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  1. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1626: Question about natal chart

    Hi, I wanted to ask you all a question to finally understand this, as it has me confused for so many years now... So I have Scorpio in my 10th House, and a few fixed stars that show I can come before the public, am popular with the masses, can have powerful position in the government, know...
  2. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1625: Very serious question please, sex with Vaccinated Partner

    Hello. Whenever I had intercourse with my partner right after her periods ended, my penis had gotten so itchy and unable to go in as it was painful and then a day later there was white skin peel under the foreskin on the front, …then it would itched occasionally until I peef off the white skin...
  3. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1624: purification of the soul when the weak magnetic spiritual force and the strongest electric.how to squeez

    I'll be brief. I can't make a magnet for curses (from deep purification from Lydia), and the "munch" doesn't work, but I can create golden electricity inside the chakras and the connection between them (when I was a little Satanist I made the grail of lucifer from breathing exercises and I...
  4. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1619: Dream of being in hell and feeling real pain

    Is this Dream or Vision from Christian God or the Devil? Is it a warning of some sort?
  5. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1618: what does this symbol mean

    I've seen this symbol worn by many in my area on a ring , And it is like this <...> Is there any objection if I wear it as a satanist?
  6. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1617: Spiritual or Material Square to improve our physical body?

    If we want to use a planetary square to improve ourselves and out bodies physically for things like weight loss and muscle gain then what type of square should we use? should it be a material or spiritual square? also should we focus on our chart ruler planet for this type of working since it...
  7. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1616: Hitlers xianity?

    There are many supposed quotes from Hitler, in which he defends xianity. We know he was a Satanist, but is there any proof that completely disproves the idea that Hitler was xian?
  8. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1615: a very important spiritual question

    hi dear brothers and sisters in satan ..what is your opinion on Bhagawath Geetha??
  9. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1614: E-Z chakra spin

    As I do my energy work, I read the information under the title "EZ Chakra Spin" I am curious, does one spin ones third eye chakra? If so, does it also face downwards, or would it face inwards/sideways so the output energy point faces/is directed towards the sixth chakra? When spinning, does...
  10. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1603: Trying to start over, Will the gods give me another chance?

    Hi guys, I am an old member here, but I forgot my password, and my email is protonmail, so when I request a password change, the email never arrives. So I moved to a small town, got a job, am very happy here, plan to build my family in this small town surrounded by trees, rivers and waterfalls...
  11. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1613: About My Roots

    I am half Kurdish and half Turkish. My father is Kurdish and my mother is Turkish. My mother is from the Black Sea region. But she doesn't have many characteristics of the people of that region. Now, since Kurds are an Iranian people, my roots must go back to the Middle East, right? I am a...
  12. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1612: Question regarding rituals/meditation experiences

    Is it normal to start crying or getting emotional during a ritual or meditation session? This has happened to me before during ritual schedule once performing a ritual and after meditating occasionally. It’s rare but has happened before and wondering if it is a good or bad sign?
  13. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1610: Emotional healing regeneration

    I'm a very sensitive person. My water element is dominant. I want you to give me a work to get rid of emotional traumas and effects. I do not want to do a work that will have a reverse effect such as WUNJO or negative karma.
  14. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1609: Subliminal YouTube

    can we hear ? I think many are good, which are directed towards confidence...etc
  15. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1608: Someone sacrificing on my behalf, what can I do? (Feast of Sacrifice)

    I was born and raised in a Muslim family, as you know, Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) is near. my father sacrifices for me. And the sacrifice is a big ram, and they're going to rub its blood on my forehead. It is an act of worship, an act on their frequency. What can I do to be unaffected or...
  16. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1607: How to know if someone is cursing you ?

    I am suspecting someone but I am not sure
  17. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1606: raw meat

    Can cats tolerate raw meat?
  18. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1605: aura

    We can use certain colors in auras and they have their respective functions. I keep thinking, do people who have aura of a certain color also fit the description?EX: people with golden aura have more money...etc. I read that our auras are unique, so some auras are more likely to attract love and...
  19. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1604: How to Breathe Properly

    Hello. I came across different breathing techniques and exercises. Some exercises (in JoS) have both mental, physical and spiritual effects. Many people who breathe normally do not breathe from their diaphragm. Can we use diaphragmatic breathing as our normal way of breathing? Or should we do...
  20. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1594: Insecurity.

    I try to do things that he likes, sometimes sexy, but it doesn't work. He's always right about relationships. I've become so sensitive and psychologically disturbed that I cry over everything. It makes me so sad. Other people in my place, but why?! He's become so unsympathetic and different...
  21. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1600: Omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence

    I read somewhere(both in and out of jos) that certain gods were omniscient, Omnipresent and omnipresent all at once. I was wondering after we achieve magnum opus, can we become all three too,what are the ways to do this and if not, why can't we? Also, what are the ways to advance further after...
  22. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1599: General but important astrological question

    Is Scorpio ascendant generally a bad one .Do people who belong to Scorpio ascendant generally face lot of sufferings in life??.is North node in scorpio ascendent generally a very bad thing??
  23. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1598: I'm definitely crazy

    I started pretending to be someone else. I always hated my image so I was always pretending to be a pretty girl, I pretend to be a pretty girl that I saw, when I imagine scenarios in my head so I get to sleep faster, in my everyday life, every time I remember myself I think of the pretty girl so...
  24. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1597: About sleep in rituals, and some advice.

