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  1. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Advanced way to be?

    As many of you know if you have read any of my topics or profile posts, I have several talents. Under Zeus it mistakenly seems that the only one that matters is power, but I have several. Now I am only talking about the left hemisphere and not the right hemisphere (so I am not talking about art...
  2. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    DIM MAK vs The Jew

    Are the pressure points for killing the same in a Jew who has a different soul? Or is it better to rely on the position of the internal organs against a Jew? @Blitzkreig [TG] Greetings :) Do you know what the answer may be, please? :D
  3. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Avanzare sui livelli spirituali elevati

    Advancing on the High Spiritual Levels Del Sommo Sacerdote HoodedCobra 666 16 Settembre 2016 https://web.archive.org/web/20170722121813/http:/josministries.prophpbb.com/topic16302.html#p81057 Saluti a tutta la nostra Gente e Camerati. Man mano che cresciamo e diventiamo più forti, è utile...
  4. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Deep trance and sleeping sensation

    Today for the first time I wanted to meditate in deep trance. It wasn't actually in the plan, but I started to breathe, that thing was pleasant to me, I continued by focusing on how well, pleased, I was relaxed in just breathing. I went into trance after a few breaths. Since I thought it was...
  5. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Why doesn't Odin use magic to regrow his eye?

    I would like only advanced members to respond, so I will keep the allegory. Those who know its meaning need no explanation. Could Odin use his new power status to regrow his eye? Or if the eye grew back, would his whole journey lose its meaning? Does Mimir's source have permanent effects...
  6. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    All praise to Zeus!

    Muses of Pieria who give glory through song, come hither, tell of Zeus your father and chant his praise. Through him mortal men are famed or unfamed, sung or unsung alike, as great Zeus wills. For easily he makes strong, and easily he brings the strong man low; easily he humbles the proud and...
  7. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    ZEUS, Pater Familias

    This was another portrait of Zeus that I did in November 4, 2024. It did not come out beautiful because I used my finger and it is a digital cell phone portrait. The point is that throughout my life, I have always loved three Deities: ZEUS, ANUBIS, ASTARTE (it was more complex for the latter. I...
  8. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Donating to ToZ (my thoughts)

    I was thinking about something I wanted to share publicly in a visible way. Sorry to bother you :) Do you know that today while responding to the usual topic about suicide I realized the value of your words? I realized that helping people here is not just a good deed. When you support some of...
  9. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My Kundalini (throat)

    I had been trying for a while to understand why my Kundalini energy was stopping at the throat chakra. This was very painful. I was physically sick with my throat burning, the throat chakra with a perpetual knot in my throat (but not in the frontal extension, I felt the tightness in the central...
  10. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    "Is HP HoodedCobra666 in the wrong?" (Troll Arguments)

    Since some slanders to Satya have been uttered, I feel the liberty to respond to these arguments of hatred to Hp HoodedCobra666 as if "they were slanders for a higher cause." The Jews have simply gone too far in their spending all their time being the antithesis of how the whole universe works...
  11. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How best to learn from the Temple of Zeus and the High Priests?

    I read sermons both by HP HoodedCobra666 and HPS Lydia; our High Priests post very helpful sermons (VERY helpful, one could become human or advanced human just by practicing those things along with a good Meditation and Service to the Gods program). However, I guess I was never ready to read...
  12. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Le 5 Età e Zeus

    The 5 Ages & Zeus Del Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 13/02/2025 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-5-ages-zeus.298325/ Nei testi antichi, in particolare e nell'opera di Esiodo, ci sono testi che dicono che gli Dèi, quando vedono l'umanità immersa nella malvagità, si impegnano nei seguenti...
  13. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Dreams and Experiences

    Sorry, but is there a reason furthermore that in dream stages I can smell (perhaps the scent of a girl I dream about, etc.), the specific feel of fabrics (hair by hair, including density and dryness between hairs)? I can even read in dreams. Even long letter-by-letter texts I visualize...
  14. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Gestire (e padroneggiare) un Nettuno prominente

    Managing (and Mastering) a Prominent Neptune Somma Sacerdotessa Lydia 10/02/2025 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/managing-and-mastering-a-prominent-neptune.298247/ Ci sono 6 indicatori di un Nettuno prominente in un tema natale, alcuni temi possono avere una combinazione di alcuni di questi...
  15. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Il Necronomicon e le meditazioni di apertura delle Torri di Guardia

    The Necronomicon & Opening the Watchtowers Meditations by HP Hoodedcobra666 22 Novembre 2012 https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/The_Necronomicon__Opening_the_Watchtowers_Meditations_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Anand Bon (ha scritto): Mi sono sempre chiesto a proposito...
  16. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Why is everything so extreme in my soul?

    I was realizing lately that everything I am is taken to an extreme. I explain myself better with examples: 1) My compassion: usually when someone tries to help others they do so, and rightly so in the best ways. But this thing is really very extreme in me that I would be willing to stand for...
  17. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Throat chakra sensation

    As is normal, I feel strong emotions at the throat chakra. But from a while I also started to feel a different thing always in the frontal extension of the throat chakra (more or less the gargle). When I say something that I think is a good or right thing, positive in any case, I feel this...
  18. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Warming objects with the mind

    I'll keep it really short because I have to manage my time better today. However, I am leaving the forum open (as usual) to see for the notifications to this topic of mine as well and answering. If someone obtained the power to heat external objects with the mind (evoking the element of fire on...
  19. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    (Important?) A [my] question about JoS

    Sorry, please really just take this as an idea. But since we are really expanding more and more, might it be useful (conceptually at least) to do things like the exposings websites on the Abrahamic religions, etc., but with Hinduism, Buddhism, today's Odinism, Kemetism, and so on in a separate...
  20. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My Soul Dedication - An eight-year blessing.

