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  1. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    About Vultus Templorum (Outreach)

    You must message me directly on Element : @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com By messaging me after creating account there (refer to the April's guide towards the Temple entrance on Element) I can invite you officially in the Outreach. We are a phenomenal force and divine order of the Gods with a...
  2. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    TEMPLE OF ZEUS: Temple Rituals Testimonials & Announcements

    Hosted and created by the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ, Assembly of the Gods, we opened a "virtual" (no less than a material one) - Temple, where we assemble and partake into group live rituals. Many have already witnessed the immense power and blessings that arise from this gathering. Experiences range from...
  3. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    House of the Gods: Welcoming New Members

    We all were at one point complete beginners in the journey of Joy of Satanas, being initiated on the most occult and highest of paths. Looking back, everyone can reflect on how they have changed for the better, to the extent of now being closer to manifested beings of the Gods, solidified on...
  4. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Symbols of Christianity Part 1

    Ichthys , Fish and Anchor "...let our seals be either a dove, or a fish, or a ship scudding before the wind, or a musical lyre, which Polycrates used, or a ship's anchor, which Seleucus got engraved as a device; and if there be one fishing, he will remember the apostle, and the children drawn...
  5. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Name of Jesus Christ

    There has been endless confusion and slander against our Gods concerning their images and manifestation on Earth created by the enemy works. These series are written here as basis for more material that will come also in other forms such as educative videos. God Azazel has been also a focus...
  6. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Reclaiming our power in the real world. Joy of Satan is the only and most powerful authority related to all spiritual arts, occultism, religion and system on this whole Planet, created and maintained by Gods and their direct and beloved High Priests, also, much loved community. Members are...
  7. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Boring Workings, Feeling Obliged

    When you design a working and start it, you will be excited or looking forward to bringing these energies in motion, to seeing manifestation and to advance. You will have a perfect or less view of the results, or as you go into the motions of the energies, in time, you will get inspired to bring...
  8. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Misconceptions about Artistic Creation Part 1 & 2

    Part 1 A lot of aspiring artists can bring on themselves delusions, and this happens to be either a situation of propulsion or damnation. The proper path is to minimize delusions and leave room to grow the hope and motivation, playing a greater role here. A certain internal conviction of...
  9. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Have Blind Faith in Yourself

    Opening the chakras, knowledge which came from Gods used as a means to prove the Gods? Wrong perspective! Blind faith is not about the Gods, is not about the dedication, is not about any means for proving anything outside of you, but it is a default internal state of existing, which is to have...
  10. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    As it has been posted, and it circulates before and now, about Ganesha, there is a proper mantra received for us to help our lives and advance in our path, worldly and spiritually. The below is to confirm and clarify. The correct form of the mantra is about the 'Red' Ganesha, and it is related...
  11. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Lucifer the Rebel and The Outlaw

    The Universe certainly is not free, and no one is actually free of our domains of existence. To state the obvious, an animal if it does not kill another animal to eat, if it's not strong and skilled enough, won't survive, won't reproduce and will die. One species will have to truly survive and...
  12. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Thank you Letter

    You are experiencing expansive emotions in a contemplative way. This is a good way to expand your consciousness and knowledge of yourself, yet this must have its place and time and must not be used habitually. For now this should serve proof that you are alive, strong and growing up. As you'll...
  13. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Internal Function of Aura of Protection

    Aura of Protection is not wholly about the external spiritual enemy, the jews and other entities etc., but also functions in protecting you from the internal and outer “enemies”, the invaders of distractions and endless paths to chaos. Besides the obvious energetic function of deflecting...
  14. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Pianist - a Jewish Movie

    A piece of shit meant to sensitize and make pussies out of already pussies out there, and also connect all of this pussy love upon a jew, man, of military age. We don't cry about women or children, we cry about a piece of jew cock playing piano, a nobody in a war context, yes. "Empathy". A piece...
  15. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Focus exclusively

    When I was a begginer, and I did vibrations and foundation meditation, I did this with exclusive focus and big curiosity. Started then too see that this really works, and had small biolectricity increase, my mind was peaceful, my body came to be very comfortable. Well, from this good comfort...
  16. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Overnight Lords and Masters

    A lot of people who come to SS, by an occult calling, desire superpowers, to assemble sentiments of beatitude, curiosity, pleasure, and accomplishment in one feeling, of superiority or blatant and vulgar POWER. All of this is natural, and understandable, but here lies an implosive danger...
  17. Alexandros Iowno [TG]