    Hello, I have a few questions. Sorry if it gets a little big. 1 - I am worried about myself and who I am. That typical "I'm jewish" attack has been tormenting me a lot. And they have increased after I, for some reason, get very sleepy when doing the FRTR and most rituals. At first I didn't have...
  25. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1596: I don't know what I want

    I don't know what I meditate for anymore. There was a time when I meditated because it was good and it satisfied me, even with problems and imperfections I was calm and serene. But now greed has taken over and I feel like crap for seeking spiritual powers, but deep down I know that without...
  26. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1595: Which way do the chakras spin?

    The exercises say to untwist the chakras as vortices of energy, but I could not find information in which direction each of them spins?
  27. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1594: Insecurity.

    My psychology is upside down, I can't like myself. I'm constantly comparing myself with the types of girls my boyfriend likes and I'm constantly crying. He doesn't like me. What if I'm not a blonde but a wheat-skinned person.
  28. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1593: Void Meditation Time

    Is sudden excessive Void Meditation harmful to the mind? For example, upgrading from 10 minutes to 30 minutes or 1 hour?
  29. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1592: What year do we live in?

    So as a Satanist what year do we live in? How many months there are, and how long are these months? Should we follow an already existing calendar like the yazidi? Or may I ask, what year should we live in, how many months should there are be, and how long these months should last, if we want an...
  30. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1591: how to mature asap

    What is the fastest way to mature without having kids or getting married? I'm not ready to move out rents are crazy here in southern cali but I feel living with extended family is making me lazy or staying comfortable. I work but the season is ending this Wednesday and I'm worried I'm gonna...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1590: Retrograde Moons Nodes in my Natal Chart

    I know that the moons nodes have to do with fate but is there any significance or major difference to them in the Natal chart if they're retrograde? I wanted to know because I just found out that my moons nodes were retrograde in my natal chart. Thanks
  32. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1589: I don't know what I'm missing, why am I so?

    You say that in order to be successful you have to have a strong Solar chakra, purity of soul..., but I observe people who are far from Satanism and yet they are quite successful, in my opinion, at least these people are not hungry, they have jobs and comfort at home. They have no worries about...
  33. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1587: relationship

    How do I get a boyfriend when I don't have social media and don't go to parties ? I know he won't show up in front of my house ( and that would be weird ). I've never been in a relationship, and I think it's about time I experimented.
  34. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1586: How would laws change if Jews are exposed

    You know how antisemitism is illegal in the U.S and other countries in the world. not sure how much of the world. If say Jews get exposed became mainstream somehow in the future. In the US I can't imagine much success going on, especially since they are deeply protected with laws and everything...
  35. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1585: Invocation

    When we invoke a God or Goddess, do they know exactly why we invoke them? Should we tell them why we are invoking them and what we need help with? How many minutes should this take? For example, if I have to talk for 10-15 minutes, if I have to explain myself, is that okay?
  36. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1584: to gain something you have to give something

    I have always been a selfish person, but not that selfish. Since I was a child I always hated to share my things no matter what, food, clothes, etc. I like to help people, but not by giving them my things. My grandma says I am a bad person. I don't want to be like that but sometimes I have...
  37. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1583: palmistry

    I found a person who does palmistry consultations. There is a free test and a paid one ( which is expensive, in dollars it would be cheap but not in my country's currency ). Should I try the free one?
  38. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1582: Tip

    Do you guys think it would be good for me to start doing a 216+ suryae soul cleansing, and drop the June ritual program? Along with hatha yoga and kundalini yoga to focus completely on cleansing and then empowerment? I stopped doing energetic kundalini yoga because I decided to focus on rituals...
  39. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1581: What do you think of Omnism as spiritual satanists?

    Great introduction to Omnism: https://www.alittlebithuman.com/omnist-info-guide-to-ominism/
  40. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1580: Satan's psalms

    I am unable to locate Psalms of Satan. Can someone help me?
  41. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1579: Trouble concentrating and meditating

    Is there any type of rune working that I can use to help me focus and concentrate on meditations and mental images and visualizations? I'm always scatter brained and I cant hold images or focus on my meditations for very long.
  42. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1578: AQUIRING PROPERTY

    what is the best rune/runes that allow me to purchase a house in the most quick and efficient manner for me?
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1574: I'm a broken-hearted SS woman.

    How do I know if I am astrologically compatible? I get very heartbroken and feel worthless. Sometimes I even hate the way I look. I don't understand why this is happening, why instead of being a faithful mate to me he does perverted things like other people do, a SS man shouldn't be like this...
  44. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1576: After I do rtrs

    almost everytime i do rtrs my internet goes out for a few seconds, why is that?
  45. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1575: Does satan protect his own? (Part 2)

    Same guy from question #1489 here, (And I still sleep with a gun at night) While the situation of an intruder breaking and entering is definitely scary, is also simple enough compared to the paranormal. (When I mean "an intruder", it's totally not a reference, just a simple intruder)...
  46. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1574: I'm a broken-hearted SS woman.

    I have a boyfriend. I'm a woman and my boyfriend doesn't desire me. I have done everything I can to solve this problem, but I am powerless. He likes porn stars more, he desires naked women around, but he doesn't desire me at all. He rarely initiates sex. And yes, he brags about his high libido...
  47. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1573: Why the racial tolerance?

