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  1. Fiery Pluto

    How much time for trance training each day?

    i wanted to know how much time each day you spent to learn deep trance. An indication that could be useful for the beginning of a serious practice. Thank you.
  2. Fiery Pluto

    The light of Memories- A poem in honor of Hoodedcobra666

    Please brother post the poem on the Art and Music subforum. That way our art is grouped in one place. Then you can eliminate the post here.
  3. Fiery Pluto

    influence of pluto transit

    The influence of Pluto transiting in conjuction to a personal planet is considered with a maximum orb of 8-10 degrees as Hps. Maxine said in relation to the transits with the major aspects or with a maximum orb of 6 degrees as jos astro indicates?
  4. Fiery Pluto

    is there a way to control mind without doing 300 hours of void meditation every day for eternity?

    i didn't try any working with Isa rune for this because OI Agredo Lucifitas (i hope of writing the name well) said that this is dangerous for beginners. I did different series of 40 days working with Nauthiz for increasing earth qualities, but for concentration this seems not to be established...
  5. Fiery Pluto

    The Importance of Social Relations as a drive to Live and a remedy for Nihilism

    Let me clarify right away what I mean by social relationships. I do not mean exclusively friendship relations, but all interactions with other people. Pagan antiquity truly knew the importance of society. As Marcus Aurelius teaches, human nature is marked by sociability. Humanity can only...
  6. Fiery Pluto

    L'Importanza delle Relazioni Sociali come spinta a Vivere e rimedio al Nichilismo

    Chiarisco subito cosa intendo per relazioni sociali. Non intendo esclusivamente relazioni d'amicizia, ma tutte le interazioni con altre persone. L'antichità pagana conosceva veramente l'importanza della società. Come Marco Aurelio insegna, la natura umana è improntata alla socievolezza...
  7. Fiery Pluto

    the holiest night of the year

    Is this night dedicated to Father Satan the night of the 22 or the night of the 23? I'm referring to the astrological night. I'm asking because on the calendar this night is indicated on the 23, while on Jos page about satanic celebrations it is indicated on the 22. I think it is the night...
  8. Fiery Pluto

    best day for magick working

    Is better starting a working during a satanic holiday, but not in a good planetary day of the week for this type of working, or in the good planetary day? For example, there is waxing moon in Capricorn on Sunday and on Monday. The good planetary day for starting a discipline working would be...
  9. Fiery Pluto

    Difference between socialism and communism?

    This is what I found on the Internet: "-Under communism individuals are provided or compensated according to their needs; -The centrality of socialism is that individuals are compensated according to their individual contribution, so people who work harder or smarter will receive more than those...
  10. Fiery Pluto

    How to create a google account anonimously?

    i wanted to create a google account to use youtube to spread the truth but when i'm creating the account, it wants my phone number to verify my identity. Is it safe and i can proceed or is there another way to use youtube anonimously?
  11. Fiery Pluto

    doubts and instict

    Now i know that my feeling not to being listened by Satan was a mistake and i was only lying to myself. when i started to think this and to give little attention to Satan's messages when i was in summer 2020, i have the greatest failure of all my satanic path. I started to have too doubts that...
  12. Fiery Pluto


    i'm studying at school this latin poet, one of the greatest latin poets. in the fourth eclogue he prophesies the birth of a miracolous child that will change history and will open a new age in which humanity will return to the condition in the golden age. i thought that this change could be...
  13. Fiery Pluto

    question for begginner

    the north node in a house and sign indicates talent in the affairs governed by that house and in the characteristics of the planet that governs the sign (e.g. talent in professions governed by the planet?) and in forecasting methods does it have influence or not? That is, north node in transit...
  14. Fiery Pluto

    How to treat xian relatives?

    Familiar values are important, but Satan says not to associate with xians. So can i be in good relation with xian relatives? they aren't a lot xian but they practice xianity regulary.
  15. Fiery Pluto

    diversi lavori runici insieme

    Giusto per essere sicuro: l'intervallo di tempo minimo tra un lavoro e l'altro è di 30 minuti per permettere all'energia di agire?
  16. Fiery Pluto

    nuovo sul forum+problema urgente vaccino

    Salve a tutti, sono nuovo sul forum, ma satanista dedicato da circa due anni. Ero riuscito ad avanzare molto rispetto alla mia condizione iniziale, ma poi sono caduto nell'arroganza e sono stato colpito da un forte sentimento di superiorità in realtà inesistente. Tutto ciò mi ha portato a...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
