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  1. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Reminders and Solutions Regarding Workings

    Introduction This is a common topic, but also important, so that is why I felt it should be revisited. Workings are discussed and attempted frequently, but they can create problems that may be especially troubling to new people. Below I wish to give some background info and techniques which can...
  2. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Astarte in Carthage: Honored by Gentiles, Assaulted by Jews

    The Sacred Band of Astarte Elite heavy cavalry of Carthage (Phoenician peoples of what is now Tunisia). Image Source: Lordgood from Deviantart Notice the 8-pointed star, one of her symbols. From Wikipedia Source 1: "An important part of the Punic culture seems to have consisted in their...
  3. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Protection During Ritual Schedules

    Please, everyone use this as a reminder to stay strongly protected during high points of warfare. Regarding enemy attacks, I would highly advise something specific against them, such as: Warfare AOP. People should plan out extra time here, in addition to also raising energy before and after to...
  4. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Feeling Sick from Yoga? + Spiritual Purity

    Intro Although this might seem like a minor topic, it is one that I wanted to briefly write about, as it can be confusing for people. Despite the fact that doing work on the soul and body are positive actions, it is possible and likely to encounter negativity en route to the positive...
  5. Blitzkreig [TG]

    JoS Wiki : New JOS Site Annoucement [https://joswiki.org/]

    Hello Brothers and Sisters, It is with great pleasure that I officially announce the JoS Wiki! Based on the MediaWiki software, our Wiki serves as the central hub of organized JoS knowledge. Although far from finished, it is a platform where multiple editors can work to organize JoS content...
  6. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Re: Satanic avenger call out.

    Who cares about this, after such a point? JoS does not support leftism. You can join us on the path of spiritual development, but this type of hyper-aggressive arguing with everyone is wrong and unproductive for everyone. Don't make a complete enemy of someone who only slightly disagrees with you.
  7. Blitzkreig [TG]


    The server hosting the AS website has been moved. Please resend any questions that have not been posted as of the time of this message. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Reflection on the Air Element and Advancement

    Expectancy of Behavioral Outcomes By our nature and karma, we have ingrained habits and opinions within us. Just look at any planetary placement, sign, or aspect within your chart, and this will show some sort of opinion, drive, desire, perception, and so on. Some of these placements will show...
  9. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Best Chance at Successfully Completing Squares

    Just pasting this here so everyone is as fully equipped as possible. Please add anymore tips or knowledge which may help. I remember you mentioning this. I think Mannaz would help with that, when the time comes. The moon itself relates to memory, as well. As for the Squares themselves, you...
  10. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Emotional Pain and Healing

    Putting this here for others to see, as even if we have heard such messages repeatedly, they are very important. Many of us have taken alternative paths not just within this life, but through our past lives, as we fight for Satanism in a world that may not understand us. This has the unfortunate...
  11. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Endurance on this Path: Should I give up?

    Although my writing is focused on one person's concerns, many people could stand to be reminded of this answer. First off, thank you for sharing your concerns, as it is important to be conversational and open about your problems. There are misconceptions that you have, which I will do my best...
  12. Blitzkreig [TG]

    1 Year Thank You Letter

    Thank you for your message, but please be careful about posting personal details, like your age and family details. If you want, you can resubmit your message with these things removed, then a mod can delete this post for you.
  13. Blitzkreig [TG]


    Maybe you should ask a mod to delete this if you would rather this be anonymous, as it could be too much info. Anyway, any inflammation is considered to be pathological heat in the body. Aggravating this would be the presence of yin-based pathogens, like "dampness", which is common and can be...
  14. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Mars in Leo Opportunity: May 22nd

    Correction: 23* of May, Tuesday, day of Mars. As Mars soon enters Leo, this provides a decent opportunity to improve the condition of our martian energies, especially given that it will be until September or October for Mars to enter Scorpio, or for the Moon to be Waxing in Aries. Remember...
  15. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Missing Power Ritual Links Solution

    Edit: Go to https://josrituals.org/ for ritual links. -------------------------- I expect evilgoy to be restored in its entirety very soon, however I am reposting the archived version of it, which can be used to access all the rituals and RTRs...
  16. Blitzkreig [TG]

    In the News: New Israeli Protest Target: Ultra-Orthodox Subsidies, Draft Exemptions

    SOURCE: Zerohedge The protest movement that's rocked Israeli politics over the past months on Thursday shifted its fire to a new target: special treatments given to the country's rapidly-growing ultra-Orthodox population. The growing discontent threatens to widen a critical fault line spanning...
  17. Blitzkreig [TG]

    About Satanism and a sense of destiny. A very important question for me.