    You claim to be National Socialist yet you deny NS doctrine. "The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so it is merely because he is of a...
  48. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1572: Being Open

    Hi there I’d like to know what chakras must i work on in order to see & hear the Gods when summoned,what power meditations should I do I thank you 🙏
  49. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1571: Making money illegally like the enemy does but for the cause to advance JoS

    I'm a [CENSORED] and can make a lot of money and donate. To this cause. Is this a problem?
  50. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1570: periods..

    what can we do with the blood from menstruation or on the days when we are menstruating?
  51. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1569: ancient stories

    why apple is a symbol of sin ?
  52. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1537: About Demon Lovers

    As far as I am aware and from the feeling that I got, he wasn't Satanic. But then again, it feels empty and hollow when I look back on him, because I know, I saw, it's been confirmed by the God himself as well, that my partner is no longer alive and his soul has been dissipated for centuries now.
  53. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1567: Focusing on Breed Weaknesses

    I am black, and I need meditations on my frontal lobe, so that it can develop I don't want to be degenerate forever. But I need something unique to that region of the brain. I am not talking about the
  54. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1566: What are the characteristics of individual empowerment of the two?

    What is the difference between ida and pingala? What do the two alone manifest in a person? How does one help the other in awakening and what is that awakening. According to the laws of the universe that would be equivalent to O and 1? It seems to me that shakti works as a non-dualistic force
  55. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1565: sorry for the long text

    Because of family problems that happened to me when I was younger, nowadays it is a little difficult for me to communicate with the gods or to hear them in a clearer way. I've had incredibly clear and nice communications happen to me but it probably stumps me in some way. They were always very...
  56. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1563: I want to cry with so much anger that I'm going through

    Lately everything is going wrong in my life or something, I know life is not perfect but I was having a giant peace and things were not even bothering me, now little things are and can turn into giant things, Saturn's transit has not even started yet
  57. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1562: Ancient Civilization were full of Semetic Gods.

    Osiris haved Skull,Semetic Genetic. Main God of Egypt,Aryan Civilization. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6SUC3Cb01Otm36pDRosdT6w82XjAXDPKO3xxxZYx4v4NMYIP7Y76DZ2ptJMpTIVwgve4&usqp=CAU https://upload.wikimedia.org/wi...
  58. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1561: what you guys think of sadhgurus wife death

    Some of you might know sadhguru wife performed the mahasamadhi. Which is when yogis decide to consciously leave their body permanently. There's a lot of claims that sadhguru actually did off with her and burned her body right away to hide any evidence. Even with the request of her father to wait...
  59. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1560: adult

    How to deal with the fact that I will become an adult in a while ??? I will be coming of age in a few weeks and this is scaring me. I don't even have a job, I'm focusing a lot on my studies, I asked for help to get a job and now it's all about patience. Not to mention that this is very strange...
  60. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1559: I’m not sure if these are good wealth aspects

    Hi! I have Venus(14 degrees) and Mars(15 degrees) very tightly conjunct in Scorpio, 8th house. Both are squaring my chart ruler Neptune. I am unsure if these positions are positive for money due to the bad Mars degree. Thank’s in advance for any explanation! Hail Satan!
  61. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1558: Blasphemous entertainment

    I'm a little afraid to ask this on the forum, and I'll keep this short. Is it okay to enjoy games like Doom, despite their blasphemous nature? They don't influence my beliefs, I'm not sure they are okay to play
  62. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1557: urgent !!!!

    I am the girl who messaged here about the person I was friends with, and now she is bad-mouthing me. She started it all, and now she is making me out to be the villain. I have had several dreams that I would argue with her and people close to me as well. I am not a person who has a lot of...
  63. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1554: pregnancy

    I want to program my aura to never get pregnant. I am really afraid of that and I am sure I don't want children. What affirmation could I make to be healthy and not because of some problem in my uterus or something.
  64. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1553: Why?

    Why does a rock in space, and a ball of radioactive energy manage to influence anything in our lives?
  65. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1552: Does Time flow the same in an astral temple?

    Can you by any chance make it flow slower? And I've read you can meditate in there, will the effects be as good as meditating on the physical plan? If both situations were valid, could we just meditate in the astral temple for an entire day in a few hours realtime?
  66. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1551: Specifics

    I've been doing months worth of magical workings and here I am at the root of my problem and I'm really hoping too solve it this time and get my lofe back but I'm scared my affirmation is going too have some stupid twist and won't give me what I'm looking for
  67. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1537: About Demon Lovers

    I don't think he was. I know that he is no longer alive because I have seen his soul dissipating. Not being taken away to safety, but like actually dying. Like if you saw smoke and it evaporated and dissipated, that's how his soul has. Even a God (yes confirmed that he was working for Satan)...
  68. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1549: Spiritual personal

    What is the best mantra for the manipura Chakra,why doesn't the ram mantra work best? I meditate and roll the r,which is best for activating and opening the third chakra,sometimes the ram mantra works and sometimes don't,I want to open my thirdchakra and not just activate it,I know we all on...
  69. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1548: Why do we get worse if we don't meditate

    Why doesn't kundalini stay where it's at meanwhile we stop meditating. Why didn't satan make us in this manner so that it doesn't retract?
  70. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1547: T-SQUARE in astrology

    Is the T-square a valid aspect in astrology? Definition : "A t-square is formed when (at least) two planets in opposition (180°) both aspect a third planet by square (90°). This third planet, known as the focal planet or apex, is situated around the midpoint of the opposition. All three “legs”...
  71. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1546: Can animals become gods?

