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  1. O

    Funny guide on how to meet and like a girl. Without the squares of Venus and the jaw of Gigachad

    I entered a girl's garden, stood under the Sun, and her cat touched me. I came in through the window and hid behind the door, as soon as she came in I hit her with my sexy "Hi 😏" But she got scared, I avoided a punch by a miracle, and now I am hiding from the police who are looking for me...
  2. O

    Is communication with subpersonalities normal?

    Mind is just an instrument, not a sentient separeted being.
  3. O

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    Interessante, puoi dire di più di queste guerre? Da quello che so, nel Sahara c'erano laghi e vegatazione in periodi molto più antichi. Mi sono interessato all'Antico Egitto, al periodo più antico che va oltre 10000 anni fà, sai qualcosa su questo?
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    What Is The Point Of The Dedication Ritual? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/what-is-the-point-of-the-dedication-ritual.290358/#post-1077941
  5. O

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    Amplifind that one-hundred times? And how do you do it, if I may ask?
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    Illiad A

    Can somebody tell me more about this? I have found the prime number 2063 in the first phrase of Illiad A. Μηνιν Αειδε Θεα Πηληιαδεω Αχιληος = 2063
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    Is the egyptian god Sepa the goetic demoness Separ?

    I don't know, it seems like it's not, but maybe is reference to Caronte in greek mithology, that is related to a boat and a river that connect to Realm of the Deads. Sepa connect Osiris to Anubis, from what I understood, but maybe I'm completely wrong. The informations about Godess Separ are...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Devo tradurre anche l'aggiornamento?
  9. O

    Question about Jesus being a thought form.

    Please read the whole site of www.joyofsatan.org and then answer yourlself.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt https://ancient-forums.com/threads/donald-trump-assassination-attempt.290328/#post-1077672
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    Black Cube 666

    There is the literal understanding of a story, the spiritual allegory, and the geometric mathematical value. To send energy, all they have to do is pray to a particular character who is related to X parts of the soul, such as IOEA, the 4 directions of the soul. There will be two categories of...
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    Black Cube 666

  13. O

    Black Cube 666

    Aside from the Black Cube 666 project, which I did as an artistic outlet, videos and other information regarding numbers, concepts and the like can be seen as imput. I happen to find things that I find interesting, that make undeniable geometric sense, and so I share them, hoping also to get...
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    Illiad A

    I took Illiad A, and I searched how many letters it have. And this is the result. Α=2348 Β=137 Γ=334 Δ=666 Ε=2602 Ζ=46 Η=884 Θ=362 Ι=2075 Κ=614 Λ=758 Μ=747 Ν=1705 Ξ=64 Ο=1936 Π=743 Ρ=879 Σ=1541 Τ=1243 Υ=838 Φ=214 Χ=250 Ψ=21 Ω=582 Total=21589 That is a prime number. I found a way to write, I...
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    Black Cube 666

    ο Θωθ=70+818=888
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    Black Cube 666

    More on the cube: Keep in mind that "jesus" Ιησους, has the same value of Thoth, ο Θωθ. Probably it's an attempt to stole his power and channel it in "jesus" with numerology. "christ" Χριστος, instead means "Initiated to Misteries", and it's a fully Satanic title. "john", from what I...
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    Question #5229: Is Number 777 a Negative Number for SS?

    It might make sense to think of the Goddess Lilith in a way. 7 is a number that relates to the 7th chakra, and potentially also to the 3rd eye, the 6th chakra and the pineal gland. In Sanskrit it is "sapta," in Greek it is "epta." What we notice is "Ptah," which is one of Lord Satan's names...
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    [Trad] Appuntamenti: Bugie dette agli uomini [parte 1]

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1] https://ancient-forums.com/threads/dating-lies-told-to-men-part-1.290230/ Il nemico ha lavorato a lungo e duramente per distruggerci in vari modi. Uno di questi modi è la nostra felicità di base, che consiste nell'avere un partner con cui avere un senso di...
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    The End of the Veil????

    These are lies, you still had to have eyes to see.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    In questo sermone manca la firma finale, dovrei aggiungerla per capire chi è l'Autore? In questo caso HPS Lydia.
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    Question #5229: Is Number 777 a Negative Number for SS?

    I think 777 is Satan and the generation of the Greek alphabet (and its mysteries) as a basis for generating this, not coincidentally it is a Saturn number. I am beginning to think that every Saturn number is connected to Lord Satan in some way, 660 may be another example.
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    Is the egyptian god Sepa the goetic demoness Separ?

    Can you share more informations, images, ecc...?
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    Minding your own business as a SS

    You should at least use a name such as DiscepleofDagon, and not directly the name. I remember VoiceofEnki respond that it's not appropriate to call him Enki (one person called him in this way to save some time). This can be an example.
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    Question #5229: Is Number 777 a Negative Number for SS?

    I tried to do some research, and apparently it is full of retarded people talking bullshit. I checked, and apparently 777 corresponds to Σατανας+24 (alpha and omega, greek alphabet) or ΣΤΝΣ+27 (full greek alphabet). That's all I could find.
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    Question #5229: Is Number 777 a Negative Number for SS?

    It's just a number, a frequency, a Saturnine one, alone it's not evil. The enemy used this number for death curses, such as "jesus", but however this is based on hebrew and not on the core of the number itself. https://kabbalahexposed.com/Christ_Spell.html I think it's interesting to know...
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    How do I sell my soul to the devil?

    If I may ask, have you saw our website, www.joyofsatan.org ? or satanisgod.org ? It's worth a read.
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    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Can you explain in what points and why?
  28. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1] https://ancient-forums.com/threads/dating-lies-told-to-men-part-1.290230/
  29. O

    [Trad] Promuovere la causa: Livelli di donazione della Gioia di Satana [Aggiornamento 37: IL CORSO È STATO INVIATO - GRANDI AGGIORNAMENTI...]

