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  1. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3392: Is this astral vision?

    Everyday, since the past year, I have been seeing random shots of color out of the blue. Sometimes I see little dots of light in my vision. I have been meditating rather inconsistently but I have done the psychic hearing and sight points meditation in the past. When I am meditating I see them...
  2. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3391: Is my solar working invalid/should I start over?

    Hello I started using the shortened version of the Sun's mantra 80x for a working to improve my relationships with other people as well as my overall popularity but I started on a waning moon. however the moon was in leo when I started and also it was on a sunday during the hour of the sun. will...
  3. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3390: Trouble with my Mother

    My mother always tries to push things which I am 0 interested with .She wants me to enter a career in which I m least interested and I want to pursue the career of my interest and that which gives me happiness But she bugs me a lot irritating me ..How to change her mind so that either she is...
  4. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3389: Faith

    I lose my faith, i stop meditation engage in lazyness and i fell like life is worthless, how i convince my self to go back to the way and how to Stay focus everiday? Im tired of falling and raising again i cannot construct nothing because i dont have consistency, i need advice because i dont...
  5. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3388: Existence

    How to end existence at all levels of being?
  6. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3387: MEANING OF NUMBER 88??

  7. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3386: brown-eyed people are an inferior race?

    I have a strong dislike for brown-eyed people. I think they're shit, no different than degenerates.
  8. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3385: Dulce base, flood of Enlil and more questions.

    Is the Dulce base thing real? Is Philip Schneider a fraud? Are the words of Zecharia Stichin true? What is the flood of Enlil? What exactly is jewtrix? What is the main sephiroth? What are the 32 Paths of Solomon? Are there grays on our planet now? I read that reptilians came to Earth...
  9. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3384: Regarding incest

    Many people here In the forum seem to love this thing ..In western world is this considered normal and even natural ??if not why do people seem to like it ..Are these people who think this is ok having any psychological problems ???
  10. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3383: Question to power of justice and general Yeager

    Who are those military people in your profile photo ??why did you draw inspiration from them ??
  11. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3382: Star of David and SATAN

    The star of david represents satan 6 pointed star 6 triangles surrounding 6 sided hexagon 666 2 equilateral triangles 60 - 60 - 60 degrees
  12. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3381: the man oppenheimer

    i had noticed certain people like oppenheimer who are jews who were behind manhattan project ..many such people actually look like some poisonous reptile ,Oppenheimer is just an example ..Their eyes show some poison which only reptile creatures have ..why so??Or am i just overtly imaginating?
  13. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3380: how should I take it

    1)if something extremely bad happens to should you take it like this "even this is for something good " or " no it is the reflection of your natal karma " .. 2)Also do people who have good natal karma ,are they never affected by the jewish curses?
  14. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3379: chakra opening

    when doing chakra opening ,i feel some unusual tingling ,someone running over me ,,someone tickling me and all such things ..Why?
  15. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3378: something starts happening when seeing knife,fire

    when I see certain things ,,something starts happening in my mind ..I start becoming very much terrified ,as If I will take the knife and stab myself brutally ..I do not know why ..please help me sort out the solution
  16. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3377: I saw a very important video

    I saw a video where a parents had forgiven a murderer for killing their son and decided not to take justice ..This video and the people of such likes seem so unnatural to me ..By forgiving ,are we actually NOT allowing crimes to perpetuate more and more ..And this video had almost 4 million...
  17. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3376: Who are the Archons of our matrix?

    Who are the Archons of our matrix? Are these involuntary pillars or something else
  18. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3375: I have heavy anxiety problem that is really killing me..I am crying out of pain of this

    I have heavy anxiety problem ..This is really paining me from deep ..Please tell me which specific meditation or runic vibration must be done consistently so that this cancer is gone away from me
  19. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3374: incest?

    Hello Can incest used just for pleasure without creating a offspring?? If it only destroy s genetics off the ofspring what if families will just have sex for fun. ?? Is it still harmful ??
  20. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3373: Lydia's my friend?

    When I read what Lydia writes I get a friendly vibe. Is that normal for everyone?As a child I had thoughts in my past life, and one of them was about returning home to my friends in the temple from traveling. I remember with warmth that all my real friends are real Satanists, but now I am reborn...
  21. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3372: How to program aether to balance elements for beginners?

    I'm a little unskilled at evoking ether in trance. teach me how to evoke ether and program without trance.
  22. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3371: Please help me!!! Important Question!!! Love/sexual magic based on the photo

    Please answer my questions to as many participants as possible! It is very difficult for me to visualize some people when I have not seen them for several days. It's like something in my head is trying to block the image, I don't know what it's related to, but if I focus on a person I don't...
  23. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3369: Enemy Attacks

    Why do some people get attacked by enemies and others don't? Do the Gods protect some people more and others less? Which Satanists are more likely to be attacked by the enemy?
  24. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3368: My christian friend whom I really pity

    I tell my christian friend everything in the most simple lay man terms as if I am explaining the truth to some child ..(although I do NOT tell of satanism or such ) but the truth of christianity ,Yet that person is super stubborn and all my words fall only on deaf ears ..The more I use logic...
  25. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3367: how to identify a womaniser ,a rapist from his natal chart

    how do you identify a playboy,a womaniser ,a rapist or the one who has absolutely 0 humanity when doing such degenerate things from his natal chart?exactly what planetary combinations make this ?
  26. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3366: I don't know my enemy's ascendant

    I know my enemy's date of birth and the Vedic star and moon zodiac sign in which he was born .I know the sun zodiac sign as well .But I do Not know my enemy's birth time ,since birth time alone can tell you ,what exact ascendant this person belongs to by which spells can be worked on .What are...
  27. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3365: Does this mean anything?