    Animals also have chakras, does this mean that they can ascend to godhood if they in one way or another did meditations? Do animals have spiritual properties?
  72. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1545: Gentiles' protection

    Since christians and muslims and jews all get initiated in one way or another to their own religions (bar mitzvah, being baptized, Schahāda), do they get any protection against non-yhwh beings or powers? If so, how strong is this protection?
  73. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1544: Satanic sins

    Although Spiritual Satanism & Joy of Satan Ministries rejects Anton LaVey's concept of Father as an archetype (rightfully so), what about the Nine Satanic sins? Stupidity, Rejecting herd conformity, lack of aesthetics, ect. I am curious, my brothers & sisters in Satan, what are your thoughts &...
  74. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1543: Blindness

    How would a person who is completely blind from birth’s practice be or look different from a person with sight? As in someone with no true concept in their brain as to the sense of sight due to never seeing before besides maybe being able to make out light Those who don’t experience sight in...
  75. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1542: Coping with ritual schedules

    I hope this doesn't come off as offensive but I can't imagine most people with a job or any kind of life participating 100% in the warfare schedules. An RTR a day is a given and a daily god ritual is preferred, something which I don't do as often as I'd like as I have way too much going on. So...
  76. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1541: Replying to posts

    Is there a way to anonymously reply to the people who reply to your ask-satan post? I haven’t seen any way to so maybe there’s no point asking but thought I would just to be sure. So when I use this service I sometimes don’t get the answer I’m looking for or it’s too vague or something or...
  77. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1540: Started a working during VoC moon?

    I started using the mercury mantra today just to see what the energy will do with mercury in taurus because it seems to be beneficial for me but I started apparently on a VoC moon according to the 2023 jos calendar. But I looked at a few astro sites and they said that the moon was at 27 degrees...
  78. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1539: Relapsed on Cannabis

    I'm in the early stage of 40 day meditation program... am I screwed? How badly damaged is my aura from that? are the Gods disappointed in me? Is it ok to do it once a month?
  79. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1538: space

    The signal that was received in Ohio "Wow" by the Big Ear radio telescope in 1977. Could it be some communication from other extraterrestrials ??? from the gods ? It's fake ? error ?
  80. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1537: About Demon Lovers

    I wish to remain anonymous and it'll soon be clear as to why. I am still going to try and attract a perfect partner for myself using Gebo rune that is either an SS or can become an SS and stay as an SS, but my biggest worry is that there is nobody out there for me on Earth. I just feel like if...
  81. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1536: Nice thought

    I wonder if some of the advanced members with more stern dispositions are actually extremely sensitive men with jobs that are traumatic to regular people. When they come here and tell people off it's not because they are curmudgeons... it's something else going on... I know a medic in my city...
  82. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1535: Magical Suicide

    Is it possible for someone to use the death spell to target oneself and commit suicide? Just answer yes or no without any moralizing or anything not related to the question like you do when others ask questions like this one.
  83. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1534: Greying prematurely?

    What really causes graying of hair prematurely and how can fix or correct it? It’s really embarrassing and alarming to have gray hairs and I’m not even in my 30s yet.
  84. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1533: Astrology Question from Beginner

    What causes someone to be the exact opposite of their chart ruler, ascendant, etc traits associated with it? Like I’m Leo sun and Leo rising but there has been no way I can even twist/bend the traits to have them anything like me. Every time I read about fire, sun, or Leo (on JoS and elsewhere)...
  85. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1532: How to punish stealer?

    Some of my personal stuffs were stolen. But I have no idea who stole it. I want to curse the stealer. Besides, I notice that some stuffs were used by others without my permission. It also got me pretty angry and felt offended. I want them to regret about it. This shouldn’t have been done in the...
  86. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1531: I need a real meditation

    Could you send me a PDF with kriyas for me to do? I don't know if YouTube will help me stimulate the chakras or the kundalini, most of the exercises seem weak to me.
  87. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1530: Masochism

    hello, i have a fetish for masochism. is this normal from ss point of view? i am a dedicated satanist and i wonder if this is not porn damage. If this is not normal, tell me what should I do. Thank you
  88. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1529: this is a silly question, I think.

    Can I have a cake with the words "Satan born today?" would that be offensive?? I would like to make this for my birthday.
  89. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1528: tell people that we are Satanists.

    I have a friend that we get along very well, she is very dear to me. She is not a Satanist, but she is in the spiritual world. I know that we shouldn't tell her that we are Satanists, but I would like to tell her, mainly because sometimes she says some things that bother me a little bit, so I...
  90. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1527: A Pedophile Who Calls Themselves a Satanist

    It has recently been revealed to me that someone I knew (who I will no longer call a friend), is a serious pedophile. I am talking about a desire for prepubescent children around 8 (not just girls under the age of consent), they also have admitted to having illegal CP but I do not have any...
  91. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1526: I'm in highschool. this year I finish my studies

    What can I do after I found out that many people in my school are talking bad about me? A person that I thought was my friend and defended her to other people came out badmouthing me, that I am a very envy person and want what she has, I never felt envy of her or anything like that. I intend to...
  92. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1525: Mercury retrograde

    How can Mercury be in retrograde? Unless I am mistaken, only planets that are rotating slower than the Earth can ever be in retrograde, since a planet being retrograde (appearing to move backwards in the sky) is caused by the Earth overtaking it, causing it to appear to be moving backwards. Does...
  93. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1524: This quote

    "If the devotion you have for any god is greater than the one you have for the God within you, you offend both and offend the one." - Sekhmet What is the meaning of this quote? I saw this in the signature of the member called Syt.
  94. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1523: Wim Hof - Dangerous Or Stupid?

    Are any of his practices Satanic? Isn't he simply disarming his body's natural alarm systems to allow himself to tolerate extreme conditions?
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1522: What if we meditated outside the world?

    Would our meditations be more effective? And would we ascend more quickly?
  96. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1521: What color am I?

    My father is Kurdish. My mother is Turkish. My skin color is white. For example, my palms and soles of my feet are pinkish white. The other parts are normal white, but not soul white. It gets a little darker. I actually feel like there is a little bit of yellow color in that white. I am about...
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1520: Hitler Natal Chart

    What interesting things can we extract from his chart?
  98. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1519: Tendency to eat a lot, negative karma from Jupiter?