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...] https://ancient-forums.com/threads/advancing-the-cause-joy-of-satan-donation-tiers-update-37-course-has-been-sent-big-updates.82941/#post-425663 Aggiornamento 37: GRANDI AGGIORNAMENTI IN...
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    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Thank you, is fondamental to fix every issue between males and females, and masculine energies and femmine energies. This is probably the biggest problem with the current state of the world.
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    "I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but..."

    Maybe also adding some flowers and rainbow flags, but no, we are not here to watering the Truth to make someone "more confortable". It's an excuse.
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    The Situation With European Politics

    There are other powers to consider, but this will cause a civil war, from what I see I don't think there is a way to end this without fighting, as Sun Tzu says. If everyone will not listen to the governments, create communal places as local banks, schools ecc... This might be the opposite of...
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    "I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but..."

    We do not have to convince anyone, we show the Truth and give support to those who ask for it, those who are serious and ready to make a change. We live this path in a very personal way, in fact everyone has a different background. But it's part of everyone's growth, starting to do X things...
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    What should I do?

    I observed my situation and I think that I have to focus more on the basics. Do you have any advices for liberation?
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    Sul sigillo di Vepar

    Con la trance, abbastanza debole, l'ho fatta poche volte, ma devo iniziare a farla quotidianamente. Per le visioni, non sono sicuro ma ho un modo mio di vedere e sentire certe cose, anche intuitivo, che possono essere definite visioni. Non saprei spiegare di più al momento. Hai qualche...
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    man confront race mixing couple

    We need to aim to an higher audience, to also powerfull and influent people, and then this idiot comes out, and say that we need feet pics on the Forum or something to grow. And this somehow makes him a leggend. Do you like feet? No, problem, go to a fetish forum on reddit or somewhere else...
  37. O

    What should I do?

    What should I do? I have started a Mercury Square to comprehend the knowledge in a general level. In the first period I was interested in Ancient Greek, in the second period I was interested in Science and Math, in third period I have tried to comprehend the source of knowledge behind...
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    Lodi agli Dei e ai Demoni

    Sei il Fuoco che consuma ciò che è Valido, e mantiene la Vita. Sei l'Aria che muove ciò che è malneabile, nella giusta direzione. Sei la Nave che naviga nelle Acque alla ricerca del Mare in cui trovare i Tesori. Sei Colui che cerca la Terra Fertile, per creare Infinite Meraviglie. Sei l'Uomo...
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    Question #5146: Satanic god mother

    He asked about Satanic Baptisms.
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    Question #5146: Satanic god mother

    There is no thing such as "xian things", they own nothing on their own, only ignorance and corruption. Now, why God Parents should be a xian thing?
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    Nuovo album di kaos one

    Nel senso che ho letto la tua domanda, e non avevo la più pallida idea di cosa tu stessi parlando. Vuoi un consiglio? Smetti di ascoltare questa musica da goym, di bianchi che vogliono fare i negri e cazzate simili, e inizia ad ascoltare roba diversa e a crearti una personalità unica.
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    Question #5118: fear of women (timidity); fear of sex; fear of love

    Don't buy her anything, she doesn't respect you, and she even doesn't know how to raise a child. Leave her, it's now her problem. Invest your money in something usefull, or even in JoS, this will make a difference. Keeping her ass alive is useless and an insult to you as a man.
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    Nuovo album di kaos one

    sembra la versione in avanzato stato di decomposizione del rapper mondo marcio, almeno lui una decina di basi orecchiabili le ha fatte. Ma anche lui è simile. Per il resto, pessime basi, musica sconnessa, e usa ancora le rime come se fosse negli anni ottanta o qualcosa di simile. Felice di non...
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    Question #5168: Numbers 19:2 Jewish prophecy

    nah that's an eretic lie. the truth is that the bible talk about super-old ages. There was a time, in the jurassic, where jesuxsaurus, a lizard humanoid being, was a dinosaur tamer, but the story went wrong, he went existint for the sins of the dinosaurs, and then the armaghedon happened, and...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Avevo segnalato il mio post, quando me ne ero accorto. Ok grazie del chiarimento comunque.
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    Question #5168: Numbers 19:2 Jewish prophecy

    Don't u dare to quesuion me, nor by holly buks!! u antisemitic jew, u try to decieve me from mi jewish faith!! of course I naver read tha bible or any histori buk, but I identify as the source of thruth, and Deus Vult! don't bother me you little goim! I'm also a comunist myself, but tat doesnt...
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    Question #5168: Numbers 19:2 Jewish prophecy

    https://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/1uyt33/south-park-ginger-cow-season-17-ep-6 Wrong, the prophecies speak of a boy with a small penis decorating a cow to make it look like ginger. But then it turns out that Eric Cartman has a big penis, a jew eats farts to maintain the lie, but then it...
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    [Trad] Il Cestino di Riciclaggio della Vita & Scuse

    Nelle traduzioni devo cercare di mantenere i termini con la maiuscola in maiuscolo? Per esempio in un post che sto traducendo, la parola "donatori" è sempre con la maiuscola, dovrei mantenerla? Penso che l'Alto Sacerdote cerchi di evidenziare qualcosa quando scrive. Ok, per i titoli seguirò la...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...] https://ancient-forums.com/threads/advancing-the-cause-joy-of-satan-donation-tiers-update-37-course-has-been-sent-big-updates.82941/#post-425663
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    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