    Hello. Please answer me this question. In view of the situation around me (studying, I get so tired that sometimes I fall asleep without even having time to start cleaning my aura), I now very rarely meditate, but I try to at least do a little yoga to maintain my bioelectricity level. And at...
  28. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3364: How will closing my chakras affect my performance?

    I’m a martial artist and I have a fight in a few days. When I close my chakras before I fight I feel calmer and I can focus and I feel less anxiety about the crowd and less distractions. However, are there negative side effects to closing my chakras when I fight on stage?
  29. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3363: I was dedicated on my birthday

    Greetings, I was dedicated on my birthday, does that have any effect? And I don't know my birth time. Even though I fell asleep that day, I woke up at 5 a.m. without an alarm. It was exactly 5 a.m. Do you think this could be related to my birth time? Could the gods have helped me in this way...
  30. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3362: About vibrating Lord Sorath's name

    Hello everyone! Can I use Lord Sorath's name to open the Sun Chakra? Also, I want to use it in spirituality, is that also possible? If it's possible, I don't know if Lord Sorath would approve, do you think I should use it? And what information can you give me about Lord Sorath? I have read...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3361: Losing Weight & Karma

    Whenever I start a diet to lose weight or limit my eating, I get into a state of extreme stress and struggle. I don't think about solutions, but about problems, and it's as if there is a negative karma in my soul about weight and food. Material solutions no longer help and I need a spiritual...
  32. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3360: Do the enemy alien entity knows the natal chart of all gentiles !?

    Is it possible for the alien reptilian entity to worsen the natal chart of gentiles by amplifying the malefic energies of malefic planets present in an individual natal chart ??!
  33. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3358: About Trance-ing replacing sleep

    Hi dear SS family, I have recently read on the forums that being in a deep trance state provides the same healing properties than 4 hours of traditional sleep (please correct me if I am wrong). According to that statement, could one be able to replace it altogether with 2 or 3 hours of trance...
  34. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3357: runes for stopping the effect of malefic planet and its transits

    what runes or manthras should i regularly use to totally STOP any bad planetary transit or malefic planet in my natal chart causing me any sort of harm or misfortune ?
  35. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3356: christianity and its anti life teachings

    many billion gentiles convert to this foul religion ,while many others who have common sense ,rationality ,logic stay away from this ugly religion..which planet if malefic in chart makes one to get attracted to this foul religion??
  36. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3355: bad natal chart

    1) I have a very bad natal chart ..is it because of my own negative karma ,family karma ,ancestor karma or is it because of jewish curses?? 2)Does jewish curses amplify the worstness of malefic planets more in natal chart ??
  37. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3354: I have lost my job

    This has made me lost focus and hope to find a new job. Help please
  38. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3353: Fixed stars doubt

    How do I know which fixed star is present in your natal chart
  39. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3352: I cannot thank you people or you brothers and sisters enough

    My life is really going for better after coming to JOS and doing Jos stuffs .thank you guys a very billion times
  40. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3351: What is the correct way to Vibrate Munka?

    I just wanted to ask something about Munka and I hope it gets answered before the moon enters and leaves scorpio. A while back I noticed someone here mention that you can vibrate Munka without vibrating the YYAAHH part. as in just vibrating it like MMM-UUU-NNNN-KKKK-AAAHH as it is spelled out...
  41. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3350: My life was made into a manga and an anime. Do the gods approve?

    I was watching an anime one day and realized that it detailed my life. All my goals and what is important to me and what is not. I looked beyond where I live now and this future has already started to happen in my life and I wondered what this phenomenon is and if I can change my destiny.
  42. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3349: Question About The Dedication Ritual

    I have just completed the dedication ritual, but I had to do it under unsatisfactory conditions and had to rush the ritual just in case that my parents wouldn't come home and see me doing it. Moreover, I did recite the prayer, and have hailed Satan at the end, however I haven't managed to get...
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3348: a VERY important question To blitzkreig [JG]

    what is the very exact reason natally (by astrological natal chart) or any other reason as to why certain people come to know all very important things related to education ,career at a VERY MUCH later time in life and all their precious youth and their teen life which should have been...
  44. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3347: Preparation for meditation

    Am beginner and am much ready to start 40 day meditation. How do prepare myself, what items must I have,at what time exactly in the morning and in the evening and if I have small room I share with my family can I meditation outside somewhere alone??
  45. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3346: how to not be influenced by others

    I do not know why my heart takes anything what other says or writes ..How do I become indifferent to what others say or tell ..which rune can block others unneccessary words from entering my heart?
  46. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3345: if one has very good karma reflective in their natal chart ,does that mean jewish curses will seldom aff

    If one is born with a very good karma ,does that mean that gentile will seldom be affected by jewish curses?
  47. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3344: reducing an excess element

    is it possible to reduce an excess element in your soul??
  48. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3343: is this possible

    if jewish had cursed a particlar gentile lineage ,,is it possible for such gentiles and their next progenitors to be born with worst natal chart aside one's own personal karma?
  49. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3342: I suspect having heavy jewish curses in my soul

    I never really knew about all these things until I read joy of satan ..I was always at some point of time surrounded by low quality christians and based on what I read from joy of satan and based on seeing my natal chart ,I really think I have heavy jewish curses in my soul ..Because every time...
  50. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3340: Authentic and legitimate testimonies of a partner relationship with a demon or demoness?