    The Jew God did not do anything of this nature. This was your own mind combining your inherent philosophical interest and drives with other spiritual beliefs. Yes, meditation transforms our fate for the better. A low level of someone with philosophizing energy may end up as a destitute...
  18. Blitzkreig [TG]

    March 6 Virgo Esbat and Productivity

    This upcoming Esbat is a great time to enhance productivity. As we may know, productivity is generally defined by yang energy which is regulated by a yin structure to provide something useful. Without the yang component, no movement or transformation can happen, and without the yin component...
  19. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Defining Sexual Energy?

    Sexual energy pertains first to Martian energy, which rules lust and action, but we know women are also defined by Venus and the yin element. So Thurisaz applies directly to men, whereas Kenaz shows the action of female sexuality more clearly, yet both relate to fire energy, as Kenaz is like an...
  20. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Freeing Karma From Specific Planets?

    Since this is broadly applicable, I think it is a good idea for everyone to see and also share their advice or experience: When you remove karma, you may experience dirt associated with that issue being resolved. This can attract similar situations, albeit it will still resolve in the end. For...
  21. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Online Rented Sim Card: Convenient Option for Phone Number Verification

    I came across this website when looking for fake numbers. They have a service for renting out real numbers to get around number verification: https://quackr.io/rent-sms-numbers I am not sure how often certain services would ask you to verify your number after account creation, as this would be...
  22. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Runes for forex trading

    Do a search for money and wealth workings, as this is a common topic. There are runes, planetary energies, and divine mantras like Fehu, the Sun, and Lakshmi. All can be used for what you are trying to achieve.
  23. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Feeling Worse from Energy Workings?

    This is just a reminder to all SS, including Lucine, that it is normal to get temporary, negative symptoms relevant to, and during the transformation of various problematic areas of your soul or other negative karma. As the the soul is "rewired" during this process, dirt and other negative...
  24. Blitzkreig [TG]

    The issue of civility and spiritual warfare.

    What is your plan when someone curses you? For example, they target your social life or they make you have an accident in the gym? How do you deal with that? How are your social skills supposed to override the spiritual energy which Jews use to protect their position with? You would be getting...
  25. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

    Affirmation Target + Function of an Affirmation No, the most effective working is that which targets the most important priority in your life. If you focus on a specific house or planet, you may fall short of fixing the largest obstacle within your life, as many problems can span multiple...
  26. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Index of Common Answers: A Community Project

    Premise: One of the biggest wastes of time on the forums is people typing out answers which have already been answered elsewhere (or other variations of this). I have done this plenty of times and understand why it happens. Generally, because we are not robots, and because we have a drive for...
  27. Blitzkreig [TG]

    RTR affirmations in past tense can i change it to present or am i wrong

    The important part is not the wording itself as much as the intention of those words. In this case, both phrasing styles result in the end up Jewish spiritual power. This is the key point. With past tense, you assume that the action has just happened as a result of your energy. With present...
  28. Blitzkreig [TG]

    My guardian

    What are you doing exactly? What runes, what rituals, etc? And yeah the marijuana is a contributing factor here; marijuana makes your more receptive to negative influence. Quit does this immediately.
  29. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Announcing the “Ask Satan” Service: Ask Private Questions Anonymously!

    Update 12/20 The Ask-Satan.net Forum has now been created. Any new questions will have their own threads made to aid organization. Please look their for your answers. New questions will no longer be posted within the older mega-threads. All unanswered questions have been moved from the...
  30. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Using Squares not listed on the calendar?

    Moving this into a separate discussion, due to the usefulness here. Just because the Sun is currently in Sagittarius and it is still a fire sign. As long as the energy is not in a detrimental or fall sign, or if it doesn't contradict your goals, then it can be useful. It is still solar energy...
  31. Blitzkreig [TG]

    am i a cyborg?