    The Spiritual Satanist is part of an incomprehensible family. Every part of life that makes you happy, eager to live, eager to do, and to experience life, is something that comes from above and is fragmented here in perfect harmony and reason. There are mystical valences that make life perfect...
  18. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Tips for Manifested Workings

    To judge the character of a working, power, and allowance for manifestation, is to understand some timed events of a working and help yourself advance to a level of a better and fuller immersion. Which in infancy, is the start. The first day of the working is the first insertion and declared...
  19. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Look at the animals

    Our species, born and graced by the Gods, are beings in communion with nature. The animals of this planet are beings as well, part of existence with unique personalities and essence, breathing the same air and similarly doing their existence on their level. I met some days ago a dying crow on...
  20. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    The Sound Of Silence

    Silence is an attainment, and this is an ability by which you can control many essential things in yourself and in your life. As it sounds obscure, I will delve into an exposition of this. As previously stated, there are always pairs of states that make up reality, and always something more...
  21. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    "Kabalistic" Demons

    In time we will know and they will reveal, since it is a conjoined effort in time. Be patient but also you can ask Satan and do studies accordingly. Firstly, we must enjoy what High Priest HoodedCobra confirms and gives.
  22. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Why do I need to DO?

    A lot of things in this Universe are always changing and unstable. A lot of other things are stable and have the quality of infinity. Most of what we are is bound to a never ending change. By the design of nature, we be born, we age and die. There are 30,000,000,000,000 LIVING cells in your...
  23. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Rhythm of Breath

    Interlinked states of existence are the laws and the basis of our existence. The inhale and the exhale. The high suspension of breath and the lower suspension of breath. Establishing the 4 parts of this existence, by the 4 elements of our dimensional existence. The 5th element is our own...
  24. Alexandros Iowno [TG]


    It is a different state of being and sleeping. Dreams are very vivid yet the awarness that you are dreaming is null. There are many reasons. The connection to the body is also enacted in sleep, no different than in hypnosis. Trance induction by meditation, and some hypnosis would solve this if...
  25. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Eudaimonia, The Glow of Meditation

    Meditation is the first tool and function of the humans, since our inception. Meditation is the most ancient way of thought, emotion, spirit. Since people existed only with "a stone and a stick”, and then existed with the Gods blessing their existence with infinite knowledge and fountains, a...
  26. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    "Honor My symbol and image, for they remind you of Me."

    What we do here in Joy Of Satan, in all multitudes and faces of life, is evoking and invoking the Satan image, will and purpose , reminding this earth the Golden Everlasting Age. The Golden Age is a state we get to, both internally and outwardly. Everything you seek beautiful, holy and sacred...
  27. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Self Hypnosis/Affirmations Stimulation

    This can serve as inspiration for affirmations, self-affirmation before sleep for mental enforcement, and emotional support. Can be recorded and read personally by phone and listened to for self-hypnosis or simply meditation. Thought to share as a thank you.
  28. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Do not raise Bioelectricity...says the jew

    I was reading today's general replies around the internet about pranayama - bioelectricity, and questions in regards to the benefits of this if it is real. I then tried to read about scientific reasonings of why and how they purposefully let out some parts of the truth about this. Of course, I...
  29. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Being High Vs. Feeling High

    As we have substantial power and stimulus in life, we also have a need in us to share this. Sharing this is beautiful, however how it is shared and the ultimate result of this is very important. Chain emotions of dopamine amplitude can create feelings of extensive conquering or peace, but...
  30. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Finally! Some free time! Now what to do?

    Please read our site. Look below and press on the pictures. Read the announcements subforum, all of it. Read the site library.
  31. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    How To Help Yourself - Discipline

    We all have to achieve certain abilities in order to fully enjoy and advance our life. From our material-timed life to our endless spiritual journey. One of the very important part of this is how do to things, how to "live" (by our true nature), how to achieve our freedom to really...
  32. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    "Physical perfection" according to the Demons and Satan?