    One day after you die, you will be lying somewhere and you will count the life you lived, remember every part of it, happiness and misery. And in the end you will be able to say that you have been yourself and have carried on another chapter of existence. It's not even about Spiritual Satanism...
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    man confront race mixing couple

    You are the only one who thinks it's funny.
  52. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Alien Races, Reptilians, Greys, Kooky People etc https://ancient-forums.com/threads/alien-races-reptilians-greys-kooky-people-etc.290133/
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    Question #5134: Pls Recommend Black Magic for Sexual Assaulter

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    Black Cube 666

    The most annoying part apparently is the idea of resting a cube on your head. Okay, I can understand that, no one is forcing anyone to use it this way, it can also be a card clip or an object to rest on the table. If it is the cube itself that bothers you, you should reconsider your ideas...
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    [Trad] Il Cestino di Riciclaggio della Vita & Scuse

    Mi scuso per l'errore, sotto il post di Elenor, doveva essere questa parte: Le scuse non fanno altro che moltiplicare la sofferenza e i problemi. Man mano che si cresce, si capisce che è necessario affrontare i problemi. Quando lo facciamo e li risolviamo, ci sentiamo euforici e soddisfatti...
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    [Trad] Il Cestino di Riciclaggio della Vita & Scuse

    Per chi non fosse famigliare con queste sigle. HPHC = High Priest Hooded Cobra = Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra GdS = Gioia di Satana = Joy of Satan
  57. O

    [Trad] Il Cestino di Riciclaggio della Vita & Scuse

    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-recycle-bin-of-life-excuses.290078/ La maggior parte delle persone vive la propria vita in modo completamente ignaro. Esistono come se vivessero per mille anni o come se il mondo non avesse bisogno che voi facciate certe...
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    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses

    Thanks HP, I know that I'm not the best outhere, but I hope that if I try to best the best version of myself, and at least do something (advancement, rituals, and helping the JoS), I can still exist in the new world.
  59. O

    man confront race mixing couple

    It's a throwaway account, then throw it away, and make a new one.
  60. O

    man confront race mixing couple

    Those who do race mixing are cursed people, they shouldn't have the opportunity to reproduce.
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    Sul sigillo di Vepar

    Oppure mi piacciono altre idee, come camminare sulle acque controllare le maree, ecc... Anche l'idea di questo oceano infinito mi piace, lo visualizzo di notte e calmo.
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    Sul sigillo di Vepar

    Mi piace il mare, più che altro guardare l'orrizonte, nuotare e navigare non sono le mie cose preferite. Recentemente mi sono interessato alla Dea Vepar ancora prima di questo post, ma non saprei che area ricoprire. Dovrei allenarmi con la trance e simili, forse è questo?
  63. O

    Question #5118: fear of women (timidity); fear of sex; fear of love

    Planetary squares are not substitutes for the basics, but are used to refine your frequency, remove negative karma, etc.... If you don't have basics, 1,000 squares are of no use to you. Concentrate on perfecting and enhancing your masculinity, and leave sex alone, that will come later and in...
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    Question #5118: fear of women (timidity); fear of sex; fear of love

    In my opinion this whole thing is pathetic and ridiculous. You don't have to do a thousand jobs, squares, etc., for that, you don't even have to worry about it. Wait, the Moon is at 30 degrees in Libra, it's 3 a.m., the Sun is perfectly aligned with Venus and Jupiter and a good fixed star. Now...
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    Magia di Guarigione

    Io ho sentito di un metodo che consiste nel dormire in un letto specifico, che altera la temperatura e fa micromassaggi in punti specifici del corpo durante il sonno, e potenzialmente può stimolare il corpo verso la guarigione e non solo. Spero sia disponibile a tutti in futuro.
  66. O

    Church bells

    No, they are like props, by themselves they have no power, but they have symbolic meaning. In standard ritual you ring the bell at the beginning and end, symbolizing the vibration that alters reality (achieving a goal), similar to when we vibrate AUM at the beginning and end of a ritual/prayer.
  67. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Recycle Bin Of Life & Excuses https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-recycle-bin-of-life-excuses.290078/
  68. O

    Question #5118: fear of women (timidity); fear of sex; fear of love

    She cause shame on you in pubblic, push her away next time, be respectfull towards yourself and stay aways from these hoes. She is dirty and she needs to feel this truth, having a nice ass won't save her. There are true women outhere, go for them.
  69. O

    Question #5118: fear of women (timidity); fear of sex; fear of love

    It's all pointless, she is just a hoe that touches strangers in a bus, and most importantly she is a source of shame for your inner self. After you had sex with this person, what will be next? Nothing, all this hard work, and anxienty for 30 min of phisical pleasure. It's not worthy, you will...
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    Cuneiform-like Alphabet

    I have created a new alphabet based on Roman numbers with a cuneiform style. It has the 27 letters of the greek alphabet, and it is usable in the Isopsephy. It's one of the best that I created.
  71. O

    The Sword System

    I have created a new one based on Roman numbers with a cuneiform style. It has the 27 letters of the greek alphabet, and it is usable in the Isopsephy. I will post it later, it's one of the best that I created.
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    Some Names on Isopsephy

    In this post I will list a number of names and words related to names of Deities, and it will be clear that they are trying to use these people as an attempt to harness the powers of the Deities in people's minds by tying their names mathematically to those of the Deities and beyond. Here could...
  73. O

    Question #5094: Join satanic

    Actually you don't want to enter that community, which is corrupt nowadays. What fascinates you is hidden power and knowledge, and you can find those here. www.satanisgod.org www.ancient-forums.com
  74. O

    Reclaiming the 🔯SHATKONA🔯, one of the most important Gentile Symbols!

