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  1. SSinHeartandSoul

    Many people getting sick lately

    In the last 2 / 3 weeks almost everyone i know has gotten sick, me included. This feels very suspicious to me, as the same thing happened right before covid-19 hit. Is this happening to anyone else? While it is of course possible the enemy has released some sort of toxin into the atmosphere...
  2. SSinHeartandSoul


    FEAST OF FIRE COMMUNITY EVENT 2024 The long darkness gives in, the sun returns from its slumber, That means one thing, the feast of fire has come once more! The return of the sun is also know as the spark of life, all life is invigorated, fertility & life is the result, this beautiful moment...
  3. SSinHeartandSoul


    The trees have shed their leaves, snow is falling from the skies, that can only mean one thing, Yuletide is around the corner once more. Santa (Satan) is coming to town so lets enjoy his presence & blessings all together. Have fun, share stories and have a good old friendly event. We have done...
  4. SSinHeartandSoul

    Solutions to the youtube bullshittery

    A little while ago youtube started a war against ad-blockers, slowly but surely they are targeting everyone who uses their platform demanding you to stop using ad-blockers or to pay them for youtube premium. Personally i hate watching ads, no one tells / demands me to go trough 30seconds of...
  5. SSinHeartandSoul

    Hair Health Tips - Regrowing / Thickening of your hair

    A general over-view of what you can do to improve the health of your hair. The biggest reason why hair recedes or thins is because the nutrients necessary for healthy hair is simply not there, this can happen because of a range of problems, to name a few: Stress, nutrient deficiency, liver /...
  6. SSinHeartandSoul

    Hair Health Tips - Reversing hair loss / Thinning of the hair

    A general over-view of what you can do to improve the health of your hair. The biggest reason why hair recedes or thins is because the nutrients necessary for healthy hair is simply not there, this can happen because of a range of problems, to name a few: Stress, nutrient deficiency, liver /...
  7. SSinHeartandSoul

    Should I visualize my chakras while cleaning it?

    You don't necessarily need to visualize your chakra's while cleaning, the way you do it is fine. But if you already visualize a ball of light in the place of the chakra's why not visualize the chakra's themselves? Visualizing the chakra's correctly can increase the potency of the meditation...
  8. SSinHeartandSoul

    new to pendulum

    Hello brothers and sisters, yesterday i started to use a pendulum for the first time. I did get quite a lot of answers, pretty damn interesting if you ask me. To be sure that the answers were no coincidence i tried to ask the questions in different ways trying to provoke different answers, every...
  9. SSinHeartandSoul

    Canada openly sacrificing their own citizens

    Recently it has come to my attention that Canada has implemented new health laws, i do not know if this has been talked about before on the forums, if not please do give this a read. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/assisted-suicide-in-canada In short Canada has updated their...
  10. SSinHeartandSoul

    Improving your focus and memory

    Good day brothers and sisters, recently i have had an interest in improving my focus and memory, i am writing this post to share my findings and hopefully help someone else. -- It is said that focus and memory is simply a state of being, meaning that focus and memory in itself does not exist...
  11. SSinHeartandSoul

    Help with choosing runes for a working

    Hello brothers and sisters, I am planning on starting a working for myself soon, before i start tough i would like to ask for a second opinion. My main objective is to work on my memory, This has always been a sore point for me. In the last 2 / 3 years i made improvements to this, but it is...
  12. SSinHeartandSoul

    The Importance of Vibrations

    We have always been taught that everything is made up out of atoms, a theory that even Einstein himself confirmed is riddled with holes. Yet this theory is still being preached by all the Jewish schools and universities. Nikola Tesla himself has stated that he does not believe in ''atoms''...
  13. SSinHeartandSoul

    Protonmail problems

    Recently protonmail switched to another domain after this i have a lot of problems connecting to me protonmail account because they decided to automatically connect me to the onion version of their site. It is extremely hard to log in right now, yesterday i was finally able to log in after 10...
  14. SSinHeartandSoul

    Happy B'yal-t'n (Poem)

    Reborn i am For this night is the night The night that drowns out the darkness The night that rekindles the flames For this flame is the flame The flame that shines oh so bright The flame that brings life Sing, dance and laugh For this night is the night The night that drowns out the darkness...
  15. SSinHeartandSoul

    449 songs from NS Germany

    I've come across a really nice collection of NS Germany music, I hope that you guys will like this as much as i like it. https://archive.org/details/BuckeburgerJagerSoldatenchorDerBundeswehrAlteKameradenSoldatenliederPiste1 I can upload this list to mega, just ask if this is what you want.
  16. SSinHeartandSoul

    Is there going to be a global banking crisis in the near future?

    A little while ago Trudeau (Canada) froze the bank accounts of people that supported the freedom convoy, because this happened people all over Canada and some other places, withdrew their money from the banks in mass. Now with this ''war'' with Russia, the west decided that its a good idea to...
  17. SSinHeartandSoul

    A versatile exercise for physical, mental and spiritual practices.

    Some time ago i found an easy to do exercise that can temporarily boost ones self confidence, Not only can it boost your confidence, its a great exercise to do before you are going to do any high intensity or low intensity training. This exercise primes your body, and makes it so your muscles...
  18. SSinHeartandSoul

    Confidence - Leadership Working

    Hello brothers and sisters i am planning on doing a working to boost my confidence/self esteem and leadership capabilities, Its not like i have a low self esteem or no confidence but its not on the lvl that i want it to be. I looked up what runes would be good to use, And i thought that...
  19. SSinHeartandSoul

    Unvaxed in Itally lose salary?

    I recently heard that unvaccinated people in Italy will lose their income by 15-10-21. I could not find any articles about this, But apparently there have been many riots for this reason alone in Italy. Are there any Italian SS that can confirm if this is true or not? If this is true wth are...
  20. SSinHeartandSoul

    Hay fever

    I have had hay fever for as long as i can remember, In the past i took medication for this and ofcourse it has never helped me. Recently hay fever struck me again, And i absolutely hate it... The runny nose, Sneezing, Red and agitated eyes. Does anyone know what i can do to ease or get rid of...
  21. SSinHeartandSoul

    Volt - Political party thats in every EU country

    So i recently found out that there is a new political party called Volt, This party is the first party ever that takes part in every country in the EU. Apparently they target the younger audiences with promises of a newer and better Europe, I wonder how many idiotic children will be swayed by...
  22. SSinHeartandSoul

    Curfew cancelled by court in netherlands

    For some weeks the dutch citizens were put under a curfew that lasted from 9pm to 4:30 am, There have been many riots because of this and stores have been looted as well (Perfect moment for antifa and blm to show up ofcourse). While this has been going on a group of people took the government...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