    I apologize for wasting your time. Today is the anniversary of the Dedication of my soul to Satan. It is actually the eighth year for me. It is not the exact day. Eight years ago I wanted to research Satan. Whenever I typed "Satanism" on the web or in the cell phone app store, I always came up...
  21. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Raggiungere la fiducia e l'autostima - Spiegato

    Reaching Confidence And Self-Esteem - Explained Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 2 Febbraio 2025 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/reaching-confidence-and-self-esteem-explained.297954/ Di recente questo argomento è emerso come un tema auspicabile per un'analisi nella piattaforma JoS Donors. La...
  22. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Merging consciousness: my personal experience

    I have noticed that merging your consciousness really works a lot to get specific abilities. It is a very underrated power. Instead it is very useful. Note: I am not an adept at this power, so maybe my experience is restricted to what I can do so far. I've noticed that merging consciousness...
  23. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    HELP My Golden Energy

    Can any of you from personal experience tell me whether in energy-enhancing meditations (such as Chakra Breathing from Azazel) it is okay to use gold as a viable empowering alternative to bright white-gold? I can no longer visualize white (except in my cleansing intentions). Gold comes too...
  24. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    The importance of donating to JoS VS the other methods

    I replied to an Italian thread in which I explained the importance of donating to the Joy of Satanas VS donating to other charities. I know some people wonder about this is I wanted to share my answer on the main forum as well. I translated it. Warning: heavy language (I was very direct, I'm...
  25. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Zeus, Satya, le riforme ed il tempo prima del “satanismo” - Verso l'Età dell'Oro

    Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 28/01/2025 https://ancient-forums.com/threads/zeus-satya-reforms-the-time-before-satanism-moving-into-the-golden-age.297769/ Ciò che ora è stato chiamato “Satanismo” dal nemico, tutti...
  26. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    💚 Lady Queen Astarte 💚

    I found this drawing of Lady Queen Astarte on the web. I wanted to share it with you. I have been loving Lady Queen Astarte more and more lately. Until now I knew She was following me, she told me, but I never loved her deeply. It was more something superficial. Only now have my feelings...
  27. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] La meditazione ed il corpo fisico (TUTTI QUANTI *DEVONO* LEGGERE QUESTO)

    Meditation and the Physical Body (EVERYONE *MUST* READ THIS) Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 19 Dicembre 2016 https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Meditation_and_the_Physical_Body_EVERYONE_2AMUST2A_READ_THIS_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Molte persone sbagliano molte cose...
  28. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Personal experience in divination with the Goddess Isis

    Something happened yesterday. I will preface this by saying, I do NOT know how to use the pendulum. I affect it practically every time, I did "scientific" tests where I rolled a die, and I had to divine on whether an odd or even number came out. I don't know how to use the pendulum at all...
  29. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Donation link (Bitcoin)

    Sorry, I would like to make a new bitcoin donation soon. I noticed that the links have been updated frequently lately. However when I open the related page, the links will always be updated, right? So I just open the related page and read the link? Thank you!
  30. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My goals from now on!

    There is one part of our High Priest's new Sermon that literally changed me to the core. I refer to this one: So I wanted to build a small personal program to be able to accomplish these good resolutions that I have included in my personal goals. Advancing Spiritually - I believe a good...
  31. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Do you feel discouraged by your meditative failures?

    I really wanted to share some (personal) advice for those who cannot perform some meditations such as chakra spinning at the level of visualization. NEVER underestimate "pretending" that something you are trying to visualize, is already correctly visualized! When I visualized a chakra spinning...
  32. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Advancing thanks to the GODS: their good example in our lives!

    The truth is that people so have no idea what it means to be a God, to be perfect, and what such a level of advancement entails, that they hope the Gods will share their delusions from hallucinatory perversion because they cannot conceive of anything higher than a personal mental illness. And...
  33. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Question for HPS Lydia (Yoga)

    Greetings and sorry, noble HPS Lydia, you have done some really great posts about Yoga in the past, so I wanted to ask you something. If I wanted to include specific Hatha Yoga poses in an (Astarte's) 8-step meditation session, that is, separate from the specific Hatha Yoga session, what are...
  34. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I'm so happy about this ever growing community :D

    Am I wrong or there are more and more people finding a good heart and focusing on the best and purest intentions, knowing the original Gods of all our human peoples? It is truly beautiful and so positive, full of life, I really don't know how to explain how splendid it is in the highest...
  35. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Why do I love Lord ANUBIS?

    I wanted to make a quick post about why I absolutely love the God Anubis. The post will focus on what I think of My Guardian Anubis, rather than my relationship with him (yes, sorry for the little "clickbait" title). This post was born because I think that the role of Anubis is not valued...
  36. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Any breathing advice, please?

    Hail Brothers and Sisters! A quick question please, thank you :D I was breathing energy into the chakras. When I finished the meditation (and absorbed in the last chakra: the Crown) I noticed that every time I breathed (consciously at least, maybe because I was focused on reading something...
  37. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Check my progress

    I know that overdoing it is never the right choice. However, in a very short time I have achieved very important spiritual progress. I can use the elements, for example water to cool hot things or fire to heat cold things. Either by evoking it or by exhaling it in a specific point. When I do...
  38. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Personal outburst about Jews.

    Sorry, I need to vent for a moment. I found out why my relationship with that girl I love ended so abruptly: two Jewish girls in my gym slandered me and brainwashed her. Classic Jewish thing: they did it to Gentiles with the Gods, it's nothing new. I'm really angry at these two filthy tramps...
  39. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Communication with the Sigil of the Gods (my experience)

    Today I was looking at the Sigil of a Goddess, I asked if I could summon her and if she would listen to me, hoping to understand the answer through particular energies. When I asked the question I immediately felt a pleasant positive energy that made me happy. I speak of energy, but it was more...
  40. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    (My) Spiritual Warfare

    Would it make sense to include FRTR in the morning and SATAN'S ABSOLUTION RITUAL in the evening in my daily schedule? I wonder because I'm looking at social media and I'm noticing that the first problem is the Jews (FRTR) and the second is that when talking about Jews, NPCs explain how they are...
  41. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Chakras, Kundalini, Yoga, Pineal Gland. Help me...

    Lately, while I meditate on the chakras, they activate particular moods. For example, yesterday I wrote to a girl, in the meantime I forgot about it. Today, while I was meditating on the solar chakra, in the front extension I felt a sensation of "nervous" and I started thinking about this thing...
  42. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Il percorso Yogico verso l'illuminazione

    The Yogic Path to Enlightenment https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-yogic-path-to-enlightenment.295047/ Somma Sacerdotessa Lydia 4 Dicembre 2024 Ci sono diversi percorsi per l'avanzamento spirituale, non tutti sono attratti dallo yoga. Se quello che fai funziona per te, allora continua...
  43. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I started a spell to improve their view of me...