    About Meta Thronos, if we look at isopsephy "O ΜεταΘρονος=920", has the same value of Lord Asmodeus' name "Aσμοδευς". and the same of... Trump. He should consider to pray Lord Asmodeus. About Lord Asmodeus if we also add Omicron (O) as article, we get 990 which is has the same value of...
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    Prime Numbers as the basic nature of reality

    I also discover that if you take an hexagon, it would have in the second layer other 6 hexagons, and in third one 12, in the forth 18, and so on. In total, for the first layers of hexagon we would have 1 hexagon, in the second 7, in the third 19, ecc... Adding new layers of hexagons and sum...
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    Prime Numbers as the basic nature of reality

    What are the spiritual properties of prime numbers? Are they exceptions in the geometric and mathematical matrix?
  77. O

    Drugs Are Part of an Enemy Gray Alien Program <

    Each chemical compound and plant has its own use and use, if they are harmful to human health then they will be used in other areas and humans will not be exposed to them. Otherwise, yes drugs have been used as a weapon against people, and a jewish sub-culture has been created around it. And...
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    Reclaiming the 🔯SHATKONA🔯, one of the most important Gentile Symbols!

    Apparently also the "metatron cube" is stolen. Basically with this simbol you can draw all five platonic solids, it's based on the seed of life and it has 13 major circles, like the chakras and Lord Satan's name (O Σατανας=823=13). And if you look closely you can see Lord Satan's Sigil...
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    This... is real.
  80. O

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Dimenticavo, ho anche mangiato del vetro dopo, non mi sono tagliato.
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato di essere in camera mia con altre persone, e da dietro una tenda è comparso questo gatto che era malnutrito, pelle e ossa, e aveva una ventina di zampe. Alcune di queste zampe si staccavano quando si muoveva. Una di quelle persone ha preso il gatto e ha iniziato a staccarli le zampe...
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    Alcune Preghiere in Sanscrito

    Una cosa importante è cercare di avere un giusta pronuncia dei suoni, su YT ci sono molti video che parlano della pronuncia delle lettere.
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    Alcune Preghiere in Sanscrito

    Volevo condividere alcune preghiere, che ho iniziato ad usare tempo fà. https://www.sanskritimagazine.com/pratah-smaranam-morning-prayers/ In questo link ci sono tutte quelle del mattino, essenzialmente le recito appena inizia la mia giornata, ma comunque dall'alba di un nuovo giorno in poi...
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    I've been successful in attracting a partner, but can I just be a friend without sex?

    The modern error is the objectification of the person, but otherwise it is all very subjective, and one might as well have sex with a friend but not date him romantically or otherwise without belonging, and one might not.
  85. O

    low energy

    Lady Furfur Ritual is amazing, it can helps with vitality.
  86. O

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    I rettiliani non centrano nulla, la battaglia è Virtù contro ignoranza, a tutti i livelli. Da quello che vedo la corruzione dell'induismo avviene nell'errata interpretazione degli insegnamenti e nell'utilizzo di una mentalità xiana-new age, e quindi dalla degenerazione. E quindi ci ritroviamo...
  87. O

    Emerald tablets

    That was a troll account, a dumb one.
  88. O

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    Dalla mia comprensione, descrive la guerra contro l'ignoranza e come raggiungere i pianeti superiori dell'aldilà, e nel finale ti lascia fare la tua libera scelta. Tutti i discorsi sulla rinuncia, sul vedere le cose come uguali e insignificanti, si basano su un'adorazione completa di Satya/Dio...
  89. O

    I've been successful in attracting a partner, but can I just be a friend without sex?

    What I mean is, do you want to have a relationship out of ignorance to escape and avoid problems? Do you want to have it out of passion, to feel pleasure that end on it self? Or do you want to have it to exalt Satya in some way?
  90. O

    What do you think about morning prayers?

    What do you think about morning prayers? And praying before doing certain things such eating, sleeping, start something, leave the house ecc...? I have a link with the morning ones, I'm not sure if there are more morning prayers or not...
  91. O

    How Dedicated Are You?

    I know, I practised it for about five months straight, then I had other problems and laziness hit me. But I have to resume the practice consistently.
  92. O

    I've been successful in attracting a partner, but can I just be a friend without sex?

    I don't see the point in your question. If you have a connection or want to have a connection with this person, be yourself and do what you think is best. Calling it "friendship" or "relationship" is pointless, one doesn't exclude sex and the other doesn't ensure that sex is there, what are you...
  93. O

    Bhagavad Gita Pensieri? Interpretazioni?

    Volevo consigliarvi e chiedervi una vostra interpretazione della Bhagavad Gita. Lascio un link ad una playlist con tutti i capitoli in formato mp.3 Lascio un disclaimer, questo libro può sembrare molto confuso, ed un'innesperto potrebbe interpretare male gli insegnamenti, quindi potete pregare...
  94. O

    How Dedicated Are You?

    Do you have any advice for me? I used to do yoga every day but then I stopped for a long time, the same goes for meditation on emptiness, at the moment I am feeling the need to start again with these practices, but every day I end up putting them off. As for trance training, I have done it...
  95. O

    Reclaiming the 🔯SHATKONA🔯, one of the most important Gentile Symbols!