    Yes you are still human, despite if you have had strange feelings recently. Don't doubt your own humanity and sense of self just because of something you have encountered. This is a lesson of the base chakra, which is to keep you grounded and not disturbed when things feel off. You can...
  32. Blitzkreig [TG]

    NECRONOMICON Apocalypse

    This is the main counterpoint to your claims of the meditations being a hoax:
  33. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Tricked you all

    The only thing you have achieved is proving that the JoS gave you the benefit of the doubt, despite whatever trolling behaviors or other negative actions you may have done. All you did was violate the basic decency which normal people give to each other. This is far from some master...
  34. Blitzkreig [TG]

    HP why don't ever comment about something as important?

    Henu should definitely not be destroyed. You've been saying that you wanted to speak for the last 5 posts, but you don't actually say anything. I am starting to think this is just OWP trying to troll us with ES stuff, and that I should report this to the mods.
  35. Blitzkreig [TG]

    There is no stopping what is coming.

    I am not exactly sure what changes you say we must make, especially those which would result in our "annihilation" if left unresolved. For information deconstructing Christianity, the Exposing Christianity site goes into a good amount of detail here. I think the research portion of our work is...
  36. Blitzkreig [TG]

    I understand that my life is over.

    The framework of the 40 day program, such as empowerment, cleaning, mind training, yogic asanas, etc are generally what you would do at all stages of your path. The only difference would be changing the activities which fulfill these goals. Look at the Satanic Meditations list for more. Once...
  37. Blitzkreig [TG]

    A question about reincarnation.

    Just to give you a brief response, here are some articles from Satan's Library which may give you some answers: https://www.satanslibrary.org/English/The_Afterlife_and__Reincarnation.pdf...
  38. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Overcoming Major SS Limitations: Gaining Free Time

    Intro As SS, we can thank the Clergy for their past research, as now we have basically all the tools to advance. Therefore, we are at stage where we only need to "do the work". Therefore, we are limited by our Satanic productivity. As long as we are productive on a regular basis, we can...
  39. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Re: Is Satan can do magic?

    Reposting this here into the proper forum
  40. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Fixing your Health Permanently

    Making this into a new topic for the sake of visibility: Make sure you are setting aside time for healing workings with Auruz. You can leave the affirmation non-specific, except with the conditional that it works "in the best way for you". In other words, don't try to target a specific problem...
  41. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Warfare-Specific AOP [Updated]

    When we focus on our energy on specific purposes, we more efficiently achieve the same result. As you all know, we face heightened resistance by the enemy during warfare schedules. Yet, most people use a general AOP, which must also tend to negative energies from planets, regular...
  42. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Request for Assistance

    A major JoS project is under construction, yet before it can even be announced, it must reach decent standards. Unfortunately, efforts have slowed, and this is not a one or two person project. I am looking for people who exhibit at least some of the following -Able to comprehend and summarize...
  43. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Reminder to please Use the Quotation Function

    Many people here write awesome replies, however the value of this is either totally lost, or at least delayed, because the other party is not properly notified. Although it is an extra step, please take the time to quote the other individual, as they may never manually check the thread which...
  44. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Using Words of Power - Freeing the Soul

    REPOST OF HPS MAXINE - necessary so people remain educated about their options. Many people experience problems in this life that originated in a past life. The following meditation and Sanskrit word of power can be used for liberating the soul from being stuck in certain situations and being...
  45. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Reminder to Stay Clean and Protected During Warfare!

    Any Satanic activity, especially high-level warfare, will cause the enemy to attempt to stop you. Please do not do, for example, 5 RTR's, then neglect to also scale your cleaning and protection accordingly. Your AOP should be on the level of impenetrable, not just a moderate effort on your part...
  46. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Sun Square Thread! + additional information

    With the Sun now in Leo, I believe it is very important for the majority of SS to make use of this. I would like to list helpful information related to this, as well as example workings. Basic Description of our Natal Sun: Described in one sentence: The Sun is one's ego, the personality...
  47. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Large JoS Project in Progress - Help Wanted

    Hello everyone, For some time now, I and others have been working on a project to further improve the accessibility of JoS information as a whole. For security reasons, I would like to avoid going into specific details, although this secrecy will not exist forever. For now, there is no reason...
  48. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Survival Preparation Tips

    Thank you for your contribution. You are new to the forums? Welcome. How have your spiritual practices been going? Spiritual factors play a large role in one's ability to gain and retain wealth. This can be seen in the quality of one's Sun, Venus, and Jupiter planets, on their astrology chart...
  49. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Saturn Retrograde Question