    I started a spell that gives me recognized value in front of a person. I didn't want to interfere with free personal feelings, so I'm simply using the Runes KENAZ ×36, WUNJO ×36 and TIWAZ ×36, twice a day, morning and evening, in the hours of the Sun starting today, to improve the way she looks...
  44. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Digiunare, stare a dieta: la forza prima di tutto

    Fasting, Dieting: Strength First and Foremost https://ancient-forums.com/threads/fasting-dieting-strength-first-and-foremost.294883/ Somma Sacerdotessa Lydia 29 Novembre 2024 È principalmente al digiunare per motivi religiosi nemici ed al digiunare a lungo termine che siamo contrari qui nella...
  45. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Help from My Guardian unrelated to His Office?

    I would like to talk to Anubis (my Guardian) about a problem in my life that is not related to what he deals with. However, I trust him 100% and I would like to talk to him about it because I love him very much and he is the God I would like to be close to me in this moment. And then I like to...
  46. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] La Verità equivale al Sacrificio

    Truth Equals Sacrifice https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Truth_Equals_Sacrifice_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 13 Agosto 2016 Saluti a tutte le nostre Genti e Camerati. Quando ci si dedica a Satana, si entra nella casa della Verità. La...
  47. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My Spiritual Advancement

    Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you what I'm doing on a daily basis. I wanted to share it to get advice. I don't have any specific questions, I just want to listen and get as much advice as possible because doing things without listening to others and their ideas seems stupid to me...
  48. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Pluto: did you notice it?

    Did you notice that yesterday Pluto returned to Aquarius again and this time it will remain there until 2044? :) I'm really happy about this. Unfortunately Neptune is still in Pisces. :( I can't wait for this planet to go to Aries too and stay there, I've seen this will happen in April 2025...
  49. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Vivere da Eroe [Trad]

    Living as a Hero https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Living_as_a_Hero_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Sommo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 27 Aprile 2017 Oggi molte persone hanno dimenticato la Promessa delle Antiche religioni Pagane. Sono solo i coraggiosi che vivono per...
  50. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    "Problem"? in the cleansing of the soul

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters!! Can I ask you something quick please? :) Regarding this: Today I started some soul cleansing work. This Saturday, however, is a Full Moon Sabbath. I would still like to continue it for 28 days. Is it still good and is it more or less equally effective in...
  51. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Astrology, weight loss and tips, please...

    I am very happy because I finally have some very effective transits for losing body weight. Technically I am not in an impossible situation regarding excess weight. In fact, a lot of the weight is muscle. I can train in high intensity aerobics for several hours a day without feeling even the...
  52. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN


    SATANISM EXPLAINED SCIENTIFICALLY CHAKRA BREATHING In physics, a system can accumulate energy in various ways, a chakra can be imagined as an "energy field" that can accumulate energy from external sources. If we imagine the chakra as an "energy center" that functions at a certain frequency...
  53. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Satanism explained scientifically

    Yesterday I started studying Physics. I knew that Satanism is in accordance with science and works from a scientific point of view, but I really did not imagine such coherence regarding science. Today I would like you to review the meditations that I have studied scientifically. They are the...
  54. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Personal Method for Consistency in Meditations

    I wanted to share with you a personal method to have fun meditating consistently without it being a burden. I personally divide meditation into two types: 1) Meditations that require only visualization (chakra breathing, basic cleansing forms, energy meditations, twin serpent, etc.) 2)...
  55. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Meaningful question for me: morning/evening question (before sunset and after sunset)

    When it is said on the Satanic Rosary page that, for maximum results, any spiritual work can be done twice a day, morning and evening, is it absolutely necessary that the first session be done exactly between sunrise and sunset and the second session between sunset and sunrise? Can I do the...
  56. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Crystals in magic? Help list? (Project of mine)

    First of all, I thank you for your possible answers. I have an ambitious project in mind which is the following and I have the patience to see it through. In these years I have improved a lot in perseverance and discipline to be able to have the attitude to commit myself. I would also like to...
  57. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How to get accepted by Lord Beelzebul?

    I would like to pray in the most humble and respectful way to our Lord ENLIL to ask him if he would help me. My request is this: I would like to learn from him and build a student-Master relationship. HP HoodedCobra666 once said that through the Gods, we learn things much better and much faster...
  58. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Two Questions: Yoga Hatha & Aura Holes/Chakra blockages

    Hello everyone, I wanted to ask you something please. :) THANK YOU! About Hatha Yoga: my Hatha Yoga sessions last an hour. I work on seven long sequences for each of the seven chakras (a chakra sequence). When I do any position (asana), instead of focusing on feeling the muscles stretching, I...
  59. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Satanas saved the life of the girl I love...

    I don't even know where to start and I can't even go into details because I want to respect her privacy. That's exactly what I wrote in the title, without Satanas I would be at the funeral of the girl I love today. It was a really bad situation, one of the worst. But thanks to Satanas not only...
  60. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    A very strange thing in my dreams that I would like to understand

    Strange things happen to me during sleep phases. I feel like my abilities are enhanced during these phases. For example, if during the day it is more complicated for me to be able to visualize colors, when I try just before falling asleep, any color of any shade comes spontaneously to me...
  61. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My portrait of Zeus

    Okay, it's the first art I've ever done, and it's freehand, without any traces. I've never done anything like this in my life, in fact I've always been more into logical and strategic reasoning than into art. It would be a portrait of Zeus, I kind of like it, but my family is telling me it...
  62. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Deprogramming yourself from Christianity: my personal method

    This """""article""""" of mine was born after reading a topic of a user, originally it would have been my second reply to his topic, so when I wrote it there were specific details. I wanted to share with you a method that I used to deprogram myself from the doctrines that Jews teach to Gentiles...
  63. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    A strange thing happens to me with both Divine and Jewish things...

    I'll be brief, even if I can't explain this well, it happens to me that if on Google, YouTube, etc. I read a word connected to something Jewish (like a sacred name in their magic), I feel a sense of repulsion, negativity, disturbance, as if the thing disgusted me, but WITHOUT KNOWING THAT WORD...
  64. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Personal experience with the Great Demon Furfur (Power Ritual), special thanks to HP HoodedCobra666 and a little personal advice

    I would like to share with you something that happened to me now. Actually, it is not even the first time that it has happened to me, but today it was particularly powerful as an experience and it came at the right time. I know that the Great Demon Furfur reveals the thoughts of others, as...
  65. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Astarte's energy - does anyone know what it's like?

