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  1. Aarti

    Happy Yule

    Fröhliche Yule an alle SS! I really believe that the time when we can celebrate together is at hand. Over the years, I have learned that in those things we have prayed and worked hard for, in honor of our Father, and haven't attained as we had wished, are because not having it was actually...
  2. Aarti


    i have a very close girlfriend, but for the last few months, when i meet her (even when i read a message from her), i get an uncomfortable feeling. we had a few small arguments, but nothing major. i focused and meditated on why i felt this way towards her: i felt that my aura was pushing her...
  3. Aarti

    ancient times

    if i was an instagram user in ancient times, i would definitely take and share such a photo hahaha coloured by me
  4. Aarti


    (this painting was painted by me in dedication to JG ApolloAbove with luvs to thank him for his helps)
  5. Aarti

    asian or white, wtf am i?

    in fact, even when i talked about this issue with other Turkish SS, i thought that we (Turks) belonged to the white race. but my newborn nephew has a mongolian birthmark. this stain is only in Asians. my skin colour is between white and yellow. my eyes are not completely slanted. this issue...
  6. Aarti

    what we eat?

    i felt compelled to share this article and raise awareness of my Spiritual Satanist siblings. Water please do not drink any random water you find outside. e.coli, entamoeba histolytica, giardia lamblia, crptosporidium, crptosporidium, salmonella and many more microorganisms that i can count are...
  7. Aarti

    luxury stuffs

    is it a bad thing to want extra expensive and luxurious things, to be fond of these things? could it be that because of the jews, people like these things? some people have such a natal chart that even if they have little money, they would buy luxurious things. frankly, i do not know how such a...
  8. Aarti

    Savitri Devi and Swami Vivekananda

    what happened to Savitri Devi? she was an honourable woman and did a lot for Hitler and National Socialism. if one day i become an official translator, i would like to translate her books into my mother tongue. but i have a few questions. what happened to her? i cannot even find anything about...
  9. Aarti

    civil war in turkey, with syrians

    events in Turkey are taking a terrible turn. it started with the arrest of a syrian who tried to rape a underage girl. after a large group of syrians refused to hand this pervert over to the police, events escalated and vehicles and shops belonging to syrians were set on fire. although the...
  10. Aarti

    Transiting Pluto

    i dont understand what will we do with transiting pluto or how should we use it. i read that but i need someone to explain me
  11. Aarti

    new jewmany?

    before my context, i really apologize for my language To become a German citizen you now must recognise Israel's 'right to exist' wtf is happening to europe? you know what, we are winning and they dont know what to do so attack everyone. enemy is crying? i can understand that managing by jewishs...
  12. Aarti

    feeling deadlocked

    feeling completely deadlocked and cornered. sometimes there are such situations that my brain really stops. i cannot even think. even when someone says "excuse me, can I pass?" i just stare blankly. sometimes the walls seem to be closing in on me. if i go outside, its the same. the effects of...
  13. Aarti

    Gündem • Haberler

    rusyada şeriatçılar bi rahibin kafasını kesmişler
  14. Aarti

    Terror Attack in Russia

    Gunmen kill at least six police and a priest in attacks in Russia’s Dagestan!!!! Putin forgot how disgusting and scary Islam is. and sold them weapons/guns/bombs. now he thinks he can give up on isis as if nothing happened. muslims of a priest in Russia. so guys, are you sure that you will...
  15. Aarti

    Losing Solar System

    i asked (the first times of i was dedicated,) "how did Satan lose the Solar System?" he told me "Our Solar System was not a place that was fully prepared for an enemy attack. In addition, there were Nordics who betrayed us and the enemy attacked unexpectedly, and the Solar System front of the...
  16. Aarti

    Printable Meditation Schedule

    Greetings my beloved familyyyy, a big hug full of loves from Anatolia I, myself, designed a meditation agenda for you, EVEENNNN weekly. its very very easy to use. you will put a cross under the meditations you do/did. you'll write down how many RTRs you did that day. how many planetary square...
  17. Aarti