    I am more and more interested in having a demoness as a partner, but all I have read on the internet on other sites are Jewish blasphemies and here on the forum several members who were confused and actually don't have one. I am very intrigued by the idea of a relationship that can will last...
  51. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3339: Invoke elemental earth energy

    which manthra or rune or meditation should I do to invoke elemental earth energy
  52. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3338: exactly what are the benefits of trance

    In the main website trance meditation is written ..But exactly what are its benefits ..after accessing your sub conscious or feminine side ,what should u do after the final free fall when you are in that deep trance
  53. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3336: Which planet if weak or strong makes you lack focus in studies or in anything

    Also which signs in natal chart if having retrograde or debilated can cause this problem
  54. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3335: Question about Saturn Returns & Accomplishments

    If our natal Saturn is conjunct with another planet then will that planet experience some sort of liberation or will I experience some kind of accomplishment pertaining to the rulerships of that planet since it is also technically part of my Saturn return as well since it is conjunct with my...
  55. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3334: Sun Square

    HPS Lydia said that the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Sun square can be started on Sunday. I want to increase the Solar energies in my soul and increase the positivity and decrease the negativity of these Solar energies, and also increase my general attractiveness by increasing the Solar...
  56. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3333: Holiday?

    Hi, I'm completely new here... and I have a question: How does it work for holidays (for example birthdays), do you celebrate them? If so which ones?
  57. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3332: a few questions

    who were the sea people? I know the way they were depicted makes them look like jews but realy, who were they and where did they come from and what was their motive and what other record exist of them? (Egypt themed question) -------------------------------------------------------- And now for...
  58. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3331: Corpses dreams

    Hello. The theme of my dreams, where my subconscious has been dominant for a very long time, is corpses, blood and knives. I constantly see myself killing people and dismembering them. I see blood. What do you think are the psychological reasons for this? They're not exactly annoying. I just...
  59. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3330: Football

    Is there some rune to have a better concentration in matches and a better performance?
  60. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3329: Curse

    What ritual's can I do in order to curse an supreme court minister of my country and make it easier to him to fall?
  61. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3328: my mental health is not that good ..I am really sad

    I am not that much able to focus in my studies ..I do not know why ..so many unwanted intrusive thoughts keep popping into my head ..I really feel Like i should end my life because this feels as if it is the most dangerous disease in this world ..what do I do now??How can I have a great focus...
  62. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3327: increase focus in my studies

    what runes or manthras or meditation or squares should I do to have a razor sharp focus in my studies?
  63. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3326: Help with addiction

    Hi, I have a bad addition to cheap entertainment I know it's a Jewish trick to makes idle dumb and weak, it's damaging my family life and making me lethargic, what can I do
  64. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3325: good healing mantras for teeth?

    what are your recommendations for mantras to use for a healing spell for the teeth?
  65. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3324: Lifestyle and spiritual advices for my body

    Hello everyone I need some spiritual advice for my spiritual and physical care of my body.First of all I am very familiar with chakra and aura cleansing to have a decent social life and especially at work. Recently I went through and still go through some disturbing situations related to my...
  66. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3323: Ingwaz

    What could we replace Ivory used with this rune? Ivory is expensive.
  67. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3322: Revenge ritual over your enemy

    Is it possible to weaken or to convert positive planets to negative in the natal chart of your enemy ??if yes ,how Do I do that
  68. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3321: Relationship between Saturn and Christianity

    In the year 2010-2012 when Saturn was in my ascendant,I was really attracted to Christianity and I was a Christian ,to say a very real spiritual Christian ..Those two years were also the worst ever years of my life ...What is the relationship between Saturn in one's ascendant and Christianity ??
  69. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3320: Commitment

    Before I make the commitment, I want to ask, can I use an white candle? I dont have an red, black or blue candle.
  70. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3319: Head fog, low focus and drowsiness.

    A few hours after waking up, I feel a fog in my head and a feeling as if something is squeezing my head. This focuses on the forehead area. I can't focus properly, especially when reading. Sometimes it's like I'm disconnected from the real world. I'm afraid it will interfere with my meditation...
  71. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3318: I met a girl, but she turned out to be a zoophile.

    I was gonna give her the Satan's Joy website to read, but before I did, I found out this terrible news. what am I supposed to do in this situation?Now it seems to me that all girls who have a male dog have an unhealthy relationship with their animals.Can I complain to the police?
  72. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3317: Important doubt regarding Marchosias

    I keep hearing this name again and again ..What does this mean ??
  73. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3315: help with my life

    SORRY FOR THE LONG TEXT BUT I NEED A LOT OF HELP I'm living in Europe with my mother and she's an extremely difficult person and I don't intend to live with her for long, I don't have citizenship yet but I'll get it soon, I'm thinking of living in a different country from her but it has to be...
  74. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3313: C-19

    I took one dose of Pfizer experiment because if i didn't i would get fired. Can some rune, meditation or anything like that "reverse" the vax?
  75. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3312: About Borovikov

    What do you think about Dmitry Borovikov?
  76. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3311: Astral Temple

    I read on the Astral Temple page on JoS that is possible to "take" another people there and give them commands. Could one of these commands be for a xian to enter on JoS site with his mind open?
  77. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3309: Turn the other cheek?

    Supported by her, I was called names and slandered in some way during an argument with a girl not long ago. I remained calm as she cursed and expressed displeasure at me, while I, choosing to respond politely with kind words instead of anger. Her irritation level must have skyrocketed with that...
  78. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3308: Emotional burnout.