    Hi, I remember someone on the forum talking about people who eat a lot or have a tendency to gain weight and they mentioned Jupiter. In my case, I have Jupiter retrograde in Virgo in the 5th house. It is highly aspected: it is in trine with the moon and the sun and square with Mercury and...
  99. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1518: Question About Soul Dedication, Children, and Past Lives

    If you dedicate your soul to Satan, is it only for this life or all the ones after? Would we have to rediscover the Satanic path (if magnum opus is not reached) and dedicate again? Some people claim that one's soul may have been Satanic from past lives. What about in ancient Pagan times? Did...
  100. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1517: poppets

    Can I make a poppet and give it to a friend ? she said she would like one, I don't know if she will use it to make magic for someone. She said she would even pay me.
  101. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1516: My parents suck my energy dry

    If you read my topic I thank you for your attention. A part of me wants to focus on Spiritual Satanism but the other part is destroyed by my parents who have no respect for our family and me.They do anything they want without giving a shit about what happens to me. They are so selfish and they...
  102. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1515: The sixth chakra

    Hi How can I feel the 6th chakra when opening it,as in now I’m busy with opening the soul meditation,I can chant the “YAUM” but I’m having difficulties locating/directing the vibrations to that certain point
  103. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1514: Runes Come From Latin Alphabet??

    Why not use Roman or Greek or Phoenician alphabets instead of Germanic Runes? They are older and more original. Germanic Runes only have the shape they do to make writing (carving) them on wood easier. Why use Elder Futhark and not other versions by other Germanic tribes? I know they work, and...
  104. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1513: maybe it's my intuition or I'm crazy

    I am going through a strange process. I don't know if this is my intuition getting stronger or what. Context : if I think about a certain thing it's like I have the answer (positive or negative), example if I think about going out today and I feel something negative I won't go, but if I think...
  105. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1512: Choline urticaria

    Hello brothers and sisters! I have always been troubled by hives, whenever I exercise or in summer, after sweating, I will get itchy and rash all over my body. It's summer again, and things are getting serious again... Last night I started to itch just before I fell asleep and when I scratched...
  106. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1511: Changing clothes after yoga

    I suffer from OCD and I have a doubt that I'm struggling with. I would like to start practicing yoga every day as suggested, but my doubt is, should I change clothes and shower every day after every yoga session? For example if I practice Kundalini yoga in the morning and Hatha in the evening...
  107. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1509: Angel numbers

    I have been receiving a lot of angel numbers, and I've been wondering is this Satan's and my possible guardian demon's way of communicating with me?
  108. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1508: Venus trine Part/Lot of Fortune and Neptune

    I would really appreciate an interpretation of what this means. I could never find a real meaning for Part/Lot of Fortune. I know that Neptune and Venus aspects can bring great creativity, but the only way they interact at all in my chart is through a trine with Part/Lot of Fortune. If Part/Lot...
  109. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1507: How to calculate fixed stars?

    I'm too embarrassed to ask this publicly as its probably obvious but i looked on jos-astro and when i typed in my chart it gave me an endless list of stars that means nothing to me, how do i know which stars apply to me?
  110. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1505: A Few Questions on Racial Mixing

    1: Am I allowed to be here and accepted here as equal (in the way of still having differences due to my race but just not being lesser since I’m still 100% gentile) and fully capable of spiritual growth if I was born mixed race/racially mixed? So would I be seen as lesser if I am? Background...
  111. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1504: Can me and my husband do Onlyfans

    Firstly fuck all porn and all that degenerate kike shit. I am 100% against it especially the industry which is owned by the enemies but what about making it yourself? If one is going to have sex with their monogamous partner anyways, what difference is it to turn on a camera and post it online...
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1503: Is It Ethical To Plan Births For Specific Natal Charts???

    I assume, from what other members have written, that your natal chart is determined by the exact moment you are "born", I.e. first breath outside of womb (or some other unarbitrary event). Meaning artificially planned births like C section etc, effect natal chart. This is opposed to say natal...
  113. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1502: Question To Advanced Members

    I know spirituality is not some bizarre science experiment to be toyed around with, but there are many skeptics around. Seeing as our goal is enlightenment, this might help convince a lot of people: I want to know if any members here have successfully, empirically in a scientific manner...
  114. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1501: Sleeping during the day, living at night, harmful?

    From time to time I go into this mode of life, say I can live for a month or two at night and sleep during the day. If I sleep normally during the day, using earplugs, and a light mask, is it harm in some other way?
  115. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1500: How does Bohemian Grove connect to the Jews?

    Human sacrifice in front of a giant stone owl?
  116. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1499: Do satanists show empathy?

    Just wondering.
  117. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1498: Moon in Aries

    The Astrology of Azazel never mentions this, but i noticed that people with the moon in aries tend to have very big egos and being selfish, exactly like people with jupiter in aries. The moon also rules the emotions so it would make sense. What do you think?
  118. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1497: Jewish magic disguised as gentile? Or is it just delirium

    Why can "THE FIVE NAMES OF MARDUK" be used? They seem to me more like a book of alien invocation than a manifestation of the power of the Gods. Tell me that I am wrong, because I would like to use them
  119. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1496: How Do I change my fate and keep my life under my control

    My astrology says all the planets in my natal chart is weak..How do I completely change my destiny and keep my life under my control so that no planets which are weak in my chart can bring any bad misfortunes or any negative events in my life ?
  120. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1495: Hi to all my dear brothers and sisters in satan

    I actually belong to a very good spiritual hindu family ..I was really brainwashed by christians 9 years back ..And I thought that christian god is the only true God and hence I became a christian ..I have also read the bible many and many times as well ..I was actually a very good spiritual...
  121. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1494: Gostaria de ter livros para ler sobre satan [I would like to have books to read about satan]

    venho me dedicando a essa incrivel organização nossa que vem me trazendo a verdade e energia através de Satan em minhas meditações, porem estou interessado em fazer mais! quero estudar mais sobre o assunto e nao quero pegar livros que estão errados ou ensinam de maneiras incorretas. Poderiam me...
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1493: How do you know if the third eye is open?