    Thank you for the post, it is essential to know with full firmness that the symbols of the enemy were originally all ours, and they used them corruptly in their ungodly practices. Rather than being hesitant or fearful of symbols like the 6-pointed star, the cube and all things Saturn-related...
  96. O

    Support Our Collective Mission

    This is currently our ritual programme, and these rituals take priority. https://ancient-forums.com/threads/new-god-rituals-now-live-maat-dagan-demon-section-future-updates.289745/#post-1073433 Outside the ritual programmes we have as standards to do Final RTR, Killing Tetragrammaton RTR...
  97. O

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    They still have very large ultra-orthodox communities, but their time will also come.
  98. O

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    I want them to see Lord Baalzebul's wrath on every single angle of thier existence, and feel powerless as their prayers no longer works. So scared that they don't even dare to move a muscle. So powerfull that their protection will fall apart just like some dust with a Giant Tornado. And then...
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    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    I hope that israel has the power to bring every jew back from whatever country they are, and then force them to fight wars. I hope it will happen, but this is a stupid choice and I think they know this, but I hope the arrogance will blind them even more.
  100. O

    How to stop a negative situation

    Ah. Then you can choose to have an only-related professional interaction with her. She is not your friend or anything like that, so set some bondaries and make others respect those bondaries. Sorry for the bad english, I think...
  101. O

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    The state of israel is the second most jewish populated place in the world after the united states, which means there will be less astral interference. They will still pray in their free time, and before fighting like most Israeli soldiers. But this will be nothing compared to what they did...
  102. O

    How to stop a negative situation

    Who cares about this person and what she thinks and sees, just leave her and cut her off from your life. Does she really have any real importance?
  103. O

    How to stop a negative situation

    Tell him to shut the fuck up, that he knows nothing and to stop bothering you. Otherwise, take distances from this person.
  104. O

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Maat is anagram of Atma, is there a correlation with Atman?
  105. O

    Riguardo Maat, la giustizia, la guerra e il cammino dell'eroe

    Apprezzo molto questo genere di post, se ne hai altri in serbo, sentiti libero di pubblicarli. Quanto alle domande, penso possa essere utile rispondere qui per confrontarsi. In molte di queste domande non avrei una risposta e potrei sembrare abbastanza nichilista. Con il tempo mi sono reso...
  106. O

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Should everyone put this sigil as profile picture? At least for these days.
  107. O

    birthday and demons

    I also checked the ruled zodiacal degrees that correspond to the ascendant and the ruler. I did it as soon as I saw this post, I checked and the degrees of the ascendant are ruled by a Deity I've been thinking about randomly for days. Maybe he is my Guardian? I don't know.
  108. O

    Question #4998: The duty of a man is to get cucked astrally

    I am not surprised that people think about suicide or become extremely evil. The whole thing is presented as absolute crap, and at this point it becomes acceptable in people's minds to brutally eliminate competition, beat and rape women, or make them wear hijabs and other restrictive measures...
  109. O

    Question #4998: The duty of a man is to get cucked astrally

    Yes, the above in the matter of provide is only an half truth, if it's all an interest mechanic like that, I'll prefer to remain single, and probably I'll become evil towards certain women. I want real love, the rest is just necessary bullshit.
  110. O

    Сколько нужно кошек для счастья?How many cats do you need to be happy?

    Having animals won't solve your problems, using them as an escape is wrong.
  111. O

    Когда всё человечество будет говорить на русском языке и что мы можем сделать?When will all of humanity speak Russian and what can we do?

    By spreading all the other world languages, in this way everyone will be unconfortable, and they will inconsciously seek the holy Mother Russia language. It reversed psicology, it will work ;)
  112. O

    Super-saiyan aura

    If it works for you, just do it. I personaly think that visualize also lights rays spinning faster and faster can help with the power of cleaning works. You are encouraged to experiment various methods, and find what suit you better.
  113. O

    Where do you find likeminded individuals offline?

    idk, but if someone seems interesting, just go and talk to them, I think that's the way to know new people.
  114. O

    Question #4998: The duty of a man is to get cucked astrally

    Women also start from 0, as I said in my post, the women I give my attention to must have X characteristics. This is also the case with other men of value, you don't just have to have a big ass or something. Obviously in a world of clowns, hopeless cases, simps, etc, most women may have less...
  115. O

    Help Me Truly Become a Worthy Satanist

    I'm not a moderator. Try to report the topic.
  116. O

    The ethics of a love spell

    The method of trance consist in breath in energy and do affirmations on yourself. The other method consist in vibrate Ansuz or Uruz 7 times, do the affirmations and than burning with blue fire. You can combine these if you want. Of course it's not only planetary influences but also your...
  117. O

    First Official JOS Marriage

    I'm glad to hear that. May your mariage be eternal and full of blessing and abbondances of the Gods. May you have a strong, numerous and beautifull family. Congratulations, you made it!
  118. O

    What do you think about this chant?

    What do you think about this chant for Lord Indra?
  119. O

    Question #4993: do you accept femboys?

    Our own sexuality is our bussiness. If then a person is brainwashed and delusional, his oppinion doesn't have any importance or influence. If you ask in regard of the Joy of Satan, every gentile has the opportunity to join, only jews aren't accepted.
  120. O

    Question #4998: The duty of a man is to get cucked astrally

    And do you want a modern woman? Just look at what you need as the best partner, if a woman behave like that, she is trash, just leave her. You have to be her everything, if it doesn't work, you are wasting your time, leave her. I don't look at modern women, it's like dating an animal, only a...
  121. O

    Lord Anubis has wings?

  122. O

    [Trad] Felice Solstizio Estivo

    Happy Summer Solstice! https://ancient-forums.com/threads/happy-summer-solstice.289613/#post-1072396 [Per coloro che si trovano nell'emisfero australe, buon solstizio d'inverno]. Potete controllare l'ora esatta in cui il Sole entra a 0 gradi di Cancro, sarà sul calendario SS della vostra...
  123. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Happy Summer Solstice! https://ancient-forums.com/threads/happy-summer-solstice.289613/#post-1072396
  124. O

    how to stop the bad habit of saying "oh my god".