    Hello. Please tell me what I should do. I used to be ENTIRELY self-schooled and homeschooled (due to heart health). But last year, my parents and I were forced to switch to online (lessons are conducted via video calls). The result is that I don’t get enough sleep at all... Last year I was...
  79. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3307: The future of this war

    Hello I'm supportive of your/our cause but forgive me if this sounds like a call to dispair but how can we win this war? The jews are strangling the world from the east you have communism to the west corruption decadence growing uncontrollably the economy nearly under complete control by...
  80. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3306: Rune question

    Can runes improve astrological abilities, like ansuz? Thanks
  81. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3305: Chart Ruler Square & Sick

    Concerned about what to expect from doing a spiritual square for my chart ruler (Venus). The intent and affirmation is "The energy of Venus has permanently improved my soul's Venusian energy, in the best way for me" I'm worried because about a few days into it I got pretty badly sick, I feel...
  82. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3303: What are Dark Spirits?

    What are they? What is their purpose? Why do they harm me?
  83. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3303: What are Dark Spirits?

    And are they bad?
  84. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3302: Hinduism and satanism

    You guys say Satanism originated in the far east and has connections to Hinduism, forgive me but to me Hinduism seems like a jumbled pile of traditions thousands of gods and strange concepts, how does Hinduism and Satanism connect? And what part of Hinduism is allegory and what is worth...
  85. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3301: Astral entity's

    All the supernatural tales of spirits shadow people the hatman and other malevolent beings etc are they real entity's on another plane of existence or is it just a psychological phenomenon
  86. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3300: Does rrt help in opening the chakras?

    I started to do the opening of chakras on the program 40 days and I can not activate them at all, for example 3 eyes I can not use even though I did it for a week, over time I began to feel it worse. can I add to the program rrt and do it before opening chakras or how better to do it?
  87. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3299: Vaincre la solitude [Overcoming loneliness]

    J ai une vie solitaires La majeure partie de mon temps je fais la lecture. C est pas facile. Est il possible d avoir un ou plusieurs démons comme ami et qu il m aider a grandir spirituellement ? Ou d être en contact permanent avec une succube comme amie. Pour me tenir compagnie et m aide a...
  88. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3298: Produits des boutiques ésotériques [Products from esoteric stores]

    Bonjour a tous On trouve dans les boutiques ésotériques en ligne: des huiles et parfum magiques même les encens pour attirer l argent, la chance, l amour, la luxure. et plusieurs autres choses. Il y a des encens, huile et parfum pour: la méditation, l invocation , nettoyage de l aura ...
  89. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3297: Lord Azazel as a GD

    How does Lord Azazel behave when he becomes a Guardian Demon? What will Azazel do if someone is harmed while under his protection? Can you give detailed information about this?
  90. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3296: runic vibration important doubt

    can i vibrate runes like fehu,eihwaz,nauthiz,wunjo along with my 40 day beginner meditation program?
  91. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3295: Black magic?

    If im going to use it on a person but he/she is on another country how will I do it?
  92. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3294: Black magick recommendation to get my non-white neighbors evicted/deported?

    I'm sorry, I fucking hate it when non-white mongrels from mongrel degenerate countries come in OUR country and steal OUR wealth instead of staying and fighting for their country. Imagine my disgust when I found out a Chinese family just became my neighbors, in a predominantly white town, and an...
  93. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3293: Gilles de Rais SS?

    I think that he was an SS and everything against him is just slander. I am looking for some second opinions and information on this. Hail Satan
  94. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3292: Talk about Gods

    Today I studied the work of Socrates, where he says that the Soul can be known through the Gods. Later I found information that the Gods were created in order to conform and make life better, so that no one sets rules, but there are virtues. Later the idea came that having information about God...
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3291: Is it right to hit a woman?

    Hello and thank you for your attention. Is it right for a teacher to hit his female students like he hits his male students? He isnt a bad guy its just the culture but he hit me once and I feel emotionally hurt.I have a moral dilemma right now because boys dont complain about getting hit and...
  96. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3290: Scoliosis... Perhaps with minor complications... Help me, brothers and sisters!

    Hello. I have a question regarding my spine and posture. I guess I have scoliosis. I've had it for a VERY long time - I'm 12 now, and the curvature of my shoulders started around 7-8 years old. It seems to be better now, but there is still some way to go. But this fall, I noticed that I...
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3289: How to start?

    I would start with Dedication to Satan, but I don't have a place to do it safely. I saw the idea of using an Astral Temple in the FAQ, but I didn't quite understand how I was supposed to create it.
  98. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3287: if a planet is weak in a natal chart

    If a planet is weak in a natal chart ,like say mars in taurus ,But if this mars is also retrograde in taurus does that mean the ill affect of mars is reduced because it is retrograde here despite mars being weak in this house
  99. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3286: Mercury Retrograde Computer

    What kind of work can I do to prevent something from happening to my desktop computer during Mercury retrograde?
  100. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3285: Feeling the Aura

    I am new to meditations but I can feel the energy and some of my chakras to some extent. But it is very difficult for me to feel my aura and so when I am clearing my aura or when I am vibrating rune to my aura for aura protection, it is difficult for me to visualise, feel and finish the work...
  101. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3284: Anger Issues

    I'm going to cut to the chase, because of my personality, I can't get angry, so a lot of times I can't defend myself and I feel oppressed. What can i do for this? Which God can help me?
  102. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3283: Saturn in different houses