    Sorry, I don't want to take up too much of your time. I don't know if any of you have ever used the Ouija board, or spoken in the presence of Our Queen, The Glorious Lady Astarte - blessed be She forever. Can I ask you if; by any chance, when you speak to Her splendid Divine Presence, does Her...
  66. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Meditations, personal age and level of knowledge

    What is the correlation that exists between spiritual advancement, level of knowledge and age? Let me explain better, when the meditative and magical knowledge of the Gods was not present on a very accessible website written within everyone's reach and even translated into multiple languages...
  67. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Intellectual benefits of meditations

    Since I have been meditating consistently, over time, I have noticed these changes in me from an intellectual point of view. I will admit that I have had extremely high IQ scores on various tests taken over the years, I was even told that they were "the highest". But meditation was even more...
  68. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    I'm so scared to post this topic because I'm truly filled with shame from head to toe... Sorry, I'm deeply ashamed, it was a really hard blow and my world literally collapsed on me, and continues to collapse on me. I feel really terrible about what happened, I would really like to get out of...
  69. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Can a God "admire" a human being if he works hard and advances?

    I don't know if my question is actually blasphemous, I'm truly sorry if so. I was wondering: I know that admiration as we understand it is regularly felt for people who are worth more. But in a different and more generic and broad concept for the word "admiration", it is possible that a Deity...
  70. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    New blasphemous Netflix series

    The trailer for Kaos, the new Netflix series about the Greek Gods, has been released. I'll just tell you that almighty Zeus is played by a Jewish actor. And that's not even the worst part. From what we can see from the trailer, the series casts infamy on the Gods by making them ridiculous and...
  71. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Extra meditation sessions

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters! I was wondering, in the empty moments, those in which the only activities I can carry out are looking at the ceiling, that is, I am referring to moments of boredom, can I do extra meditation sessions instead of wasting time? Or is it important that the soul...
  72. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    In the future society, how will work for the Gods and the Reich be handled?

    Meaning, how will service to the Gods be managed, opportunities to work for the advancement of Satanism in the universe, and how will people be able to actively dedicate themselves to this goal through the meritocracy of their abilities? I ask regardless of the rewards for the efforts, it is not...
  73. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I find that this attitude of mine can be uncaring towards Father Satan

    (Okay, this is going to be a bit of a long post, as usual... I'm very sorry!) Hi everyone! Greetings my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Lord Satan, our Most High Father! I wanted to share with you something that I was thinking about this morning and that entered my heart like an extremely...
  74. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Ask to go out...

    On August 19th I will ask a girl out on a date with me. If it works I will be happy, otherwise I will understand that it wasn't meant to be. I prepared a voice message for her of a few minutes in which I try to be sincere, but without telling her about my feelings because it's too early. I...
  75. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    What does it mean when the Gods save your life more than once?

    ...Even on occasions when death is certain?Could it mean that the Gods don't consider me a "lost case" or a "failure" and that if they want me to continue living it's because I have the possibility of fulfilling myself? Thank you...
  76. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Father Satan is truly caring and is the best father I could have asked for.

    I really can't stand people who curse Satan without even knowing him and without even having tried to have the slightest experience with him, but only for Christian slander without proof and without the slightest validity. Satan really took care of me during this period and although it was a...
  77. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Square or Rune? Which is better?

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters in Satan! I wanted to cast a spell to obtain the honor from my friends, but I was wondering: is it better to work with Wunjo for perhaps 180 days or the Square of the Sun which is short anyway? (If I do the Square, I start it with the Raum meditation, if I...
  78. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Saturn is destroying my life...

    Both she and I have strong transits of Venus/Saturn and Saturn/Venus that are destroying the relationship. Before these transits it was the most beautiful relationship I had had in my life and I was truly happy and loved, she too with all my heart. Now the relationship has been ruined on both...
  79. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I should urgently pray to Father Satan...

    I urgently need to talk to Father Satan about something... It is not very important whether I can hear his answer or not, because I know that over time I will understand his will as the days pass and I advance in spirituality, but it is of fundamental importance that he listens to me, I have...
  80. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Physical discomfort for Kundalini Yoga

    Hello everyone, I started Kundalini Yoga a few days ago and I'm having a lot of trouble. In the moments when I don't do Yoga I feel incredibly full of spinal discomfort. Basically I feel as if my spine needs to strain and is trying to stretch. This causes me discomfort. Even when I do Yoga I...
  81. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I wrote down my goals for this life

    I wrote down the following goals for myself to take seriously in order to fulfill myself and be successful in life. This is because I realized that it is not enough to exist, but you must also be. If anyone, anyone, has any advice to give me they are welcome and I opened this topic exclusively...
  82. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Is it possible to actually treat Satan as one would treat a Father?

    I have never had a (good) father or in any case a normal parental figure or one who only loved me. In my family, everyone blames me for everything, I can't share anything I do and no one is interested in what I do. They think I'm an idiot. I literally have very high IQ scores (by the way the...
  83. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Please, can you help me evaluate this new advancement program of mine? Please...

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters. This is my new personal advancement program. Could you check it for me? The main news is that I use the energy of meditation to also obtain desires. HPS Maxine, the noblest, I think once said that it is important to direct energy for our desires and not...
  84. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    What does this sign mean during the spell?

    Hello everyone! How are you? You know, I happened to enter, for the first time during a spell, into extremely deep and intense ecstasy. It already happened to me with meditations on the chakras, but it had NEVER happened to me with a spell (apart from the Final RTR, but that happens to...
  85. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Can you continue a spell even with the flu?

    I have the flu... but I don't want to interrupt a spell I was doing. Can I continue even if my soul is dirty due to the illness?
  86. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Serving Satan is what I love most, but...

    I love serving Satan, I don't give a negative meaning to the word "serve" because I don't think that serving the greatest ideals of justice, truth, compassion and benevolence can ever have a negative meaning. Jews serve evil ideals of racism towards all non-Jews and desire for Jewish supremacy...
  87. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Rune of manifestation

    In your opinion, dear brothers and sisters, it would make sense to cast a spell of RAIDHO + JERA + SOWILO to make things manifest that have not yet manifested themselves, such as situations for which a spell has been cast, but whose effects are not yet seen, or physical conditions and...
  88. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Power words for the chakras?