    I am a little confused about the exact influence of Saturn being retrograde (which goes from about June-October this year). In particular, I am confused about its influence on a working for increasing Saturn traits within someone. Originally, I thought "oh that is easy. Retrograde is "bad", so...
  50. Blitzkreig [TG]

    All about the Immune System and how to Improve it

    Prelude to the Problem Over the last winter season, and perhaps repeating this spring, I noticed an uptick in people getting sick. While this is not anything new, it does represent an obstacle and incident of suffering for which a solution should be had. Some people may be unaffected by this...
  51. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Revealing Contradictions

    She was here for 15-20 years, however long, including when JOS was in a much worse state. Now she has moved on to other goals, still working for Satan. According to HPHC, Satan has stated she has completed her mission, and anyone who is curious about her status can ask the Gods directly. Do...
  52. Blitzkreig [TG]

    R planets effects

    For removing any negatives, whether in your life, your natal chart, or anything else, make sure of mantras like Munka or Ansuz, Surya, or sometimes Uruz, to free yourself from the negative aspects of something (leaving only the good). This would be the case in the situation where you have a bad...
  53. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Is "free will" good or bad?

    You describe how your karma has both negatives and positives. When we speak of removing negative karma, we are removing the negative elements whilst keeping the positives. In this case, you have made the "chains" work for you, not against you. This is reflected in how Saturn can work, for...
  54. Blitzkreig [TG]

    666darkness is the reptilians enemy.

    What do you expect anyone to say to this? Who is your avatar image supposed to represent, by the way? If your planet is in such deep shit, maybe you should focus on your own existence. If such a message was urgently needed for 666darkness, then they would've received it from the Gods already.
  55. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Questions on Permanence

    I have a few questions and would appreciate any insight: Given that 40 days are necessary for the soul to be engraved with a certain energy, what is the permanence from certain planetary squares such as the Sun, Mars, or Jupiter which have a duration of fewer than 40 days? I assume if it is...
  56. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Recent Attacks Against HPHC

    In the past few days, many of you may have received an email from "[email protected]" or other sources accusing HPHC of basically turning JOS into a controlled opposition platform from which he pushes an enemy version of Covid. While I hope that most could see through this clear...
  57. Blitzkreig [TG]


    First priorities involve a supply of food and water. Don't underestimate how much water you need. Canned soups are great for this, plus lots of cases of water. Bags of beans, dried rice, or nuts are also good here. Don't forget pet supplies. Next priority involves water filtration (lifestraws...
  58. Blitzkreig [TG]

    My interpretation if Maxine Dietrich got hunted

    She is fine. She is very powerful in her own right, therefore her safety is not in question. Of course, Satan and the Gods would never let something happen to her, either.
  59. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Good Lifestyle Behaviors: 8 Reasons to Drink Warm Water (not my writings)

    Reposting from https://drmeelainling.com/8-reasons-to-drink-warm-water/ You may have heard that drinking warm or hot water is “good for you”. This advice has been suggested in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. But why? Could there be physiological differences in the...
  60. Blitzkreig [TG]

    I dont want my ego to come back.

    Check the other thread, that is where I replied to you. Don't beat yourself up, you just need to focus on balancing yourself. This sort of sensitivity is likely the manifestation of the water element in your chart. Another tip relative to controlling emotions: don't "own" any disease or...
  61. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Do I have to be dedicate?

    No, the dedication still stands. Only if you actually renounced Satanism should you rededicate. If you just left on neutral terms, then this is not needed. If your first dedication did not include your blood, then I would redo it for this reason. This is because the blood more deeply ties you...
  62. Blitzkreig [TG]

    İs Shamanism real?

    It depends what you mean by real. It's current form is probably a watered down version of satanism or paganism. What it described in the page just looked like normal spiritual workings anyone could do. However, it doesn't matter what sort of props are used if the individual performing the...
  63. Blitzkreig [TG]

    How to help someone find motivation to do yoga?