    1,) In what house (1st house,second house etc etc ) Does Saturn generally give worst effect to the person ??? 2) most of the gentiles are affected by Saturn which rules karma ..Are the jews who because of their Jewish curses on gentiles amplifying the Saturn karmic effect on gentile's natal...
  103. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3282: how to make a person call me

    I have a person who I do not want to call. I want him to call me
  104. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3281: Dedication ritual for ex-muslims

    I grew up muslim, do I change the dedication prayer or leave it as it is? Swap allah and muhammad for jesus and holy spirit? In the joy of satan site there is a lot of support for those living with christian family and forced to go to church, but what about us who live with muslims? Are there...
  105. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3280: Trauma due to sexual assault

    Whenever I m sitting to do meditation,sexual assault memories are coming to me ..Why are all bad memories coming a lot when doing meditation ??Because this thing happened to me,,How do I ask Gods,what is the exact reason why such a bad incident happened to me
  106. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3279: 2023/24

    I saw looking at Pluto in the signs that 2023/24 was the end of the pisces age and 2024 on was the age of Aquarius what's up with that
  107. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3278: 40 day working and runes

    Is it ok to vibrate runes along with 40 day beginner workings or one should finish the 40 day working and then only do runic workings for different purposes
  108. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3277: Want to become genius in computer science

    I really want to become genius in computer science ..what runes or manthra should I use ??
  109. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3276: Stuck in a same place

    If I am stuck in the same place ,,what rune or manthra should I use to see progress or remove obstacles?
  110. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3275: Jewish curses in my natal chart

    How do I know there is presence of more Jewish curses in my natal chart ..Which planet weak or debilitated can show this ??
  111. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3274: Problems caused by retrograde Saturn in 4th house

    Aside from Jos description of planets and it's placements and signs ,,what other problems can retrograde Saturn in 4th house generally cause
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3273: I have a very very bad natal chart ,why ??

    I have a very bad natal chart where most planets are NOT In good placement..Their placements have caused many dangers to me ..why does my natal chart seem to be too cursed
  113. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3272: Is it ok to masturbate to demon sigils?

    Like when I'm about to ejaculate, I look at the sigil what I want to masturbate to so I can give that demon energy. Is that ok?
  114. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3271: Ritual for Marchosias

    Any ritual for her yet? I can't wait. But in the meantime, what other ritual comes close to that?
  115. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3270: Coin toss

    If I ask a demon or some other interdimensional being of Satan to influence a coin flip, will he/she do it? As a form of communication to help me make decisions. Still a beginner.
  116. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3269: Long-term Transits

    My long term transits (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) with my father are exactly the same. I have just discovered this and it is very interesting. I have a very close relationship with my father, we are very similar in character and appearance and I think there may be some karma flowing...
  117. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3268: How do you give something in return

    What are some things I can do to give something in return to the Gods of Hell? I can’t really vibrate mantras because of a privacy issue. I really want to give something back to Satan and his Demons. As they have helped me when I asked for help. I believe they are real. It is just I am not...
  118. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3267: Response to rejected anonymous question reffered in 3253

    To my knowledge so far Ask-satan is for interested people to ask any anonymous questions. The decision of choice on whether to BE anonymous or NOT is upto the questionnaire because it's a different platform for questions and answers. If you're confident and have demons, why do you feel some type...
  119. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3266: Do I need to do god rituals everyday

    Is it necessary to do valefor or astarte rituals everyday??
  120. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3265: How do you know which you lack and which you have a lot

    How do you know whether u have fire or water or air element more or less in your natal chart ??How to determine this ??
  121. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3264: It Is danger?

    I want to break the soul bind with body of a person because It(for me It hasn't sex because is a whore of person) made pain tò me, It Is danger? I Need veagence
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3263: Working far away from your native country

    Why do some people have planets or natal chart situated in such a way that the planets or its position make the native travel to a country far away from his native country and get success in overseas ..Does that mean the native had programmed his mind that he will go to some foreign country of...
  123. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3262: Which yoga kundalini or hatha yoga destroys and burns all your negative karma

    Which yoga should I do a lot kundalini or hatha to destroy all my negative karma
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3261: How do I allocate and schedule time for my power meditation

    How many hours of hatha and kundalini yoga must be done everyday ??lets say I spend an hour to do both kundalini and hatha (half an hour each ) ,And half an hour for runic vibration and half an hour for aura cleaning and AOP,then 2 hours will go in only these things ..Then how will I be able to...
  125. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3260: In search of something

    I have been in search of some important thing since many years and unless I get it or find it,I will never know how to figure out certain things ..To which god should I ask it ...It is like a treasure game where finding a key in one level will what unravel or open the next level ,and unless I...
  126. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3259: Spiritual satanists who know astrology very well

    Are there any spiritual satanists who are very good at astrology and reading natal chart ..I want to really know my natal chart very well ..So if anybody can send me your proton or anonymous mail ,I will send my natal chart in detail ..I really want to analyse my strong and weak areas...
  127. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3254: Is satan shiva?

    I am confused on satan and people here saying it is shiva and having blond hair because shiva isn't blond. Shiva is white in a different way than Whites according shiva is karpura Gaurav and has black long hair and paper white skin, Whites don't have paper white skin it's a variation of hue...
  128. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3255: Recurrent negative event in life

    I do not understand many things in my life ..My life is like some mysterious puzzle ..I always end up with ONLY OBSTACLES ,DELAYS and my life always takes me to MEET EVIL PEOPLE who have ABSOLUTELY spoiled my life ..In all ways ,,My life always SHOWS ME ONLY WRONG PATH for even the tiniest of...
  129. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3257: If it happens - what should I do?