    Could you give me a little help, please? I know that the Egyptian mantras for the chakras are: RA for the third chakra AMUN for the fourth chakra THOTH for the sixth chakra. Could you give me the Egyptian mantras of the remaining chakras please? And I would also like to ask you for the updated...
  89. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Yantra for meditation in Sanskrit

    Are those Vedic Chakra Yantras good for meditating while performing Sanskrit vibrations? (those with the flower structure). I ask this question for the 8 step path. Thanks so much in advance for all the replies!
  90. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Power Ritual of Set - question on an energy issue

    Over the past few days I performed the Demon Set power ritual again. As I did so I felt a powerful energy of joy directly within my soul. But it's not over yet, I continue to feel it in a very powerful way and it lasts all day when I perform the ritual. It's a really beautiful and very strong...
  91. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Mantra of Mercury

    Hello everyone! I'll be short with my question so I don't waste your time! :) Can you please tell me about the double A of the Mercury mantra, specifically how do you pronounce it? In the audio there seemed to be a gap between the two A's. But I didn't understand well. Thank you so much!
  92. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Mi dite se è tutto giusto?

    Scusate, per favore, potreste controllare una cosa a cui tengo? Ho parlato sul forum inglese del fatto che la ragazza che mi piaceva si fosse fidanzata con uno di razza diversa. Io, qualche tempo dopo, ho umilmente pregato Padre Satana di fare giustizia e farli dividere, promettendogli che gli...
  93. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How important are personal planetary transits in spells?

    For example, if I have a Saturn-Venus conjunction (or Venus-Saturn) and I want to cast a love spell, can I do it anyway or would it be better to avoid it? Thank you all so much! :)
  94. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Thoughts in the head

    Okay, I know this may seem like a troll question, but I have a doubt that I absolutely need to clarify please, please help me... In all (ALL) situations in which I have to make immediate and important decisions, for years now, I have had a voice in my head, like a thought, that tells me what is...
  95. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Carro di Ra - "R" arrotata o meno?

    Salve, scusatemi... ... vi volevo chiedere una cosa per favore... Stavo leggendo questo topic: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=24830#p110580 Il punto tre non mi è chiaro... dice che bisogna vibrare in ogni chakra dove fai passare la sfera: "RA", e di non arrotare la R. Ma poi...
  96. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    About my relationship with Father Satan...

    Lately my understanding of the things around me has been increasing a lot and I am becoming more and more aware of what surrounds me (due to meditation?). I have always had faith in Father Satan, but "faith" does not necessarily mean "trust". When you have faith in something, you have faith in...
  97. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Is this good or blasphemous?

    I was thinking that I really love the Yule season. For me Yule is sacredness made festive. And since Santa Claus is a children's name for Father Satan, I would like to do a standard ritual to Father Satan (thinking of him for that evening as Santa Claus) in which the prayer I burn would be...
  98. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN


    Hello everyone, I don't usually bring personal problems to the forum because I don't like putting negativity in the forum. However, I have a small personal problem. I fell in love with a girl. The reason for this is that she makes me very happy by being a cheerful and nice girl. Obviously the...
  99. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Does it happen to you too? Is it normal?

    Some time ago I contacted the wonderful God Forneus to ask him if he could guide me in my study. I waited for a sign and after a while, as I was sitting on my desk, I found a playing card on it, it was the card of the seven of wands (the card associated with Forneus). The fact is that I...
  100. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Il Silenzio è d'oro - Riguardo gli esterni

    Traduzione del Sermone: "Silence si Golden - About Outsiders" scritto da HP Hoodedcobra666 il 21 Agosto 2023: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=88880 ________ Molte volte in questa vita, o per stupidità o perché uno semplicemente non capisce nulla, ti sentirai tentato di dire a...
  101. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    [Trad] Cosa Fare Relativamente Ai Membri Famigliari Xiani/Musulmani

    What To Do About Xian/Muslim Family Members https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=88613 Scritto dal Sommo Sacerdote Hoodedcobra666 il 12 Agosto 2023 ______________________ 1. Comprendi che, poiché essi sono la tua famiglia, non significa che siano tutti evoluti o che debbano...
  102. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Is it ever too late for a Satanist?

    Although I have been a Satanist for several years, only recently have I finally found my way. Indeed now, in the present, meditating has become a habit like eating and sleeping. RTR is no longer boring, indeed every day I wake up with a great desire to fight every day. I train in the gym...
  103. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Do pets perceive Jews?

    Okay, this seems like a troll question, but I'm really, really curious. This morning my mother invited two workers to our house for some work. One was a Gentile, but the other was visibly a big-nosed, ball-eyed Jew. The Gentile entered first and then after a minute his Jewish assistant. My cat...
  104. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How did Satan manage to resist these things?

    I hope this topic is intelligent and not blasphemous. I have several traumas because in the past I was hated and laughed at by almost everyone I knew. I suffered violence and great physical and psychological abuse. I have been abused in every way and even attacked in different ways. I'm much...
  105. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Unione Europea boicotta Israele?

    Non so se avete letto le notizie su Israele. Io le leggo tutti i giorni come fosse bollettino di guerra. Se volete, aprite Google un attimo e cercate "Israele news". Oltre le continue lotte interne in Israele ed i manifestanti ed i commenti degli utenti contro Israele in aumento, l'Unione...
  106. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Question about Sanskrit words that become mantras.

    Studying this forum, I have seen that some users take Sanskrit words with particular meanings, for example "Sundara" which indicates a concept of "beauty", and use them as if they were mantras. At first I didn't believe this thing could work and I was very incredulous, but then I read that HPS...
  107. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I have donated: Can I ask the HP HoodedCobra a question about Donations, please?

    I donated about ** **in bitcoins a few minutes ago, I don't know how to send you proof of the donation since the credit card application on which I bought the bitcoins (Hype, from which you can buy and send bitcoins using your Hype credit card connected), the application didn't give me any...
  108. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Scusate se riapro il topic.... Donazioni

    Ho scoperto che, con la carta Hype ed applicazione associata, si possono comprare ed inviare bitcoin facilmente ed in modo sicuro direttamente dall'app usando la carta apposita già associata al conto. L'unico problema è che Hype è connessa alla banca Sella. In realtà, Hype fa da tramite a Conio...
  109. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How is warfare in evolved alien empires (like Orion)?

    Has any form of warfare with guns ever existed in advanced alien empires, or is all form of warfare fought spiritually as we do with RTRs? And also, the Demons who are generals, strategists or guards of Satan and so on, do they also use only spiritual methods? I ask this because at least in my...
  110. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Particular but beautiful experiences with meditation.

    Lately, whenever I meditate I enter a state of deep spiritual pleasure like an extremely beautiful intense ecstasy. This happens: *every time I meditate *to enhance a chakra *regardless of which chakra it is *regardless of what kind of empowerment meditation it is It's really wonderful, but...
  111. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    La Y finale si pronuncia?