    Just the other day I was pondering how useful yoga is. Thinking of hatha yoga, it essentially balances both the physical and spiritual aspects of the person at the same time. The stretch and movement of the tissues of the body unblocks stagnation of dampness, phlegm, tissues and allows fresh...
  64. Blitzkreig [TG]

    If joy of satan is still recruiting

    I am concerned by your speech patterns. Are you feeling ok? You should start a SaTaNaMa working to heal you and get you back to into shape.That would help you with grounding your psychic power a little better. In general, you should always be meditating and doing yoga. However, I think you...
  65. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Website w/ all Covid Treatment Studies + Indian Home Covid Kit

    https://c19ivermectin.com/ I recently came across this website, above, which has collected together studies for each Covid treatment, such as Ivermectin, vitamin D, zinc, etc. This may prove useful for argumentation purposes. In somewhat relevant, but older news, India is distributing...
  66. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Brighteon.social Platform

    I just wish to bring your attention to the free-speech platform "Brighteon.social" hosted by NaturalNews. They've taken steps to disconnect from mainstream hosting, plus NaturalNews has been attacked for ages by the MSM. The overall culture of brighteon is kind of boomer, Q-types. There are a...
  67. Blitzkreig [TG]


    Online it says ichthyosis vulgaris is inherited. Have you always had this condition? Do the lines match up with the condition perfectly, as well as other aspects besides just the appearance, such as the dryness or whatever? Why would this mean you are Jewish? Due to the genetic component? I...
  68. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Trump has Created a Clouthub Account

    If you wish to follow Trump, you can find his Clouthub account at the link below, with his username "@PresidentTrump" https://app.clouthub.com/public/04c500f6-38a6-4840-8b13-981a2ace56e8 Btw, I know Trump is controversial here. I personally believe he is doing more than sitting around, as he...
  69. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Schizoid personality disorder.

    Just be careful self-diagnosing yourself with this because this sort of diagnosis is for people who are already comfortable with the clownworld around them. We are different in that we have to hide for our own security, however someone who is "fine" with the world around them and still has these...
  70. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Loads of Spam Accounts?

    When I look at the members page and I go to the newest members, there are pages upon pages of what looks like bot accounts. They all possess nonsensical websites, skypes, signature, random locations, etc. I am assuming this is known and the fix is to just manually delete them, which obviously...
  71. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Can the mods delete all my posts please

    They have to do it all manually. Maybe they will, but they are also very busy. I would not worry too much about old posts. I have plenty of embarrassing posts in my history. What matters is your current state and current relationship with other members.
  72. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Why I feel tired and why my emotions are weak?

    If it is isn't spiritual dirt or a curse, then it could be an earth imbalance. Physically, this can be from eating too much foods that produce dampness and phlegm in the body, such as: milk, excess meat/eggs, sugar, refined foods, bananas, and so forth. Anything thick or sticky in nature. This...
  73. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Meditative Workings on Power Dates

    I don't know if this is a retarded question or not, but how much of a difference would it make if something minor, yet still considered a working, such as the AOP or Returning Curses was started on a date like an Esbat, as opposed to other dates? For example, this upcoming September 1st is an...
  74. Blitzkreig [TG]

    NS Hype Videos I Enjoy

    Here are a few videos that stood out among their kind that you may enjoy: Adolf Hitler - gegen Bolschewismus! [against Bolshevism] https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=CMWoBYida5E Blood Tears https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=IebWnOsrCy4 German Glory...
  75. Blitzkreig [TG]

    A few general questions concerning workings

    1) I recently messed up a pluto working by ruining my sleep schedule. This is frustrating for me, because I had started it during a waxing, scorpio moon, which I thought was the best time for a white-magic style, pluto working. How susceptible is the influence of pluto to the sign/phase of the...
  76. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Advice for itchy feeling, potential neuropathy?

    Lately I have been having these itchy/tingling sensations occurring across my body. I feel it all over, not in just one spot. It doesn't hurt, but it is particularly uncomfortable, and it makes sitting still kind of hard, especially a trance state. Some days it dissipates, and then other days it...
  77. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Hatha Yoga/T5B Detox + Motivation General

    Hello, writing this thread to report that every time I engage in Hatha Yoga or the Tibetan 5 Rites, I experience detoxification symptoms, essentially like a minor cold without the respiratory infection. Anyone else experience this and/or know the cause? With my experience, it seems to occur...
  78. Blitzkreig [TG]

    Strange dream involving vomiting - thoughts?

    Hello, I experienced a very odd dream the previous night in which, upon waking, I instantly noticed a recurring theme, and it really struck me as odd, and not just normal dream quirkiness. The dream is a little blurry now, but it went something like: I was in a variety of environments with...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