    Hello SS brothers and sisters. Please answer my question. I have vision problems (myopia). I’m probably just pessimistic - after all, my problem doesn’t seem to be that serious (about -6 diopters on the left eye and maybe -7 or closer to -8 on the right. I haven’t been to an ophthalmologist...
  130. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3256: Consequences of a weak aura

    What is the reason someone's aura become weak ??what sort of things will happen to someone with a very weak aura ???Why do certain people who don't do any meditation or any spirituality have a strong aura
  131. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3255: Recurrent negative event in life

    In my life I always meet only bad people who abuse me in one or other way ..What should I do to stop meeting bad people in my life
  132. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3252: Pronunciation of Baphomet?

    I've heard Baph-o-met, Baph-o-may, and a couple other pronunciations but cannot find a clear answer on the actual pronunciation. Thank you in advance.
  133. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3251: Metals?

    Can we use metals for rituals or workings/meditations? i read it in the jos website that for example copper which represents venus. Thanks
  134. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3226: Alexander the Great

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=474324#p474324 - What's up with the "Pure Nordic White/Germanic White" thing everywhere? I get it, the JoS is based on National Socialism and loves Hitler who was a German etc. It's like anybody who is considered white/Caucasian or pale, the more so...
  135. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3249: Venus Spiritual and Material for same goal?

    I know you can do both versions of a square for different goals, but can you use both versions for the same goal with the same affirmation? Such as Venus material and spiritual both to increase beauty?
  136. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3248: ideas for what to do during a break from yoga when you need 15 minutes of relaxation?

    I do a lot of yoga and I have a whole hour of relaxation time, so I want to know if I can do any meditation during this time to make it useful?
  137. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3247: Head orientation during sleep

    Is it true that the direction of the head to the north during sleep is bad? What are its advantages and what are its disadvantages ? Thnx Hail Satan
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3246: Killing Tetragrammaton affirmation

    My intention with this post is to address a grammatic concern. In the "Killing Tetragrammaton" at the end it reads: "...All Jewish spiritual force is dead & banished from this world & all worlds..." My concern is the word 'banished'. If our goal is to permanently remove, wouldn't...
  139. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3244: fireman

    I am going to a closed school to train to become a fireman and we cannot access the phone and we will be cut off from the outside for a year. The thing that makes me happy is that we will exercise daily and swim as well, and that after that I will go out with a job and I can become independent...
  140. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3243: Is this the correct understanding?

    (The demons who were bound and forced to do the witches' bidding are now free and anyone who uses the methods of the Nine-Foot Circle and the names of "Jehovah" is inviting personal disaster) (I lost the battle, but I didn't lose the war) (Satan told me that we won the war and his incarnations...
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3242: Hearing voices

    When I was 11, a strange thing happened to me. I'm trying to remember it as best as I can as I'm writing this. One night, I woke up because I heard voices in my head. I was scared, crying, my parents came into my room, and I screamed, saying I was hearing voices. When my mother spoke to me...
  142. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3237: Will a demon get mad at me for evoking it without inciense and only for a short time?

    I just evoked Lord Marbas to ask him to cure someone in my family. It was only for 5 or 10 minutes. I felt intense heat and electrifying energy in my head and backspine. But I am now scared that he might have got angry because I didn't use inciense (I wasn't sure about it, because I didn't know...
  143. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3236: Is it possible to do this?

    Hello. I have a question. I'm making a Sun square (a little more and I'll complete it!)🤩) and started a Venus square. But it’s difficult for me to vibrate mantras (dizziness begins, heartbeat quickens and, in fact, shortness of breath appears. And this is associated with all mantras, not only...
  144. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3235: Dogs?

    Lately I have been seeing so many dogs randomly. I live in a place where 90 percent of people dont even have any pets. but i saw the same type of dog 3 times, in the same two days. i also have been seeing so many dog related things come up on the internet for me. lately i have been trying to...
  145. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3234: Curses are real?

    Uhhh near the end a horrible shift. But I noticed something really really odd. A particular computer error occurs ONLY when a particular coworker is working And I get an irritating call from him. I got the sensation that he’s either cursed or tends to curse people, somehow or some way . He...
  146. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3233: Experience with White ladies in house parties

    So I had this memory i could never get over. Years ago i was sleeping with this white girl and not in a sexual way, just a house party sort of thing because my black friends there who invited me all got white girl friends and for whatever reason. And I am usually on the Hispanic or Latin women...
  147. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3231: My Kitten passed away and the Gods

    My kitten died last night. She was run over; she was only 2 months old. I am so sorry. I called Father Satan and Goddess Bastet to ask them to take care of my kitten's Soul. While meditating on the Seal of Bastet I saw the face of an Egyptian woman. Today, however, drawing cards from a deck...
  148. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3230: Astrology House Systems

    There are 3 house systems, Porphyry, Placidus and Whole Sign. All three of them give different results about my horoscope. Which one should I use, for what and how?
  149. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3229: when is the sequel to lydia's sermon on detox coming out?

    I really need this. I have a bad case, and simple initial topical advice hasn't worked for me.
  150. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3228: can a man be a familiar?

    I really like one person on the forum, but he is unlikely to become a god, but he does a lot for satanism, can he familiar?
  151. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3226: Alexander the Great

    According to the Mainstream, Alexander the Great and his Army engaged in race-mixing with the locals all the way up to India. Is this true or an exaggeration? And if so, why did they do it? Isn't it a low-level practice? - I see this notion being used by Greeks for example...
  152. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3225: About MO.