    Salve a tutti!! Mi potreste aiutare, per favore? Volevo chiedervi, ma la Y finale dei mantra e delle Rune viene pronunciata? Tipo nel quadrato del Sole, il mantra è AUM SURYAE NAMA, quel Suryae ha, nella traslitterazione della pronuncia, una Y finale. Così che è Ssuurryaayey la pronuncia. In...
  112. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Domande sul terzo occhio, per favore!

    Salve a tutti. Vorrei porre umilmente qualche domanda sul terzo occhio. Spero di non disturbare! Vorrei chiedere nel preciso: 1) Il terzo occhio gioca un ruolo fondamentale esclusivamente nella visione psichica o anche nell'udito psichico? Oppure sono le altre tre estensioni del sesto chakra...
  113. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    When the enemy completely falls, will we have other ways to serve Satan?

    I ask this question because in this period I was thinking about how lucky I was to know JoS. I have achieved many good things and, without JoS, my life would have continued to be just suffering beyond measure. Satan saved me from all of this and I couldn't help but be extremely grateful to him...
  114. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Posso fare una domanda sulle donazioni a JoS?

    Salve a tutti. Faccio questa domanda sulla sezione italiana perché voglio capire bene le risposte dato che è una domanda molto tecnica la mia. Io non ho mai donato alla Gioia di Satana per due motivi principali: uno dei due è che non ho i bitcoin e sono abbastanza "boomer" (nonostante la mia...
  115. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Costruire un talismano?

    Salve a tutti, vorrei costruire un talismano da portare con me solo i giorni in cui mi servirà il suo potere. Il mio piano è prendere un'erba adatta allo scopo, per 90 giorni inspirare dentro l'erba l'elemento desiderato e poi vibrare il mantra dell'elemento per il numero di ripetizioni riferito...
  116. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    I would like to share with you a thought I had today.

    Last night I dreamed of a voice saying to me: "the most beautiful works are those inspired by Satan". I don't know if it was a dream with a particular meaning or due to the fact that I'm always thinking about Satan and my love for our Gods. I will avoid asking so as not to influence me. But it...
  117. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How to understand the progress of the Kundalini process?

    How do you understand which chakra your Kundalini has reached? Sounds like a silly question, but how do you figure out how far it's gone up? And how do you know when it's fully raised? Since I don't want to sound stupid, I specify that I already know that my Kundalini is not raised and that it...
  118. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Domande sul Nemico di curiosità personale.

    Salve a tutti, ho letto i sermoni sull'anima del Nemico e le differenze con quella nostra. A quanto ho capito, nel Nemico è totalmente assente il guscio Vijnanamaya, che invece è comune nelle nostre anime. Questo guscio aurico so che è un po' la sede dell'intelletto inteso anche come saggezza ed...
  119. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Can you do Raum meditation before a planetary square?

    Obviously following the number of daily repetitions of the mantra of a planetary square, does it make sense to give more power to the planetary square with Raum meditation?
  120. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Evolution of my advancement program of meditations and magic.

    In this period I am dedicating myself to meditation and magic in this way, I would like you to please give me your opinion and correct me if I am wrong :) thank you! So, following the path of the 8 steps of Astarte, every day: 1) Yoga Hatha and Kundalini 2) Complete Yogi Breathing for three sets...
  121. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Oddities in my life....

    Hello, Brothers and Sisters. For some time now, strange and singular events have been happening to me. I know it's hard to believe, but for a long time, I let them happen without really caring because I thought they meant nothing. The oddities are mainly these, I would be delighted if people...
  122. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Two questions that may seem like troll questions

    The first question came to my mind because there are days like today when I find it a little difficult to start sitting down to meditate. Then I "make an effort" and start meditating anyway and I'm fine, I feel good spiritually, I enjoy while meditating, I feel like I invested my time well and I...
  123. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Swiss subcutaneous microchip

    In the last few hours here in Italy a lot of articles have come out about this microchip under the skin that allows you to pay without having to use cash. The comments of the Italians are very positive because everyone has complained. But in Switzerland they say it's normal to pay with the...
  124. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    35th name of the Necronomicon for all chakras, is it possible?

    The meditation of the Necronomicon of the pdf "money spells" to empower the solar chakra with the 35th Sumerian name, can it also be done for the other chakras or only for the solar chakra? Thank you so much!
  125. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How can meditation change my life so much?

    The periods in which I meditate regularly, even not too much, but at least working hard every day on the chakras by empowering them with Yoga, energetic breathing and Sanskrit vibrations and rotation of the chakras, are the happiest times of my life. In the sense that when I meditate...
  126. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Domanda al volo sulla Magia dell'immagine...

    Salve a tutti, non vorrei togliervi troppo tempo, volevo solo chiedere per favore: si può usare il pongo per costruire il pupazzo per la magia dell'immagine? Grazie a tutti delle eventuali risposte. :D (Stavo pensando anche al DAS, ma si secca velocemente e poi non riesco mai ad usarlo; quindi...
  127. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    History and World War II?

    Hello everyone, even if as I said a long time ago, my favorite subject is science, I would like to make some money by taking advantage of the fact that in my Astrological Natal Chart I am very inclined to teach, doing history repetitions to students who have difficulty studying . I have chosen...
  128. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My grandfather is an SS, question about reincarnation.

    My grandfather is clearly an SS, he has always been an hater of Jews. In fact, I come from a family that has always fought against the Jews at the time of Nazism. I know this because long ago I wanted to make sure I was not Jewish and so I checked all my relatives and ancestors from my...
  129. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Is this meditation program okay?

    Sorry for the stupid question, I realize it's newbies to ask, but I would like to know if I'm doing it right. My finally updated program is inspired by the eight steps of Astarte and is the following (with the meditations in exactly that order): 1) Aura and Chakra Cleansing. 2) Sexual activity...
  130. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Dove vibrare?

    Salve a tutti, posso chiedere una cosa per favore? :) Avevo un dubbio, quando io vibro per potenziare i chakra, cerco di sentire la vibrazione nel chakra. Quando vibro per fare un incantesimo di miglioramento personale, vibro cercando di sentire la vibrazione in tutto il mio essere perché è il...
  131. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Esperienze con il frequente 88

    Salve a tutti! Molto tempo fa ho letto in passato su questa sezione italiana del forum ad alcuni di voi capitavano e capitano le stesse cose che stanno capitando a me da più di un anno Ovvero vedere sempre alcuni numeri. Oramai è più di un anno che il numero 88 che io ho sempre associato ad...
  132. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Psychic powers, how to develop them?