    What changes should take place?
  123. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1492: Larping

    Did Himmler or Hitler meet you in a spiritiual capacity and correct the racial guidelines for the SS? You guys unironically call Untermensch SS.
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1491: Algiz rune

    what are all the things that we can use the agliz rune for? Can we use it to protect us from things other than just negative energies? can we use it to protect us from almost any negative occurrences or negative people in our lives? Can we use it to protect ourselves from having negative...
  125. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1490: Best Jobs with a Lot of Free Time??? Any Suggestions

    I'm thinking of getting a career with a lot of free time so that I could meditate and chant . I live in a third-world country. Also, my saturn is in gemini and in the third-house which caused me to have problems with speech, manual dexterity, and writing (sad face). My natal saturn also caused...
  126. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1489: Does satan protect his own?

    Besides the paranormal, there are things that also go bump in the night, Like negroes, spics and other ooga booga races. There are normal people in my area too but many more primitive races to the point that I sleep with a gun every night. As a dedicated satanist, I wonder about my chances of...
  127. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1488: a very personal question (only for men, women don't watch)

    I made this post on behalf of all heterosexual alpha males. the topic touched upon is the most serious (it is as important as the life of all mankind and the mind in the universe as a whole). Attention! Why is there no Satanic website about female chakras, their ideal forms of the golden ratio...
  128. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1487: High priests

    Why does it seem only one high priest posts or responses on the forum. Are the other high priests on the joy of Satan web site no longer spiritual satanists. (Seems like one time there was a high priest Danko) Would be nice to get some other perspective on the website. How many high priests are...
  129. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1486: Becoming a Social Media Influencer and Astrology questions

    Hello I was wondering what the 9th house rulerships are about in our lives. The jos astrology section says that the 9th house rules publishing and I was wondering if this means publishing things like books, advertisements or other things like this to the public and publishing content on social...
  130. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1485: jupiter square and weight gain

    I was doing the Jupiter square to gain weight, and it was working but only on my stomach ( I stopped ). I claimed that I was gaining weight in a positive and healthy way. What did I do wrong? I want to gain weight and other parts of me grow together. What kind of affirmation should I make?
  131. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1484: family

    what to do with a relative who treats you very badly. I live with my grandmother and she is horrible. I will move in with my mother at the end of the year, but until then it is many months. ( it seems like every day she treats me worse, I don't let her yell at me or mistreat me, but it's...
  132. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1483: Void of Course Moon

    Hello, I have a few questions about the void of course moon. I will be glad if you answer. 1.Can I increase the number of repetitions of a work I continue while in the VoC? 2.If there is a health problem when in the VoC, can I clean it with the Sun or will this be ineffective? 3.Is it...
  133. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1482: The reality?

    Hello! I want to ask that I wanted to summon Azazel and Forneus. I summoned Azazel and asked him to come to dream. I dream that night of two people saying that you are too pure to deal and went away. After that I saw a very large goldenish colour bat in the garden. Then, after sometime, I felt...
  134. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1481: feeling temped becuase no extra time

    It's me that horny sailor that is attracted to dark skin girls here (from question 744) It has been long since I stopped watching porn with dark skin girls but I'm uncontrollably been imagining sexy dark skin indian girls at certain times but mostly at night, but I'm trying to get back with my...
  135. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1480: promise to the enemy's???? LMAO

    I have **** in my name ( I already have 3 other names ) This is my second name, I am going to change my name that in the case would be to remove it then would only be the other 3. My family says that my mother put **** because she made a promise to the enemy because according to her, the doctor...
  136. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1479: Lol I dont beleive god

    Can i beleive satan in here?
  137. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1478: Firmament

    My neighbor is a major trump conspiracy theorist he believes as do most that the evil government people are satanists bur he says some Jos type stuff and he said that space is actually an ocean and God made a firmament for us
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1477: Past life and astrology

    İs South Lunar Node qualities (its house,sign and conjuct with planets etc) are enough to give hint about my past or should i look other locations? (I am just improving myself in astrology by the way so if anyone can help me with this i may be glad about the communication.)
  139. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1476: Astral Temple

    I want to ask about the astral Temple. Where can I place it in my soul (I was thinking of putting it in the chakra of the heart). And should I do the ritual of CONSECRATING AND EMPOWERING YOUR RITUAL TOOLS and BANISHING RITUAL until I become astral strong and then start doing the other rituals?
  140. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1474: Doing a money spell on others

    Hi I want to ask that the potency or success of a money spell when casting it on others; what is it depends on? Ones' abilities, ones' that being cast upon ? Since I am planning to do a money spell on my family members and looking at my natal chart I have no earth whatsoever? Thank you.
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1473: Descendants of adam?

    So I was reading the Black Book of Satan. And at the begin of Chapter II it says, “I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know.” So is it true that we are of the seed of adam? Becuz if I’m not wrong Adam was the first who man created by jehova in...
  142. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1472: Where is Black Dragon?

    Where is JG Blackdragon666 [JG]? He hasn't made any posts since March 22, and when I went to see the last time he logged into his account there is a hyphen in the place where the date should be
  143. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1471: We are a society of Satanists who demand a secret training "munka workout"!