    Hello. I have questions regarding Magnum Opus. 1) I started Magnum Opus, took the first two steps. It seems that after these meditations I was able to stand up more or less normally (my knees have been hurting when I move lately, although I am still far from an old woman - I am a teenager)...
  153. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3224: earth signs - an important doubt

    I have uranus ,neptune retrograde in capricorn (cardinal earth sign),,waning moon in taurus (fixed earth sign) ,and mars in virgo (mutable earth sign) ..why do I lack focus in my studies??
  154. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3223: i have venus in gemini ..But I am 0 interested in sex ..

    I have this above placement in my natal chart,,But I have 0 interest in sex and I hate the concept of polyamory ...when Jos astro says ,that those with venus in gemini are highly sensuous and love sex and are polyamorous ,,I am exact opposite to this ..how is it so??
  155. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3221: Uranus and Neptune retrograde in Capricorn

    What are the problems caused when both these planets are retrograde in Capricorn??
  156. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3220: Hard luck and obstacles in all things

    I do not have luck at all ...Life shows reverse path and obstacles for me in all things like career .. Exactly which planet when weak in one's natal chart is the reason for all this ???Like I am not getting even the easiest of things which others get easily ...How do I study astrology to know...
  157. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3216: I do not know my exact time of birth .So I do not know my ascendant

    I do not know my exact time of birth ,so I do not know my ascendant exactly..How do I find out now my ascendant
  158. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3215: suicide

    how to commit suicide painlessly or which way of committing suicide has less pain?
  159. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3214: Books about black national socialists

    Hello, I'm a black Satanist and I would like to learn about black national socialists, since while Ive been lurking here ive seen you all talk about how there were blacks in National Socialist Germany, Any book reccomendations are appreciated
  160. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3213: Is scizopheria a good or bad thing

    I was recently diagonsed with scizopheria and sometimes i see things "that aren't there" according to western mental health so my question is how do i cope with this when its hard to relax because of the "false" sensations and hulations
  161. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3212: Detection of rape from natal chart

    What planets when dehabilited or weak in a natal chart brings rape
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3211: My dream.

    Hello brothers and sisters. Please answer my question. This summer, around June 20-25, I created a song (not a singer. But I want to become in the future 😊). And I thought about the appropriate lines, fixated on “the last breath, after which the soul flew away from his body.” It was shortly...
  163. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3210: How do you study astrology

    I read azazel astrology but I am yet unable to say what planets are weak or strong in my natal chart ..How do u study astrology thoroughly
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3209: About relationships and interactions with people

    I will start my story from afar so that people can understand me more clearly. All my conscious life, past and present, I feel only loneliness and emptiness inside me. Trouble with the staff at school, bullying. After college, first attempts at socialization, another failure. No matter how hard...
  165. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3208: How does one know that they are heavily inflicted with Jewish curse in their soul

    It is true that all gentiles carry Jewish curse but how does one know that their soul is heavily cursed with Jewish curses than others ??I mean what all happens in a gentile 's lives when their life is filled with Jewish curses
  166. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3207: A very severe curse

    A person I knew cursed me some years back and it was not my mistake at all ..But after the curse ,I do not know how my life is going down and has become worst ..This person is a naarcissst..My life is seeing heavy down fall after that incident ..Is it possible for someone's curse to have such a...
  167. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3206: an important question to HPS lydia

    for preventing obstacles in having the right career ,u have written an excellant editorial some years back ..But u did not exactly mention where the moon waning sign must be..I mean exactly in which zodiac sign should the waning moon be to begin this obstacle in career workings??
  168. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3205: Mantra du serpent [Snake mantra]

    Y a t il un audio MP3 pour le mantra ci-dessous Puis je l avoir si possible ? ce mantra est du Serpent Yoga et non seulement libère l'énergie des chakras et les fait tourner, mais loue également Satan en tant que notre véritable Dieu créateur. C'est excellent pour élever les énergies : Ek Ong...
  169. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3204: What is the reason for all this

    For a Scorpio ascendant what planets if retrograde or dehabilited or weak can cause too many delays,set backs ,ending up in wrong career and all unnecessary trauma
  170. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3203: To find out what is happening in my friend's life

    I had a close friend whose contact I missed ,a very good friend whose contact I missed .This person is not active in social media ..how do I find out what is happening in their life spiritually to make sure they are well in life
  171. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3202: Retrograde planets in cardinal sign

    I have two retrograde planets in my cardinal sign which is my third house ..how will this affect me ?? What are its negative effects ..
  172. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3201: A question about Marchosias

    I think she is my guardian demoness but if she is, what does that mean? I saw signs that I think are from her like occurrences of blonde characters with straight hair that parts down the middle (does that count?) but only suddenly noticed that it could be a sign when seeing said character type...
  173. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3200: Who is Parashurama ?

    I feel like a Parasurama in my life and in general I like him, are there any Parallels? if there is nothing terrible in general, the same question about Hanuman by the way, and other avatars, Hanuman by the way and Parashurama are said in the Vedas are still alive on earth, they are immortal.
  174. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3199: tejas

    Is it possible to use the Sanskrit word for fire on a crystal since some Sanskrit word's can only be for self growth and can't be used externally
  175. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3198: Pazuzu and other demons of lower rank (small, chubby, hairy).