    There is no need to say it, just stay silent in these situations, profesional an so on. Normaly people use these esclamations as script phrases, like real NPCs. Why do you have to say it?
  125. O

    The ethics of a love spell

    Learn to transcend simple feelings and attractions generated 'at random' by planetary positions, they are just confusing shadows that lead to nothing but suffering, it has happened to me many times. Focusing love spells on a specific person who is not your soul mate is one of the biggest wastes...
  126. O

    I need a program for a project

    I'll leave a photo of the version with the glyphs and the colors, soon. Then it has to be sticked on a support, a circle of wood or other materials. I'll leave a photo also on that. Same with the center, wich start from the 360 degree division. So the file has to be stamped two times.
  127. O

    I need a program for a project

    I made this Version, but it's quite small, it's for A4.
  128. O

    I need a program for a project

    Can anyone suggest me some programmes similar to illustrator? Preferably free, without too much hassle. I need it for a project that I think might be of interest to everyone. The project consists of a sheet of paper divided into 360 parts, which are then divided into 12 parts. This is the...
  129. O

    Where do you know Gods have physical body?

    Where does your body come from?
  130. O

    Help Me Truly Become a Worthy Satanist

    Try to work with Saturn energies, with rune Nauthiz to improve in the discipline aspect. From what I understood, it was the problem.
  131. O

    Question #4955: Foot Fetish

    I think that the foot fetish is more related to an pisces enegies approach. At least it's only one of the many. And stay away from porn and e-girls, they have ruined foot fetish, it's not even about bdsm and that shit.
  132. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Chiedo nel dubbio, il tuo nome mi pare nuovo. Per tradurre, devi prima essere abilitato, quindi devi inviare un messaggio ad AgniSarp e chiedere. Se sei già un traduttore abilitato mi scuso, se non lo sei pensavo di prenotare il Sermone.
  133. O

    Question #4832: How to get rid of koran

    They do this on purpose, and they do this also with other objects.
  134. O

    Will there be a ritual for Satanachia?

    There will be Rituals for all the Gods and for all the Heros. You can do a ritual to contact him (I'm reffering to the standard one), but you have to think about what you want to do. If you do this, and if you want, you can write a testimony about your experience with him.
  135. O

    Is it possible to actually treat Satan as one would treat a Father?

    You can allways confide yoursepf with the Gods and especially with Lord Satan, it is a much appreciated thing. But bear in mind that it is a relationship of utmost importance, as are friendships with the Gods. They are not comparable to modern relationships or the like. Be yourself in your way...
  136. O

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    *jewing around a fire* jew1: remember, we can only curse the goym, not the Demons, remember, rabbistein collpsed instantly. it's the core of judaism, to escape from the Demons, the egypt thing is about that. jew2: I red some goym books, the vedas or something, I red that Agni is the fire and...
  137. O

    About the reality

    Please everyone, don't do crack or drugs. Just a reminder.
  138. O

    Isopsephy and Ancient Greek

    I have doubts, I wanted to focus on the Iliad and other isopsephy-related things, but there is the problem that the words no longer have the letters Vaw, Qoppa and Tsampi, so all the isopsephy values would be wrong. Or have they constructed the geometry of the text to fit the current Greek...
  139. O

    Black Cube 666

    Continuing the project, essentially the use is to channel energy related to the earth element into the material world. The symbolism and values are very much linked to the ether element, while the very shape of the object is the cube linked to the earth element. From ether, the essence of...
  140. O

    Black Cube 666

    I hope I am not disturbing you, I wanted to ask you what you think of this project.
  141. O

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    The jewish story about Lord Balam reminds me vaguely of the story of Esav and yakoov, where jews collectively under the name 'yakoov' steal blessings from Gentiles under the name 'esav'. Would we have a ritual in which we also reverse this?
  142. O

    Come capire se le informazioni ricevute in sogno sono attendibili?

    Molte volte i sogni sono solo ombre confuse e nulla di più. Ma se senti che è importante per te questo simbolo, puoi fare delle tue ricerche e studiare anche ciò che è detto sul sito. Poi puoi aprire un thread e discuterne.
  143. O

    Black Cube 666

    Then the cube is literally the earth element, the base, from which starts the inverted cross symbolising the 7 chakras + the 2 of the hips. You get the cross by taking the cube apart. To say that the cube is hebrewised seems to me a big mistake.
  144. O

    Black Cube 666

    So you think that using most yantras would be risky, as they are mostly based on the 6-pointed star? I think that in the RTR we also blot out the star because they have based thier souls on saturnine energies, but this it doesn't mean that these simbols alone are cursed.
  145. O

    [Trad] Per la nostra gente: La Gioia di Satana

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan https://ancient-forums.com/threads/for-our-people-the-joy-of-satan.289307/#post-1069950 La Gioia di Satana, fin dal suo inizio molti anni fa, non è mai stata sostenuta da nessuno in nessun modo. È iniziata come un tentativo di restaurare gli Dei e la loro...
  146. O

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    Thanks for this, I finally have the possibility to personaly thank HPS Maxine for all her work. Thanks! Hail Satanas!!!
  147. O

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    I felt like that in the Lord Balam's Ritual, we are somewhat Lord Balam himself, that eliminated any doubt of my worth as a human being.
  148. O

    Black Cube 666

    And it is not ridiculous if I am able to explain all the notions related to this symbol. My reasoning was not: "wow, they have a black cube, cool, wait I'll remove their prayers, now it's Satanic". I only made that reasoning when I rewrote the text of their hymn, but there it was mainly for a...
  149. O