    Due to past life regressions and signs from the gods, I am sure that there is a non-standard "munka" called "munka workout" and I demand on behalf of all dedicated sovereign Satanists to publish it. and I know for sure that there are still secret exercises high priest, we ask you to share them...
  144. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1470: Is Satan my guardian? the girl from the forum sends me mental signals

    At first I thought I didn't have a guardian demon, and then I started thinking about this question, and I was visited by a mental signal from Satan, then I meditated and tried to be open, and my mind began to transform the signals so that I could hear and feel one woman from the forum, and then...
  145. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1468: The difference between an spells and meditate with the gods

    What is the difference between doing a spell for love or money And meditate with the gods for a specific thing Will the gods spells lead us to achieve something or will they help us directly without doing the spells or rtl? Or when we are unable to do a mantra due to circumstances, but we can...
  146. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1467: music negativity

    I have been listening to a lot of Asian music like aincent one's,an had gotten alot of negativity from listening to some, I have no problems with Japanese music, but I get the negativity from alot of Chinese music,an have no clue why,I would clean my chakras after some,but when I was younger I...
  147. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1466: Need some positivity

    I'm going through a rut, and need some motivation to push forwards, what do you think this world will look like when we win and are finally free?
  148. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1465: My severe headache

    I continue to develop myself spiritually. I have been SS for 2 years. When I invoked a Goddess, I felt pressure and pain in my 3rd eye while focussing on the seal. Since then I have been experiencing pain both in my 3rd eye and in my head and inside my brain?
  149. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1464: The devil, hell and Christians

    I saw several videos on YouTube from former Satanists. One claimed he was in hell and saw people burn forever and ever, another saw his mother and father who died 10 years ago in hell, warning him to repent or he'd end up in hell with them. The most "fascinating" of all, was one who had...
  150. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1463: How to do it safely?

    So I want to start a tiktok, with I saying things about Satanism, and I want to do it with voice changer, or somehow make my voice different. I know that these can be reversed, and so that my real voice revealed. So is there such a way that it is not reversable? I don't want to include my face...
  151. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1462: White god creates black race ?

    As a proud Black man I cannot accept that some white god of yours created my people. This is a very laughable thing among the African spiritualist community. I find this highly disrespectful to my people.
  152. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1461: Those who are without

    I've heard a lot of sentiment around here that the world will eventually wake up, but it will be too late for a majority of them. What does this mean? What will happen to those who try to wake up when it's too late? I ask because I have friends and family who are without, and it would kill me to...
  153. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1460: Blowjob

    I want to know if a blowjob or sucking dick is degenerate
  154. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1459: I've been thinking about a certain demon

    I've been thinking about a certain demon, every time I see a picture of this demon It get stuck in my head the longest but I can't hear anyone on the astral so is he/she trying to contact me or it's my guardian demon? Can someone explain please?
  155. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1458: Are there only 2 kinds in this world, Gentiles and jews, or are there others?

    After all, if there are aliens it means there are a great many of them, in this world on this planet only 2 forces?
  156. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1457: painting the fallen angel

    ""The Fallen Angel - in French, L'Ange déchu - is a painting by the French artist Alexandre Cabanel. It was painted in 1847, when the artist was 24 years old, and depicts Lucifer after his fall from paradise"" ""Alexandre Cabanel's painting "The Fallen Angel" can be interpreted as a...
  157. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1456: Title

    Given the current evolution, wouldn't the title of grand master or hierophant be more appropriate than an anachronistic high priest? Arcanoram666
  158. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1455: have new body and new appearance

    is it possible demons materialize as full physical human exactly like another living person? or can satan create physical human body exactly like another living person...and then switch human body with that body?..or transfer human soul in that body?...to have new body and new appearance
  159. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1454: It's not my post but I was curious about the answers

    After the Harry Potter post I got pensive ( not my post ). Almost everything these days is Jewish and unfortunately they are infiltrated in everything so it is very hard to find something that is not Jewish or has Jews involved. And they talked about the satanic filter and that we have enough...
  160. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1453: chakras

    Are the chakras very quickly misaligned? or are there some things that misalign them?
  161. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1452: Problems with balancing and solar-moon breathing

    My right nostril is always not breathing well, and it prevents me from doing solar-moon breathing. What other ways are there to activate the right/solar channel?
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1451: how to deal and do

    How to deal with your body and your features ? a while ago I read a little sermon by Maxine ( unfortunately I lost the link ) that she talked about how she liked to lift weights because she was tall and had the structure for it...etc. I don't like my body and features and am already doing work...
  163. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1450: Dedication ritual

    Can the dedication ritual be performed again if the first one was done inferiorly?
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1449: Ancient civilization:China

    Did ancient china's culture and religion had anything to do with Satan and the gods?
  165. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1448: Kids discipline

    Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?
  166. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1447: feelings

    what could it be to feel a bad feeling all day or most of the day?
  167. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1446: Sharing my german translation of Joy of Satan (almost 600 pages)

    Hello, I started translating the full website into German quite a while ago but never got to end it (or, at least make it public) due to various reasons. I feel that the time is ripe to do my part by releasing it to the German audience on the forum. If there is already a translation out there...
  168. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1445: probably an attack

    yesterday I had a fucked up dream, I won't write details, people who I suspect in my surroundings as Jews started to turn into some fucking monsters in this dream, their eyeballs turned and attacked me. Throughout the dream, strange apparitions attacked me. at the very end, some character...
  169. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1444: About dedication ritual