    It is that of achieving you natures potential, which stands on the basis of health at first, and then grows towards the path of immortality, which is a self sustaining and everlasting body. Life and the "substances" that contain life, which in essence is the light, needs an equal of a...
  33. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    You are truly beautiful

    Let me explain how beauty is something natural and of nature to be achieved. Many people have to different extents problems with self-esteem, and confidence, of a primal level regarding their being. Your body, your face, your symmetry. All of this as you perceive it, if negative, is a...
  34. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Real entities vs Imagination

    When you get to practice proper spirituality, you may encounter briefly, entities, in certain circumstances. This is not something as expected, it is not horror, it is not scary, it is not complicated. Most probably, genuine encounter might be ignored by not knowing and expecting bullshit...
  35. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Average black IQ

    Ah another bait topic? Black race inferior? I'd reply...but you are here only to create baits, talk shit about Gods, and be a clown ultimately if you follow this again and again.
  36. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Benefits of Spiritual Warfare

    Let's pursue purely a logical aspect of doing Spiritual Warfare, that is the transactional aspect of it. This "transaction", as a word is perceived with limited but purposeful impact in our minds. Doing Spiritual Warfare implies an exchange, a transaction. What do we give in this? Time (spent...
  37. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Chess Lessons from Thoth

    The practical nature of advancement comes to be very logical. The chess game contains the practical nature and union between the feminine and masculine in an illustrative game and symbolism. It has been studied that the game of chess, the concept born from arithmetic and spiritual essence...
  38. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Those who don't do the RTR

    If I come into your house and destroy your family, beat you, spit on you, rob you of everything you have, retain all of your value as an individual and blame you afterwards, would you do nothing about it? Would you defend yourself? Would you have the basic instinct at least to cry about it or...
  39. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Jews are alien to everything you comprehend

    There's a fundamental, absolute and irrefutable difference in existence between Gentiles and jews. I want very much to state this difference and put in perspective what is already known. Jews are an alien, completely out of our dimension of existence. I emphasize again, andrapoda and people...
  40. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Sharing our Art

    Art is extremely important to us and the Gods. We have a lot of SS artists, any kind of art is welcomed and cherished. As such I decided, to post my artform in a couple of sounds here, only for my SS to listen and also as a statement. The jews can watch, listen and cry all day, we will enjoy...
  41. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Question regarding father's sigil

    What a sneaky ***. First of all you do not draw it, secondly you do not post it, thirdly you do void meditation and forget about it.
  42. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Pyrokinesis and Healing Palms - Personal experience

    Expanded Preliminary Training from JoS Sharing my experience What JoS states, be it is stated in 3 phrases regarded as simple or advanced meditations, the content and actual meaning in an applicable length is worth thousands of pages and can be described as such. If you read the pyrokinesis...
  43. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Where is my sister???????

    Very simply put, nowhere else, after the prana leaves the body the other types of energies are still in the body. She hovers above the body until the essence of the bindings and energies are assimilated into the spiritual part of the body. She will be taken after the process in a place where...
  44. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    I'm grieving my sister - but I'm trying to love everyone

    You don't need to love everyone, you need to understand this moment and let yourself react emotionally without doing stupid things. Dying is just that, departure from the body. Your sister is not dead in a real sense, she departed from her body. It might take up to a couple of weeks for this...
  45. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Beginners - Not feeling chakras, aura or energy

    Everyone is unique and perceives life in a certain way. One can understand the ability to visualize something and might have it pursued with drawing or related skills, another one might be completely parallel to it. One can recognize the mechanisms of controlling the breath, another one might...
  46. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Do not force the Realities of the Chakras

    I write this brief reminder, in the context of advancement and opening the soul. People are on different levels, what is for sure, is if one applies himself devoted to advance and open his energetic bodies, and meditates, will find extraordinary realities of the being not even possible to be...
  47. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    R.T.R. is a Sacred Deed

    To me personally, doing R.T.R.S is the ultimate Satanic experience. I open my mouth with a strong feeling of resolving a problem, and words, vibrations filled with intent, will, and emotion, produce something extraordinary not only within my being but on our whole universe on this Earth. I love...
  48. Alexandros Iowno [TG]


    Does anyone know about a word "enn". Related to a status or title. Name of a Demon or mantra? Something related to the old languages or runes? It is also related to the sickle with symbolism of receiving it, being put on? I'm having a hard time getting to know the full meaning of a message.
  49. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    About Death

    Death and life are inseparable in our world and time. This might sound disruptive and extremely horrible, given we get to experience death in our lives, which is also under a lot of levels and manifestation. Death in Sanskrit is Mṛtyu. Mṛtyu has its variation also as Muri, and this also...
  50. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Our Gods Protect, Guide, Bless all of us

