose I wanna see the aura of my hand, when I let loose and intend to use my third eye for sight, my hand first "grows" a glowing aura in the thin air then disappears cloaked in a solid aura, but for now i only see it as black with tints of tilt-shift rgb-neon like white-ish/blue-ish...
  33. ramses13th

    Whenever I read or hear Moloch

    My entire body starts vibrating, but the thing is I do not feel fear since I've eliminated this kind of feeling from my mind. I just feel like my entire aura is shaking/vibrating hard.
  34. ramses13th

    ONE YEAR: JoS Pocket App!

    It has been almost a year since I've released this app (31 AUGUST) , this app which was meant to expose people to spiritual satanism, this app which I made with the insights of the Gods. This app was meant and it is still meant to act as a sign, a neon sign for any wandering soul, that's its...
  35. ramses13th

    Trance Trainer Tool

    I've made this quite fast and also with a bit of help from chatgpt so bugs might occur, it is not a perfect app and it does not handle lots of cases but it's working. Do not expect updates in the near future. I've made this tool to make trance training easier for myself and thought it might...
  36. ramses13th

    Forming an Unofficial JoS Social Media Team

    This is another strategy for promoting JoS, only that the requirements are much lower. Can be considered as a plan of action to accelerate the ten-year plan's first goal, or aid in its achievement. Why Social Media? The answer is obvious, social media is the most widespread form of media...
  37. ramses13th

    Forming an Unofficial JoS Mobile Game Development Team

    There are a few reasons as of Why I came up with this Idea and why I fully support it and I think it's the best approach. The Play Store is full of youth installing games and scrolling pointlessly looking for apps, but also young adults and even adults It's the most engaging way of...
  38. ramses13th

    I just feel like in a nightmare at this point

    My father has been diagnosed with throat cancer and my mother had colon cancer which I just found out about, I try to help financially by taking multiple jobs and gigs. And everything is so fucked at this point I just feel like crying I hate it. I don't know, I'm not blaming anyone, but I just...
  39. ramses13th

    I wish to study Tai Chi and QiGong

    As there is the saying "There are multiple paths to immortality", yoga doesn't fit my "style". I wish to ask for anyone who is knowledgeable in these two subjects to share a few resources that really helped them on this path, I prefer books and text material. Youtube videos won't help me since I...
  40. ramses13th

    A new anti-war schedule might be useful rn

  41. ramses13th

    Joy Of Satan - Pocket Truth

    Hello, this is Ramses. For a while, I've been working on an Android Application based on React Native. This app is meant to serve as an exposure tool on the play store, for quick information and to be found by outsiders. Google Play ...
  42. ramses13th

    Youtube Video

    I have just released a youtube video that hopefully won't be taken out since I haven't said anything that can be considered offensive, maybe it'll reach some people. Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKKw7eiWMAg
  43. ramses13th

    App Ideas?

    Hello, this is Ramses, I'm getting in-depth with React Native/JS app development atm and I would like to start this App Ideas thread. The purpose of this thread is to ask you, my brothers and sisters, what app would you need to ease your meditations scheduling or any other ss related stuff. So...
  44. ramses13th

    How to contribute to JoS and also practice your pendulum divination

    So there is this website, which has a faucet of BTC and it's legit. https://freebitco.in/?op=home You can get free BTC every hour. (tiny amounts ofc ) I recommend trying this only with the free balance provided by the website and NEVER your own money. You can play the high/low game and use...
  45. ramses13th

    Energy measurement

    Hello, I've been wondering, is there anything that can help you measure your energy levels? I've seen a few people use EMF's : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfPzaIcBBTs And I just thought it would be really cool to be able to see how much your energy has increased after let's say, a week. So...
  46. ramses13th

    An efficient way to meditate and keep going at it

    First of all, you should know what meditations you have to do, and form a routine. It doesn't have to be long, you can gradually add more meditations. I use Trello for this, it is great for organizing any kind of stuff. This is part of my routine. I start my day with Kundalini Yoga on an...
  47. ramses13th


    I've started streaming my meditations routine on different platforms with the JoS links displayed, so far I've got the attention of 3-4 internet people, it's only the fourth day. Also it's really helpful because it keeps me motivated and concentrated towards my meditations, I use restream...
  48. ramses13th

    About the Mars Square

    As I've read the Mars Square is related to the face and head. Has anyone used it before to make themselves prettier? Will empowering the face chakras boost the process? Speaking of the face chakras, does empowering them individually help your face develop in a prettier way?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