    I hope this request of mine is not blasphemous or offensive, I really want to advance. Hello to all dear brothers and sisters. I am interested in some Siddhis that I can use in battles with opponents. As I am a martial artist and I know that in ancient times the Ninja kept Satan's secrets and...
  133. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    The modern mindset about advancing is really wrong in my opinion.

    Last night I realized for myself one thing that will remain with me for life. The day before I had only slept three/four hours and yesterday I trained for several hours. The fact is that I finished martial arts training very late. When I got back, I was very sleepy and wanted to go to bed. But...
  134. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Tempo estremo ed incendi nella mia città?

    Nella città dove abito, che è una città molto conosciuta italiana comunque, si stanno verificando molti incendi quotidiani nelle aree boschive o comunque dove sono presenti alberi. A volte ci sono persino cose come quaranta incendi al giorno. Dicono che sono dovuti al caldo estremo che fa in...
  135. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    A gift for Astarte

    Hello brothers and sisters. I realized that I really love the Goddess Astarte very much. But when you really love someone, words are empty things, it's the actions that come spontaneously and not forced that count. This is why I would like with all my heart to give her a gift that can mean a lot...
  136. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    What is the difference between a Square of the Moon and a Square of Venus in terms of being loved by women?

    The square of Venus can make a woman fall in love with a man. A square of the Moon governs the women in our life and their feelings. What is the difference? Thank you so much!
  137. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Could this be an effect of the RTRs?

    I've noticed that many prominent Hollywood Jews are turning out to be the criminals they are. And they have lost their protection even against the Law. For example, the Jewish actress Amber Heard who years ago had managed to pass herself as a victim, now it has been discovered that she is just a...
  138. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Can I perform the various Kriyas of Yoga Kundalini for sets of 40 days as I do for spells?

    There are a lot of different Kriyas in Yoga Kundalini, I would like to benefit from many of them, each Kryia has its purpose; but there is no time to do too many in a single day. Can I do them for 40 day sets and then move on to the next like I do for spells?
  139. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Numbers relating to the Demons that are often seen.

    Sorry, this year it happens that I see a lot of times the number 88 that I associate with Astarte (I associate it with her for the meditation "Inanna" published by the brother VoiceofEnki where you have to vibrate Inanna 88 times). I see it in every situation. Sometimes I even hear it because...
  140. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    A question about the Enemy's Karma and where he will be defeated

    Thanks to our RTRs, the Enemy has completely lost his spiritual power. Furthermore, there will soon be planetary configurations that are devastating for him, as well as very long-lasting. This will surely destroy him and it will only be thanks to us and the Gods and the Goddesses. However, I...
  141. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Why do people want to have things for free without having to work for themselves?

    I have brought many honest people to Satanism. But it happened to me a few times that I saw people who wanted to know Satan not because they loved him or because they wanted to improve themselves. They only wanted to know him because they thought they would get unlimited wealth and stuff. I...
  142. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My life and the jews. Why?

    When I was younger, I was constantly watching TV series and movies. (Personally now I hate TV series and I like manga, but that's not my question). The fact is that I was constantly seeing actresses on TV and for most of them, when my friends or my father told me that these actresses were...
  143. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Parole di potere per la conoscenza?

    Salve a tutti, come state? Posso chiedervi una cortesia, per favore? Mi potreste, per piacere, dire tutti i mantra e rune e parole di potere in generale per sviluppare conoscenza e sapienza delle materie scolastiche ed universitarie che mi piacciono, per favore? Grazie agli incantesimi ho...
  144. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Can I use the Rune Thor to open the clairvoyance and clairaudience chakras and then the Rune Sol to empower them?

    I would also like to try to vibrate Oss in my soul to enhance my magical and psychic abilities. Could it work or am I wasting my time? Thank you!
  145. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Mantra degli elementi ed i loro usi in magia?

    Salve a tutti, fratelli e sorelle! Vi volevo chiedere, per favore, i mantra degli elementi funzionano come i mantra normali? Ovvero li vibri per innalzare energia che indirizzi mediante visualizzazione mentre la programmi con affermazioni? Oppure non funzionano con l'energia, ma con gli elementi...
  146. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Can I do the Necronomicon meditation for the third eye again on February 7th?

    I performed the meditation incorrectly on January 17th. Unfortunately, February 7 will not be a full moon, but it will still be a Monday of Waxing Moon in Taurus in Italy. Can I try it again anyway?
  147. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Informazioni sui 90 giorni?

    Salve a tutti, fratelli e sorelle. Sul forum inglese sto leggendo che un lavoro magico si può prolungare anche per 90 giorni. Sul sito c'è scritto di fare un set di 40 giorni e, se non si sono visti risultati evidenti, ripetere il set di 40 giorni fino ad 80 giorni. Ecco, io sto facendo questo...
  148. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Is 108 good for black magic?

    As I understand from what I have read, 108 is a number connected to Saturn. So is it okay for black magic to vibrate THURISAZ 108 times and HAGALAZ 108 times and then say "X dies" 9 times?
  149. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    What is the difference between awakened Kundalini, activated Kundalini and raised Kundalini?

    Sorry, I've had this question for a while... What is the difference between awakened Kundalini, activated Kundalini and raised Kundalini? Thanks so much for the answers!
  150. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    This historical period seems to me to be living in the worst of nightmares. When it will end?

    On the one hand, here in Italy we have a sort of super-green pass that is given exclusively to vaccinated people starting from December without which you can do absolutely nothing (no social life, zero fun and go outside) even if you have the swab of any negative type. On the other hand...
  151. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    SATANAMA mantra

    I have asked a similar question in the past. I wanted to ask for more details on the SATANAMA mantra. So from what I understand the mantra Satanama can change things. For example, I have read that many use it to change and modify their DNA, in order to stay young for a longer time. Others use it...
  152. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Surya and Sun

    Hello everyone! You all know the SURYA mantra which can be used to clean the aura. By doing some personal research on the web, I have discovered that SURYA can also be used to invoke the powers ruled by the Sun. For example success and honor. However, as usual, I don't trust much sources outside...
  153. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Could you do me a favor, please?

    Hello everyone, it has been a while since I embarked on the study of science in depth. For now I'm only doing Chemistry, but since the sciences are connected, sooner or later I think I'll have to study things that go beyond just Chemistry. For sure I know that many scientific theories are not...
  154. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Sviluppare i poteri ESP con il Necronomicon?