    How do I summon pazuzu and other demons of the lowest rank? In my childhood and adolescence I saw chubby, small, hairy demons (I don't remember what they are called, but they were listed together with pazuzu), once one of them showed me a prophetic dream. Why did I sometimes see them in my...
  176. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3197: Is Lady Gaga jewish?

    Is she? Ive seen her do a lot of weird stuff all over her career, and she looks like a jew, but theres nothing on her early life and shes supposed to be italian a little or sth.
  177. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3196: Group rituals: Family, love, sex, personal life.

    I drew my attention to the fact that on the site there are group rituals for all spiritual Satanists to increase finances, wealth, money, and so that all spiritual Satanists always have a job. Will there be analogous group rituals to create and strengthen a family, personal life, so that...
  178. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3195: Square of Venus; Love Magic; Natal Chart.

    I can't solve the issue with my personal life with strategy and logic when communicating with women, as I do when solving tasks at work (negotiations, legal support of business processes), although I am engaged in legal support of large business transactions for millions of dollars every day (it...
  179. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3194: mom problems

    I'm going to live with my mother in a few days and I realized that she can make me think a lot about things that I usually don't care about, an example is this: yesterday we were talking and everyone in my family is tall, few short and I came from a short person ( I'm 5'1 female ) my father and...
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3193: Mephistopheles?

    Who exactly is he? One of our gods, or purely fictional?
  181. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3192: "Human Rights" Do they exist?

    as the question implies are Human Rights even real or are they just made up concepts since nowadays people say they have rights etc. yet I don't truly see them applied as they are claimed such as bodily integrity rights where baby boys gat "circumcised" or baby girls in some countries or...
  182. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3191: 3 granthis confusion

    I know at the top of the watchtowers meditation it says that it's out of date, but that's apparently only in reference to the mantras given and not which 3 chakras constitute the granthis. I'm not trying to nitpick the site I only want clarity...
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3190: What do you think of people who pretend to be good ,then use you,throw u

    When someone pretends to be a nice person ,caring but were actually only using you and then cheating you for their benefit ,should not such people be shown a lesson by punishment
  184. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3189: What is your opinion on Adi Shankaracharya

    What do u think of this person who United several sects of sanathana dharma
  185. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3188: I committed a very big mistake which is hurting me deep

    I did not know back then Christianity is a terrible cancer ..I REALLY did not know it ...I was always surrounded by such people do Became a Christian for a while ..But I remember very well ,how much I suffered those 5 years ..What to do to come out of that trauma ..And also what planet if...
  186. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3182: Will we have a cyberpunk future? Jews with prosthetics look more formidable (no).

    How soon will cyberpunk culture emerge and will it be on the side of disabled Jews with a bunch of iplants in their brains and unable to speak or move without a steven hawking chair with neon wings?
  187. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3179: Voronezh UFO incident?

    What is this?
  188. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3187: Why does life show wrong path to me all the time

    I do not know exactly on what areas I have to actually work on,but life always shows me wrong path and wrong turn and shows pain and difficulties and only after that,it shows right path ..I do not know exactly which planetary square or specific meditation or chakra workings need to be done to...
  189. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3186: An important question to HPS Lydia 2

    After how Many years of coming to JOS did Lydia find her guardian demon ???I have read your complete recent post on "guardian demon "..How many years would it take a newbie like me to find out my guardian demon if I start seriously meditating from today ??
  190. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3185: An important question to HPS Lydia

    What does a planet especially malefic planet aspecting over other planets exactly mean in astrology ?? which is more harmful ??malefic aspecting over ascendant or other houses ?? Exactly which resources you learned astrology from??
  191. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3184: is it possible to get a friend's demon by achieving telepathy?

    I want to be friends can I ask Satan for demon friends to protect me when approaching the hall and we listened to Satanic music together and looked at the stars and then I flew in the astral?
  192. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3183: I can't do sat kriya.

    Explain to me whether I should do sat on inhalation or exhalation and how to retract my stomach, it does not retract (I am not fat).I've tried 3 ways and the hardest one is to pull in the whole kor and yet I can still not exhale, my air is all at the top of my lungs and it has almost no effect...
  193. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3181: Is there a difference between a Jew with the Cohen gene and a Jew without the Cohen gene?

    I hypothesize that the least dangerous Jews do not have the Cohen gene and Jewish mitochondria, and that Jews who have one or both of these traits are more dangerous. planet also plays a role
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3180: How to use walking and running to improve bioelectricity?

    I am not motivated enough for 4 hours of yoga at home, so I decided that I will try to move outside for 1-2 hours and I have a question how to make it more productive do not suggest passive meditations, I need active meditations for example I can practice the meditation of emptiness in the rider...
  195. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3178: Privacy and Security

    Hello, I signed up to JoS with my nickname 3 years ago. But I was using that nickname in the every corner of internet and I was inviting people to JoS in Discord, so people know me as a Satanist in Discord and they know my nickname in the JoS Forums. Even they were knowing my name-surname :/...
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3177: What sort of punishment can be given to a rapist spiritually

    What sort of punishment can be given spiritually to a rapist who is living with 0 regrets ..Physical justice is a big mess ..
  197. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3176: I have 2 questions.

    Hello. I have two questions. 1) The main site said that MO is not recommended during puberty. Why? Please do not refuse to answer) 2) And this is already very, very annoying... I’m 12, my mother is 39. But meanwhile, I’m thicker than she is at the waist, I don’t have any muscles at all (and...
  198. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3175: is it okay to masturbate to yourself?

    I'm imagining having sex with myself, is that normal?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