    Instead of finger blood, I used blood from a different part of the body, I just cut a different place. Did it work?
  170. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1443: Falun Dafa

    I've seen videos of jews doing falun gong, clearly the movements and the way in which they did it all, it was disgusting and sick. But my question is why they manage to do Falun Gong, what's in it for them? I think it must be nothing because they don't have the crown chakra or the anja. But...
  171. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1442: Got my partner to do a rtr

    Well actually i made him learn the pronunciations and sing it to a beat we self made. Its the destroying jewsus rtr. I wonder if it still works without doing the affirmations? Maybe not? He told me his eyes a opening since we hav been dating. I make him watch truth videos and read JoS to him.
  172. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1441: dream interpretation

    Do you know anyone who has the ability to interpret dreams? How do I make it work?
  173. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1440: On burning candles with sigils on them

    I have a few candles with sigils carved into them, is it insulting to light them? Like the whole concept of having something beautiful like a candle in the shape of an obelisk or with a god sigil is appealing to me, but is it bad to light it? I am destroying it in essence. Thank you.
  174. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1439: Byleth

    With this red as original as my blood Go deep into your consciousness. Teach him this love that even he himself does not know. Sprouting, growing and growing. Because you said love was created and created. Help me reach this height that everyone wants but can't feel. Enchant me again, for the...
  175. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1438: How do you know if you are a gentile or a jew?

    How can you tell if your soul is pagan or jewish?
  176. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1437: Initiation destroys the jews?

    Hello, what happens to the jews who made the consecration of the soul to Father Satan? Can jews use our teachings and apply them?
  177. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1436: Just another sad irony

    Is this xian nonsense? Why should I treat well those who do not deserve my good treatment? The people around me are corrupt. High ranking officials take bribes, they don't think about the next generation. They only seek to fill their own bellies by destroying all infrastructure, favoring only...
  178. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1435: Is the 40 Day Meditation Program worth if one haven't performed the Dedication Ritual to Satan yet?

    Hello. I'm currently at Days 12-16 of the 40 Day Meditation Program but I haven't performed the Dedication ritual yet because I must confess that I don't feel ready and that I have to cumulate more knowledge in order of overcoming my fear of dedicating myself to Satan. This fear comes from the...
  179. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1434: Is it ok to flush the ashes down the sink/toilet after a standard satanic ritual?

    I washed the ashes down the sink. will it affect the result?
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1433: God rituals?

    What exactly do our God rituals do? What are their effects on reality?
  181. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1432: Harry Potter

    Can I watch Harry Potter movies or is it jewish?
  182. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1431: Seeing Violet Color

    I was meditating and trying to see using my third eye. I’m only seeing violet/indigo color. Does it mean anything? Aside from it’s meaning
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1430: relationship

    How do I know if I'm ready for a relationship??? I'm insecure, but it's not a question that the person is going to leave me at any moment, it's just appearance. does it really holes in the way?
  184. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1429: Renunciation of Christianity

    Does it make sense to do a ritual of renunciation of Christianity? If so, how to make it right?
  185. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1428: Directing energy?

    How should we properly direct energy? The 3rd step for magic. If someone can give me a comprehensive instruction I'll be grateful.
  186. AskSatanOperator


    24 hours ago I was absolutely fucking miserable. I wanted to die, I was so close to making a suicide attempt. It's been like this for a long time, until now. Now I feel like I'm shining like the Sun, I feel a level of peace that no drug or antidepressant could ever obtain, nor any therapist...
  187. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1426: chakra spinning

    can you replace "words of power" for each chakra with the "ez chakra spin" in your daily routine
  188. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1425: chakra strength

    is there words of power in strengthening each chakra if there already open and empowered?
  189. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1424: Resurrection, is it possible?

    To revive a dead body using magic. would it simply involve forcing a soul into an avatar or what? does it only work if the person just died and their soul is just leaving? Obviously this assumes body is mostly intact
  190. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1423: Poppets and Herbs

    I dont know squat about plant lore so I wouldn't be able to source the herbs naturally, assuming the right herbs even grow where I live. Is it okay if I get them from a store.
  191. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1422: food allergies

    is it possible with spiritual advancement to overcome allergies or intolerance to a certain food?
  192. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1421: make a mistake in the ritual

    in the rituals of honoring gods, if I get a part or a word wrong? I have to start all over again
  193. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1420: Ali al hariri

    Who was Ali al hariri and how could I learn about him
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1419: Regarding my previous question about arts' metadata

    This is a followup to my previous question: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=85768&sid=5169e8d4c17e88307abdfbcd6dc57dce Check comments of following users in these topics, first one, the "Alpheccas", guy who fucking wrote one post, that there is no need to hide any longer...
  195. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1418: I have the information for the book ready, but I don't want to register

    I am ready to create a final Satanist training program. only I have no desire to register on the mail and forum, can I write it here, and then you will already make a pdf file from the text?
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1417: full moon an items

    Do you have to wait till a full moon to concentrate an item I have a crystal I would like to use with meditation but wasn't sure if I would have to wait an consecrate it
  197. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1416: balance male female energy

    Is their any meditation to balance the male an female energy It's because I did a spell that may have imbalance the energys in me an would like to be more balanced yin an yang
  198. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1415: How do we give energy to the Gods?

    I wanted to give energy to one of the gods to say thanks for them being present and helping me in my life but I'm not sure how to properly do this and I hope I didn't do it wrong. Last night I vibrated Sowilo x80 and tried to form it into a ball and give it to one of the gods but I'm not sure if...
  199. AskSatanOperator

    Question #1413: Which would be?

    Qi gong or righteous spiritual practices like falun dafa, were they given to humans by Demons?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