    LGS - YKS

    Yarın LGS, haftaya da YKS var. Eminim bütün SS babylerimizin sınavı müko geçecek. hepinize çokça başarılar ve lovebombing💜 önemli olan mesleğiniz ne olursa olsun bütün potansiyelinizi ortaya koymanız, kendinizi ve evreni iyileştirmek. hiçbirinin sonunda ölüm yok, dünyanın sonu yok. Şeytan...
  18. Aarti

    The Syria-Turkey Conflict and Immigration Issues: An Overview

    Let me start with Syria and Bashar al-Assad. Bashar al-Assad took over Syria from his father, who ruled Syria in a harsher and more dictatorial way, and initially gave a softer impression. This caused uprisings in Syria and civil war broke out. He tried to emulate his father's tactics but...
  19. Aarti

    anything from the astral

    as far as I know, nothing physical can be brought from the astral to the physical world. is it then impossible for us to think that something we found by chance was given to us by the Gods? Satanism is parallel to science and physics, it is unthinkable that it could be otherwise. but is there no...
  20. Aarti

    Pluton Square

    aint there any way of getting Pluton Square from Gods/Goddess? why cannot we control its energy ? can an advanced Satanist control Pluton power mantra for dark magic&death spell&destruction ritual?
  21. Aarti

    Iran - Azerbaijan war?

    in azerbaijan, the helicopter that carrying the president of iran has crashed. actually, adverse weather conditions were mentioned before the helicopter took off. i wonder why it was taken off insistently? azerbaijan has very close relations with israel. if azerbaijan is under israel's control...
  22. Aarti

    Family Portait of Joy of Satan 2024

    i would like to start by really apologising to High Priest Hooded Cobra, because in my mind he has slightly grey hair👉🏻👈🏻🥹. Still, if he doesnt like it, i can draw his hair in a cooler colour again. as you can all understand, this is our family portrait. Joy of Satan family portrait. at the top...
  23. Aarti

    Etnik Yapımızı Kayıp mı Ediyoruz?

    Metropollerde Türklerle karşılaşmak gün geçtikçe daha da zor bir hal alıyor. Devlet okulları da aynı şekilde. Herkesin çocuğunu özel okula gönderecek maddi durumu yok. Ya da artık kimse ha deyince başka bir eve, mahalleye (göçmenlerin olmadığı) taşınamıyor. Bugün bu topraklarda doğan bu göçmen...
  24. Aarti

    Moai Temple

    Greetings i could not find even a single post about Moai temple in the forums. are not Moai temple paganic? i think it has many similarities with Stonehenge. but what do they mean, is there a connection with our Gods? if so, what is it? if you have a trustworthy source, i will be waiting for it
  25. Aarti

    Lilith mama

    probably Lady Lilith doesnt have a purple detail on her hair and make up. but i thought it will definitely suit her 💜 made by me
  26. Aarti

    Description of Du'at

    thats how i imagined Du'at 🧚🏻‍♀️🌻✨️ i didnt draw it but i painted all of them with my imagination Happy Beltane ♡
  27. Aarti

    Nightmares: enough is enough!

    ive been trying to dismiss my nightmares as subconscious for a very long time, but now they started to being unstoppable. i do not think i am being attacked, because i am not afraid. For a long time ive been seeing a lot of corpses-death-massacres in my nightmares. ive even seen an organ. it...
  28. Aarti

    About New Born Souls

    greetings as i know: if my future kids reincarnate from a Spiritual Satanist, she/he may start a bit behind in improvement based on their previous life. however, if she/he will be born as a pure soul, she/he would get the level of their mother's improvement. if the mother's Kundalini is...
  29. Aarti

    Bhagavad Rita

    Greetings, Does the Bhagavad Gita have any connection to our Satanic War? Can it help explain our war allegorically or physically? I would be grateful if anyone knowledgeable about this topic could provide me with a detailed explanation about Bhagavad Gita. Thank you beforehand.
  30. Aarti

    JoS TR Tarot Destesi

    Herkese esenlikler. İlk paylaşımımı yapmanın sevincinde sizinle son birkaç yıldır üzerinde uzun uzun düşündüğüm ama tartışma fırsatı bulamadığım bir konuyu paylaşmak istiyorum. Piyasada Sağ Elci veya tanrılarımıza hakaret içeren, ibranice harflerle dolu çok fazla tarot destesi var. Ben de...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