    Hail Satan! Hail Our Gods. Never be dissuaded from the above truth, don't listen to lies and the incapacities of the less privileged of intelligence, beauty, and braveness. It happens every so often that this is challenged by some form of emotional, logical, and spiritual dissonance and error...
  51. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Getae and Dacians Pt.2

    Pt1: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35447&p=141357&hilit=samolxis#p141357 This was also posted on Azazel's topic but got lost I suppose so I wrote it again here also to not clutter the already big topic. The name of the capital is better explained in the book "Noi nu...
  52. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Ammit and Tiamat

    "Eternal restlessness" represents the soul being unbound from its elemental composition, being "restless" from the elements, being vibrationally unharmonized, resulting in the soul being dissipated into the "nothing", or better said into the chaotic sea. The sea being representative in all...
  53. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Asanas and Meditation, Question

    http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20Kriya%20Electromagnetic%20Field%20and%20Heart%20Center%20fp.htm I've been practicing a lot lately the above. On the 4 position, as I only focus on my 6th chakra, I always experienced the buzz of the "beetle" and feeling like becoming one, while melting into a...
  54. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Witchcraft - Knowing Oneself Powerful Approach

    When you meditate, you acquire control and discovery over your being. Not only of this life but of the past ones. We contain within, a universe not only in the multitude of interpretations but most basically a universe of ourselves - our past experiences and cultivated extremities of...
  55. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Advancement and Meditation for Beginners Part 1

    Being extremely serious about this path - What is meditation? Reiterating what is already known. Spiritual Satanism is extremely serious. The most serious path, subject, idea, emotion, universe, existence - everything. Self-contemplation without willingness, desire, aim, and technique, being...
  56. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Israeli kills 11 Military Personnel

    "Oh vey, next up 66 killed. Nothing dubious with our black magic workings. It just happens to fall on our numerology gematria to sustain our wishes." - jews. http://go.newsfusion.com/defense-news/item/7702706
  57. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Thank you Satan forever!

    Not even in a hundred lifetimes an outsider, a none spiritual person, could comprehend how Supreme is Satan , the most high and forever being in the Universe, our gifts received and perfection of life there is. Still, us, we have and are in need to contemplate this highness of Satan. Satan is...
  58. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Can the Guardians change?

    Is it possible that a Guardian is changed for a SS for different reasons? I am truly in a questionable feeling and understanding over this. And if so, why? Or do I come under the two Gods guidance? This is extremely important for me as there is definitely a change for me in this aspect.
  59. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    For weak outsiders, wannabes, dabblers

    I will "expose" some truth about the present reality and the dealings of occult excellence. During some scheming on the Internet about how normal people view Satanism, religion, and overall view on life I came in contact with the most basic existence of peoples that proclaim the opposite. How...
  60. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    The Great Instrument of Time

    The Great Instrument of Time When we meditate we tap out and in of time. We are defining time as a rational basis, and normally so, time for all of us may seem only as a stress factor, a convention, and a constant. Yet time and what time is, as matter exists, is as water exists, an expansion...
  61. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Never Surrender / Obstacles

    Never surrender, never back down from your own obstacles. All of us here at one point got to be broken down by a barrier, by a situation that greatly overpowered them. These obstacles come into manifestation from the design of life and spiritual reality that all of us participate in, consciously...
  62. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Important: 5-fold symmetry of the Material

    Starting off into this subject, we know that our material plane is a byproduct of the finer energies in our universe, that we define as “spiritual” or “hidden”. For a lot of time, people had a conflict of understanding reality only from a rational point of view, and this problem still exists as...
  63. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Meditation: the Mind

    Making the first steps in this path at first seems a lot to take in. There are always first steps in every level to this path. It even feels explosive at times, as a seconded waiting, finally coming to fruition, confirming our internal clock of truth and orientation. Coming to realize the...
  64. Alexandros Iowno [TG]


    Am I the only one who received the psyhic message from specifically someone important (won't name drop)? "Due to secrets, and the intense war, years ago 1 paragraph meant an ocean, now we all must create materially what we were meant from the beginning to do" I won't say from who this is, but...
  65. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Empowering our own birthchart

    The first thing you need to do is to re-study in-depth our site and slowly starting to read all of the sermons you missed. Use the search function as well on the forum as everything is already covered in the basics of SS.
  66. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    The jews prepare to attack