    Black Cube 666

    The cube, like the number 6, the 6-pointed star of Visnu, does not belong to the enemy. It is like saying that what connects material and spiritual belongs to the enemy, but this is false. Associating these elements linked to the number 6 with the enemy is a block. All that is considered...
  150. O

    Black Cube 666

    There is no need, the 'kippah' is literally a headdress worn by Gentile nobility, in central Europe if I remember correctly. jews simply gave it another name. That headdress resembles a dome, like that of the Temples, symbolising universal consciousness, or the universe itself. It can also be...
  151. O

    Question #4937: Why jews covers their head

    The origins are related to the pagan veiling, and from what I remembered it's related to Lord Set Symbolism.
  152. O

    Dedica a Satana

    Ti enfatizzo la cosa di renderla molto personale, è molto importante darle il giusto valore. Segnati anche la data in cui la fai, e altri dettagli. Sicuramente vorrai festeggiare gli anniversari della dedica in futuro. Poi dici pure come è andata, e se lo desideri puoi lasciare una...
  153. O

    Black Cube 666

    I am still in doubt about a couple of things, what material should it be made of? To be precise, what indicates the material, in Greek must correspond to 666 or at least at 9. I was also thinking of the addition of a prayer (a little scroll) on the inside, again with a total value of 666, or at...
  154. O

    Question #4915: Maybe no one will answer me, but... Please give me advice and ideas.

    The music need to be geometricaly armonius, and also the text with his allegories. With these in my mind you can create a true mathematical masterpiece that will find his place in hystory. But if you haven't any ideas, you need to dive more in these topics, and in the Gods. Good study.
  155. O

    Black Cube 666

    I also re-writed the pissrael'anthem, and I name it "Satanas sei la nostra Speranza", but it's in italian. You know, while I was walking I saw some jews with this anthem, then I remembered some holy scriptures about how jews own nothing and how the first Genitle that pass has the right to seize...
  156. O

    Black Cube 666

    Do you remember the black cube, the "tefillin" that the jews use? Well, unfortunatly for them, I made a project, and now it's not jewish anymore. I created a new ritual tool, I still haven't name it, I would like to leave the honor to HPHC to name it, if he has some time of course, or I'll do...
  157. O

    6 is a Perfect Number

    They use it because it is related to Saturn as all thier magik works. Also 666 can be used for bad purposes, an example can be the google chrome logo, they also try to use the power of the Lord Satan's Sigil, you can see this in the google playstore logo, and even in their soul ("tree of life")...
  158. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan https://ancient-forums.com/threads/for-our-people-the-joy-of-satan.289307/#post-1069950
  159. O

    6 is a Perfect Number

    The exagon and eptagon are connected to Saturn, but what about the optagon and the ennagon? There is something linked to Uranus? And what are the differences between the exagon and the eptagon, in a energy persepective? The eptagon looks more powerful.
  160. O

    Jewish art??

    Maybe it's a Saturn/Kronos rappresentation.
  161. O

    6 is a Perfect Number

    6 is a perfect number, among its multiples we have 12 (zodiacal signs, houses of life), 24 (letters of the Greek alphabet, Alpha and Omega), 36 (Satanic Virtues, whose sum is 666, perfection), and then 666 (perfection, spiritual gold). 6 is divisible by 1, 2 and 3, and for every two (even)...
  162. O

    Using Pagan Dating Sites and Anonymity

    Just avoid any site or services for romantic relationships, they are empty and souless. Go for the old fashion way by approching REAL people who seem interesting. And don't tell anyone that you are SS. Read the Al-Jilwah and think about that. For relationship, my advices derived from my...
  163. O


    Do not worry, Welcome Brother!
  164. O

    I remembered something: I did Making a Commitment to Satan twice.

    No, the important are your intentions, so you are in. The ritual however should be done only one time, since it doesn't need to be done more than one time. But in your case it's not a problem if you did it twice. The first one it's considerate the very beggining of your journey as a Dedicate...
  165. O

    Question #4878: Feeling disgusted and dirty after watching porn

    It is normal, pornography is a tool designed to break the human spirit through basic, instinctive human needs, and also through degeneracy and connection to low-level souls, as most actresses in pornography are. Other types of pornography also produce similar results, albeit initially to a...
  166. O

    Losing Solar System

    It was not my intention to sound rude, I just tried to make you realise that you received wrong information because of a miscommunication, and the fact that you were new when you asked that question lends credibility to my oppinion. Effective psychic communication requires a good deal of work...
  167. O

    Thorne - a poem for Lord Sitri

    Illiad has 24 books, related to the 24 greek letters, so it's related to the Alpha Omega concept, I also read that Alexander the Great was the Alpha and the Omega, but I can't find it where I red this. Maybe it was on kabbalah exposed, but now it's work in progress, to say so. Can someone send...
  168. O

    Betrayal against demon lover (succubus)

    Just curiosity, or you believe to have one?
  169. O

    Losing Solar System

    That thing about slaves to mine gold, the betrayal of the Nordics, are all errors derived from mistranslations. Most likely you have read something similar on the subject and then asked the question and answered it yourself. You still need to learn how to communicate properly.
  170. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Puoi sempre meditare sui sigilli, se non riesci a fare altro. Per la rabbia, cerca sul forum l'articolo sullo yoga per la rabbia repressa fatto da HPS Lydia, credo. Dovrebbe esserci la traduzione in italiano in teoria. Le emozioni non vanno represse, ma vanno vissute con saggezza, si chiama...
  171. O