    Ciao a tutti, fratelli e sorelle! In questo periodo ho aggiunto una meditazione sul Necronomicon per aumentare i miei poteri ESP. Uso il nome numero 18. Mi limito a vibrare le due parole di potere (prima Mashshananna e poi Shazu entrambe 18 volte) mentre mi focalizzo sul Sigillo e poi affermo...
  155. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    My experience with Father Satan

    In this topic I was pleased to talk about my experience with Father Satan. I want to do this because for too long I haven't realized how much Satan really is the best Father and I want to be able to tell how true this is. On our JoS site I read the various testimonials on Satanism from various...
  156. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Do you know the Jewish Nakam group?

    In 1945 the Jews decided to kill without discrimination at least six million Germans who did not necessarily have anything to do with the so-called holocaust, regardless of whether they were men, women, the elderly or children. They executed or tried to execute both Plan A and Plan B by putting...
  157. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    AGNI mantra for weight loss?

    Hi everyone, I know that some Hindus vibrate the AGNI mantra to lose weight. According to them, it can be used to burn excess body fat, toxins and even some think it increases metabolism. I know all this because I have done some personal research and studies. What do you think? Can all this be...
  158. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Mantra Tejas e come usarlo in magia nera? E le Rune Hagl ed Isa?

    Salve a tutti ed a tutte. Vorrei imparare alcune parole di potere potenti per la magia nera. Mi sento completamente impotente a non avere nessuno strumento in questo campo. Vi prego sinceramente di aiutarmi in questo topic. In un topic del forum inglese, un utente consigliava di fare tre...
  159. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Family and recycling

    My mother is not going to do the recycling, probably because she is a stupid Christian and her Jewish masters have taught her that the world is shit and is destined to burn, or probably because no Demon has ever taught her to respect the environment because she does not listen to anyone but...
  160. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Kenaz varianzione anglosassone

    Salve, scusate, domanda lampo. La variazione anglosassone di Kenaz è CEN. Si pronuncia ccc-eee-nnn così come si scrive con la C dolce di CENA, giusto? Grazie!
  161. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Microchips in the brain

    There are companies that try, nowadays, to do absurd things like hybridize man with machine and put microchips in people's brains. This microchip can actually control people remotely via apps (or remotes). It is not a conspiracy theory at all, but it is something that has been officially...
  162. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Can this be another way to use Raum meditation?

    Hello Brothers and Sisters. I have a question about Raum meditation. I'll be brief because I don't want to waste your time. I know that before performing the spells you can perform the Raum meditation to raise your energy more so that the spell is more powerful. But does it also apply to...
  163. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Do you also do this for the inspiration of the elements?

    I have a question that may seem silly about the inspiration of the elements. For me it is very important because I have never been able to do it. But today for the first time I succeeded. Usually, to inspire fire, I visualized the fire all around me and breathed this element. But it never...
  164. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    The UN and Israel's raids on Gaza which "could be war crimes"

    The UN said Israel's raids on Gaza could be war crimes. Obviously Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu complains and cries, this continuing Jewish hypocrisy and weeping would make me laugh if I didn't find it disgusting. However, I think it is a good sign that Israel is finally being accused of its...
  165. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Stellium di quattro pianeti in Acquario di cui tre in ottava casa, con un quinto pianeta in un altro segno d'aria.

    Salve a tutti ed a tutte ed Hail Satana! Mi chiedevo cosa volesse dire in astrologia quando una persona ha quattro pianeti in Acquario di cui tre in ottava casa con un quinto pianeta in un altro segno d'aria. Questo particolare Stellium cosa può significare? So che l'Acquario è intellettuale ed...
  166. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    How to use the HAGL Rune correctly?

    Our site says: "This rune is mainly used in black magick sending destruction in the form of whatever runes are used with it, delivering violent loss and pain". What does it mean? Can you explain me better, please? Thank you! Thank you very much! PS Can I use the HAGL Rune alone to bring pain...
  167. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Quando iniziate a vedere i primi effetti degli incantesimi?

    Sul nostro sito dice che per vedere i primi effetti degli incantesimi può anche essere necessario aspettare più di una settimana. Io non capisco se "più di una settimana" significa "più settimane" oppure "una settimana e qualche giorno". Voi, in genere, i primi effetti quando li iniziate a...
  168. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Attivare ed innalzare il Kundalini

    Ciao a tutti! Potrei farvi una domanda per favore? Ho letto tutto JoS da anni, ma ancora ho un dubbio su una cosa che non mi è mai stata chiara. Qual è la differenza tra ATTIVARE ed INNALZARE il Kundalini? PS la runa Eihwaz ho letto che aiuti, volevo chiedere quindi anche, la pronuncia della...
  169. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Neuralink e ragazza ideale

    Salve a tutti, io vorrei chiedere due cose a voi per favore :) Prima cosa che mi lascia molto preoccupato è Neuralink. Il programma Neuralink sta sviluppandosi in fretta. Se dovesse diventare disponibile a tutti come si progetta di fare (entro il 2021 hanno detto che saranno pronti alla...
  170. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Domanda tecnica.

    Salve a tutti, ho una domanda tecnica, per favore. Grazie a chi mi risponderà. Io medito tutti i giorni ovviamente come tutti dovrebbero fare. Ora però voglio iniziare un incantesimo per me importante. Il problema è che prima di fare questo incantesimo vorrei concedermi 40 giorni di tempo...
  171. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Mantras and repetitions?

    Hello everyone, brothers and sisters. I'd like to ask you two questions about magic, please. I was wondering, what mantra can be used for knowledge of science subjects? I know that the mantra AIM can be vibrated for intelligence, and looking on the internet I saw that there is also the mantra...
  172. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Mantra SATANAMA

    Salve! Potrei farvi una domanda, per favore? Ho letto che SATANAMA si può usare per la guarigione. Mi chiedevo, quali sono tutti gli altri effetti di questo mantra? Insomma... SATANAMA è in nome completo del nostro Onnipotente Dio Satana e porta con sé significati molto belli e pieni di vita...
  173. Symmachos-ZEUS/SHAITAN

    Riguardo al programma RTR dal 19 Febbraio al 1° Marzo, un dubbio.

    Scusate, fratelli, la mia domanda si basa chiaramente sull'ignoranza, non è certo per convincere qualcuno. Il problema che mi pongo è solo un quesito, tutto qui, ho rifatto l'account apposta nonostante Mercurio Retrogrado (ogni volta che cambio cellulare, perdo l'account, non è cattiveria: è che...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