    The jews ringed the alarm in their collective consciousness. They used energy to wake up their own people. A lot of lesser jews become aware of their purpose. They prepare an attack. Please stay protected and do Rtrs. I think Cobra already knows this, we need the next schedule soon as it is...
  67. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Astral Color Dimensions Question

    Recently I had the opportunity to visit some interesting places astrally. I wish to know if anyone else visited the same places and if there are known details about those places. I first visited a realm composed of "red" beings, they appeared to be only astral, and can only be seen by entering...
  68. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    A simple technique for remote viewing and future seeing

    A simple technique for remote viewing and future seeing This is my routine for having such. I have tested and experienced these, there is nothing new and everything is based off basic advancement. It only goes as a practice simple technique. 1. Clean 3rd eye. 2. Build pressure by inhaling...
  69. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Truth is blooming

    Due to different situations expanding in my life recently, got to approach some subjects to a deeper understanding and try to transform myself to a better version. Today while I was doing some affairs, I received a powerful "answer" to all that entails survival and being victorious. In a...
  70. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Xianity is dead

    Have any of you noticed this? Let's ignore personal planetary energies and related and focus on this difference. The energy and thoughtforms of xians are dead, at least unresponsive to a greater degree that was ever before. The air never been so clean in this regard and we haven't even got to...
  71. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Kundalini Yoga and Kapalabhati

    I do it before and after, I wouldn't add anything else during a Kundalini session, as it should be packet and fully focused on the exercises themselves. The flow of the exercises shouldn't be stopped, ideally. As well, the exercises themselves forces the body and breath to have the likeness of...
  72. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    THE ABSOLUTE CHALICE (kevala kumbhaka)???

    After a lot of years of a possible repression of a natural state I found myself in, I finally found it written in a book of yoga. I almost always in meditation arrive at this state of not needing to breath, an extremely comfortable and normal state, with no desire nor need of inhaling, but a...
  73. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Little Things that led me to the Satanic Revelation

    I am always eager to be nostalgic and briefly re-evaluate my steps that created my present reality, and the mechanism I used instinctively to help the truth bloom in my life. When I was just a little kid, as opposed I assume to many people's upbringing, I was surrounded by the occult...
  74. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    The Substantial Picture

    Let's have a look at the bigger picture. In everything. Life is manifesting currently to us in stages, glimpses and to be more precise, the unimportant influence of duration in terms of age. We are limited by time. We are mortals and we were cursed to this comatose situation. The average life...
  75. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Appreciation Post To The Clergy

    I am enchanted by the nature of some of our souls here. I wanted this to be a private message, but recently some interactions bought forth something so deep and naturally wonderful in me to be revealed. Emotions and connections that I irrefutable felt in my past lives and connection which only...
  76. Alexandros Iowno [TG]


    You just have to pursue what you desire and notice as a need of manifestation. Maturity of process and action. Everybody has their own nature and necessities, the point is to excel in satisfying these, and then expand upon them, creating an influential force. For example real friends, if you...
  77. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Being the Absolute Warrior

    We are feared. If there would be a more fitting time to ignore and forget about the mundane world, it is now. It is time to become a warrior, and for warriors to rank up to a higher rank of responsibility. It is time to execute the correct path of life, of survival, by taking action. Coming to...
  78. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Death, Suicide, Idealization

    I care extremely for my brothers and sisters, and I have a never-ending love for our Gods. I hope to approach a heavy subject in my writing today. In this month, November, my Serpent and Guardian Demon Anubis showed me about the real death and the deepest depths that someone can go, to my...
  79. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Muslims Psychosis protest ‘Islamophobia’

    - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=43964&p=192962#p192962 In continuation of endless enemy attacks and everyday enemy spasms, once again the enemy shows leakage and definitive fear with attempts like these, where any sane individual sees the vile and monstrous identity of...
  80. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Chakra Vibration Cycle (?)