    I need an advice for a Mercury square

    I used something similar: 'I learn easily and I know everything about science, in the healthiest and most positive way for me, now and forever'. I can focus on the goal, I have also included prayers before starting the vibrations, I usually use them to ask for guidance on the goal from the...
  172. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Per il primo punto direi che in qualche modo stai scoprendo la bellezza del Satanismo Spirituale, essendo la capra l'animale sacro a Lord Azazel, non chè simbolo generale del paganismo. Per i veicoli, da quello che sò, ha a che fare con prendere una direzione nella propria vita, qua puoi vedere...
  173. O


    La vita è sempre una battaglia, questa è la via del Guerriero, il Satanismo Spirituale. Ma ora hai gli strumenti per combattere, rialzarti e trionfare, per goderti la vita e per stare in pace con te stesso. Se hai bisogno di qualcosa, la comunità sarà più che felice di aiutarti. Ave Satanas!!!
  174. O

    I need an advice for a Mercury square

    What I meant is that with one affirmation I can include everything since the very basis is the same.
  175. O

    Question #4871: love hurts so much

    There is something deeper going on, and you have to become aware and accept your feelings, and understand these deep things about you. It may have been a short chapter in your life anyway, maybe not even that important after all, more usually inflated by planetary positions, karma, traumas...
  176. O

    I need an advice for a Mercury square

    Do you think I should do a cabalistic Mercury square to learn science, strategy/organisation, or to better learn languages such as ancient Greek? Or can I do everything in one? Language is a science and is based on similar calculations, and this is one of the bases for organisation anyway...
  177. O

    akashic record

    Please, can you focus on studing and on practicing more usefull things. Asking all these questions doesn't help you.
  178. O

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yisfy8VrE7w About the Gods in our chakras, I found these videos. What do you think?
  179. O

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    On Azazel's Virtues Page, when you click the Delta Virtue and the Epsilon Virtue, the pages shows the Gamma letters. https://www.satanisgod.org/Azazel_virtue_4.html https://www.satanisgod.org/Azazel_virtue_5.html
  180. O

    Have you been able to create a friendship with a demon? I wish I was Valefor's friend

    To be Friends of the Gods must be the goal of each of us, as Lord Azazel's Virtue of Friendship shows. Obviously we are not talking about bro-style friendship or the like, this is a Sacred Relationship of the Utmost Importance and of the Highest Level...
  181. O

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    About the enemy, they are only a small, dirty obstacole that is trying to prevent the humans to achieve the Golden Age. If you look at the Greatness of what the Golden Age will be, and the Greatness of the Gods, you will see that the enemy is litteraly nothing, just a little dirty obstacole, it...
  182. O

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    There is not much to say about jews, they have energy centres (which are what we know as chakras) that are completely different from ours, opposites I would say, and they also have different colours, one of which is grey. Imagine how disgusting it is to have a chakra that is composed entirely of...
  183. O

    FancyMancy's Picture and Video Thread

    Is that a double circle around Lord Satan's Sigil? Putting circles arond Gods' Sigils is blasphemy, beacause they work as a binding simbol.
  184. O

    Question #4855: respect is it earned or given by force

    It's earned, otherwise is fear or acting for convinience.
  185. O

    Swastika Art

    Here an Experiment:
  186. O

    [Trad] La passione è la chiave: Cosa stai aspettando?

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For? https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/passion-is-the-key-what-are-you-waiting-for.159072/ Una parte della nostra gente, anche di qui, non sembra aver compreso appieno l'importanza della nostra fede o quanto possa essere importante e quanto...
  187. O

    Sindaci ebrei e tossicodipendenti comuniste

    Nessuno? A questo punto è una presa in giro, devono ritrovarsi con 0 voti, entrambi.
  188. O

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    I'm sorry to hear that you wasted 3 days. However they can't do art because they haven't the 4-5-6th chakras, that govern sensibility and the like, Venus govern art, and the 4th chakra is governed by Venus.
  189. O

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    Basically the "torah" which represents the 5 elements is the basis, "ghematria" is the key, and vibration (meditation, prayer and contact with the "masters" (in the case of jews these are enemy ETs)) is the means to achieve "perfection", destiny etc... which in the case of jews is to become a...
  190. O

    Video in onore del Padre fatto da me.

    Is that on the right supposed to be "Lilith" sigil? For the rest at start you have used to many circles.
  191. O

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    Still on the subject of letters, in the documentary about Wodanaz being Lord Satan, you mentioned that Sigma is identical to W. What I wonder is that then there will also be a connection between N and Z and between Sigma and M for example. It is probably also related to the runes from the...
  192. O

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    What is your oppinion about the so-called "forgoten" letters? And how it's possible to find out where these are used in Ancient Greek's words? For the rest, do you have any resources to study Babylonian and Ancient Egyptian language, grammar, words and the like?
  193. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For? https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/passion-is-the-key-what-are-you-waiting-for.159072/
  194. O

    How many of you had Xian minister dreams,

    I had one, probably more than one.
  195. O

    A few questions

    1- I'd like to say akasha since its symbolism is linked to vibration as AUM. 2- From what I understand there will be updates soon. 3- There are many tools online to change colours, remove backgrounds, etc... you just have to find them. When in doubt, I would tell you to use programmes such as...
  196. O

    Hey I have a big question

  197. O

    Hey I have a big question

    https://www.satanisgod.org/ Read the sections of BlackSun and that of the Third Reich and Satanism. There is also a documentary made in the memory of Heinrich Himmler, can someone send a link to it? Now I haven't time to search it.
  198. O

    [Trad] Presentazione di Reclami Formali Alla Gioia di Satana

    Filing Formal Complaints To The Joy of Satan https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/filing-formal-complaints-to-the-joy-of-satan.158937/ È veramente importante la cultura di una comunità, e così la sua qualità, che è relativa anche ad un giusto processo e un rispetto reciproco verso...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