    I wanted to ask but to also confront this observation with that of others as it is very important to me. I talk about the vibrations of the chakras, not the bioelectricity/vril/vibrations of the general body. These observations were made in the last years, growing in the last months up to a more...
  81. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Insight Of Enemy Tactics

    I want to mention a type of phenomena surrounding advancing and undergoing the connection to owns soul, where the enemy interferes with the experience in itself. As it was mentioned before and explained in various topics, with different types of extensions, when someone commits to meditation...
  82. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Responsability of Psychic Premonition Use

    This is concentrated around how one at first experiences the above powers and how it exists in one's life, how it is subjected to his life. The first thing to note, as I have observed in my own life repeatedly, is that these visions of the future have a seed of origin. I would say they...
  83. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Extreme salt cravings

    So as the title say I have extreme salt cravings..and the thing is I have it for over 5 years and every year these cravings become more and more powerful. At the current time, I cannot even think to eat something if it doesn't have a very big amount of salt, salt that if eaten by another would...
  84. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Pluto 1st and Moon 1st

    How do you guys perceive 'someone' having Pluto in 1st house and also Moon in the 1st house? I usually see it as an interaction between attachment and detachment itself and also intensity problems. Susceptibility is offset by the Plutos nature..I'm also interested as to how someone with these...
  85. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Story and Protection Information pt 2.

    2 days ago I was astonished to have witnessed a new form of attack. My understanding is that directed attacks and curses are formed and take the most efficient way of manifestation against the victim, as so during the years I got to see a lot of ways the enemy tried to attack and subvert, but...
  86. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Who is the demoted HP?

    Who is the demoted HP? While it's typical of behavior and somewhat disrespectful not waiting for answers I cannot wait to know...I take personal attacks any animosities and directed attacks to the clergy. I'm very upset about this, really not a forgiving time aswell for this information.
  87. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Story and Protection Information

    I want to share a story of how I was protected by the use of red color with the help of Mulciber and the Gods. The color is very specific and it should be used as that, it is not Red per se neither Orange-Red, it is Vermilion. The name Vermilion came from the Demon Mulciber after a ritual of...
  88. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Hidden in Plain Sight Part 1

    While Part 2 is in the works, I'll let this here. A lot of hours get into making this, hope it can be helpful as I received attacks during the work but also positive sings from the Gods. From point 0 of research and creating the aesthetics it totaled over 20 hours of continuous work, and so who...
  89. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    personal experience....

    Having a bitter taste and disappointment recently by a post I will share one experience as I felt Bastet wanted me too, and as it is a second try to post it, hope this one goes posted by deleting personal aspects and also personal expressions. I want to mention the amazing interaction and gift...
  90. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Spain doctors chanting "OM" and Satnam

    Spain doctors got inspired to a more truthful 'prayer', no xian or other enemy bullshit Hard to get more information on this, but I see it authentic https://youtu.be/-oQGZ1BsJq0 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7t06en
  91. Alexandros Iowno [TG]


    I saw it spoken by Mageson and Cobra years and years ago. Agni vibrated for me is the most powerful vibration as in terms of energy and fire I have ever did. I use it for the spine points, also the solar chakra. I wanted to share my excitement as I was and am very surprised of this. The...
  92. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Getae and Dacians

    The enemy made sure to make everything confusing, corrupted and straight out irrelevant. Here I will connect some things about the ancient roots we share in Romania. It is well know that “Zalmoxis” is a divinity of the Getae and Dacians , it is mentioned in writings by Herodotus as follows...
  93. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Announcement [For Romanians]

    Being guided and highly appreciative of the responsibility given by the Demon closely loved by the ancient Romanian people I am writing this to announce that this year and in the next years I will be writing revelatory and connecting information about the ancient Romanians people, such as how...
  94. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Need some guidance

    Need some understanding Last night I had another beautiful and scary, as I won't be lying, experience with my Kundalini. This time I didn't feel the extreme electric force upon my back bone, but it was more magnetic and fiery. Lava upon my spine was present and at the same time the back...
  95. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Love between Two

    Ethics from a point are only individual based as his/her consciousness dictates what is right and what is wrong. Ethics and power of the soul (real power) are intertwined as ethics are born by the journey of getting and having power, power is structured on the expanded ethics. It is an active...
  96. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    Satisfy, help me

    Who summoned me?! Prove me you are real, you have 5 seconds!! :lol: "Satisfy"...let's all satisfy a stranger. Please reformulate your projected problem and we shall offer some support Mr. Satisfy Me.
  97. Alexandros Iowno [TG]

    True to yourself

    As we all know and has been stated times before through sermons and allegorical illustrations, life is unpredictable to most degrees and this fact and expression its emblemed through ones spiritual level , limitations and present time of existence of the being. What I mean by that is strongly...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
